I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 306: Nanji City Base

Chapter 306 Nanji City Base


In the eyes of several survivors, Song Ming and his team gathered the muscles of the zombies on the ground at a fast speed. m

"Jiu Brother, what are they doing?" Looking at the gene soldiers breaking the chest of the zombie with a knife, Da Hu held a gun in his hand, looked around, and asked Jiuji beside him curiously.

As for the nine brother, he was silent, and he had the same doubts in his heart.

Song Ming and theirs, this action is undoubtedly strange, and it makes them feel sick.

In particular, Song Ming and others put their hands into their chests to dig, which made them feel nauseous ...

As for the fleshy flesh, they are even more speechless.

They don't know if they have encountered a pervert ...

"Don't say more, I don't know ..." Jiu Ge looked back and saw that the younger brothers around him were just as curious as Da Hu, he reminded.

He didn't dare to care about Song Ming until they knew who they were ...

It would be too frustrating to have been killed by the same humans without dying in the hands of the zombies ...

Although for the time being it seems that Song Ming and these people are not like those cruel people, but the words that people should not look like them are still clear ...

"Hmm ..." I heard Jiu's reminder, and then saw Jiu's solemn expression. Others, including Dahu, closed their mouths tightly. They all knew what Jiu was worried about ...

"Everyone keeps up with their footsteps ..." Song Ming and others are very fast. Although they have not squatted down to take out the meat, but that speed is still beyond the reach of the next nine brothers ...

Worried that there are zombies or mutants around, Jiu Ge had to urge him ...

In the continuous acceleration, the few of them finally followed Song Ming and their team to leave this residential area ...

…………………………………………………………………… ..

"No casualties?" On the side of the convoy, most of the team members have returned, and the zombies that can be seen around them are gone. As for the mutant creatures surrounding them earlier, they are so brave when they see Fang Chong them. Later, the soles of the feet have been greased for a long time ...

The speed of mutation is comparable to that of zombies. Mutant creatures really have to run away. It is still difficult for them to catch up ...

Those with a power level lower than level 50 are powerful over mutant creatures, but their speed is somewhat inferior.

Of course, almost eight hundred members of the team can now surpass these ordinary mutant creatures in terms of speed, but today, they are responsible for supporting other team members.

If you want to protect these members from loss, you need to give up something ...

Of course, this situation also gives Fang Chong some headaches. The ingenuity of mutant creatures is a big problem ...

"No, most of the members have already returned ..." Ling Ya replied. As for Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan, they were busy gathering the muscles.

One of the white film bags is one hundred ...

"Where are they from Song Ming?" Fang Chong found some people who did not see Song Ming Xiaojun, but he was a little surprised ...

Song Ming is usually doing the collection of myalized meat, which will actually disappear ...

"They were chasing towards that residential area just now, and they should be back soon ..." Hearing Fang Chong's question, he used his notebook to observe the surrounding situation and said the idyll. When Song Ming chased out, she saw ...

"No problem ..." Fang Chong nodded after hearing, he thought that there would be nothing, after all, Song Ming's strength was there ...

"You see them coming back ..." Fang Chong's words just came down, Muge pointed to the front.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong looked up, but he could see a group of people coming out of the residential building in the distance. As for Song Ming, it was difficult to say ...


"Well, there seems to be other people besides them?" Song Ming was very fast. Don't wait a minute, Fang Chong and they can see the person clearly.

But the sharp-eyed idyll still found that Song Ming and their group were different ...

"Is it a survivor?" Fang Chong did not dare to determine right away. Now that there are so many people in this team, Fang Chong cannot remember everyone.

"Looking at those behind, obviously ordinary people ..." Muge pointed to Song Ming, behind them, who were about ten meters behind ...

"This is also ..." Fang Chong listened to Muge's words and found out.

The performance of those people was obvious. They just betrayed them and betrayed them. As the distance got closer and closer, Fang Chong obviously could see them panting ...

"Fang Chong ..." Song Ming quickly came to Fang Chong's side, and after seeing everyone else had assembled, he asked a little strangely. "Did we be sent ..."

"Nothing happened?" Fang Chong nodded and asked. Although no high-level zombies or Zak people were found, Fang Chong still felt careful ...

"No, it's calm everywhere ..." Song Ming paused, remembering that he had just chased everything he had seen in the past, and found nothing unusual.

Even if the zombies ran away, the route was vague, unlike high-level zombies who were directing ...

"Well, that's good. Just get ready to leave. It's still a long way from where we are going to go. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be any accidents ..." Fang Chong believes in Song Ming. All these brothers who share the same sadness can For life ...

"By the way, we found a few of them just now. They should be the survivors of the survivor base around them ..." Song Ming pointed to the people behind him ...

"Is it really a survivor?" Fang Chong ignored this.

"Um ..." Song Ming nodded and called the head of several survivors, Jiu Ge ...


After leaving the residential area just now, Jiu Ge was shocked by Fang Chong's convoy, so many vehicles, and they could see a certain number of heavy vehicles such as armored vehicles, tanks, etc. In addition to being surprised, they No other words can be found to describe ...

Re-associating with the strength shown by the Song Ming group before them, they found that they muttered Fang Chong's strength far.

Thousands of people do not know the strength of the strong, but also have a well-equipped team, such strength, I am afraid that in the last days can really go sideways ...

And as they approached the road, the shock of several of them became deeper and deeper.

The zombies on the ground, although they did n’t count them in detail, but the degree of distribution, I am afraid that there are 10,000 or 20,000 heads that cannot be placed ...

And the situation around this place, they still know something ...

"No, Jiu Ji, come here, we want to know the surroundings ..." Song Ming woke him up before Jiu Ji hadn't returned ...

"Just call me Ajiu. My last name is Liu, and the single name is a nine character ..." Jiu Ge, who has been completely shaken, will hear Song Ming's name, how dare to be, and wave his hands again and again.

"Okay, come with me ..." Song Ming understood what that meant from Jiu Ge's eyes, and didn't say much, nodded, and let Jiu Ge follow him ...

"Fang Chong, his name is Liu Jiu, it should be the head of their team ..." Song Ming answered Fang Chong's side, and introduced it without hiding Liu Jiu.

"Oh, Liu Jiu, you should be the survivor of the survivor base around Nanji, right?" Although Fang Chong has a cold and ruthless way, but with the cold and ruthless character, he wants to know about the situation, and he is afraid of more Also limited ...

"Yes, we are the survivors of the Nanji Survivor Base ..." Liu Jiu looked at Fang Chong with a bit of surprise. He never thought that the head of such a huge team was actually a grade higher than him. A lot of young people ...

It's not surprising that such a discovery ...

"Can you tell me about the situation of the Nanji Survivor Base now?" Fang Chong understood from Liu Jiu's affirmative tone that he was telling the truth ...

After looking at Liu Jiu slightly, Fang Chong said.

Liu Jiu's strength is still too weak ...

Compared to the base city of Kyoto, weak is more than one or two levels ...

After knowing the existence of this thing, even ordinary residents, it is not a problem to deal with a dead animal ...

But now Liu Jiu and these people seem really weak to know how to say.

Don't say corpse beasts or anything, I'm afraid that a green corpse can cause them a lot of trouble., ...


"of course can…."

After Fang Chong said, Liu Jiulian nodded again and again. Although Fang Chong asked about these situations, there must be some plans, but now that Nanji is a survivor's stronghold, it is easier than Fang Chong's to break them ...

Thinking of the lack of humanity in the survivor's stronghold, including the degraded environment, Liu Jiu had a desire to break through the stronghold and then all die ...

But this situation has continued to the present and has not changed much ...

After hearing Fang Chong's inquiry, he said it in detail ...

In addition to the living environment, even the overall defense of the base, including the combat effectiveness of the base, are explained in detail by Fang Chong. The most important thing is the information of several power holders in the base ...

This information is more detailed than cold relentlessness, and the level of darkness is darker than cold relentlessness ...

That kind of degradation, I heard the idyll blushing and a little bit red, more angry ...

........................................ ..

"All those scum **** ......" Muge sighed in annoyance.

Such an angry idyll scared people who didn't know anything about it, and even shocked the idyll who was calculating the amount of muscle flesh.

"What's wrong?" Qin Lan asked for the first time, meanwhile, he looked at Fang Chong with a meaningful look ...

"Liu Jiu just introduced us the words of the survivor base of Nanji City, but some of them sound very angry ..." Fang Chong had to explain. otherwise. Afraid of Qin Lan, they all accidentally bullied the idyll ...

Then, Fang Chong said what Liu Jiu had said in detail ...

"That pastoral song is right, those scum really deserves to die ..." After listening to Fang Chong, Qin Lan's face was equally ugly.

"When I arrived, I knew ..." Fang Chong didn't give any other opinions. Qin Lan and Muge were angry. He understood that he was also very angry, but in front of the survival options, these things were difficult to say.

What's more, the world now has no legal restrictions, and human nature has fallen. Fang Chong believes that this is just the beginning ...

"You guys are the survivors of the stronghold?" At this time came coldly, obviously, he was also attracted by the angry voice of the pastoral ...

"Cold and ruthless ..." Hearing the cold and ruthless voice, Liu Jiu turned his head in surprise. When he really saw the cold and ruthless, his expression was completely dull…

"Yes, the survivors of our strongholds ..." The cold and ruthlessness had a high status in the strongholds. Of course, these originated from his strength, but the cold and ruthless ones are the most alternative in the strongholds, although they are cold to others , But when he goes out for adventure, he will never see death ...

Cold mercilessness is the strength, even if it is the base of several powers, dare not to underestimate him ...

But recently, the cold and merciless disappeared for almost a week ...

The reason circulating in the stronghold was the cold and merciless death ...

This reason is also the reason why Liu Jiu was shocked after seeing Leng Ruili here ...

"It seems that you are very popular in the stronghold ..." From Liu Jiu's expression, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to discover something.

Liu Jiu saw the cold and ruthless expression, from the initial surprise to the final surprise. These conditions undoubtedly show that the cold ruthless position in the Nanji survivor stronghold is very high, and that kind of respectful ...

This discovery also made Fang Chong assured a lot, no matter what the last cold and ruthless choice was, at least it would not threaten the safety of their team ...

"I just helped some of them ..." Leng Wurui still said coolly, but in such a simple sentence, Fang Chong and those who have seen countless dangerous people, can understand how dangerous that kind of danger is ...

"It seems that you are a wise choice to come back with us. If possible, you can be their head ..." Fang Chongcong Lengrui can further confirm the position of Lengrui in Nanji's Chinese survivor base ... .

In this way, what they want to achieve is easier ...


Hearing Fang Chong's words, Leng merciless didn't answer, but with a dignified expression, obviously he was considering the meaning of Fang Chong's words ...

"Are you all getting on the bus? Our destination is just your survivor's stronghold ..." Seeing Leng ruthlessly thinking, Fang Chong was not in a hurry to let Leng ruthlessly answer. The survivor stronghold in Nanji City was just one of them passing Station, if it can be solved, it will be solved, if it cannot be solved, Fang Chong will be ready to kill those heads ...

At least make the rules of the survivor's stronghold ...

"Oh ..." Liu Jiu and their group, who have been afraid to shake the road for months, are very excited at this moment ...

"Depart ..." After everything was collected, Fang Chong ordered ...

The team moved slowly ...


The team is very long and the road is in constant condition. The speed of the team cannot be raised.

However, Fang Chong, who is very confident in his team, is not so nervous ...

The presence of so many zombies and mutants here undoubtedly gave Fang Chong a reassurance.

Where there are Zak people, it is impossible for such earth creatures to exist.

The previous encounters in the mountains and forests undoubtedly make this very clear.

"Out of the scope of this small town, the next small town is just ..." After a walk and stop for more than an hour, the sound of cold and ruthlessness sounded from Fang Chong's walkie-talkie ...

"Oh ..." Fang Chong didn't expect Leng Ru merciless to say this.

Of course, such a change seems to Fang Chong, and it may also be related to the sentence that Fang Chong just said ...

From now until now, there have been many battles. Of course, in addition to hindering the speed of the convoy, those zombies and mutants are giving them fleshed meat and reward points for Fang Chong.

Although most of the zombies are rewarded one by one, they win a lot ...

This afternoon alone, Fang Chong had almost 20,000 or 30,000 reward points close to his account. Such a harvest is no different from giving away.

And the huge amount of muscle meat also solved Fang Chong's big trouble for the next period ...

Hundreds of bags of muscle meat, fortunately as the level of Fang Chong increased, the volume of storage space also changed, otherwise, it would not be able to hold it now ....

"It shouldn't be a problem to arrive before dark ..." Huang Qianchuan's voice, which was already a bit boring, also came out on the intercom.

Leng Wurui just turned on the radio listening mode of the walkie-talkie. Not only Chong heard it, most of the core members of the team knew ...

"Yes, although there is no real danger, everyone should be vigilant and don't capsize in the gutter ..." Fang Chong added.

From the fighting just now to the present, there was no real danger. Fang Chong had to speak out to remind him that the last days are careless ...

"Roger that…."


After more than an hour ~ www.readwn.com ~ the team finally came to a bridge ...

Before they learned from the cold and ruthless mouth, after surpassing this bridge, they are the survivor base of Nanji City ...

A survivor stronghold with thousands of survivors ...

Looking at the surrounding environment, Fang Chong understood why the survivor base chose to be in this town. With this big river as a natural barrier, even if it encounters the mad attack of zombies, as long as it is at the bridgehead, there is no problem ...

Seeing this, Fang Chong had a new understanding of the stronghold ...

It's not just that they seem to think so simple.


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