I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 308: Save people

Chapter 308 Saving People


Looking at the changes in the expressions on Liu Jiu's face, Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan, and Qin Lan all had strange changes on their faces. Liu Jiu, who came back here, had changed completely just now ....

When Fang Chong did not come to Liu Jiu, the place he imagined should be messy, and then a dozen men lived together like that ...

But he never thought that when he came here, not only the house was not in a mess, but also not just men ...

In addition to these two women who are not so thin, there is actually a child ...

A boy only fourteen or five years old. M

Seeing these situations, Fang Chong was slightly surprised, especially the feeling that this child gave Fang Chong, it should be that he has seen the youngest since the end of the last days ...

"Nine brother, what about monkey brother?" The little boy was holding a packet of biscuits in his hand and biting to eat. When he was finished eating the biscuits, he counted Liu Jiu's number and asked in surprise ...

"The monkey is dead ..." Liu Jiu did not conceal in front of this child. It is no longer known how many times. They had a team of dozens of people. By now, less than half of them are left ...

In front of the threat of food sources, Liu Jiu's face was also very heavy. He didn't know how long they could support ...

Hearing the news of the monkey's death, the inside of the room was instantly quiet.

The little boy didn't speak, but his expression was a little dull. As for the two girls, the corners of the eyes were wet at this time, but they didn't cry ...

"We still have to stay strong ..." Liu Jiu also seemed helpless in the face of this atmosphere. After a while, he stood up straight and said seriously ...

"We understand ..." In response to Liu Jiu's words, it was all except Fang Chong and the four of them ...

Although the voice is not strong, but it is powerful, it is a kind of belief that is unwilling to bow to fate ...

"What's the situation with Daming, here are a few cans of miscellaneous grains and rice porridge. Xiaoyue takes it for him ..." Liu Jiu looked at everyone, nodded, and found out a few cans of food in the tin box from the bag, similar to Food like Babao porridge ...

"Daming's situation is not good, I don't know if I can survive it ..." The girl named Xiaoyue didn't directly reach out to pick up the food. "In the morning, he has lost consciousness ..."

"Are you going to lose another brother?" Liu Jiu closed his eyes in pain.

Daming in his mouth is also their partner, but in a previous battle, he was injured. Although he was not dead, he could not survive ...


"I'll go and see ..." Listening to their conversation, Fang Chong and his party didn't say a word. Fang Chong didn't speak until he heard that someone was going to die.

Looking at the situation in this base in Nanji City, Fang Chong's surprise is still to be seen. ,

It's really hard to survive.

"You ..." Liu Jiu didn't understand Fang Chong's meaning.

"Maybe there is salvation in your mouth ..." Qin Lan looked at their confused expression and pointed to Fang Chong.

"Really?" After hearing Qin Lan's words, the girl named Xiaoyue suddenly looked at Qin Lan, with a look of gratitude ...

"Look at it ..." Fang Chong has a gene repair agent, which is quite popular in the end-time environment, and there are no problems with ordinary injuries or illnesses.

Fang Chong's so-called test is to rely on this gene repair drug. As for the effect, he is not sure ...

"It's important to go and see first ..." Qin Lan knew what Fang Chong was worried about. Out of the channel.

"Yes, yes ..." Liu Jiulian nodded again and again, although he didn't hold much hope in his heart, he still had a chance to try it.

After speaking, he hurriedly led Fang Chong to walk inside ...

The eschatological house is no different from before the eschatology erupted. After entering the bedroom on the side, Fang Chong saw a bed. At this time, a person was lying on the bed. Although he did not approach, Fang Chong could be far Feeling this person's breath is very weak, just like Satsuki said, the consciousness is unconscious, and it is only a step away from death ...

Such things can't die, Fang Chong can only say a miracle ...

Fang Chong knew that even if Liu Jiu had Da Ming in their mouth, he made a few big strides forward.

"How?" Looking at Fang Chong while observing Daming, Liu Jiu looked very nervous, and the muscles on his face twitched because of excessive tension ...

"Try it ..." Looking at Daming, whose vitality was already very weak, Fang Chong took a bottle of gene repair medicine from the bag. In this case, Fang Chong was afraid to pack the ticket ...

"Thank you ..." Although Fang Chong couldn't guarantee, Fang Chong's righteousness made Liu Jiu grateful.

…………………………………………………………………… ..

After Fang Chong took out the ‘gene repair medicament’, he motioned to Liu Jiu to help him up on the bed, and then poured a full bottle of ‘gene repair medicament 'into his mouth ...

What reassured Fang Chong was that there was no drop of a whole bottle of ‘gene medicament’ being consumed by Daming.

This is a good phenomenon. Fang Chong knows the powerful effect of the gene repair agent. If he can drink it, there is great hope for recovery. Although Fang Chong does not dare to say that he is 100% successful, it should be non-existent. questionable…

"Okay?" Liu Jiu asked uneasily when Fang Chongsong was relieved.

"There should be no problem, I will know in more than ten minutes ..." Watching the milky white repair gene medicine disappeared in Daming's mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong nodded.

‘Repair Gene Agent’ is absorbed very quickly, usually a matter of minutes, but Daming ’s situation is going to get worse, Fang Chongcai said for a dozen minutes ...

"Okay, okay ..." Liu Jiu was a little more excited after Fang Chong's affirmation, and his eyes were full of gratitude.

In fact, it's not just him, Xiaoyue aside, Dahu and others all have the same look ...

"A few of you, come over" Fang Chong has not been observing the situation of Daming. He has already taken the ‘repairing gene medicine’. Otherwise, Fang Chong will have no choice. What he sees now is God ’s will ...

After leaving the bed, Fang Chong looked at the two girls, Xiaoyue, and then looked at Liu Jiu, one of them who was thinner, and greeted to go out ...

Looking at their apparent malnutrition, Fang Chong took out a few bottles of generic gene drugs, which are the most beneficial for them now.

Fang Chong's plan is to take the first step of the gene era by these people ...

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