I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 291: Camp in place

Chapter 291 Camping in Place

ps is almost over, the speed will be accelerated later, Hanyue strives to write more exciting ...

To be honest, it took a long time to break before. Many things have been broken. It may seem to conflict with the previous one, but it can't be avoided ...

Hanyue can only forgive everyone ...

This book has come to such a point that it's all me ...

Thank you for more than a hundred brothers and sisters who are still subscribing, although not many, as long as you watch, I will finish this ...

Find some recommended tickets ...


"Where is the human 'survival base'?" Ling Ya asked in a deep voice after her face changed for a long time. M

Listening to the prospects described by the young people, Ling Ya was listening to Fang Chong's taste.

At this time, she understood why this person left alone, and in such an environment, it is not possible for people to live ...

Strong men are okay, or women with certain abilities are okay, but those women who have no power over chickens can't escape their miserable fate ...

Ling Ya, from this person's mouth, in addition to seeing these heinous situations, also knows the approximate situation of the `` surviving stronghold '' where they are ...

Weapons are backward, Fang Chongshao, who knows the last days, is even more unaware of the existence of such a thing as flesh.

All in all, except for a few people who have gained some evolutionary strength, everyone else has thermal weapons, things like guns ...

With a population of about 10,000, the living environment is so bad that it cannot be worse. The imaginable 'human fall' can be seen there.

"In a small town not far from 'Nanji City' ..." The young man thought for a moment after seeing Ling Ya's expression of excitement. "Because it is not far from 'Nanji City', 'survivors' of 'bases' have supplies ..."

"Nanji City?" Lingya is no stranger to this city, and it is also one of the necessary roads to their destination.

Ling Ya thought of this, she was secretly determined to manage, even if she couldn't manage, she would not let those who are inhumane survive.

"Are you interested in going back with us?" Thinking of this, Ling Ya's eyes regained calmness, and she looked indifferently at the young man not far from him.

Although this young man is indifferent, Ling Ya can be sure that this man is a good man and that his strength will not be weak ...

From the conversation, it is not difficult for Ling Ya to discover that this man has passed through life and death. As for his strength, he should be an ‘evolver’… ..

However, thinking that the situation of the ‘base’ is so backward, Ling Ya did n’t say much on this topic. He asked a lot, and he may not answer it ...

"Go back? Are you ready?" After hearing what Ling Ya said, a look of incredible expression appeared on the young man's face.

"Yes, there is no humanity in such a place, there is no meaning at all ..." Song Ming nodded, indicating that the young man guessed well.

"Okay, I'll go back with you ..." Seeing Song Ming's unquestionable look on Ling Ya's face, the young man paused and nodded.

"What's your name?" Ling Ya smiled when she saw the young man nodded.

He came over this way, it was dangerous, but it should not be much. In addition, Ling Ya is also prepared to learn more about the situation of passing people.

"Relentless ..."

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Ling Ya, Song Ming, how?" After the young man's voice fell, Fang Chong, Qin Lan, and Muge who came from behind all arrived.

Seeing that Ling Ya was okay, Fang Chong's worry also dropped.

"It's okay, how about you?" Hearing Fang Chong's voice behind him, Ling Ya's expression suddenly enriched, Fang Chong's appearance made him relieved.

"It's okay, 'Zak' has been killed ..." Fang Chong nodded, but at this time, his sight was attracted by the young man behind Ling Ya and Song Ming ...

"This person is really not simple ..." Fang Chong gave his own evaluation ...

Although he didn't fight, the breath revealed from that person still made Fang Chong feel a little unusual.

The kind of arrogance and indifference that is revealed requires a certain degree of self-confidence. Otherwise, any arrogance and self-confidence are all clouds before the crisis ...

Knowing this, Fang Chong's expression was more serious ...

"His name is Leng Wurui, and he is a 'solitary walker' ..." Ling Ya said when Fang Chong focused her eyes behind her.

"The Lonely?" Fang Chong understood the meaning of Ling Ya's remarks. He was not surprised by this introduction, but the name Leng Wurui was still a little weird ...

"From a 'survivor stronghold' near Nanji ..." Ling Ya told his origins in front of Leng mercilessly.

"Nanji City? Isn't this a stop we must pass?" Fang Chong was obviously surprised when he heard the "survivor stronghold", but when he looked back, he was relieved. Huaxia is so big, definitely Not only are there surviving humans in the 'five major base cities', there must be many 'survivor bases' like this in other places.

"My name is Fang Chong, I am very happy to meet in such an environment ..." After understanding this cold and ruthless origin, coupled with not feeling the danger from the other side, Fang Chong did not mind knowing one more person ...

It's the end of the world. If there is one more person, their power will be one point stronger ...

And now Fang Chong also has some confidence in his own strength. Although the breath revealed by Lengrui is strong, it will not exceed Huang Qianchuan, let alone him ...

"Cold and ruthless ..." Seeing Fang Chong reaching out his hand, cold and ruthless extended his hand, but he didn't say much, just said his own name.

"If you don't have a place to go, how about staying in our 'hunting group' for a while?" Seeing his coldness and indifference, Fang Chong didn't mind. Personality issues can't be changed.

"Fang Chong, ruthless, he will follow us back to the 'survivor stronghold' in Nanji ..." Seeing Fang Chong asking this question, Ling Ya, who already has a certain understanding of Leng ruthless character, took her from the cold ruthless air before The other party Chong told Qin Lan and their team to explain ...

"These situations are true?" Fang Chong's face became abnormally bad after listening to Ling Ya.

"That's right ~ www.readwn.com ~ The fall of human nature ..." Leng Wurui wondered why there was a strange feeling in Fang Chong when they saw such a big change in their faces.

He stayed in the Nanji survivor base for a short time, and his indifferent heart became colder after seeing so many scenes of human degeneration.

Originally he thought he was ruthless and indifferent, but he did not expect that today, after seeing so many humans who give him different feelings, his mind changed ...

"Damn ..." said Muge fiercely.

In addition to feeling sick, she hated ...

"Don't think about it, it won't be long ..." Fang Chongshen took a deep breath and shook his head gently.

"Set up camp tonight, the whole group is on alert ..." Fang Chong ordered the hundreds of people who had the most strength after ordering ...

........................................ .

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