I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 286: Life gambling

Chapter 286 Gambling of Life


Chapter 286 Gambling of Life


"This guy's strength is indeed strong enough, especially that 'jumping' skills ..." Huang Qianchuan said, slightly depressed.

"Oh, when your strength can launch 'talent skills', there will be no such depression ..." Fang Chong nodded, Fang Chong understood the "jumping skills" of "Nine Eyes Zack".

"If I have the" jumping skills "of" Nine Eyes Zack ", I will be satisfied ..." Huang Qianchuan climbed up from the ground and slowly approached Fang Chong ...

"Should be better than this ..." Fang Chong's eyes have not been removed from 'Nine Eyes Zack' from now until now, even if Huang Qianchuan came over, Fang Chong did not look back.

From the appearance of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’, Fang Chong ’s body has remained motionless, but his eyes, like Fang Chong, stay on the other side.

After suffering several losses in a row, the "Nine Eyes Zack" is now extremely vigilant.

"Although 'Blasting King Kong Bear' and 'Blast Tiger' are ordinary 'mutated creatures' on the earth, as 'Kings' in 'mutated creatures', their level is much higher than this 'Nine Eyes Zack' ... "Fang Chongjian's" Nine-Eyed Zack "has no action for the time being, he continued to tell Huang Qianchuan.

"So say that, in the future, my" skills "will be even stronger. How many" nine-eyes and zacks "?" Huang Qianchuan's eyes lighted up, and his depressed expression thought he heard a lot of it.

From the last days to the present, he fought the most depressing battle.

Before losing to Fang Chong's hands, it was clean and neat, and Fang Chong was a human, but today, it was actually suppressed by an 'alien creature', and it was still the 'most common' and 'most primitive' of 'alien creatures' Can it be depressed?

"Of course, this" nine-eyed zack "is the most common one. If you ca n’t even fight this, do you still need to fight?" Fang Chong nodded, and afterwards, his steps slowly moved forward ...

‘Nine-Eyed Zac’ saw Fang Chongdong, and his figure is closer to the ground a few points. Such an action is to prepare for exertion ...


"Huang Qianchuan, you are careful ..." Fang Chong squatted halfway, breaking the knife across her chest, and said to Huang Qianchuan that her body moved.

From walking into this forest, Fang Chong knew why Qin Lan was so worried just now. A large tree more than ten meters covered the sky, Qin Lan in the sky was in the sky, it was difficult to see the situation in the woods, let alone aim. Nine Eyes Zack's up.

After understanding these, Fang Chong immediately carried out the second plan and attacked in close quarters ...

"Fang Chong you ..." Fang Chong rushed to see Fang Chong without saying a word. Huang Qianchuan's expression was puzzled. From Fang Chong's actions, he knew that Fang Chong was not about to be involved ...

"Qin Lan's" Bow and Arrow "was not useful. The previous plan was cancelled, and" Nine Eyes Zack "I dealt with it myself ..." Fang Chong speed still.

"But ..." Huang Qianchuan didn't know what to do for a while ...

"Huang Qianchuan, you help look at the" Nine Eyes Zack ". If Fang Chong is in danger, you are ready to support ..." At this time, Qin Lan's voice sounded in Huang Qianchuan's ears.

"Okay, I see ..." Huang Qianchuan saw Qin Lan's figure slowly drop, he understood.

At a height of about ten meters, Qin Lan is already in a dangerous range. The jump of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ can reach ten meters casually. Qin Lan should do this to help Fang Chong even more.

'Nine Eyes Zack' is afraid of Qin Lan's 'Bow and Arrow'. Huang Qianchuan is very clear about this, otherwise, he would not let 'Nine Eyes Zack' run into it.

Now Qin Lan has also come in. I believe that 'Nine Eyes Zack' will definitely want revenge.

In that case, the ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ will automatically be attracted, and the attack they can choose from will be even greater. But Qin Lan's position is very dangerous ...


"Roar ..." Looking at Fang Chong's fast approaching body, 'Nine-Eyed Zac' exerted strength on all four feet at the same time, and a two-meter-long body bounced off the ground instantly, and directly jumped into the sky a few meters high, avoiding A blow from Fang Chong close to the ground ...

"Wipe ..." Fang Chong did not expect that the nine-eyed Zach was really clever. He used the trick to hurt one of the eyes of the nine-eyed Zack earlier, but did not expect this. , 'Nine-Eyed Zach' actually did such a trick.

At the same time, Fang Chong was busy stopping his movements.

At the same time, "Nine-Eyes Zack" escaped Fang Chong's blow, his body dropped, his two hind legs kicked into a big tree that could not hold his hands together, and the whole body was strong. Re-rushed towards Fang Chong like a 'cannonball'.

This kind of attack similar to 'cannonball' makes the speed of 'Nine Eyes Zack' faster.

The air was rustling ...

"Good time ....." Fang Chong looked at the blow from "Nine Eyes Zack" with a very serious expression. Although he thought that "Nine Eyes Zack" would attack continuously, Fang Chong did not think of "Nine Eyes Zack". Ke's trick to avoid and counterattack is like this ...

The two unexpected moves did surprise Fang Chong a bit.

In anxiety, Fang Chong could only choose to hit it hard, he couldn't escape it ...

With both hands clenched 'Broken Chop', Fang Chong stared blankly at 'Nine-Eyed Zack'.

After screaming well, Fang Chong clenched his hands and raised it high.

Fang Chong bet on whether he was hit by the two forelimbs of ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ or whether he was hitting the head of ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ with one stroke.

If they can slash the head of the "Nine Eyes Zack" in one stroke, victory is theirs, but if they are not careful, it may be that his body is penetrated by the forelimbs of the "Nine Eyes Zack" ...

"Bro ..." Fang Chong gritted his teeth, his eyes were still looking forward, and he was calculating the ratio of the speed and distance of "Nine Eyes Zack".

This ratio must match the time of his sword, otherwise, the failure will be him ...

When the time comes, it seems as though the surrounding sounds are nothing but the sound of wind from the flight of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ ....

At the speed of ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ with the help of big trees, a short distance of tens of meters arrived in a blink of an eye ...

Looking at the ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ which is getting closer, Fang Chonggao ’s ‘Battle Knife’ also slowly descended at this moment, seemingly slow, but the action actually fell down like lightning….

If it were not for Fang Chong's two-armed erection, from the surface of Fang Chong, it would be difficult to see that Fang Chong has exhausted all his efforts ...

A 'broken' word was spit out of Fang Chong's mouth. The 'broken chop' in Fang Chong's hand completely disappeared in this life, and only a black light can be seen in the eyes ...


Looking at the body of 'Nine-Eyed Zack' enlarged in the pupil, Fang Chong's knife finally touched the body of 'Nine-Eyed Zack'.

The place of the collision was the head and back of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’. This place? Fang Chong learned from Maya that it is the most powerful place for the defense of Nine Eyes Zac, but apart from this place, Fang Chongshi couldn't find how to attack and kill Nine Eyes Zac ...

Fang Chong is still betting on the power of ‘breaking the air’ ....

Although the back of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ is strong in defense, Fang Chong believes that the ‘defense’ of this place can never exceed 250 levels. As long as it does not exceed, Fang Chong has a chance ...

"Fang Chong ..." Qin Lan in the air took all of this into her eyes, but when she saw that Fang Chong chose to go against ‘Nine Eyes Zack’, her expression became extremely ugly ...

"Cang ..." "Broken Knife" was exactly right in the moment when the forelimbs of "Nine-Eyed Zac" hit the chest of the Chinese side, from the air.

"Blade" and "Nine-Eyed Zack" are similar to "Metal" back without any fancy collision. A crisp voice sounded ...

At the same time, Fang Chong's body was also lifted up under the action of such huge power. However, Fang Chong did not give up. By parallel force, Fang Chong held the hand of the "Broken Knife" and quickly pulled up the knife. When the "Nine Eyes Zack" did not have any time to respond, the knife went down again. Chop down ...

With the nick of the first knife, Fang Chong's second knife completely dipped into Zac's head after making a ‘呲’ sound. The feeling passed from the knife was different, Fang Chong's expression gradually changed from the shock to the surprise ...

This feeling of no rebound, Fang Chong can definitely say that the knife is in the meat ...

This knife from 'Broken Knife' broke the back of 'Nine-Eyed Zack's most powerful defense.

Fang Chong was very surprised at the first rebound just now.

But at this meeting, Fang Chong's expression was relaxed for a while.

Opened the defense of Nine Eyes Zack ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong did not draw a knife. I do n’t know if the important organs of Nine Eyes Zack were before his head. .

At this meeting, more than one meter of "Broken Knife" completely submerged into the head of "Nine Eyes Zack".

"Bang ....." Without struggling or roaring, ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ body took Fang Chong and flew out dozens of meters, and finally fell heavily.

The huge body smashed a large pit into the ground ...


"Are you dead?" Fang Chong's body continued to fly for several meters after the fall of the "Nine-Eyed Zac", and finally hit a large tree before stopping.

Kneeling on the ground halfway, Fang Chong looked at the motionless ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ not far away and murmured.

Just two consecutive knives just completely drained all the energy of Fang Chong.


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