Chapter 268 Wins


Chapter 268 Wins


"The level of the ordinary Zak tribe is about two hundred. Like the environment where the host is now, the level of the" ordinary Zak tribe "should not exceed two hundred and twenty ..." Maya continued an objective analysis. However, Maya's analysis is based on evidence, that is, such analysis is Fang Chong's most trusted.

"The current level of the host is one hundred and twenty-three, plus the perfect killing of the" Terminator "completed today, the system reward should be between ten and twenty points, and the strength of the host should be one hundred At about forty levels, if faced with a "common Zak tribe", the host can explode the "ten-turn stacking chop" skill, and the chance of killing is more than 40%, but less than 50% ... "Maya Analysis Very detailed.

"The explosive power of the ten-turn superimposed chop can double the host's attack power. Of course, there is a hurdle between two hundred and one hundred. Although otherwise there is a big gap between one hundred and one hundred and one hundred, but one hundred is One hurdle is absolute. When combined, the power of the host's outbreak is equivalent to the strength of the ordinary Zak tribe, and there is a premise that the host must have weapons capable of re-creating the 'Zak tribe. "Maya Fang Chong listened carefully, she There is more to say.

Her existence is closely related to Fang Chong, and Fang Chong's safety has a great relationship with her.

"I understand ..." After listening to such an objective analysis of the Maya system, Fang Chong's understanding of the 'Zak people' became clearer.

The ‘Mayan system’ really knows his strength better than himself, but knowing this, Fang Chong was also relieved. After all, it was not without a battle.

Fang Chong also understands that the reason why the ‘Mayan system’ says that the odds are around 40% is because of Fang Chong ’s strength, which differs by more than 70 levels. Such a gap is difficult to fill with ‘skills’.

That is to say, ‘stacked chopping’ is barely counted. Of course, the prerequisite is still ‘weapons’, similar to a sword.

There is also a situation when Fang Chong launched the 'Skills'. Although the power of 'superimposed chop' is great, 'ten-turn superimposed chop' is not easy. Even after tonight, if the strength is improved, Fang Chong cannot guarantee it. Every time I can burst out successfully ...

But let Fang Chong still be more at ease.

He is not a simple 'monotyped person'. In addition to his strength, Fang Chong is also a 'speed type genetic warrior'. Fang Chong believes that with his infinitely close to 150 levels of strength, he fully launches the 'speed skills' The primitive Zaks' would never be able to defeat him at once.

If he can use ‘speed’ and ‘Zack’, he ’s going to improve his chances by 10% or more, at least invincible ...


As for the prerequisite that Maya said, that is, the weapon.

Fang Chong was really worried before entering the system, but Fang Chong's heart had already completely relaxed after he had already obtained the "reward points" he now has from the "Mayan System".

With more than 120,000 reward points, he believes that it is absolutely no problem to redeem a sword that can seriously damage the 'Zaks' or other weapons.

However, the level of the "Zak" is obviously different from that of "Zombies" and "Mutated Creature". Has there been any change, Fang Chong still dare not be sure ...

"Maya, the weapon you said should have the system, right?" The Maya system is humane. Fang Chong knew this very well. Now he talks to Maya, and he also has feelings for chatting ... "" Can deal with the original type Zak ... "

"Well, there is ..." Maya nodded. Turning his head to look at Fang Chong, he then asked. "Do hosts check?"

"Okay ..." Maya said, Fang Chong loosed up, and the whole person didn't know how much.

"Entering the exchange mall ..." After Fang Chong's confirmation, the Maya system was activated. As Maya's voice fell, the three-dimensional light curtain in front of Fang Chong changed.

"Weapons topic, special weapons against 'Zak's, ordinary type ..."

Under Fang Chong's gaze, the light curtain flickered constantly. With the different instructions issued by Maya, the light curtain in front of Fang Chong also kept jumping.

Although he was a little puzzled as to why ‘Maya’ was still giving instructions, he still resisted and did n’t ask. He believed in ‘Maya’ for a reason.

As "Maya" becomes more and more detailed, the refresh rate of content appearing on the "three-dimensional light curtain" is also slowly decreasing. Fang Chong knows the reason, after all, the more detailed the search, the less the corresponding thing is normal.

In this way, Fang Chong can also clearly see what appears on the 'light curtain'. He won't see what he saw just now, but the 'light curtain' keeps flashing.

However, although Fang Chong can probably see clearly, the detailed content is still not easy to understand. Generally, Fang Chong saw the name. After the picture, the other content was invisible. The ‘light curtain’ flashed again ...

"The search is complete ..." Just when Fang Chong was surprised, after the system ‘嘀’, the system responded by itself, and then the jumping ‘light curtain’ stopped.

"The host can check in detail. All the above weapons can deal with the" ordinary primitive Zak tribe ", that is, the" Zak tribe "within two hundred and fifty levels ..." After the 'light curtain' stopped, 'Maya' The voice rang.

"Oh ..." Fang Chong nodded, and slowly moved forward, preparing to look carefully.


"Maya ~ ~ Why did this search have to be so detailed?" Fang Chong approached behind the light curtain and did not look anxiously but asked curiously.

"The host should know that the things related to the 'Zak people' belong to one of the most important contents of the 'Mayan System'. Although it is the most complete and complete set of supporting facilities, the bad thing is that the things that are redeemed are corresponding. The price is also different. There is no need to use detailed terms. There are too many things to find, and they are not suitable ... "Maya directly explained the reason.

"Oh ..." Fang Chong carefully looked at the light curtain after he understood.

In the words of Maya, he understood that the meaning of "Maya" is very simple. The exchange price of weapons is definitely not low. The reward points you want should be massive ...

However, Fang Chong also knew that even if there were as many 'reward points' as needed, it would be worthwhile to be able to deal with the 'Zaks.'

However, after seriously looking at the 'Light Curtain', Fang Chongrao was already prepared, but when he saw the content on the 'Light Curtain', Fang Chong was still scared ...


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