I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 323: Sickle zack

Chapter 323 Sickle Zack


Looking at such claws, Fang Chong took a breath of cold air, and the cold breath coming from the claws, Fang Chong did not easily feel the abnormal danger. Fang Chong even thought that if he was caught by such claws, Can the feather defense on his body be blocked?

With this feeling, Fang Chong flew backwards in accordance with the plan he envisioned. m

"Scythe Zach!" Fang Chongfei stepped backwards, the Zak tribe approached the attack, and when the Zak tribe completely exposed their body in front of Fang Chong and others, Fang Chong's mind sounded a Maya voice.

"Sickle Zach ..." Fang Chong was not surprised that Maya's voice sounded in his ear, but when he heard a few words of Sickle Zack, he was slightly surprised.

Sickle Zach should refer to its claw, right?

"Yes, the most dangerous part of Sickle Zack is its claws. Generally, defenses below three hundred levels will not work ..." Maya explained later.

"That weakness?" Fang Chong nodded silently. Sickle Zach gave Fang Chong a sense of danger just now. Maya said that the defense below three hundred levels was nothing. Fang Chong did not suspect him ...

How strong is Sickle Zach? Fang Chong doesn't want to know too well, at this time it is too late to understand.

What Fang Chong wants to know most now is the weakness in Sickle Zack.

"It's still on the head, but not the eyes. The sickle zack is different from the nine-eye zack. The sickle zak has a blue dot on its head ..." Maya said immediately.

"The blue dot ..." Fang Chong kept resisting the retreat, and also saw clearly what Maya said.

Indeed, between the eyes of Sickle Zach, a small blue dot the size of a thumb's head is clearly visible there ....


"Qin Lan, the small blue dot in the middle of sickle Zack's eyes is its fatal weakness ..." Fang Chong reported to Qin Lan the exact position, turned back, and retreated toward the discovery that Qin Lan had stopped flying ...

Fang Chong wanted to get closer, and it was not feasible to solve this sickle Zack with a sword, and he even had the danger of catching himself.

"Hmm ..." After hearing Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan's eyes stared at the blue dot between the two eyes of "Sickle Zack".

She took a deep breath. He knew that she had only one chance. If she missed it, she would not have a chance. The Zak cleverness knew them all, let alone the danger of death.

Qin Lan gritted her teeth, held her breath, and was fully prepared ...

"Come ..." Fang Chong retreated at a constant speed. He wanted to create a better opportunity for Qin Lan as much as possible. What opportunity Fang Chong has now ...

"Must be ..." Fang Chong thought, Qin Lan could also see that Fang Chong was getting closer and closer to her, and this short distance Qin Lan knew very well the speed of Scythe Zack. After Chong stepped into the range where she could accurately attack, Qin Lan looked more serious.

Finally, under the deliberate temptation of Fang Chong, Sickle Sac stepped into Qin Lan's most confident attack position.

Qin Lan didn't hesitate at all. A swarthy arrow made a squeak and disappeared on Qin Lan's bow ...

The current power of Yu Yu is fully expressed in Qin Lan's hands. It is close to 150 levels of strength, and the bowstring is pulled by more than 15,000 kilograms of force. The burst of power changes a lot of casual description ...

In less than a few seconds, the dark arrow sticks straight into the blue dot between the eyes of ‘Sickle Zack’.

There were no extra sounds, nor the furious sounds of Sickle Zack. After a swift arrow stopped ‘Scythe Zack’ from advancing, it fell straight ...


"Is this resolved?" Looking at the "Sickle Zack", which fell straight, Fang Chong stopped unexpectedly. If he had not heard the movements from Qin Lan's bow and arrow, it would be hard to believe that he would Shot by an arrow.

"Well, is Sister Qin Lan too powerful or this sickle Zack is too weak ..." Muge ran over and came to the place where Fang Chong and Qin Lan stood ...

"Both of them ..." Fang Chong quickly recovered from his surprise, and suddenly remembered what Maya had told him before, that the energy of the Zak people here was chaotic.

Should this be the reason?

The more Fang Chong thought, the more likely this was, but why is this 'Zak' still doing so? Fang Chong has no bottom in his heart ...

"I'm still more careful. The feeling around me is still very dangerous ..." Fang Chong observed after sickle Zack, determined that it was completely dead, and scanned his eyes and said.

"Hmm ..." Huang Qianchuan didn't approach Leng Wurui excessively, Fang Chong reminded them before that they kept remembering ...

"If there is still a" Zach ", should it be behind that shadow?" Muge knows that Fang Chong and they are not joking, especially after approaching and seeing the complete look of this "Sickle Zach", she is even more Value.

Those ‘sharp claws’ with the cold breath gave her the biggest shock ...

"Yes, I guess so ..." {Fang Chong subconsciously focused on the shadow position where there was no light in front. He took it very seriously, and seemed to want to see what it was ...

"Then take the initiative?" Muge knew that Fang Chong was not lying, so she agreed with her. The energy lightsaber in her hand reopened ...

"" Okay, fight once, come crazy ... "Fang Chong nodded. He didn't want to be dragged by her mother-in-law. When Fang Chong's body moved, Fang Chong was unwilling to lag behind. When he started, the whole person jumped into the sky.

Rushing in front of Muge, the strength of Muge is the smallest of these people.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..


Fang Chong moved forward more than ten meters ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suddenly, another roar rang through his ears. Listening to this voice, Fang Chong knew that the target appeared, as they guessed, then Exist in this shadow.

Fang Chong already knew the name of the Zak people here, and was not particularly worried after the sickle Zak.

This sickle Zach said terribly, but he didn't die in their hands ...

Fang Chong raised his alertness, and his pace was slower, step by step towards his perceived discovery.

"Roar ..." After another roaring voice, Fang Chong's vigilant attention, a figure came towards him ...



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