Chapter 285 Change Plan


Chapter 285 Change Plan

ps thanks the brother "Myth の 小枫 ~" for the reward yesterday ...


"Don't flatter me, you have to be careful. With the character of" Nine Eyes Zack ", you will suffer a great deal once again, and you will definitely be furious and attacked ..." Of course, the consequence of Meizizi is a surge in confidence. Qin Lan is now more and more confident.

Looking at the ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ who jumped like thunder below, but was afraid to attack casually, Qin Lan smiled slightly.

After saying a word to Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan, her hand's bow and arrow clenched again.

She found the opportunity to reappear ...

'Jiutou Zack' panted heavily, staring at Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan. She was caught by Qin Lan's arrow just now, and it did not expect that Qin Lan could fly to the sky after being hit by it. Cause him such damage.

But he did not expect such confrontation, which gave Qin Lan a better chance.

She was able to shoot with "Nine-Eyed Zack" before moving, let alone a dead target stopped in this way.

Qin Lan quickly took an arrow from the back and aimed ....

Although the opportunity is good, Qin Lan doesn't dare to carelessly. If the boat overturns in the gutter, he will sniff it out. If there is a good opportunity, he should grasp it better. It is a pity to miss it.

Aim, pull the bow ...

Qin Lan's series of actions are meticulous, serious and not procrastinating.

"Shoot ..." After Qin Lan aimed, she slightly spit out a shot, and then she let go of her arrow ...

The "Nine Eyes Zack" without action is like an arrow target. Qin Lan is more confident in his shooting technology. There is no doubt that this arrow took only a third of a second to shoot from the moment it left the bowstring. In the 'Nine Eyes Zack' there was another eyeball.


"It's OK?" Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan looked up together without hearing Qin Lan's words, but at the moment they looked up, the arrow in Qin Lan's hand had been released.

Looking at the silver light formed by the white arrow, Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong opened their mouths wide.

An arrow such as Qin Lan really not only exceeded the expectations of 'Nine Eyes and Zack', but also unexpectedly of Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan.

"Can't you?" Listening to the conversation between Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong, Qin Lan, who was about to celebrate in the air, rolled her eyes. Her arrow is so beautiful, Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong actually commented on it ...

"Okay ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed. "Such a beautiful arrow is so bad, but why Fang Chong thinks I don't know ..." Huang Qianchuan shrewd responsibility to Fang Chong.

Looking at Qin Lan's continuous beautiful arrows, Huang Qianchuan now dares not to underestimate Qin Lan and these girls.

Especially Qin Lan, with Qin Lan's current arrow, if he gave him an arrow in the air, Huang Qianchuan couldn't be sure that he could escape.

Coupled with Qin Lan's flying ability, he can only be beaten ...

"You ..." Listening to Huang Qianchuan heard the words to himself, Fang Chong gave Huang Qianchuan a glance, this guy obviously he was more shocked than he was just now, and now he actually pushed the words onto him.

"Oh, don't get me involved in your couple's affairs ..." Huang Qianchuan turned his head to do it without seeing Fang Chong's expression, and said, ran towards the front ...

"Let's talk, Nine Eyes Zack this time I block ..."

"Eh ..." Looking at Huang Qianchuan running away, Fang Chong shook his head without expression, Huang Qianchuan was still impulsive. However, after Huang Qianchuan ran out for a while, Fang Chong still had to remind him. "be careful…."

"Qin Lan kept an eye on the situation of Huang Qianchuan and supported at any time ..." Fang Chong saw Huang Qianchuan rush out, and his expression returned to seriousness again. Huang Qianchuan's strength is not enough to deal with 'Nine Eyes Zack'.

Although fighting against powerful creatures can hone yourself faster, but the danger is also great ...

Now that the "Nine Eyes Zack" says that there are only five eyes left and the combat effectiveness has dropped again, but it is really not easy to win ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Understand ..." Qin Lan also understood that the situation was dangerous and did not care about that trivial matter with Fang Chong.

With one hand move, take out an arrow again and hold it in your hand. When the body moves, the speed is very fast ...

"If you hit your two eyes again, the chance will be even greater ..." After Fang Chong saw Qin Lan flying out to support Huang Qianchuan, he did not act immediately. "But if you want to blast the remaining eyes of" Nine Eyes Zack "at once, it is still not possible ....."

"How can we better deal with this" Nine Eyes Zack "..." Fang Chong knows that although Huang Qianchuan is not an opponent of "Nine Eyes Zack" now, there is still no problem in delaying, including fighting for a while. of…..

The tip of 'Maya' is to completely eliminate the nine eyes of 'Nine-Eyed Zac', so that 'Nine-Eyed Zac' can be used as their flesh, but doing so seems dangerous.

The first eye is easy to hit, and the second one is no problem, but next, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

After Qin Lan shot "Nine Eyes Zack" just now, "Nine Eyes Zack" had already discovered Qin Lan in the air, Qin Lan was found, and it was not easy to send a "cold arrow" in the back.

If Qin Lan ’s ‘bow and arrow’ is not useful, it ’s not easy to hurt the eyes of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ with a ‘battle’.

Fang Chong, they know that the eyes are the weakness of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’, as their own body? "Nine Eyes Zack" wouldn't you know?

The answer to such a question is of course no.

Since the answer is no, it also shows that in the next attack of ‘Nine Eyes Zack’, in addition to madly attacking them, it will also protect his remaining eyes… ..

In this way, Fang Chong understands that it is not so easy for them to find opportunities.

Must change tactics ...

The long-range attack has no effect. All Fang Chong can think of is a close-up attack. Although Fang Chong did not want it, there is no way now.

"Fighting, with‘ broken swords ’, the chance is still great ...” Fang Chong had an idea in his heart.

Although 'Melee Combat' is dangerous, he has a sword like 'Broken Knife', which can split defenses below 150 levels, and there should be no problem with 'Nine Eyes Zack'.

With this in mind, Fang Chong was in a better mood, and he decided to fight close to him ...


"Fang Chong,‘ Nine-Eyed Zack ’is getting farther and farther, and is about to enter the woods ...” Fang Chong decided just now, and Qin Lan ’s voice floated from the intercom.

"'Nine-Eyes Zack' has discovered your existence, hiding in the woods is its best choice ..." Fang Chong heard Qin Lan's words and said a moment after hesitated.

"Nine Eyes Zack" will have such a situation, Fang Chong had long thought about it.

Although the "Zak" of the "primitive" does not have much intelligence, it still understands the reasoning as simple as this ...

"Damn, this‘ Nine-Eyes Zack ’is too cunning ...” Qin Lan cursed.

"Oh, don't worry, we can change the 'combat plan' ..." Fang Chong rarely heard Qin Lan's scolding, but laughed.

"Changing the battle plan?" Qin Lan heard Fang Chong's remarks slightly.

"Yes,‘ change the battle plan ’, you are still looking for opportunities in the air, but on the ground I and Huang Qianchuan are no longer mainly involved. We changed from involvement to active attack ...” Fang Chong explained.

Qin Lan's "Battle Knife" cannot be used without saying, and "Nine-Eyed Zack" is so afraid of Qin Lan now, letting Qin Lan float in the air, the effect is obviously greater than returning to the ground with them.

"But that's too dangerous. The strength of" Nine Eyes Zack "is still very powerful ..." Qin Lan said.

"The danger is there, but just be careful, or the problem is not big ..." Fang Chong understood and worried from Qin Lan's tone, but people are in the last days, dangerous and safe? Is there a choice?

If they do n’t kill the "Nine Eyes Zack" today, but tomorrow? Who can guarantee that the Zak will be run away tomorrow, or they will be afraid ...

Understanding this, Fang Chong's tone changed, while consoling Qin Lan, it also hinted that Qin Lan had made up his mind ...

"Well, you have to be careful ..." Qin Lan answered every second.

"Well ..." Fang Chong's voice was firm.

After speaking, he did not speak again, and his body moved. In the blink of an eye, the person had appeared more than ten meters away ...

‘Nine Eyes Zack’ has entered the woods, Fang Chong knows that Huang Qianchuan is in danger ...

"Woods Battle" should be the main battlefield of "Nine Eyes Zack" ...


Fang Chong's speed was very fast. With all his efforts, it took him more than ten seconds to appear at the entrance of the woods. Looking at the chaotic surroundings, Fang Chong didn't even have to look for the 'Nine Eyes Zack' and The place where Huang Qianchuan entered.

And the sound of Ding Ding Dong from time to time makes it easier for Fang Chong to find the target ...

Jump ~ ~ Run, speed up ...

Fang Chong finally saw Huang Qianchuan fighting fiercely with 'Nine Eyes Zack'.

The speed of Jiuzan Zac is not slow, but Huang Qianchuan's speed is obviously a little faster. However, in the face of Jiuzan Zak with jumping skills, Huang Qianchuan cannot fully realize his speed advantage.

From time to time, the battle knife collided with Jiuyan Zach's forelegs, and Huang Qianchuan was inferior from time to time. The disparity of power put Huang Qianchuan under great pressure.

"Damn ..." This time, after a big collision with Nine Eyes Zack, Huang Qianchuan ducked away a bit embarrassed, and scolded his mouth.

"The main battlefield of the nine-eyed Zack in the jungle, it has the upper hand ......" Fang Chong knew that Huang Qianchuan was very upset by the nine-eyed Zack, and his physical strength was almost reaching his limit. Huang Qianchuan was able to persist for so long. , Has been very unexpected by Fang Chong ...

While Fang Chong slowly stepped forward, he said to Huang Qianchuan ...


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