I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 314: Different lifting speed

Chapter 314 Different Lifting Speed


Listening to Fang Chong's self-confidence, Lin Tianba was suspicious. M

He didn't know if Fang Chong's arrival was real. The kind of self-confidence shown by Fang Chong didn't seem to pretend, but Fang Chong was now three of them. Even if they were cold and ruthless, that was four.

If the four of them alone would be able to hit a Nanji city, he would not believe it.

Lin Tianba was silent, and he was struggling.

"Well, if you can really lay down Nanji City, we listen to you, no matter what conditions you mention ..." Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian discussed for a while before they came to Fang Chong, his tone Surely.

"Yes ..." Fang Chong saw that the goal was achieved, but didn't say much.

"Let's leave for Nanji tomorrow. Prepare yourself today ..." Fang Chong reminded Lin Tianba before they left.

………………………………………………………… ..

"So I believe in Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian?" After leaving the building, Qin Lan didn't quite understand, Fang Chong promised Lin Tianba too much, and it was the kind that did not require them to pay ...

If Fang Chong had a certain friendship with them, in doing so, it is within the scope of Qin Lan's understanding of their strength, but this survival base in Nanji City is the kind of people who are not familiar with their lives. Fang Chong actually did so Up ...

"Although they don't look good on the surface, they can still do it, not to mention the coldness and ruthlessness here. I believe they will not come here anymore ..." It is already known that they will not be able to rebuild the end-time cities. Chong's plan has long changed ...

"Oh ..." When Fang Chong said this, Qin Lan remembered something, and Lin Tianba was not so weak.

"Well, go back to Liu Jiu and they ..." Fang Chong didn't say much, and after seeing Qin Lan they had no other problems, Fang Chong's pace accelerated.

"Well, go back ..." Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan both knew what Fang Chong was going to do, and nodded tacitly. As for coldness? Although he wasn't clear, he saw them speeding up and he silently accelerated.

Speed ​​is his strength. In his knowledge of certification, he has not been afraid of anyone ...

The mall building is not far from where Liu Jiu lived, and they soon returned to this residential area.

"We haven't been here for a long time, but according to the speed of absorption, we should almost be able to see the clues ..." Entering the community, Huang Qianchuan said.

"Well, just look at it, but the possibility of success is still very high, after all, the environment is the same ..." Fang Chong nodded, his expression was not slow or slow.

"Fang Chong said the same. From here to Kyoto, if the road is good, it can be reached a little more than a day. Such a distance can not have different situations ..." Qin Lan also said.

"That's true, I hope there is no accident ..." Huang Qianchuan had no other opinion.


"Ten brother, you say cold and ruthless and what are the three of them coming to us today?" After Fang Chong left, Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian sat down on the sofa, and the two of them smoked two cigarettes in silence. Later, Huang Wentian couldn't help but ask ...

Although he was afraid of Fang Chong's strength, he couldn't figure it out, Fang Chong's purpose.

To lay down a huge city of Nanji, it is necessary for them to establish rules in the stronghold, and the rules are similar to those in Huaxia before the end of the last century ...

Such a condition cannot be regarded as a condition at all, and it can even be said that Fang Chong and they did so to give Nanji City nothing to them ...

In this way, the good thing that the pie falls casually in the sky, Huang Huangtian and Lin Tianba cannot help but doubt it.

"I'm not sure what purpose they are holding, but from the perspective of the situation, we have nothing to lose, and we will not move first ..." Lin Tianba took a deep breath of cigarettes and spit out a few cigarettes After the lap, I said slowly. .

He has enjoyed this feeling for a long time in the high post.

"Well, I understand ...." Hearing Lin Tianba's words, Huang Wentian also figured it out.

Fang Chong ’s behavior similar to giving away, if they are successful, they will respect the agreement. If they are not successful, they will not lose any money, and the base remains the same .....

"But can they really hit the city of Nanji?" Huang asked Tiansong and said with some confusion.

Although knowing whether Fang Chong's success is irrelevant to them now, when they think of Fang Chong's calm and calm expression, they even once thought that Fang Chong could do wonders.

"I am also curious, but I will know the answer tomorrow ..." Lin Tianba did not directly answer Huang Wentian's question, and he was not sure.

However, thinking of Fang Chonglin's words when he left, he suddenly wanted to understand. Fang Chong and they were planning to leave the stronghold tomorrow and attack Nanji City ...

"This is also… .." Of course, Huang Wentian also heard what Fang Chong said when they left. Thinking of this, their brothers are looking forward to the next day ...

Is it to witness a miracle or to see Fang Chong defeated and return?

They do n’t know, likewise, they do n’t even know what Fang Chong has now ....

Although it is said that the team of more than 6,000 people is already very large, Nanji was a large city with a population of millions before the end of the world. Six thousand people walked through cities with millions of zombies. The danger is conceivable. know….


"What are you talking about?" Listening to the three of them, Fang Chong said something without a word, cold and ruthless is a look of depression, and finally, he asked.

"Speaking of Liu Jiu they ..." Fang Chong did not expect the usual coldness and ruthlessness to be a gossip today. However, curiosity turned to curiosity, and Fang Chong spoke about their plans.

"What's wrong with them?" After hearing what Fang Chong said about Liu Jiuyi's group, Leng's ruthless complexion changed. He did not expect that Fang Chong's worry was actually Liu Jiu and they ...


"It's okay, we are just curious. Now a few months have passed, ordinary gene medicines have said to ordinary humans, is the absorption situation still the same as before ..." Qin Lan stopped and expressed their concerns ...

"Is that dangerous?" Leng mercilessly heard this, his expression changed.

Although they have n’t known each other for a long time with Fang Chong, Liu Jiu ’s feelings of being cold and ruthless are the most valued, the feeling of a long-lost home ...

Leng merciless doesn't want them to be troubled ...

"Of course there will be no danger. If it were dangerous, I wouldn't see them this morning ..." Huang Qianchuan did not expect that Leng ruthless would show such a nervous side when he heard such a question, and he turned silently. Roll your eyes ...

"Then why are you in a hurry?" Leng relentlessly wondered ...

"We mainly want to look at the absorption situation. According to reasonable circumstances, they are now ordinary people, but they can survive for such a long time in the last days. In a big situation, they say that their physiques and humans before the outbreak did not It is a lot stronger. Under the condition of such physical fitness, their effect of absorbing the gene medicine should be better ... ”Fang Chong explained in detail. "The reason why we are nervous, as long as we want to see if it is the same as we guessed, if it is really like that, then the strength of this stronghold in Nanji City will greatly increase ..."

"It's quite reasonable for you to analyze this way, I hope ..." I heard Fang Chong said so detailed, and thinking of the changes of these people in the morning, Xiaoyue, it was ruthless that Fang Chong did not doubt Fang Chong's words There are fakes, or they make up ...

He is now in the same mood as Fang Chong and they are looking forward to ...

"It's already here, it's useless to say more, look at the facts ..." Huang Qianchuan was at the forefront, while Fang Chong and Leng merciless were still discussing, he had knocked on Liu Jiu's door ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"So, how do you feel today ..." Entering the door, Fang Chong glanced, knowing that everyone was behind, and asked softly.

"That's right, tell me how you feel now ..." Leng mercilessly said. Seeing what these people are like now, he is relieved. Although he doesn't doubt Fang Chong's words, he is still a little worried before seeing him ...

"Strength, yes, it is strength. I feel strength all over my body ..." Da Hu heard Fang Chong's question and waved his hand to show his power ...

"We are the same ..." After finishing the big tiger, Xiaoyue, Xiaoyun, including Mo Ning, nodded in agreement.

That feeling of silent power was the luckiest thing they felt right now.

They understand the meaning, looking at Fang Chong their eyes are even hotter.

"That's good ..." Fang Chong nodded, focusing on Dahu.

Although it is said that Dahu only showed his strength and did not take any action, Fang Chong, who has a Maya system, knows that Dahu's current strength level is not difficult ...

While speaking, Fang Chong has activated the Mayan system.

"Host, target level fifteen, weak level ..." Fang Chong quickly got some weird data from the Maya system.

In particular, the data of level 15 is below the level of 20. In Maya's cognition, the level is weak ...

Twenty levels and above, not much better there ...

"Is it the fifteenth level?" Fang Chong cut off contact with Maya temporarily after getting the information he needed.

Fang Chong gently murmured the current level of Da Hu, but only two bottles of common type of genetic medicine, he raised ten low levels. Such a strong attraction is enough to surprise Fang Chong ...

You know, he upgraded to the fifteenth level, and it took him more than ten days. As for the genetic medicine he drank, he didn't know much ...

However, this change also proves that Fang Chong's previous thought was accurate ...

"What is the fifteenth level?" Qin Lan sat beside Fang Chong, and Fang Chong said to himself that Qin Lan beside him heard it.

"The tiger's strength has now reached the fifteenth level ..." Fang Chong did not hide Qin Lan.

"What, Da Hu is now at fifteenth level ..." Qin Lan heard this expression, and her expression was slumped. Such words are so shocking ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"This news is really shocking, but it also proves that we are thinking in the right direction ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan's response was greater than him, but he laughed ...

"Also, you're right, what about the others?" Qin Lan nodded. This situation was a good thing. The surprise just now was unacceptable for a while.

Now calm down, Qin Lan is thinking of more good things, similar to the upgrade speed of Big Tiger. They don't know how much gene medicine and material to save ...

However, Qin Lan does not know if other people are the same as Da Hu, or that Da Hu is just an accident.

"Liu Jiu is thirteen, Xiaoyue has ten, and Xiao Yun is nine. As for Mo Ning, he actually reached twelve ..." Qin Lan said, Fang Chong thought of the key points.

Indeed, the meaning of one person is very different from the meaning of a group of people.

"It seems that our guess is completely correct ..." As Fang Chong reported the latest strength, Qin Lan said happily.

"That's right ..." Fang Chong nodded, and after fully understanding the problem, he, Qin Lan, Huang Qianchuan, and Lengrui were undoubtedly the happiest ...

And the happiest is to say Fang Chong. With such a discovery, Fang Chong is more convinced that human beings have a great hope of survival. It is only a matter of time to defeat mutants, zombies, and Zak.

The earth is theirs and they will always be theirs.

"What do you mean by level ..." Liu Jiu whispered after seeing Fang Chong and the others calm down completely.

With their contact with Fang Chong, they slowly realized that the world is not what they imagined ...

Especially after drinking the gene medicine yesterday, the feeling is really special ...

"It's the level of strength. Ordinary people are basically 'one'. Take Xiaoyue yesterday, their strength is probably able to pick up the weight of '100 pounds' ..." Fang Chong explained in detail, Although Liu Jiu's appearance is sturdy, if he is careful, he will be a talented person ...

Fang Chong explained in detail that he hopes that Liu Jiu will stand alone one day ...

As he left ‘Kyoto Base City’ again, Fang Chong ’s ambitions also came out. Although he did n’t mean to dominate the earth, at least he did n’t want to be a mermaid ...

"Then what do you say is Big Tiger is the 'fifteenth level'?" Liu Jiu seemed to understand and asked.

"That is to say, the current big tiger has the power of‘ fifteen ’people. It is time to fight. The force that can burst out should be between 1,500 and 2,000 jins ...” Fang Chong continued.

"Really?" Fang Chong's voice just dropped, Da Hu exclaimed.

"Don't you feel it yourself?" Fang Chong nodded.


After understanding the meaning of rank in Fang Chong's mouth, the degree of excitement among these people is beyond words ...


"What's the situation with Daming ..." After introducing Liu Jiu and others to download the general environment of the last days, Fang Chong asked Daming who was critically ill yesterday. Today, he went to Lin Tianba and ignored them.

"Daming has woke up and is recovering well ..." Liu Jiu busyly said.

"That's good, here is a bottle of 'repairing gene medicine'. Give it to him, I believe it will be all right ..." Fang Chong knew that Daming's injury was not serious. A bottle of 'repairing gene medicine' plus a bottle of 'Gene pharmacy' can work, but it's definitely not much ...

"This ....." Watching Fang Chong come up with such a bottle of "repair" "gene medicine", Liu Jiuyi didn't know if he should take it or not.

The efficacy of gene repair drugs is amazing, but it is also very expensive ...


In the end, Liu Fang, under Fang Chong's insistence, still took it to Daming ....

"Things are done here, we need to leave for a while ..." Fang Chong said.

"Yes, we will attack Nanji tomorrow. The team needs to be prepared ..." Qin Lan nodded. She had more problems than Fang Chong.

"Then we split into two roads, Qin Lan followed me back to the team, Huang Qianchuan gathered on the ruthless bridge tomorrow ..." Fang Chong thought for a while and said.

"Okay ..." Huang Qianchuan had no opinion. Fang Chong's relationship with Qin Lan knew that, although he was cold and ruthless, he didn't have much to do, but it was obvious that he and Qin Lan would go back with rules ...

"I have no problem ..." Leng Wuqing's face looked at Huang Qianchuan with an expression, and nodded.

"Okay, say so ..." Fang Chong stood up and left Qin Lan ~ www.readwn.com ~ How about? Is it fun in "Basic Points"? Leaving the stronghold, at the speed of Fang Chong and Qin Lan, the two quickly returned to the place where their convoy stopped.

And the animal husbandry is most concerned about the situation in the 'base' ...

"Dirty and messy is the first impression. It is not comparable to the 'base city of Kyoto' ..." Fang Chong said with a grin. The little girl-like curiosity of Muge is still the same ...

"Isn't that particularly fun?" Muge heard Fang Chong say these three words, and he was less entertaining ...

"Of course ..." Qin Lan walked over and touched Muge's head, laughing so sweetly ...

"Uh ....." Muge heard this, but he really didn't know what to say ...

"How? Are there any surprises around these two days ..." Fang Chong asked.


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