I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 307: Enter stronghold

Chapter 307 Entering the Stronghold

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"Song Ming, Ling Ya, Muge you take the convoy to the left residential quarters to camp, and Qin Lan Huang Qianchuan Leng relentlessly went to the stronghold with me ..." The convoy stopped at the opposite side of the bridge. M

After Fang Chong got out of the car, after some observation, he decided to say ...

"Just a few of you?" Hearing Fang Chong's words, Muge beaked his mouth.

Although I understand why Fang Chong made such a decision, the person who went there did not have her in it, and of course he did not comply ...

"We're not going to lay this stronghold, not just a crowd of people ..." Fang Chong would not know where Xiaoge Jiu was in his heart.

"But ..." When Muge saw Fang Chong laughed, he knew that his tricks had been seen through by Fang Chong and what he wanted to say.

Ling Ya said: "The team is the most important thing, the energy reconnaissance aircraft is now in your hands ..."

"That's okay ..." Muge also understood that now that they are in the town, if they are not careful, they will probably be gone forever ...

"Pay attention to safety ..." After Ling Ya's counterpart Chong said something, he began to direct the convoy to a surrounding residential area ...

There are hundreds of "gene warriors" including "evolutionists" to help the guards, plus the strength of this team is not weak, Fang Chong did not worry much ...

After watching the team disappear, Fang Chong looked at Huang Qianchuan beside him, cold and ruthless, and Qin Lan, nodded and walked towards the bridge ...

"You are just such a little person, afraid that the 'base' will not be able to get in ... '" A few of them followed Liu Jiu. After seeing the large troops leaving, only four people went to the' base '. Liu Jiu was nervous ...

Fang Chong's purpose of going to the stronghold, when Liu Ji came all the way, Liu Jiu still knew more or less.

This way, there is no guarantee that conflict will not occur ...

Except for the small number, besides the cold and ruthless powerful Liu Jiu, Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan did not know the strength of Liu Jiu, let alone a woman in depression ...

If you go to the stronghold with such a strength, you shouldn't find death or something?

Moreover, there are still powerful people in the "base". Compared with Leng Ruigong, which is half a catty, Liu Jiu believes that even if Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan have the same strength as Leng Ruoleng, I am afraid that it is more fierce than good ...

"You don't need to worry, we already have plans ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Liu Jiu would actually worry about them, but smiled.

This big old man, Fang Chong's impression is quite good ...

"Apart from their large population, they also have a lot of guns ..." The big tiger, who looks somewhat kind, also said. In his opinion, thousands of rifles in the 'base' are enough to destroy Fang Chong and their group. Many times.

"Firearms are a problem ..." Fang Chong heard the problem of firearms, but his pace slowed down a bit.

For him and Qin Lan, the effects of guns and ammunition are almost zero. It is not that their current level of defense has reached the point where they cannot reach each other, but that they have a `` armor suit '' ...

Zombies, mutant creatures, including ordinary 'Zak's, are not afraid of attacks, where they will be afraid of small bullets ...

With this in mind, Fang Chong looked at Huang Qianchuan beside him, including Leng Ru merciless. They still haven't ...

"At our speed, even if there are more guns, if you want to hit us, it is undoubtedly a foolish talk ..." Huang Qianchuan listened to Fang Chong, with a disdainful expression ...

"Yes, we are not afraid, but there are accidents in everything, we have to make sure everything is safe ..." Fang Chong shook his head.

While talking, he took off his backpack ...


In other puzzles, Fang Chong slowly opened the backpack. The backpack was not large, but it was enough to put down two sets of armor.

"What are they?" Fang Chong took out two sets of "Battle Armor Sets" and put them in front of Huang Qianchuan and Leng Ru merciless. Huang Qianchuan knew this thing. Although the specific role is not very clear, it will definitely be a good thing.

In this team, the more valuable swords in Huang Qianchuan's eyes can be popularized. Will these armor sets that cannot be popularized have low value?

The answer is of course no.

However, when Leng Wurui first arrived, don't say the role of ‘armor suit’, he did n’t even hear the name of ‘armor suit’.

So this will see the ‘Battle Armor Set’ handed over by Fang Chong, in his eyes a piece of clothing! Clothes with special materials ...

With his indifferent character, of course, he is not used to others' treatment.

Last night, if Fang Chong insisted on changing his weapon, it would be impossible for him to take the initiative to change his original character ...

"What you have is the" Black Warframe suit "" Enhanced version ", um, to put it simply, a piece of clothing that can be" defensive "to attack ..." Fang Chong did not know how to introduce it, and summarized in a few simple words ...

"Huang Qianchuan's suit of armor is called" Weilong ". Although the name is different, but the defense is similar, it can withstand attacks below 200 levels ..." Fang Chong finished relentlessly, then turned to Huang Qianchuan again Say.

"Two hundred levels?" Huang Qianchuan was certainly overjoyed to hear such a digital expression. The existence of such a suit of armor makes it a great deal of strength ...

However, the number of two hundred levels is cold and ruthless and he doesn't understand. He doesn't know about the classification of zombies and mutant creatures. When Fang Chong finished speaking, he was puzzled ...

"The concept of two hundred levels, that is to say, with your current strength, a full blow will not hurt us ..." Huang Qianchuan shook his head silently, but introduced it to Leng mercilessly. "Your current strength should be around one hundred and fifty ..."

"So powerful?" Hearing Huang Qianchuan's words, he relentlessly set his sights on Fang Chong and Qin Lan, verifying whether what Huang Qianchuan said was true ...

"Yes, Huang Qianchuan didn't lie to you. Anyway, this armor suit is all right ..." Qin Lan nodded.

"Well, then the two of them will wear it. It's not early, and you should be able to learn something when you enter the stronghold early ..." Fang Chong seemed to have something to say when he was cold and ruthless. He waved his hand and greeted Liu Jiu at the same time. several….

………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Liu Jiu, who are they ..." At the entrance of the ‘stronghold’, Fang Chong and his party were stopped by the guard at the ‘stronghold’ door.

The guard of this "base" is just an ordinary person holding a rifle. Such weapons can still have a certain effect on the first- and second-order zombies. Liu Jiu is also an ordinary person, and still has a deterrent effect ...

"Everything I met outside was in the" base "..." Liu Jiu quickly answered, although the other party was only a small guard, but these guards were all those in the "base" who were in power, like in the last days. Under the circumstances, they do not blink, they cannot offend if they want to stay in this 'stronghold' ...

"Pay in the supplies or food, and then go in?" Hearing Liu Jiu's words, did the guard have multiple tubes? After glanced at Fang Chong, he said to Liu Jiu.

Liu Jiu, they are a small team. They know these guards, and it is normal for these small teams to go hunting. It is normal to have a live face with him.

"Okay ..." After hearing this, Liu Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and after the big tiger behind handed in a whole backpack of food, he hurried in ....

Although this ‘stronghold’ does not restrict the entry of strangers, Liu Jiu himself came from other places. At that time, there were a lot of people here ....

But don't say later, now, even a few months ago, no strangers came to see ...

At present, the people in the "base" do not know whether there is a human in other places in the current Huaxia Kingdom ...

This is what Liu Jiu is most worried about. If you let others know that Fang Chong and the three of them are from other places, I am afraid that the riots will already happen ...

"There are quite a lot of materials to be handed in here?" Fang Chong said after entering the stronghold without any unpleasantness.

"It's unusual. We are desperately fighting, and we need to turn in a third of it ..." Dahu said, listening to the tone of his words, he can hear that he is very dissatisfied with the way of turning in ....

"Big tiger, don't talk nonsense at the stronghold ..." From the expression on Liu Jiu's face, it is not difficult to see that he is also dissatisfied, but now when he is in the stronghold, he often asks for trouble by saying such things ...

"Huh ..." Dahu understood what Liu Jiu was worried about, and although he was in a state of condemnation, he didn't say anything ...

"I know these cold young people, we have to survive in this stronghold, we can't say anything at random ..." Liu Jiu saw Dahu not to speak, and turned his head, a smile on his face exhorted them to say.

"It's okay, I just ask casually ..." Fang Chong didn't ask this question after seeing Liu Jiu being so worried.

From Liu Jiu ’s reaction, Fang Chong can see that in this stronghold, there should be a precedent that this topic has been repaired ...

"It's getting late, we might as well go to our resting place for a while ..." Liu Jiu was originally worried that Fang Chong would be unhappy ~ www.readwn.com ~ After hearing Fang Chong's words, he was finally relieved ...

"Yeah, in this stronghold, there are still a lot of disputes at night, especially women ..." Leng Wurui nodded, but looked at Qin Lan and said.

"Well then?" Fang Chong also had no opinion, and before he knew the specific situation of the stronghold, let's not dispute ...

Then, a group of more than ten people walked towards a building in this town ...


"Nine brother, you are back ..." After knocking on the door of the room, several people came out. These people cried when they saw it was Liu Jiu ...

Among these people, there are two girls.

But it looks like the situation is not great, his face is blue, and people are thin ...

"Come back, today's harvest is good, you find something to eat yourself ..." Liu Jiu saw these people, he smiled very happily, and quickly took off his backpack ...

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