I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 305: Popular idea

Chapter 305 Popular Ideas


Leng mercilessly understood Fang Chong's words clearly. When he was still wondering what myogenic meat was, he saw that almost half of the members who were still fighting with zombies stopped. M

"What do you do?" Leng mercilessly saw such a scene, his expression confused.

He still hasn't figured out what is called fleshy meat, and it's not surprising that he should see such moves by these members!

In the expression of cold and ruthless confusion, he saw a group member less than ten meters away, holding a knife, and slowly walking towards a zombie whose head had been cut off.

Raise the knife, cut into the chest position of that zombie accurately, and then make a stroke, a ten-centimeter mouth appears.

What makes Leng Wurui even more surprised is that not only did the member make such a strange behavior, but after making such a cut with a knife, he actually reached into his hand, and the action seemed to be fumbling ...

Seeing this, the cold and ruthless expression suddenly seemed strange, and the feeling really had a kind of unspeakable nausea ...

"Is the flesh from the zombie?" Leng mercilessly suddenly thought of what Fang Chong had just said, which was flesh. From the actions of these members now, it is very likely ...

With this in mind, Leng relentlessly looked up and looked at the situation of other members around ...

What he didn't expect was that the actions of the other members were similar to what he had guessed, all squatting in front of a zombie corpse and doing the same action ...

These pictures undoubtedly made him more convinced of his guess.

Although I don't know what the so-called muscle meat is, but seeing such a disgusting picture from now on, the cold and ruthless party admired them and added another caution ...

In his opinion, this behavior is a bit abnormal ...


"It's weird?" Of course, Fang Chong saw Leng Ru mercilessly changing, and then asked with interest.

Fang Chong wanted to popularize the knowledge of muscle flesh. From the previous cold and ruthless description, Fang Chong already knew what the survivor base was in his mouth ...

Without popularizing the knowledge of myogenic meat, I am afraid that there are many places. Other than the evolutionaries, others should stay at the level of ordinary people.

Even if it improves, I'm afraid it won't get there ....

After knowing this, Fang Chong became more certain to popularize these materials about his strength in the last days ...

Muscle meat is undoubtedly the best way, and the source is convenient.

It can be said that Fang Chong's extermination of these zombies is still very much a matter of preparation.

Fang Chong he wanted to smoothly solve the trouble of the survivor base in the cold and merciless air, and it was the most important point to make the humans inside strong.

Today, these muscles they beat down, Fang Chong believes that the situation can be greatly improved ...

"It's not just weird, it's disgusting. Before the zombies were alone, it was enough to cut off their heads, but also to open them up ..." The cold and ruthless character was straight, Fang Chong's words fell He said politely, his face was still full of atmosphere.

"You should have wondered just now? Why is the strength of our entire team so strong?" Fang Chong only smiled a little at the cold and ruthless atmosphere, and his voice remained unchanged.

"Yes, I am weird, but under the action of the end-time virus, it is not impossible for all to be evolutionaries. As you said before, the base city of Kyoto has such a large population base that thousands of evolutionaries should be It's not difficult ... "Although Leng Wurui was a little confused about Fang Chong's question, he still expressed his guess after a pause ...

"I said it was related to what they are doing now, do you believe it?" Fang Chong's voice was still very bland, although Lengrui said a bit far-fetched.

"Related to the zombies?" Seeing Fang Chong pointing his finger at the zombies, the look on the cold and ruthless face was even more confused ...


"Is there the muscle that you just had in the body of the zombies?" After seeing Fang Chong nodded, Leng relentlessly understood, he was right, the muscle was from the body of the zombies.

"Yes, the flesh comes from the body of a zombie or mutant creature ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"You may feel disgusted, perverted ...." Although Fang Chong had a harder look when he saw the cold and ruthless expression, he didn't mean to stop, and went on. "But to become stronger, the most direct way to muscle is meat, and there are no requirements ..."

"But this pervert is not acceptable to ordinary people ..." Leng relentlessly looked at Fang Chong's such plain description, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire ...

"Not ordinary people can accept it?" Fang Chong laughed when he heard Leng Wurui's words. "Your evolver is not weak and has not faced the choice between life and death. If I choose between life and death, no one will choose death and refuse to eat such a thing that can make himself strong. ... "

"I don't think your thoughts can represent the thoughts of everyone, right?" Fang Chong's words were very straightforward. Leng Wurui's dead-headed mind made Fang Chong very speechless. At the same time, Fang Chong didn't give Leng ruthless ...

"I ..." Of course Leng Wuqing can hear the direct ironic meaning in Fang Chong's words, but Fang Chong's sentences are justified and he cannot refute ...

"Now is the end time, you should understand that people can fall into cannibalism and eat a piece of muscle meat from zombies like this

Are you sick? Are you sick? Fang Chong said with a smile on his face, with a serious expression.

"I ....." Leng mercilessly clenched his fists, and the feeling was tangled even though ...

"I understand….."


"Jiuge, they, they ..." Upstairs in the dwellings, Da Hu's voice was silent in the room for a while and then re-rang.

"What are they finished with?" Jiu Ji threw away the cigarette butts, and continued after Da Hu's words ...

"No, they, they ..." Da Hu's expression on his face was a little vague ...

"What's wrong with them?" Seeing Da Hu's incoherent look, Jiu Ge stood up and walked back to the window.

Ready to see how exactly such a terrible scene has made Dahu such a man who struggled to survive in the last days for months so incoherent ...

"They're here ..." After a big sigh of relief, Tiger finally took it easy ...

"They ..." Jiu Geren approached the window, but when he heard the words of Da Hu, he was about to say whether he was frightened or not. He didn't say this before he stopped ....

"Zombies are chased after?" Jiu Ge, who was standing at the window, just saw that a group of more than a dozen zombies were chased by a group of people behind him.

The dense zombies they had seen before were gone at this time ...

With such a bizarre change, Jiujin rubbed his eyes, for fear that what he saw was an illusion.

But when he was completely sure that this was true, his expression was shocked besides shocking ...

…………………………………………………… ..

"Who are you?" After beheading the last few zombies who were about to escape, Song Ming, who walked in the forefront, of course, also found human existence in this dilapidated residential building.

After taking out the muscle meat from the zombies, Song Ming stepped forward ...

"We are from the nearby survivor stronghold ..." After hearing Song Ming's question, the man known as Jiu Ge stepped forward to answer.

Although Song Ming's fighting effectiveness made them feel very shocked, but they are used to seeing life and death, his expression is very calm ...

"Oh, we are from a hunting group ..." Song Ming probably looked at these people a few times, and the first feeling these people gave him was weak, too weak ...

Although they have several people, if they want to fight, they will come out one by the way, and they will win ...

"Are you from outside?" Hearing the hunting group, Jiu Ji's expression came alive, and he felt very happy.

"Yes, we are from Kyoto ..." Song Ming nodded, and it was strange that the man's attitude changed. But then he remembered what he said coldly yesterday ...

I understand ...

"If you want to leave, you can go with us ..." Song Ming knew he had to hurry, but he couldn't talk to these survivors here ...

"Leaving, we followed leaving ....." I heard Song Ming was willing to take them. Except Jiu Ge, several other expressions were excited. In their opinion, there are people with strong strength on their side. I do n’t have to explain here ...

After getting the affirmation from Song Ming ~ www.readwn.com ~, all came down from the residents ...

"Take away the muscle meat, don't waste it ..." They followed Song Ming and they left. Several survivors who had been hiding in the residential building looked curiously about the surrounding situation ...

They could see the side-by-side slaughter just now, but after really seeing the bodies of the zombies, they really did not know what words to use to describe it ...

Zombie stumps and broken arms were everywhere, black blood flowed all over the ground ...

Seeing this, they believe more in the extraordinaryness of these people, Song Ming ...


Along the way, Song Ming and his team of genetic soldiers killed a lot of zombies.

Of course, they also knew the role of muscle meat, so they collected it as they walked ...

........................................ .....

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