I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 320: Anomalies in Nanji City

Chapter 320 The Strange of Nanji City


With the addition of Qin Lan and others, the five masters with more than one hundred and twenty, the crisis of the team being suppressed by the zombies was quickly eased, plus Chong over there to solve the terminator perfectly, and the battle is now complete Declare victory ...

The remaining scattered zombies are no longer what Fang Chong needs to consider ...

This unexpected encounter came unexpectedly, and afterwards Fang Chong let out a cold sweat ...

If it weren't for the path they chose, Song Ming attacked in the same direction, fearing that the losses this time would be terrible. m

There are tens of thousands of zombies, and there are still many Hulks. Such an accident is indeed unexpected and impossible to imagine ...

However, among these people, the members who feel the most are from the members of the Nanji city base. Such a grand scene is indeed the first time for them.

As for Fang Chong, the situation is much better.

This battle will be over. In addition to feeling demobilized, everyone's other mental feelings are pretty good.

It should be known that the defense of the base city of Kyoto was more shocking than this time. After seeing such scenes, these are now more of a big deal.

It was difficult to scare them, not to mention Fang Chongzai beside them.

Fang Chong's role is no longer powerful, more often it is a spirit ...


"How about the casualties?" Fang Chong helped take out the "muscle" from most of the "zombie" corpses and walked to Qin Lan, including Ling Ya ...

Xiaojun's injuries were not minor, but they were similar to Fang Chong's imagination and could not die.

However, the bones of the shoulder are broken. Although there is a ‘repair gene’, it is impossible to recover as before without two or three days of cultivation.

Fortunately, there is a ‘repair gene’ in his body. After the injury, do n’t worry about what sequelae will be left ...

After Fang Chong came over, he had probably checked it for him. After knowing that this was the case, Fang Chong patted Xiaojun's shoulder gently, indicating that he didn't need to worry about the future ...

"Eighteen died, more than one hundred and twenty injured ..." Ling Ya had counted it out. When Fang Chong asked, she handed Fang Chong a piece of paper.

"Of the eighteen people who died, ten were actually members from the Nanji city base?" Fang Chong's expression looked a little surprised when he saw the data from Ling Ya.

The deaths of more than a dozen people did not exceed Fang Chong's expectations. Such a violent attack like 'Zombies', such a casualty situation has been regarded as an unfortunate blessing ...

Fang Chong also believes that after such a battle, it is difficult to calculate the gains for the members of the regiment, especially those surviving members of the Nanji Stronghold, after such a baptism of fire and blood, their future achievements, Already indescribable ...

This is a growth, a rare harvest in their lives.

"Their average strength is one reason. The lack of combat experience is fatal ..." Fang Chong was surprised. Ling Ya understood that she was just now. These players in the Nanji stronghold. When they just fought, their team ’s Dozens of people are the focus of their defense, while their opponents are ordinary corpse beasts. Including lower-level green zombies, ordinary zombies ...

The Hulk were deliberately led away by Ling Ya.

That is to say, in this situation, there are still heavy casualties. Ling Ya and Fang Chong will be surprised. Ling Ya will also say that the lack of combat experience is fatal ...

Among Fang Chong's five casualties, except for one that was terminated by the Terminator, the others were basically killed in the encirclement of the zombies ...


"Yes ..." Fang Chong agreed with Qin Lan's view.

"What about those injured members?" Ling Ya looked at the injured members who had been held aside, and her face was a little worried.

Among these members, there are still a few serious injuries. If one does not pay attention, it will not be known as a zombie, but life is definitely dangerous.

Thinking of an emergency, Ling Ya asked.

"These are genetically modified drugs. The severely injured members take them first ..." Fang Chong looked at Ling Ya who was flustered, but Fang Chong himself appeared abnormally calm and issued instructions.

While speaking, Fang Chong has already taken out a lot of genetic repair drugs ...

"Understand ..." She listened to the instructions given by Fang Chong, but she was relieved a lot. It was difficult for her to think about things and solve problems. With Fang Chongxi, of course, she easily executed the order and became ...


With the gene repair agent, the situation of the injured person was quickly stabilized. After the big trouble was solved, the atmosphere relaxed again, and Fang Chong also sat back to Xiaojun ...

After such a short rest, when Fang Chong sat next to Xiaojun, the situation of Xiaojun looked much better and his face was not so pale ...

"Brother Fang Chong I ..." Seeing Fang Chong sit down, Xiao Jun's face was a little embarrassed. The accidental injury was that he was too proud and too careless ...

Such an accidental injury made him afraid to face Fang Chong ...

"Don't blame yourself. This time you learned the lesson. Life is very fragile in the last days. Remember to take good care of it ..." Fang Chong knew what Xiaojun was going to say, but when Xiaojun didn't say it, Fang Chong Interrupt what he wants to say.

"Brother Fang Chong, I know, it is absolutely impossible to commit again ..." Xiaojun nodded earnestly. Although this kind of movement involves the shoulder injury, the pain is of course, but Xiaojun gritted his teeth and did not snor Manifested ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong touched Xiaojun's head. "First lie down and rest, there is no need to worry about the wound, rest for two or three days is fine ..."


…………………………………………………………………… ..

"Well, what is the number of zombies ..." Fang Chong left from Xiaojun and ran directly to Song Ming. After the battle, Song Ming took people to take the muscles of the 'zombies' corpse Fang Chong, Fang Chong had planned to help 'Nanji City Base' before, so these 'muscleed meat' is the most indispensable.

Muscle meat is the only option for all humans to improve their combat effectiveness, unless you are an evolutionary ...

However, in the last days, it is impossible to find so many evolvers. That is why Fang Chong will pay more attention to this muscle ...

"More than 18,000 ordinary first- and second-order 'zombies', as well as thousands of 'corpses', hundreds of 'hulks' ..." Qin Lan reported in detail.


"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded. These numbers are indeed quite large. Of course, if it were not for such a large number of "zombies", they would not have suffered so many casualties now.

Adding up to the number of casualties of nearly 150 people, this number is already one tenth of their team. Fang Chong's departure from the 'base city of Kyoto' to the present, this is the first time that the casualties are so serious. ...

In previous battles, there were even zero casualties ...

Facing this situation, Fang Chong also knew in his heart that apart from the big accident, it was also that they were too self-confident in their own strength. This was true of him, and so was the other members. This situation is a bad omen ...

"We're attentive, but today's situation is really weird ..." Qin Lan saw Fang Chong's silence. She knew what Fang Chong was thinking. Today's things are not just Ling Ya's unexpected, they are all the same ...

It is said that everyone cares, but it does not mean that the situation has changed ...

"Yes, today's thing is indeed" strange ". We are now less than ten kilometers away from the suburbs and we have already encountered the" terminator ". This situation is very different from before ... Fang Chong heard Qin Lan With that said, he nodded suddenly.

He has been wondering about the development of today's events just now, but there is no gain, but now I hear Qin Lan say that, he suddenly opened ...

It's not that he ignored it, but the Terminator appeared too early.

According to reasonable circumstances, the place where the "Terminator" appears cannot be located on the edge of the city. In any case, it should be the center of the city ...

"Zombie" If there is one thing that resembles human beings, it is power.

This is not the first time to face the "Terminator", Fang Chong can say that they already know the "Terminator" very well. They are in a city like some "kings" in ancient times. There are many masters to protect, of course the difference is that their own strength is even higher ...

In this regard, those ‘Emperors’ in ancient times ca n’t be compared ...


"The" Terminator "appeared in advance. Is there a change in the center position of" Nanji City "?" Qin Lan listened to Fang Chong, and suddenly thought of this problem, his voice came out in surprise ...

"It's possible ..." Fang Chong's expression flickered solemnly, Qin Lan wanted to know, how could he not have thought of it.

"Is it a more 'advanced' zombie?" Qin Lan suddenly remembered that Fang Chong had told them

'Zombies' is much more than 'Fifth Tier', 'Terminator' also has ...

Today's situation, in Qin Lan's view, she feels that the latter is very likely.

"It's possible, but it's unlikely ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Qin Lan made sense, but his subconscious told him that Qin Lan's guess was really unlikely.

"It's not likely? What's that?" Qin Lan asked a little unexpectedly as Fang Chong's words just fell.

"If you think about it, would these" terminators "need to run out if they were more 'advanced' zombies?" Fang Chong said.

"What would it be?" Fang Chong looked puzzled. Qin Lan was even more puzzled.

"What I am most worried about is the existence of the" Zak "in this" Nanji City "... Fang Chongton paused and said with a serious expression.

"What?‘ Zak ’…”. Although Fang Chong ’s words were very light, but such a powerful word in Qin Lan ’s ears made her back cool and cold… ..

What is the 'Zak'? Qin Lan couldn't be more clear. A few days ago, if Fang Chong had not arrived in time to help, Qin Lan might have disappeared now ...

Qin Lan knew what the 'Zak people' meant.


"It's possible, I guess ..." I heard Qin Lan's exclaimed voice, Ling Ya, Muge came over this time, Fang Chong said, they all listened in their hearts ...

"Are you saying that there might be a" Zak "in this" Nanji City? "Ling Ya had a little self-blame. Now when she heard that there might be a" Zak ", her eyes stared. Big up.

"It is possible, otherwise, even if there are more advanced zombies, this 'terminator' will not be able to leave the center of the city and come to the outside of this city ..." Fang Chong knew that, and gave Others have a lot of pressure, but he still said that it is safer to have stress than to have no prevention ...

"This question is true ..." Fang Chong said, Qin Lan Lingya they all understand, and also know that Fang Chong's character can not be that kind of alarmist person. Qin Lan's arrival here would be Li Ding Fang Chong's statement.

"Whether it is or not, we must be prepared. The threat of Zac to us is not a 'zombie', a 'mutated creature' can replace ..." Fang Chong already had a general plan in his heart ...

"Understand ..." Fang Chong said the key point, they answered collectively, and his voice was really loud ...


"Morocco, is there anything unexpected about the situation of the other teams ..." Watching the team members planning the battlefield, Fang Chong called Qin Lan, Song Ming and others together and asked Mage.

"No, I have been monitoring. The situation is optimistic for the time being. There is no large-scale 'zombie'. The team is advancing at the same speed ..." Muge replied. "They also know what happened on our side. I reminded them to be vigilant. If they find a large-scale 'zombie', if they are not sure, they will retreat and wait for the opportunity ..."

"Well, that's good ..." Listening to the animal husbandry they said, Fang Chong nodded with a smile, the situation here is much better.

Fang Chong was relieved when he heard that no one else was in trouble.

"Today's offense is temporarily stopped here. Before we can understand the internal situation of Nanji City, we should be more conservative ..." Fang Chong saw Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, Lengrui, and Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian. Then he said.

"The situation in Nanji City has changed?" Hearing Fang Chong's words, except Qin Lan and their three daughters, everyone looked at each other. For a while, you could not understand what Fang Chong was talking about.

"Isn't it strange that a powerful terminator appears on the periphery of Nanji?" Fang Chong said the main point.

"Yeah, I'm surprised by this problem. I once ventured into this place. At most, I met those" red "corpses. Even the" Hulk "didn't see any traces, but they are even today. "Terminator's have all seen it, it's really different ..." After listening to Fang Chong's weirdness, Leng relentlessly described it.

"Will it be so?" Lin Tianba looked at Leng Ru mercilessly at the words of Leng Ru mercilessly. Leng Ruibi's words just shocked him completely.

What is the concept of coming here alone?

They dare not imagine what would happen if an accidental zombies was found?

Not only to admire the cold and ruthless strength, but also the courage ...

"Fang Chong, are you worried that there is a stronger presence in 'Nanji City' than 'Terminator'?" Huang Qianchuan heard what Fang Chong said just now, and he will hear the experience of cold relentlessness, and he smelled it A hint of unusual taste.

A dangerous breath ...

"Yes, this is the reason why I am worried. The situation today is too abnormal. I am afraid that if one loses heart, the casualties of the team will be incalculable ..." Fang Chong nodded, and he understood from Huang Qianchuan's strange expression. Huang Qianchuan should know something ...

"Chen Jian, Lin Cheng, Xiao Lan, you guys temporarily command the team, guard the main, pay attention to vigilance ..." Fang Chong waited until the six teams returned and exchanged some of the important people, these people are the most The old players are highly capable and have some experience.

There is absolutely no problem keeping them on guard.

"Understand, we are keeping the floor of this residential area, there is absolutely no problem ..." A team of more than 6,000 people entered the floor continuously, improving the attack and turning into a guard.

Although some members of the group could not understand at the beginning, after seeing the heavy losses of Song Ming's team, they accepted, especially the huge number of corpses ...

"Okay, watch out ..." Fang Chong added, watching everyone who was trembling with energy.

"Okay, let's go ..." Fang Chong watched the guards in the team, and the scouts were all in place. He turned his head and walked towards a dilapidated residential building.

"Fang Chong, are you going?"

Fang Chong walked into the door, where more than a dozen people were armed, and even Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian both had a 'combat sword' and a set of dark 'black armor suits' ~ www.readwn.com ~ Good Let ’s go… ”Fang Chong did n’t say more. Do n’t ask if you know all these people are ready ...


Out of the residential building, these people split into two sets, two Hummers ...

With the strength of more than a dozen of them now, they are not afraid of the sound of cars attracting the attention of zombies. In addition to having the strength that they do not need to be afraid of, they also want to rely on the sound of attention to attract them to find what they are looking for ...

However, the Hummer has not been blocked at all in this city. This strange thing is the first time Fang Chong has seen ...

Not only was there no obstruction, and no zombies were seen ...

‘Nanji City’. The quieter they are, the more dangerous Fang Chong smells ....

. . . . . . . . . . .

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