I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 265: ambiguous

Chapter 265 Ambiguous


"Empty is color, color is empty ..." Fang Chong was silent on the surface, but he couldn't calm down.

Qin Lan, do they not know that there is a normal man here?

However, in order to show that he is a very good young man, Fang Chong has only one word, forbearance, forbearance, forbearance ...

Fortunately, Qin Lan is also a woman with a sense of proportion. After seeing the complete defeat of the animal husbandry, she did not continue, but the atmosphere was obviously full of ambiguous.

Especially after raising the head of the animal husbandry, the redness that had not completely subsided had a kind of heart-feeling touch.

"If you are tired, just go to rest? You have to hurry tomorrow, and the battle should be unavoidable ..." Fang Chong saw that the atmosphere had finally eased, and he took the opportunity to finally find the right time to speak.

He wisely chose to call you the three of you, and just saw the dialogue between the three women, he was cautious before he was not sure if his name would cause another argument.

"Well, let's go to rest. Don't dare Fang Chong to take a break yourself? The battle was so fierce tonight, and now there are people on the outside alert. The possibility of an accident should be small ..." Of course Qin Lan knew Fang Chong Meaning, although not explicitly stated, Qin Lan understands.

Fang Chong didn't want them to quarrel. It was okay to joke. If he really quarreled, he would have a big head.

In addition to affecting the feelings of their sisters, Fang Chong is also very difficult to do between the three of them.

Qin Lan's sympathetic intention was revealed here.

"Yes, Sister Qin Lan was right. Fang Chong, you should rest early. If you really meet the" Zak "tomorrow, everything depends on you ..." Muge nodded.

She was just a little embarrassed just now, but this will be restored.

"But if you need Sister Qin Lan to stay, there is no problem ..." After Muge said, before turning out, she turned her head to add a sentence ...

"Xiao Nizi, don't you want to come again ..." Qin Lan did not expect that the idyllic song came unexpectedly.

"I'll tell you the truth ..." Muge ran away with a smile.

As for Qin Lan, she chased out with a smile.

……………………………………………………………… ..

At this time, Fang Chong and Ling Ya were left in the large conference room. Although Ling Ya and Qin Lan Muge's two daughters had the same relationship, Ling Ya rarely made anything like Qin Lan and Muge. Let Fang Chong not know how to respond.

Looking at Ling Ya standing in place, Fang Chong did not know what to say.

Ling Ya is not particularly prominent, but it is definitely not ordinary. Her beauty is exuded from the inside out.

The longer you spend with her, the easier it will be to attract her.

Fang Chong looked a little dumbfounded when he looked at the promotion of his body, but was completely wrapped in the armor set.

After feeling the change in his body, in addition to lamenting the attractiveness of Ling Ya, he also scolded himself.

However, he knew that there was no other way. They were picked up by Muge and Qin Lan just now.

"Ling Ya, don't you go to rest?". Fang Chong did not know how to break the silence between him and Ling Ya, and the atmosphere seemed strange the longer he stood.

With a light moonlight, Ling Ya's expression was very different.

That's right, it's different. Ling Ya's straight body trembled slightly, her teeth biting her lips, as if making a decision, but this decision made her embarrassed ...

"Is there something wrong?" Fang Chong and Ling Ya have known each other for such a long time, this is the first time that Ling Ya has looked like this. Fang Chong, who has not linked Ling Ya's current performance to himself, slowly walks to Ling Ya Beside him, asked gently.

"Fang Chong me ..." Ling Ya's breathing suddenly became quicker as Fang Chong approached her,

After looking at Fang Chong for a while, his face was actually flushed.

As for her subsequent lowering of her head, Fang Chong could not even touch her head ...


"Ling Ya, we're not outsiders, you can say something directly ..." Ling Ya's actions made Fang Chong even more confused. Some people who were afraid that Ling Ya was not in other situations, were anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"I just want to hug you ..." Ling Ya looked at Fang Chong's nervousness, and after a while, finally gritted her teeth, but her voice was a little low.

"What, hug me?" Although Ling Ya's voice was good, Fang Chong heard it very well, and she understood the meaning of Fang Chong, but she understood what Fang Chong was going to show.

Ling Ya knew his feelings clearly, but for the first time, he heard Ling Ya mention it separately, instead of following along with the pastoral song. Fang Chong was at a loss.

Promise directly?

The answer is of course yes, but what would Lingya think?

It's not a short time to get along, but it's the first time that Fang Chong has nothing to do with him alone, plus how ambiguous he is now.

Ling Ya is not Qin Lan, nor is she a pastoral. The three of them have three different personalities.

If Qin Lan, Fang Chong would hug her tenderly and enjoy the romantic world of the two. As for the pastoral song, it is even simpler. With the f8 line like the pastoral song, I would like the scar maker, the wave vinegar, Disease change 嵘 侥 侥 侥 grain 璧 摹? Br />

But Ling Ya is different. Ling Ya's personality is between Qin Lan and Muge, and Ling Ya rarely shows herself, but her personality is very strong. Fang Chong can say that she knows Ling Ya much less than the other two daughters. .

But now Lingya actually says such a thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong does not know whether it is happiness or shock, or it is incredible.

"Well, I want to hug you, or you hug me!" Ling Ya has already spoken, and there seems to be no embarrassment. Although her face is still flushed, this does not mean that she will flinch.

She stood up and faced Fang Chong ...

"Oh ..." Fang Chong didn't expect Lingya to be brave, but he didn't say any other nonsense. The two people who had known each other for a long time, once the film between them broke, there was nothing good. Regretful.

Ling Yayi was broken, and Fang Chong would not be too funny if he didn't take any action.

Gently put her hand on Ling Ya's waist, Fang Chong slowly put Ling Ya Lou in her arms ...



Chapter 265 Ambiguous

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