After seeing that person stop, Song Ming and Ling Ya slowly walked out of the outer circle of the team.

Xiao Lan has clearly seen through the telescope that there are no long-range weapons in his hands, including his body, similar to these 'hot guns' ...

Without these 'weapons' threats, Song Ming and Ling Ya need not worry too much.

Even if the person is a "super evolutionary", his strength is like Huang Qianchuan, but Song Ming and Ling Ya's combined strength is definitely not weak. They believe that with their current strength, they will join forces, except Fang Chong Others want to win them, only one, difficult ...

Song Ming's footsteps are not as fast as Qin Lan's, but with each step, the feeling for others undoubtedly is that the tension in the atmosphere has increased again ...

No sound, no speech, Song Ming and Ling Ya stopped at a distance of about ten meters in front of the person coming ...

Surprisingly, Song Ming and Ling Ya expected that standing in front of them was a young man who was not more than twenty-five years old.

However, judging from his expression, Ling Ya knew that such a person's character definitely belonged to arrogance.

Ling Ya and Song Ming are looking at him. His eyes are sharp, and they are also looking at both of them.

In that stern look, Ling Ya, apart from seeing a pair of alerts, did not see the intention of killing ...

Not killing? This discovery also made Ling Ya feel a lot more relaxed. From this person's sharp eyes, Ling Ya knew that this young man was definitely not simple, and he had experienced a lot of killings ...

The vaguely revealing murderous spirit makes people have a creepy illusion ...

If Ling Ya is not as weak as Song Ming, I am afraid they will also feel an invisible pressure ...

After the scene was silent for a few minutes, Ling Ya spoke first.

"Who are you? Why are you alone in such a place?" Ling Ya's expression eased a lot after she didn't feel the threatening killing of the other party.

"Who are you?" After hearing Lingya's question, the young man's expression showed no ripples, and he looked at Lingya and Song Ming indifferently ...

"We are a team from the base city of Kyoto ..." Ling Ya was a little surprised, she did not expect the young man to speak in the same indifference as the whole man, and his voice was cold ...

However, Ling Ya thought of so many of them, he was only one person, and suddenly relieved.

They will alert him, will he be vigilant?

Thinking of this, Ling Ya introduced herself.

"My name is Ling Ya, the deputy captain of the team. He is Song Ming, and also the deputy captain ..."

"The" Fleet of Kyoto Base City "?" Hearing Ling Ya's words, the young man's brow frowned, and the words "Kyoto Base City" were repeated in his mouth. At the same time, his eyes focused on the subsequent team of Song Ming and Ling Ya ...

After seeing such a huge convoy, a look of surprise appeared on the face of this indifferent young man ...

As for the large number of people or equipment ...

After all, Fang Chong's equipment of this team can be said to be in the Huaxia region, and it is difficult to find the same powerful team.

In the end, after seeing the strength of Ling Ya and Song Ming, the young man's expression of surprise can be said to have reached the peak ...


After seeing the young man's so surprised expression, Ling Ya's heart had completely calmed down.

From the performance of young people, it is not difficult to see that he still knows little about eschatology. Otherwise, he would not be surprised that the number of their ‘team’ includes their strengths ....

"Yes, it's 'Kyoto Base City' ..." Ling Ya nodded and replied, but having said that, Qin Lan became more interested in this young man, and met such a person in such a place. The trip behind them was very helpful ... "You are from that base city ..." ...,

"Me?" The young man's expression froze when he heard Qin Lan's words.

Seeing this young man's expression, Qin Lan did not understand the situation.

The indifferent young man has such a side.

"I don't know what is 'Base City' or from 'Base City' ..." After a while, the indifferent young man's expression returned to indifference and his tone was still cold, but Lingya was still able to Hear the changes, although still cold, but much better than before ...

"Are there other human survivors around here?" Ling Ya asked.

He couldn't speak clearly, but Ling Ya still guessed something.

"Yes, about two hundred kilometers from here, there is a human survival stronghold ..." He nodded when Ling Ya asked. "If you do n’t advise it then do n’t go there, the people there are no longer‘ human nature ’…”

"Without 'humanity'?" Ling Ya's face became weird when she heard the young man's words.

Judging from the changes in the frowning of young people, it is not difficult for Ling Ya to think that those people in his mouth have no human meaning.

The environment of the last days is still dark. Ling Ya is very clear. There is no legal restriction. At the same time, he has to face the choice of life. The degradation of human nature is inevitable ...

Ling Ya, they are lucky. They found the base city in the early days of the last days, and it is an absolutely large base city ...

In such a place, the degree of 'human degradation' will be suppressed to a minimum.

Except women are easily harassed or some ‘sex. Invasion 'is similar to the lack of food, and there is no other way of seeing people kill each other.

But now, from the tone of the young man, Ling Ya heard that at the stronghold he said, shouldn't this be strange? Quite a few words

Thinking of this, Ling Ya even has an urge to vomit ...


"Come out, you should be able to try to contact Muge them ..." After walking out of the dense woods, Fang Chong looked around a few times and found nothing else, and said to Huang Qianchuan ...

The weather in this meeting is no longer known, and it is basically impossible to get to this place immediately and rush to the next city.

And there is a 'spaceship' here ...

With this in mind, Fang Chong had plans ...

Before, there was the existence of the "Nine-Eyed Zack", and the "Mutant Creature" should not appear in a short time.

And there is no 'zombie' in the wild. In this way, the safety of this place is not a problem ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong planned to let Huang Qianchuan contact Muge and let them hit all the team members ...

"There is a signal, there is no problem in communication ..." Huang Qianchuan picked up the walkie-talkie and tried to call the animal husbandry ...

"Brother Qianchuan? So okay? A lot of words." As soon as the call was connected, the voice of the animal husbandry came from the other side of the walkie-talkie.

"It's okay, Zak was killed by us ..." Huang Qianchuan said. "Are you all right there? A lot of words"

"No big deal, only a small accident ..." Muge replied. "Otherwise, I would have seen you through the satellite system ..."

"Little accident? What do you mean?" He heard the word from the intercom. Fang Chong and Qin Lan's expressions became serious. Muge's words also solved the doubts in Fang Chong's mind ...

No wonder they didn't see them, they were okay when they heard ...

"A man appeared on the road, a lone walker ..." Muge knew what Fang Chong was worried about, and explained quickly.

"A lone walker?" Not only did Fang Chong's expression look dull when he heard this sentence, even Huang Qianchuan felt very strange….,

"Well, in the early years, a young man who was very young actually walked wild in the wild ..." Muge introduced it probably.

"Will there be any concealment?" Fang Chong heard this, took the walkie-talkie from Huang Qianchuan's hands, and talked to the muges himself.

"That is to worry about it. In addition to Xiao Lan's observation of the surroundings through a telescope, I also observe the surroundings through a satellite system ..." Muge said of their preparation.

"Is that all right now? A lot of words." Fang Chong heard this, but was a little worried about the situation over their team.

It is necessary that they use the satellite system, and the situation is not easy.

In addition to the special terrain, this person's strength is not simple.


"It's okay, it shouldn't be the enemy ..." Just now her eyes never left the screen of the laptop. Ling Ya and Song Ming's conversation with the young man was in her eyes.

However, a few minutes have passed now, no conflict has erupted, and the enemy should not be counted ...

"Okay, it's best to stop here, let me know if the situation changes, and we'll rush back ..." Fang Chong was also curious about the identity of such a person, and said a few more words to Muge, then put down the walkie-talkie ...

"Let's go back first, the situation changes a bit, let's talk about it ..." Although it is known that there are absolutely no problems for thousands of people to deal with one person ~ ~ But Fang Chong still wants to be safe.

If you have the courage to walk alone in the last days, there will be no absolute strength ...

"Good ..." Huang Qianchuan and Muge naturally had no opinion.

The footsteps of the three people could not help speeding up a little ...

A few minutes passed, and the three of them returned to the road.

Seeing that Fang Chong and the three of them were all right, Muge ran over and hugged Fang Chong fiercely ...

"Let's go and see what's going on with Ling Ya, and talk about the others later ..." After giving Muge a big hug, Fang Chong said to Muge that there are other situations to deal with ...

"Okay, let's go together ..." It's okay to see Fang Chong, and Muge ignores the satellite system ...

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