I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 287: Life in the belly

Chapter 287 The Living Body in the Belly


Chapter 287 The Living Body in the Belly


It ’s a miracle not to be able to launch ‘Ten Turns Overlay’ and ‘Broken Sword’ to break through the nine-eye Zack defense ....

Fang Chong looked at this result, and there was a slight surprise in his expression.

However, he understands that in that tense situation, he can wield two knives in a row. The credit is attributed to the skill of "stacked chop." Although he was not able to launch the "ten-turn stacked chop", Fang Chong was able to wield two knives in a row. No longer easy.

And anyway, ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ has fallen, and this ending is already the best ...

"Fang Chong, are you okay?" Fang Chong had just struggled to stand up, and Qin Lan had reached him. Although not injured, Fang Chong was also exhausted with two consecutive swords.

"It's okay, it's just a little helpless ..." Fang Chong shook his head and said with a nervous expression on Qin Lan's face.

"I was scared to death just now ..." Fang Chong stood up, Qin Lan said after seeing that Fang Chong was really fine.

"Oh, I already told you that it's okay ..." Fang Chong took a few bottles of genetic medicine from his body and took a few sips in succession before handing them to Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan ...

……………………………………………………………… .....

"Go and see‘ Nine Eyes Zack ’is dead ...” Fang Chong recovered some strength and stood upright against the big tree. The voice said with a little exhaustion. "Beware of 'venom spurts' ..."

"Um ....." Qin Lan is the best of the three of them now. She was not injured except for being hit by the "Nine Eyes Zack" for a while, and Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan, two Most of my personal strength is spent in confrontation with 'Nine Eyes Zack' ...

The disparity in strength really made both of them suffer.

Qin Lan knew that the body of the 'Zak people' was still useful, and they were not entirely sure if the 'Nine-Eyed Zac' had died completely, and they could not rest assured.

Qin Lan held a sword in her hand, and she walked very lightly, slowly approaching the motionless "Nine Eyes Zack" ...

"It should be dead, look at it like that ..." Huang Qianchuan was a little disapproved. Seeing Qin Lan's careful look, Huang Qianchuan strode forward to the meteor.

"It seems that the head should be the absolute weakness of" Nine Eyes Zack ", but it has so many eyes that it is difficult to deal with ..." After hearing the words of Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong wanted to understand that there were so many "Nine Eyes Zack" Eyes, no matter how you attack from that direction, you ca n’t hide its eyes, sneak attacks are simply not….

If it were not for Fang Chong and they were lucky today and accidentally hit and injured so many eyes of 'Nine Eyes Zack', 'Nine Eyes Zach' would not be so easy to solve.

"Wait! Huang Qianchuan don't move ..." Qin Lan opened in surprise when he saw Huang Qianchuan preparing to pull the 'nine eyes Zack' leg. "Look, his belly is still moving ..."

"Don't you die yet?" Fang Chong was nervous when he heard this.

"It's impossible, there's no breathing or heartbeat ..." Huang Qianchuan held the "Battle Knife", and looked around this "Nine Eyes Zack" for a while and then said.

"But there is something moving in its abdomen?" Qin Lan pointed at the abdomen of "Nine-Eyed Zack" suspiciously.

"What is the situation then?" Fang Chong also saw. Such a strange scene, Fang Chong also wondered.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Maya, feel the breath of life of" Nine Eyes Zack "?" Fang Chong also looked suspicious when he saw the swollen belly of "Nine Eyes Zack".

On the surface, indeed, like Huang Qianchuan said, this ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ is completely dead, but its white belly keeps moving ...

Fang Chong thought that in the end, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, Fang Chong contacted Maya.

With the function of the "Mayan system", it is not difficult to confirm that this "nine-eyes Zack" is dead ...

"'Nine Eyes Zac' has been injured, but there is another 'breath of life' in it, and it is a powerful 'breath of life' ..." "Fang Chong's words just fell, and the words of" Maya " Echoed in Fang Chong's mind.

"Another 'breath of life', and the breath is still very strong?" Fang Chong's expression immediately became exciting after hearing the words of 'Maya'.

"Is it a nine-eyed Zack's child?" Fang Chong tried for a long time, thinking of the one he thought was the most likely.

After all, the place that will move is in the belly of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’, and it ’s not too much to say that it ’s a child of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’… ..

"No, no, 'breath of life' is more sufficient than 'nine eyes zack' ..." Maya quickly denied Fang Chong's naive idea. "It's a more powerful 'living organism' than the 'nine-eyes Zach', not the Zach family ..." Maya continued.

"Is it the 'mutated creature' of the earth?" Fang Chong knew that Maya could not deceive, and Maya reminded him that Fang Chong soon thought about the mutant creature.

It is not without the existence of mutant creatures on the earth that are more powerful than ‘Nine Eyes Zack’, Fang Chong is not surprised.

And think about it, I think the possibility is even greater, because here is the paradise of ‘mutated creatures’ in the wild ...

But thinking about this, although it sounds very reasonable, but looking back, the unreasonable place has appeared again. If other mutated creatures, how could it appear in the belly of Jiuyan Zach?

Yes! ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ eats ~ www.readwn.com ~ This question Fang Chongyou considered, how can it still move if it is eaten?

Fang Chong thought about it and thought that the biggest possibility should be an egg, an egg that was swallowed randomly by ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ ...

No bitten eggs ...

Now it will move. The biggest possibility is that in the belly of "Nine Eyes Zack", this unknown creature was born ...


"It's better that we break the belly of 'Nine Eyes Zac' and see what's in it, right?" Seeing Fang Chong's motionless, surprised expression, Huang Qianchuan took it from Fang Chong's hands. Knife.

"It's okay to break, but there is an unknown" little life body "under the belly of 'Nine Eyes Zack', which will not hurt people, but I don't know what name ..." Fang Chong agreed with Huang Qianchuan proposal........


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