I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 321: Humane misunderstanding

Chapter 321 The Misunderstanding of Humanization


As the vehicle slowly deepened, Fang Chong's feeling was even stranger, and the entire city of Nanji seemed to be in a state of silence. M

There was nothing but the roar of their two Hummer engines.

Quiet, so disturbingly quiet ...

Fang Chong drove his car at a speed of about 50 kilometers. It must not be slow. At this speed, they can observe the surrounding situation and not waste too much time ...

"Muguge, did you find anything unusual?" The car drove all the way to the city center. Fang Chong did not find anything different or dangerous. Under the inexplicable pressure, Fang Chong also seemed agitated ...

"No, all the buildings you see are intact, all places are equally quiet, and the urban area of ​​Nanji City is like an empty city ..." Muge shook her head, she also looked a little depressed, and she and Qin Lan were manipulating them. Two laptops, but whether it is a satellite system or an energy reconnaissance aircraft, the places where they can see are extremely quiet.

Except for buildings, abandoned cars, and some stationary things, I didn't see a zombie or a mutant creature ...

It can even be said that it cannot be seen with a fly.

Such a situation undoubtedly cast a shadow over them this time.

"Yes, no zombies, mutated creatures, or Zak people found ..." Qin Lan also nodded, but this is not the first time that this situation has happened. Qin Lan seems to be a little calmer than Muge ...

"There cannot be no Zak, if not, how could the zombies be afraid to come in?" Fang Chong's tone was helpless. The unknown danger brought him a lot of pressure ...

"It seems that we are not feasible to find in the vehicle, we need to take risks ..." Huang Qianchuan said.

He knows the subtlety of the Zak, and it was a good explanation in the jungle last time.

"Yes, when we get to the city center, we get off ..." Qin Lan would simply put away the notebook. Huang Qianchuan said what she wanted to say.

Zak's intelligence is not weaker than humans. If they want to expose themselves to the air, they are not likely to be discovered. Instead of waiting for no purpose, it is better to get off the bus and search for i from the city center. Carpet-style Looking for Qin Lan in detail, there will be gains in a bit, and that safety factor should be even higher ...

"Yeah ..." Fang Chong looked, then looked at Huang Qianchuan. The two of them said that Fang Chong understood, and it was not unreasonable. Fang Chong also found that he was agitated at this time.

"Song Ming, parking in the city center, plans change ..." Fang Chong took a deep breath after calming down, calmed his restless mood, and turned on the intercom.



"Energy reconnaissance aircraft and satellite system search failed, our plan needs to be changed ..." Arriving near the city government building, Fang Chong stopped the vehicle, and after getting off, Fang Chong explained.

Qin Lan, Muge, Ling Ya and Huang Qianchuan are in the same car with them. They know what happened, but in the later Song Ming, they know nothing about it ...

"Okay ..." Leng merciless didn't say a word, and after a good word, he nodded seriously.

"Well, no problem ..." Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian glanced at each other and nodded.

When they answered, the two of them laughed. They found that the movements that had disappeared for several months in such an environment seemed to come alive ....

The fighting spirit brought them an unexpected surprise.

Seems ambitious ...

"Okay, everyone must be careful ..." Fang Chong looked at everyone without objection, nodded solemnly, he knew it was an adventure ...

Fang Chong knows about the Zak people, this time they will face more danger than the nine-eyed Zach in the jungle ...

Nanji City is not a small city. As the capital of Dongshan Province before the end of the last days, the area cannot be small.

How threatening is it to get zombies and mutants out of the center of such a big city?

Fang Chong did not dare to imagine. He was afraid that after imagination, he would not have the courage to continue.

He knew well that there were two reasons for this.

The Zak people are extremely powerful and are the most likely, but it is not ruled out that there is only one Zak people.

Although Maya once said that most of the Zak people lived alone, it was not allowed to live in groups.

Although this possibility is small, Fang Chong will not rule it out. He even had some hope that a few Zaks appeared instead of a strong and unusual Zak.

Fang Chong knew that if it was alone, it would most likely be a large ordinary Zak ...

Strength is close to three hundred.

"We will be careful ..." Watching Fang Chong looked at their eyes, Qin Lan, Ling Ya, Muge nodded tacitly.

"Okay, let's go ..." Fang Chong pulled out his sword and walked towards the building.

………………………………………………………………………… ..

Their goal is the city government building. The city government building is relatively tall in Nanji City. With the Zak personality, the taller building should be their first choice.

This habit of the city Zack Fang Chong was learned from Maya.

"Layer search, keep in touch ..." The government building has a large area. In order to improve efficiency, Fang Chong looked at everyone and said.

"Well, two people in a group, be careful ..." Leng ruthless didn't pretend to be cool this time. Fang Chong's proposal is what he wants to say.

The habits and ranks of the Zak people have just come all the way just now. Fang Chong has said it twice and they probably understand it.

Although the current Zak people are a great threat to them, if it is fatal to strike, the possibility is still not high. He is confident to delay for a while ...

Of course, that situation refers to the case of an ordinary Zak ...

"it is good….."

After everyone had no opinion, although Huang Qianchuan and Leng Wurui were not so harmonious, they were still assigned to a group. As for Lin Tianba, there was no doubt with Huang Wentian ...

Divide the team and they set off, leaving Fang Chong and the three women in the lobby ...

"The three of you must be careful ..." Fang Chong did not plan to let their team be with him. The strength of the three women is not strong, and it is appropriate to be together ...

"Okay ..." After looking at each other, the three girls nodded, Fang Chong meant they understood ..

"Let's go then ..."

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..


After being divided into four groups, the search speed is very fast. More than twenty city government buildings were quickly searched by Fang Chong and their group, but the results were still nothing ....

People's emotions were obviously taken a bit out of the government building. Although the possibility of finding a 'carpet-style' search is very high, although this search method is stable, it takes too long, especially they only have eight In individual cases, this weakness is even more vivid.

Not only the emotions of other people were hit, Fang Chong was also the same ...

"Everyone still thinks about it again. It is difficult to find this way, otherwise, I'm afraid we are busy for nothing ..." After searching several buildings in succession without results, Fang Chong called the other seven people around Instructing everyone to sit down and take a rest, they also took out more than ten bottles of 'gene medicament' for everyone to drink and maintain strength ...

"Yes, 'Nanji City' is so large, there are hundreds of high-rise buildings, and there are so many floors in each building. In this way, it is impossible to find it without two or three days ... Huang Wentian gasped slightly. His body is relatively fat and he has lived a long life. Although he is a senior evolutionary, he is not a "speed type". For him, It's a big test ...

Fang Chong said so, and he certainly agreed with it.

"Is there any habit of the 'Zaks'? What about their body shape?" After everyone sat down, he thought ruthlessly about what Fang Chong would say. After a while, he asked.

"Habits? There are many types of Zac, and none of them are the same ..." Qin Lan replied. Fang Chong had previously told them that searching according to his habits had no effect.

"As for the 'body size', of course, the 'Zak people' are certainly not small ..." When Qin Lan finished the first sentence, Muge inserted a sentence.

"So, the body size of the 'Zak people' is very big?" After hearing the answer from Muge, Leng relentlessly sat up instantly, with a little excitement in his eyes.

"That's right ..." The cold and ruthless excitement everyone saw in his eyes, the idyll nodded subconsciously, and the Zak people were indeed very big.

Like the "Nine-Eyed Zack" I encountered for the first time before, my body size is not comparable to humans. The volume of 34 meters is 34 .....

And according to Fang Chong, Nine-Eyed Zack's huge body is relatively small ...

If you encounter a large ordinary Zack, it will not be so simple. It is absolutely impossible to have more than ten meters. It would be an overstatement to use a hill ...

"I have an idea ..." Leng was merciless and didn't sell him. It would be rare to be excited by his character.

"What's the idea?" Everyone knew the cold and ruthless character. When he heard that he had an idea, everyone could say that there was no doubt at all.


"Isn't the Zak's body size very large? We can start with its size ..." Leng relentlessly gestured on the ground. He heard Qin Lan and they said 'Nine-Eyed Zac' and drew on the ground It looks like a toad ... '

"Let's start with his body shape?" I heard Leng Wurui said, everyone didn't understand, and Leng Wurui painted this toad for what?

"Zak? I know from your mouth that this is the right thing, right?" Huang Qianchuan did not directly answer Fang Chong's question, but pointed at the toad he drew on the ground. The smile on his face made Fang Chong and others more puzzled.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded, the words of cold and ruthless were obviously addressed to him.

"We humanized the 'Zak people' ..." Fang Chonglue said with a relentless expression in his doubtful look.

"What do you mean?" Fang Chong nodded, he humanized the Zak people. After all, the Zak people's intelligence is comparable to humans, and they have a deep understanding ...

"Humanizing them, this is a misunderstanding ..." Leng Wurui drew another person on the ground at this time.

"You mean‘ Zak ’is‘ Zak ’. It ’s impossible to walk up the stairs like humans? Do what humans do?” After seeing Leng Ruili draw another person, Fang Chongru woke up.

Leng merciless is right, he did step into a misunderstanding, and it was a big misunderstanding.

He not only treats the Zak intelligence as a human. And even the "Zacks" look, Fang Chong even regarded them as human ...

It was a mistake for them to search for the “Zaks” on the floor. With the “Zaks” body type, they could not pass through the stairs at all. Whether the Zaks ’body type can enter the floor or not is a problem, let alone Said to be going up the stairs.

Unless the "Zaks" appear here are "Advanced Zaks", then, the appearance of "Zaks" can be changed arbitrarily ...

But where is the 'advanced Zach'? Of course it is impossible.

Fang Chong is very relieved that the environment of the city is so good. Under such conditions, it is impossible for the ‘high-level Zach’ tribe to evolve.

Otherwise, they have been around for so long, fearing that they would have been wiped out by the senior Zaks ...

"That's right, that's all I want to say ..." Leng nodded ruthlessly. They had been going upstairs to look up. It was a bit stupid ...

"Then how do we find it?" Listening to Fang Chonghe's cold and ruthless dialogue, everyone had a look of unawares. This misunderstanding is really fatal. Fortunately, there is a pause, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be a busy day to find tomorrow ...

"Yes, how do we look for it later?" Everyone looked at Leng Ruigong and Fang Chong.

The two of them came up with the problem, and the solution should be theirs.

"The Zak people have a huge body, we can start from the place where the gate is relatively large, and the integrity of the building outside the building is also an aspect that must be observed ..." Leng merciless did not speak, Fang Chong already had idea.

With the general direction, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to make a plan.

"Why do you want to look at the completeness of the building's appearance?" Fang Chong said that everyone understood the first sentence, but everyone understood that the completeness of the building's appearance in the latter sentence.

"Although the 'Zak people' are not like humans, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not break through the wall ..." Fang Chong explained.

"That's right ..."

………………………………………………………………………… ..

With a new direction, and it sounds like the correct direction, everyone's mental state is restored after rest and gene supplements to strengthen their energy.

Especially Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian, the first time they felt the magic of ‘gene medicament’, that feeling thrilled them.

And this ‘energy’ potion makes them feel more surprised and mysterious.

An hour later, Fang Chong and the eight of them stopped in front of the largest and highest building in Nanji.

TV station building in Nanji city.

"We have searched everywhere else, this is the only place left. It is possible. If there is no more, we are afraid that our ideas will be wrong again ..." Looking at the TV station building up to dozens of floors, Fang Chongton said.

This building is the last one that meets their search criteria. From the square in front of the building, it seems that the fifth floor of the building has been broken by several consecutive glass walls. In this case, Fang Chong and they must not No doubt.

"From the scene we see now, we are very likely to find that the 'glass wall' above has been broken so much that it indirectly shows that we guessed right ..." Fang Chong pointed at the top of the building.

"Well, I hope ..." Qin Lan was still a little worried and said that she saw that the "glass wall" was broken and there was no place, so the huge area, indirectly, said that the broken wall entered it, even if it was' Zak ', There should be more than one.

It is likely that there are more than two ends, or more ...

Qin Lan was careful of the latter.

"Everyone be careful ..." After knowing that this TV station building is the most likely situation for the 'Zaks', everyone enters the hall and breathes a little harder. It can be seen that everyone attaches great importance to this battle.


First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor ...

The four floors below the building that Fang Chong ignored directly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Judging from the appearance of the glass wall outside, it is most likely the fifth floor.

"Fifth floor, everyone is careful, afraid that the door will open, it is a fierce fight ..." Fang Chong leaned against the wall, pointed his fingers at everyone, motioned everyone to be careful, and faced a powerful enemy, Fang Chong was also mixed Weak, can't help much ...

"Hmm ..." Everyone nodded tacitly, preparing as much as possible.

As for Qin Lan, Ling Ya and Muge, the three of them, after knowing that a strong presence of the ‘Zak tribe’ may appear, put down their swords and took out their ‘converging swords’….

Knowing that it will not be easy next time, Qin Lan is directly opening the swordlight of the ‘spotlight sword’… ..

Although it was a waste of money to do so, Fang Chong was quite pleased. Everyone is becoming more and more mature, knowing how to protect yourself in the last days ...

"Open ..." Fang Chong motioned Song Ming to open when everyone was ready.

………………………………………………………………………… ..

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