I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 275: Situation has changed

Chapter 275 The Situation Has Changed


Chapter 275 The Situation Has Changed

ps thank you for your brother "Roller 008" two monthly tickets yesterday, this month will not streak to the end ...

Ask for a recommendation ... Thanks to all the brothers who subscribed ...


That ’s right, after absorbing the bottle of “terminator” gene medicine, you should be able to break through the 120 level ... ”Fang Chong nodded.“ I just gave him two bottles of “evolutionary” gene medicine. ', Now Huang Qianchuan, the fighting power should be twice as much as yesterday ...'

"It's not bad, Brother Qianchuan's strength has improved, and the help he has given us is even more ..." Muge was very happy.

"Yes, if Huang Qianchuan can reach level 150, the help will be even greater, but it will take a while ........." Fang Chong casually told Qin Lan about the two skills Huang Qianchuan possessed.

But Huang Qianchuan wants to use those two skills, and his strength must be at least 150 or more ...


It was over eight o'clock, all the teams were regrouped, and the vehicles were neatly discharged outside the building.

If it were n’t for the smell of blood in the air, it would be really hard to detect the difference between the present world and the end of the world ...

"Get in the car and set off ..."

Dongshan Province is far from Fang Chong's purpose, and the distance to Shanghai is still far. There is no such hesitation in having such a destination. After the team members are together, Ling Ya will issue an order ...

"Boom, boom, boom ....."

With instructions, the engines of hundreds of cars are started at the same time, especially tanks, armored vehicles, and the roar of the engines echoes in the streets ...

"Song Ming, Chen Jian, pay more attention to the surrounding situation ..." I guess that Fang Chong cannot be as calm today as yesterday. He did not let Ling Ya drive the vehicle behind, but behind the armored vehicle tank.

Fang Chong believes that with the strength they now show, even if they encounter Zak, they do not have to worry about being attacked by Zak.

Fang Chong learned from the Maya that the Zak race, facing weaker creatures than themselves, is like them now, and they disdain to attack.

Only in the face of enemies that are several times stronger than themselves will the Zak tribe take the approach of sneak attack and mass attack.

After learning from the Maya that the Zak people had such a characteristic, Fang Chong also felt relieved.

As long as they are not attacked, they are now in danger of facing a Zak ethnic group, but they are absolutely not serious.

In particular, Fang Chong now has a broken knife, a sword that can break defenses below 250. With such a sword, Fang Chong is also calm.

The sword is a partner, and a strong partner can give Fang Chongmo great confidence.

………………………………………………………… ..

Song Ming and Chen Jian are on both sides of the team. As for Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong let him guard the end of the team today. Although it is said that the Zak will not attack, there are so many dangerous things in the last days. It is difficult to guarantee whether there will be advanced zombies such as one or two Terminators or other mutant creatures ...

With Huang Qianchuan here, Fang Chong and they need not worry too much ...


Soon, Song Ming, including Chen Jian, responded.

After Fang Chong mentioned the Zak incident to them last night, they can now be said to be uplifting 120,000 points.

After learning about the dangers of the Zak people from Fang Chong's mouth, they knew that these things were not a joke. An idea, maybe it's dead ...

"Okay ....." Fang Chong then reminded others in the team.

After hearing that everyone had no problem, Fang Chong turned off the radio.

He himself found that he was a little nervous today.

After all, the Zak had never been seen before, and unknown fears still existed.


The speed of the convoy was afraid of emergencies and the tanks could not run fast. The speed of the convoy was generally maintained at about 60 yards.

What made Fang Chong unexpected was that throughout the morning, they had not encountered any other major troubles except that they had encountered a small group of zombies or mutated creatures.

Such a situation surprised Fang Chong.

In the afternoon, Fang Chong gradually became heavy.

At the meeting, the convoy has left the city and entered the highway to Shanghai.

There were no zombies, no mutant creatures appeared, and Fang Chong couldn't hold back in the quiet environment to the extreme.

Tell him directly that something may happen.

"Qin Lan, turn on the satellite system ..." For better security, Fang Chong asked Qin Lan to take out his laptop and then connect to satellite monitoring through the Maya system ...

"One kilometer in front of the convoy ....." Maya's alert function covers a range of 600 meters. In order to be able to prepare in advance and fight for buffer time, Fang Chong asked Qin Lan to place the satellite coverage one kilometer in front of their convoy Office.

"Okay ....." Qin Lan is not the first operation, although the movement is not familiar, but the speed is not slow. Fang Chong's instructions were soon completed.

"What happened?" Fang Chong asked.

"Everything is normal for now ..."

………………………………………………………… ..

"Fang Chong, will we be too nervous ..." The car ran for a short distance, and there was no danger, Ling Ya asked.

"Yes ..." Muge nodded.

"It's good to be careful ..." Qin Lan didn't look up, Fang Chong worried that she knew.

"But it's too safe now ..." Muge lay on the window looking out.

"You, you are so dissatisfied with your safety ..." Fang Chong said that she was speechless.

"Well, things may change ..." As soon as Fang Chong's words fell, Qin Lan's voice sounded.

After hearing that the situation might change, Fang Chong sat up straight.

"What's the situation ..." Muge suddenly became interested. "Sister Qin Lan, did the Zak people appear ..."

"Is there any Zak people who don't know yet ~ www.readwn.com ~ but the range passing by in front is a bit complicated ..." Qin Lan shook her head and put the notebook in front of Fang Chong.

"In front of a mountain forest, the team is likely to be attacked by mutants on that section of the road ..." Qin Lan pointed to the images transmitted from the satellite system for analysis.

It is a real accident to have a mountain forest, and it is really difficult to distinguish whether such a dense forest is dangerous or not.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded, Qin Lan was right, in an environment like this, the existence of danger is not impossible.

"We'd better be careful ..." Fang Chong paused and turned on the intercom again.


"Fang Chong, look, what's that?" Fang Chong hadn't finished speaking yet, Qin Lan suddenly pointed at the corner of the screen in surprise and said nervously.

"this is…….."


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