I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 270: evolution

Chapter 270 Evolution


Chapter 270 Evolution


And in addition to the "Ultra Gold Iron", there are also "Ultra Gold Amethysts" that can make the "Broken Knife" undergo the "evolution". Although the effect cannot be as abnormal as the "Ulver Titanium Crystal", once the "Broken Knife" is fused After 'Ujin Amethyst', the power can also be doubled on the basis of 'primary' evolution, and it can be infinitely close to a thousand levels.

Although ‘Ujin Amethyst’ is equally valuable, it ’s not difficult to redeem it in the Mayan system. As long as there are enough reward points, there is no problem.

As for 'reward points'?

Do you need to worry about Chong Yiwei?

A 'Terminator' has a reward of about 10,000 reward points, let alone a 'Zak'.

In the "Mayan System" redemption task, the most reward points are obtained after killing the "Zaks", which is of course also related to the situation of the "Mayan Galaxy".

The biggest enemy of the 'Mayan Galaxy' is the 'Zak'.

In addition, even if Chong Hou did not meet the "Zak", the number of "Zombies" killed accumulated, and it is easy to make the "Broken Knife" evolve again.

With so many "zombies" and "mutants", do you need to worry about reward points?

Especially Fang Chong's next goal.

We must know that after the outbreak of ‘Shanghai City’, in the surviving base cities of ‘Hua Xia’, they were all called “Death Capitals”. "Human forbidden zone", etc. exaggerated names.

However, although the name does sound a bit exaggerated, looking back, it is not unreasonable to call this name.

Before the end of the last days, 'Shanghai City', one of the most densely populated cities, has not become one of the five major base cities, so there is only one possibility left, which is 'Shanghai City'. The current situation should be It's 'zombie rampant' .....

After the tens of millions of people have changed into `` zombies '', even if there are one or two heads, `` zombies '' of `` sixth stage '' that Fang Chong have not seen before are not impossible ...

The "Terminator" is one in 100,000, the "Terminator" is a "fifth-order" zombie, and then it goes up to the "sixth-order zombie", the "destroyer" ...

Counting the time, the time when Fang Chong arrived at 'Shanghai', it was not impossible for the sixth-order zombies to appear.

………………………………………………………… ..

"Redeeming, why not, even if 'Broken Knife' cannot find the right metal to 'evolve', now it is the most suitable sword among all the swords ..." Fang Chong was woken up by 'Maya' Later, he nodded directly, indicating that he would exchange such a sword.

Fang Chong is not as far away as Maya. He chose to do so, except for a small part of the situation described with Maya just now. The more important point is that all the swords on the three-dimensional light curtain are now broken. Although the power is lower, it is suitable for situations where it is impossible to meet the "evolutionary" Zak ...

And more than 50,000 exchange points are within Fang Chong's tolerance.

Combining these several reasons, Fang Chong understands that this 'broken sword' is the best one for him now.

"Please ask the host to confirm ..." After Fang Chong's affirmative answer, ‘Maya’ operated the system and soon the OK button appeared on the three-dimensional light curtain….

"OK ..." Fang Chong had long understood that the 'Mayan system' required this procedure, and without further ado, decided directly.


A familiar sound sounded after Fang Chong clicked the OK button.

"Congratulations to the host, the exchange is completed, and 'Broken Knife' is automatically stored in the storage space ..." After the exchange was completed, the voice of 'Maya' sounded again.

"Continue to redeem?" ‘Maya’ asked when it was done.

"Continue ..." Fang Chong is a person who knows the comprehensive utilization of resources. There are so many redemption points. Fang Chong, who doesn't need to keep it, will never do it.

In the last days, nothing is less important than life. In such a situation where life can be lost anytime, anywhere, life-saving is the first reaction everyone thinks of ...

Fang Chong is no exception, and now he not only has to keep his own life, there are many people he cares about.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"There are eleven 'Terminator' 'muscle's meats'. It is absolutely no problem to help Huang Qianchuan reach the 100th level. It's not impossible to reach level 120 or so ... "Fang Chong thought of Huang Qianchuan's question and asked Maya to switch the screen of the light curtain to the option of" gene medicine ".

In Fang Chong's view, Huang Qianchuan now regards himself as a member of the team, and Fang Chong will never ignore Huang Qianchuan's evolution.

It was normal for the enemy not to help before. Now that he understands Huang Qianchuan's attitude, Fang Chong will always be open-minded to his own people.

The advantage of Huang Qianchuan is there, and the advantage of 'Super Evolver' is very obvious, and from the perspective of contact now, the degree of coordination between strength and speed of Huang Qianchuan is very good. "Evolution" of speed and power.

Innate advantages like him are very difficult to find throughout China.

Fang Chong's plan here is to help Huang Qianchuan find two kinds of genetic medicine suitable for his 'evolution'.

Strength and speed are Huang Qianchuan's current advantages, but such advantages do have obvious advantages as 'super-evolutionaries' in the early days of the end, but with the rise behind the 'gene warrior', if there is no change ~ www. The advantages of readwn.com ~ Evolver 'will be slowly consumed, basically, after two hundred levels, there will be no difference ...

Fang Chong now does not want Huang Qianchuan to waste his talent in vain.

Every 50th level is a 'Kan', but this 'Kan' is also an opportunity. What Fang Chong now thinks is to strengthen his 'power' and 'speed' while taking advantage of Huang Qianchuan The advantages.

"Power-type" gene drugs and "Speed-type" gene drugs are not rare, but for Huang Qianchuan, the effect will definitely be an unimaginable fit ...


"Mayan, what kind of genetic medicine is the most suitable for the" super evolutionary "?" Fang Chong thought about the point and directly asked "Maya". "The evolution of speed and power ..."

After having a goal, the suggestions given by Maya are the most appropriate.



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