I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 274: breakthrough

Chapter 274 Breakthrough


Chapter 274 Breakthrough


Huang Qianchuan picked up a bottle of 'Hulk''s 'gene potion' and drank it casually. Other members who did not reach the '100 level' also came over.

There were so many 'Hulks' killed yesterday, enough for their team to drink for a while.

After all, there are not more than sixty people out of more than six thousand people. As for not reaching the sixty level, drinking the "genetics" of the "Hulk" has no benefit other than waste, and even has side effects ... .

These reasons Fang Chong told as early as these people entered their team, and it is also one of the few rules in their team.

"Huang Qianchuan wait for you ..."

Everyone has long used to drink 'gene medicine' and go sit still for a while to absorb the energy in 'gene medicine'. When Huang Qianchuan stood up with everyone and left, Fang Chong called him out loud.

"There is something ..." Huang Qianchuan's voice was still lukewarm, but there was no opposition Fang Chong in action.

After sitting down again, Huang Qianchuan's gaze stayed on Fang Chong's face.

"After drinking the bottle of Hulk's genetic potion, your strength should be infinitely close to a hundredth, right?" Fang Chong didn't care about Huang Qianchuan's tone. Was he malicious? Fang Chong knew that, like Huang Qianchuan. Tone is a matter of personality.

Fang Chong, who understood this, said directly when Huang Qianchuan cast inquiries.

"Yes ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, his strength, Fang Chong knew it was normal, he was just curious why Fang Chong asked this ...

"This is for you. If you drink it, you should be able to break through the 100th level ..." Fang Chong is very satisfied with the direct response from Huang Qianchuan. It is not difficult to see from this point, although Huang Qianchuan spoke with him It's still cold, but the move of directly demonstrating its own strength has shown that Huang Qianchuan fully trusted them.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong took out a bottle filled with green liquid and a red liquid in Huang Qianchuan's puzzled eyes.


"What are these?" Looking at the two bottles placed on the table by Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan's expression on his face became even heavier. He didn't understand what these things were.

In addition to seeing the gene medicine extracted from muscle meat, other planned gene medicine Huang Qianchuan is the first time.

He was wondering that all the gene-like drugs with such bright colors were in front of him.

"Evolutionary genetic medicine, red power type, green one is speed type ..." Fang Chong showed a slight smile, but in order not to let Huang Qianchuan suspect that he had other purposes, Fang Chong introduced it.

"Evolutionary genetic medicine?" Huang Qianchuan heard the name, but he understood it a bit. Fang Chong had genetic warriors here. Huang Qianchuan had heard of it, and Fang Chong cooperated with five bases in Kyoto. It seems to be this gene warrior manufacturing plan ...

Huang Qianchuan didn't pay too much attention to it before, and didn't know much about genetic medicine.

"Yes, the red power-type genetic medicine is extracted from mutant creatures and explosive King Kong bears. The body strength of explosive King Kong bears is close to one hundred and eighty. As for the green bottle, it is the king in speed. The genetic medicine extracted from the Storm Tiger, the battle level of the Storm Tiger is also over 150 ... ”Fang Chong knew that if he did not explain it, it was unlikely that Huang Qianchuan would take it directly.

Huang Qianchuan's time to come to their team is short. Twenty-four hours is not enough. In such a period of time, it is impossible for Fang Chong to make Huang Qianchuan believe in their team like others.

After a little thought, Fang Chong told the origin of the two bottles of the gene medicine.

As for Huang Qianchuan's belief and unbelief, Fang Chong would not be reluctant. If such an opportunity did not cherish Huang Qianchuan, he would definitely not force it. These two types of evolutionary gene agents are suitable for both Song Ming and idyll, and they do not need to Worried about waste ...

"Blasting King Kong Bear? Storm Tiger?" After hearing Fang Chong's name of the two mutant creatures, Huang Qianchuan's curiosity did not let go.

The names of these two mutants, including the grade Huang Qianchuan, have not been touched.

"Yes, this kind of mutant organism should be regarded as a relatively powerful existence on the earth, except of the Zak people ..." Fang Chong has not actually seen the existence of these two mutant organisms, so I had to explain it roughly.

"I'm an evolutionary, and I'm super-ranked. Shouldn't I need this evolutionary genetic agent?" Fang Chong explained it unclear, but Huang Qianchuan understood it. In Huang Qianchuan's understanding, it was two A powerful mutant creature ...

His strange things were not these, but his obvious evolutionary. Fang Chong could not fail to know why he would give him a gene medicine, and it was of absolutely high value ...

"Of course I know your evolver, but if you do n’t lay the foundation early, you will know that when your strength exceeds two hundred levels, the advantages of the super evolver will no longer exist, even less than the average genetic warrior ... .. "Fang Chong had long thought that Huang Qianchuan would ask this question. "At least now we are upgrading faster than you ..."

"This ....." Huang Qianchuan didn't know what to say, this is what Fang Chong said that he didn't think of it. Now when I think about it, in their team, in addition to Fang Chong, there are several other people with the strength More than him, the idyll is also one of them ...

Huang Qianchuan remembered very clearly that more than two months ago, the gap between the strength of Muge and him was at least thirty, but now, he has more than ten levels.

Thinking of it, Huang Qianchuan felt really incredible ...

Because before Fang Chong them did not show up, his ability to increase the speed can be said to be the fastest. But this advantage does not exist anymore ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Evolutionary genetic agents do not conflict with your super-evolutionary identity at all, and your biggest advantage is the dual-evolutionary identity. I guess that's right, you are an evolutionary in both speed and power?" Fang Chong ignored Huang Qianchuan's shock, saying it sentence by sentence.

"That's right ..." Hearing Fang Chong's analysis so eloquently, Huang Qianchuan already believed it. After all, the fact was in front of him, but he couldn't believe it.

Moreover, he believes that Fang Chong will not harm him. After all, he is not Fang Chong's opponent at all now. If Fang Chong really wants to clean him up, he can't be killed directly, and he wants to be so troublesome now.

"Trust me, take these two bottles of genetic medicine ..." Fang Chong It is not difficult to see from the change in Huang Qianchuan's attitude that Huang Qianchuan has already believed what he said.

"Okay ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and immediately picked up two bottles of genetic medicine on the table. After opening the bottle cap, he drank one bottle at a time ...

"Close your eyes, be quiet, and work hard to feel the energy brought by the gene medicine ..." ... Because Huang Qianchuan was the first time to take the evolutionary gene medicine, Fang Chong drank the gene medicine in Huang Qianchuan. Guidance aside.

"As the gene medicine is fundamental to the body's cells, there is still a bit of pain, but it will soon pass. You have to hold back ..." Fang Chong continued after seeing Huang Qianchuan entering the state soon.

Fang Chong has been observing the ever-changing expression of Huang Qianchuan, and he does not know the genetic medicine of high-level mutant organisms such as the explosive King Kong bear and the wind tiger.

There is also a possibility of failure with genetic medicine, but the probability is very low.

Fang Chongke does not want Huang Qianchuan to fail. After all, in the future, Huang Qianchuan is likely to be one of his most valuable assistants and companions ...

The time flashed minute by minute. After more than an hour, Huang Qianchuan's closed eyes finally opened slowly.


"How do you feel?" Fang Chong secretly relieved when he saw Huang Qianchuan opened his eyes.

"Break through the 100th level, and now my strength is close to the 110th level ..." Huang Qianchuan said after hearing Fang Chong's inquiries seriously.

"Yes, drink Terminator's genetic medicine, it should be able to reach level 120 ..." Fang Chong nodded, but was very satisfied with Huang Qianchuan's breakthrough, and ended the remaining bottle on the table His genetic medicine was placed in front of Huang Qianchuan.

"Isn't this yours?" Huang Qianchuan saw Fang Chong's excitement with a look of excitement ...

"My strength is now close to 160, and Terminator's genetic medicine has little effect on me ..." Fang Chong shook his head.

"What? Level 160?" Huang Qianchuan can say that he was finally dumbfounded this time.

If it weren't for Fang Chong to be kidding, he really wanted to curse, "You are just a pervert ..."

Fang Chong knows the strength of Huang Qianchuan yesterday. It definitely does not exceed one hundred and thirty levels, but now, he has actually improved more than thirty levels ...

Such things are really difficult to understand.

"Hehe ..." Fang Chong nodded with a smile ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time he pushed the Terminator's gene medicine to Huang Qianchuan.

Huang Qianchuan knew Fang Chong's strength, and he no longer pretended, so he drank it.

After drinking the bottle of Terminator's genetic medicine again, Huang Qianchuan walked away ...

He wanted to find a quieter place to absorb the energy in Terminator's gene medicine, which is different now.

………………………………………………………… ..

"He is going to Huang Qianchuan ..." Several Qin Lan people who had absorbed them returned to Fang Chong's side.

"Like you ..." Fang Chong pointed to the empty bottle on the table.

"He has broken through the 100th level?" Muge said with surprise, Fang Chongyi pointed to the bottle on the table, she thought.



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