I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 266: exchange

Chapter 266 Exchange


"Fang Chong, you said, can we survive well?" Ling Ya pressed her face against Fang Chong's thick ōng mouth. After rubbing her face lightly for a while, Ling Ya slowly raised her head, as if it were Asked to himself.

"It must be able to survive, and it is a very good life ..." Fang Chong understands that Lu Ying's question is lacking in a sense of security. He did not think that before today, Lingya, whose xìng is more 'stronger', would lack it. 'Sense of security', thinking of this, Fang Chong embraced Ling Ya's arm could not help but increase a little strength.

"Give me a wěn ..." In Fang Chong's powerful arms, Ling Ya's eyes were a little off, and red chún Jiao yànyù dripped.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong did not expect Ling Ya to be so proactive today. In the face of such Ling Ya, Fang Chong can only be impulsive.

However, in the case of not being sure whether Qin Lan and Muge would come in, Fang Chong still controlled himself very rationally.

Although it was difficult to bear, but too impulsive was not what he wanted. He did not deny that tonight he really had an enthusiasm for Ling Ya, but his enthusiasm does not mean that he must get it.

He knows that the current impulse is due to pressure and wants to vent, and he doesn't want Ling Ya to be the object of his vent for the first time ...

After an affectionate jīwěn, Ling Ya looked at Fang Chong in amazement. She didn't understand that Fang Chong had no other follow-up actions, and her eyes were a little suspicious ...

"Under pressure, you will only be the object of my venting. In that case, even if you don't mind, but your body can't bear it, I like you, it's true ..." It can be seen that Ling Ya, like Muge, is an unmanned girl. Fang Chong's current ability, of course, needs to pay attention to this.

I didn't intend to say it, but under the gaze of Ling Ya's complaining eyes, Fang Chong was afraid not to explain, and Ling Ya's misunderstanding would be bad.

"Do you know this is my first time?" After listening to Fang Chong's words, Ling Ya's beautiful eyes had a little more magic. Fang Chong is obviously not a veteran. She and Muge believe that Fang Chong's first nv person should be Qin Lan, but Fang Chong knew that this was her first time and it was a surprise.

"Your shyness is a direct explanation ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly.

"I'll be bold next time, but if you really need Fang Chong, I can't bear it ..." Feeling that Fang Chong's body part is close to her, Ling Ya buried her head in Fang Chong's ōng again Said the bore.

"Oh, it's okay. It will be fine to be alone later. It's not too early, you go back to rest, right?" Fang Chong smiled awkwardly, his physical instinct and his mental performance are different. Fang Chong is not a great man It's normal.

Ya gently pushed Fang Chong's arm away and realized that her own figure had great attraction to her counterpart, Ling Ya was satisfied.

In particular, Fang Chong considers their bodies and feelings, which is the happiest she feels.

It's a pity that I didn't try Yushui Huanhuan, but there will definitely not be fewer opportunities in the future ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Looking at the mén mouth that Ling Ya disappeared, Fang Chong smiled bitterly, and then shook his head gently, he himself went into a room beside him.

He certainly didn't dare to think about Ling Ya anymore, and Ling Ya's almost crazy performance just now.

If you continue to impulsive, you may explode.

"Tomorrow, will everything go well?" Lying on a sofa in the room, Fang Chong was thinking about the future. The pressure of the "Zak" was really great, especially now, in addition to the number, they even There are no 'weapons' that can harm the' Zak's, in this case. Hope for victory is very slim ...

"Weapons are the most needed things now. I don't have‘ Maya ’, should I?” Fang Chong thought of an important question and suddenly sat up on the sofa.

He was so nervous tonight that he forgot the Mayan system.

The role of the "Mayan system" has not been lost because of Fang Chong's improvement in power. To be honest, the current "Mayan system" still plays her absolutely important role.

As Fang Chong's strength improved, she became more important.

Thinking of the existence of the “Mayan System”, Fang Chong sat up, and as soon as he turned his consciousness, he appeared in the internal space of the “Mayan System”.

"Welcome the host ..." Fang Chong's familiar voice sounded at the moment Fang Chong's consciousness entered the internal space. Listening to the familiar voice of Fang Chong, Fang Chong's mood seemed to relax a lot at this moment.

‘Mayan System’ gives him strength, confidence ...

Fang Chong absolutely does not deny the important role of the "Mayan System". After all, without the "Mayan System", he may have disappeared on the planet now.

It can be said that everything that Fang Chong has now has an inseparable relationship with the 'Mayan system'.

Seeing the 'Mayan System', Fang Chong has great confidence to continue to survive. From the day after the end of the last days, Fang Chong has lived under the guidance of the 'Maya System' to the present. Before that, Fang Chong believed It will still be like that in the future.

"Maya, how many" reward points "do I have now ..." Fang Chong has no nonsense. Although he was emotional, he would not show his fragile side, not only in front of 'Maya', but also in front of Qin Lan. same.

After figuring it out, Fang Chong will no longer have the slightest timidity, what about the ‘Zak’.

Fang Chong believes that he can rebuild the Zak, but 'weapons' is the prerequisite ...

As for the "Mayan system", now is his best choice. There is no weapon that can not be redeemed here in the "Maya system" ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course, as long as you need absolutely enough "reward points".

Speaking of 'reward points', Fang Chong does not know how many there are.

But counting the days, Fang Chong has not exchanged things in the 'Mayan system' for a long time.

Thinking of the zombies killed by this team during this period, there were not a few of them, and Fang Chong's mind was alive, and less than hundreds of thousands of zombies were killed by them all the way.

So huge, even if it is a ‘reward point’ one by one, there are tens of thousands of ‘reward points’ alone, not to mention there are thousands of 'Hulks' and 'terminators' tonight.

The reward for these 'evolution zombies' is even higher.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong believes that he has accumulated ‘reward points’ and it should not be difficult to redeem a weapon that can deal with the ‘Zack’….



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