I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 269: Broken knife

Chapter 269 Broken Sword


Chapter 269 Broken Sword


"Shaped knife, exchange value, 34,000 points ..."

"Burst gun, exchange value, 58,000 points ..."

"Lightning knife, exchange value, 18,000 points ..."

"………………………………. \\”

Fang Chong looked at the contents of the three-dimensional light curtain, and each item saw his heart startled. Although he had long thought that the value of weapons against the 'Zacks' must be astonishingly high, but he really saw When he did, he was really taken aback.

There are not a few things that can be used in 'weapons', but the required exchange value is really far beyond Fang Chong's expectations.

The cheapest one is the 'Lightning Knife'. A sword like this one has been able to deal with more than two hundred Zac's, but a sword that just meets the requirements just needs 10,000. The exchange value of 8,000 points, such a high value, Fang Chong could not help but spit out his tongue.

Although now more than 18,000 ‘redeemable values’ are not much in front of Fang Chong, who has more than 120,000 ‘reward points’, the problem is that such a ‘sword’ cannot meet Fang Chong ’s needs at all.

Just able to deal with more than two hundred levels of 'Zacks'. Such a sword is not very practical. If the level of two hundred levels is in dealing with zombies or' mutated creatures', it is definitely not low, but 'Zack Among the "clan", the worst "primitive Zak clan" has the worst strength of more than 200 levels. Fang Chongke cannot believe that he can be so lucky all the time. Type 'Ordinary to Zach.

Otherwise, if one accidentally encounters the stronger Zak tribe, similar to the 'super-large primitive Zak tribe', or the 'evolutionary' Zak tribe, Fang Chong fears nothing but death.

Thinking that he couldn't be so lucky all the time, after Fang Chong touched his nose, he didn't make too many stops on the 'Lightning Knife'.

Fang Chong probably glanced behind the curtain for a few moments, and he probably knew it. Maya knows the ‘redeem value’ that he has, and when things are released, they are arranged in descending order of price, which is convenient for him.

After understanding this, Fang Chong was not in a hurry, his eyes slowly flashed back and forth on the 'light curtain'.

There is plenty of time, and finding the most suitable is the most important.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Broken knife ........." Fang Chong's eyes continued to sweep downwards, and he was quickly attracted by a dark sword with shining black rays, although he said that such a sword was not good-looking, The 'exchange value' it needs is not low. It requires a full exchange value of 65,000 reward points. Seeing this, Fang Chong's eyes can't help swiping back and forth on the remarks of the 'Battle Knife'.

"Broken Knife," Ujin "," Xuantie "can attack below 250 levels, belonging to the" evolutionary sword "series ..." Fang Chong according to the remarks described above, his mouth moved lightly.

"Ukin" and "Xuantie" are familiar to both East and West, they are relatively rare 'special metals', so such a sword can deal with the' Zach's who are less than 250. doubt.

And in this meeting, such a 'broken knife' is undoubtedly the best sword for him now.

However, when he was puzzled by Fang Chong, in the remarks about the "broken knife" description, the last sentence "belonging to the evolvable sword series" made him puzzled.

Humans can 'evolve' using 'gene medicaments' and call them 'evolutionists'. The same is true of animals, which are so-called 'mutated creatures', but can swords 'evolve'?

This sentence is God ...

Is it possible that there are still "active cells" in this "Broken Knife"?

Fang Chong was a little speechless. Obviously, he still couldn't understand the meaning of the word "evolution".

"Maya, what is the 'evolvable sword'?" Fang Chong turned his doubts to "Maya" on the right side of the screen.

Such a thing, Fang Chong will not waste time thinking about it, he believes that Maya can give him a good explanation.

"A simple understanding is what it means in writing. The sword can be 'evolved' ..." Maya answered without thinking.


"What? The sword can really 'evolve'?" Fang Chong was shocked to hear Maya's words. "Isn't this sword deadly?"

"It's iron, but 'iron strike' doesn't mean you can't 'evolve'?" Maya's voice was still calm, "Creatures can 'evolve', and weapons can also ..."

"Weapons can really 'evolve'?" Fang Chong heard Maya's words, although he didn't believe it, but he was not angry. Maya would not deceive him. This sentence Fang Chong always remembered.

"The" evolution "of weapons is different from humans or living creatures. Weapons do not change cell genes to achieve evolution. The evolution of weapons is generally made of materials. Like the" broken knife "in front of it, it is a kind that can be" evolved " … .. ”Maya locked the 'Broken Knife' on the light curtain while talking. Fang Chong was interested in this 'Broken Knife', Maya knew it.

After locking 'Broken Knife' on the light curtain, Maya continued. "The main materials of the broken knife are 'Ukin' and 'Xuantie', so if you want such a 'Broken Knife' to evolve, you just need to incorporate 'Ujin's iron essence' into the 'Broken Knife'. , "Xuan Tie" 's "Iron essence" can allow such a "broken knife" to get a preliminary evolution. As for further evolution, you need to find materials with similar properties and the same function ... "

"Preliminary evolution? Can you continue to evolve?" Fang Chong heard Maya speak in a certain way, but it was difficult to confirm whether Maya was true. ,

"Of course, after the initial evolution, the material needed is no longer 'iron fine', like 'Ujin iron,' it is no longer 'Ujin iron iron', but 'Ujin titanium crystal', but such a material It is not found on Earth. Even with so many planets in the universe, it is not easy to find such a material. "Maya seemed to know that Fang Chong was skeptical of what she said, but everything she did was by Chong is the master, Fang Chong doubts, and she has no reason to be angry.

After a little thought, Maya spoke in more detail.

"Since 'Wu Jin Titanium Crystal' is so hard to find, isn't it particularly valuable? In that case, even if this 'Broken Knife' has evolved, it won't make a difference?" Fang Chong heard Maya's words, although he slowly believed in his possibility Sex, but after hearing the situation that 'Ujin Titanium Crystal' is so hard to find, he questioned again ...

Just like the earth, gold is a rare metal, and the price is surprisingly expensive. It is calculated in grams. However, except for the price of metal such as iron, it is not necessary to compare the price with gold. … ..

The difference in treatment is amazing ...

When thinking of gold, Fang Chong thought that 'Wu Jin Titanium Crystal' should also have the same reason.

"And even if weapons can evolve, I'm afraid they won't be stronger than before without evolution?" Fang Chong continued to ask.

"If 'Broken Knife' can use 'Ujin Titanium Crystal' for fusion 'evolution', it is ten times more powerful than before evolution ..." Maya replied. "It's worth it, but it's very practical ..."

"Ten times more powerful?" Fang Chong was a little stunned when he heard the number reported by Maya.

What is ten times? Fang Chong knew very well.

The three-dimensional light curtain now clearly indicates the level and power of the broken knife.

Ten times as high as two hundred and fifty? It does n’t mean that if ‘Broken Knife’ was lucky enough to get ‘Wujin Titanium Crystal’, by that time, the power of the sword would directly reach the level of 2,500, if it could really achieve that kind of power.

Fang Chong knew what ‘zombies’, ‘mutated creatures’, or ‘Zak ’s could not resist.

Two thousand and five hundred levels, such a number is not imaginable for ordinary people.


"Doesn't that mean that such a" broken knife "can break through defenses within two thousand five hundred levels after it has evolved?" Although Fang Chong thought this idea was ridiculous, but when it was possible He still asked.

"No ..." Maya shook her head in Fang Chong's anticipation.

"Why?" Fang Chong didn't expect Maya to say a word, with doubt on his face ...

"More than two thousand and five hundred levels. After the fusion of 'Ujin Titanium Crystal', this 'Broken Knife' is classified as 'Advanced Evolution'. Therefore, a ten-fold increase in its power should be combined with the improvement of Primary Evolution.

That ’s 4,500 levels… .. ”after Maya explained, adding that“ the first evolution of the broken chopper can reach 450 levels… .. ”

"Where? How many? Four thousand five hundred?" Fang Chong heard Maya's explanation, his eyes almost fell out in surprise. ‘

In the view of Fang Chong, such a figure of 4,500 is really shocking, and it is too bad ...

What does four thousand five hundred mean?

It can be said that with such a sword, it should also be able to walk sideways in the universe ...

However, Fang Chong turned his head and thought that Wujin Titanium Crystal is so hard to find, and it makes sense to break it so badly.

Fang Chong believes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even in the Maya galaxy, it is unlikely that you want to come up with such a sword.

"Yes, it's four thousand five hundred ..." Maya nodded.


Although Fang Chong had already prepared, he was shocked again in shock.


"Does the host choose 'Broken Knife'?" Fang Chong had not recovered from the consternation, and Maya's voice sounded in his ear again.

Maya's startled response from Fang Chong is not difficult to see, Fang Chong's heart moved ...

Although Maya is just a systematic brain, she has no less inferior to human wisdom, and also highly recommends such a broken knife.

Although it is difficult to find ‘Wu Jin Titanium Crystal’, ‘Wu Jin Tie Jing’, including ‘Xuan Tie’ ’‘ Iron Jing ’is not difficult to find ...


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