I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 324: Crystal sphere

Chapter 324 Crystal Orb


Fang Chong also saw the approximate appearance of the "Sickle Zack" in front of the sparks between the "Talon" and the "Sword". M

It's "Scythe Zac", but it's a little smaller, and judging by the strength of the contact, the strength of the "Scythe Zac" is a little weaker than the previous one ...

But the breath with action is full of tyranny.

Fang Chong knew that the violent atmosphere should be related to the ‘Sickle Zach’ they had killed before ...

The Zak tribe is divided into male and female. The male's body is huge. It should be the guy who was shot and killed by Qin Lan's arrow. As for the current one who fought fiercely with Fang Chong, his body is small and he should be female. It is not difficult to see the emotion of anger from it, the two guys should be a pair ...

Although it was found that Fang Chong had some minor accidents, this did not mean that Fang Chong would be merciful when he started ...

Humans are right, but what about the Zak? A kind of powerful "Zerg", Fang Chongke dare not relax ...

Fang Chong's memory of being kind to the enemy is cruel to himself. Fang Chong's memory is clear.

Fang Chong's continuous attacks caused ‘Scythe Zack’ to become even more violent and roar again and again.

Under the deliberate temptation of Fang Chong, slowly move towards the place where the light shines.

Fang Chong's attention was still the same, he led the Zak out, and then Qin Lan launched a fatal blow ...

Qin Lan's archery is becoming more and more mature now. Under such a situation where his weaknesses are clearly known, it is most suitable for Qin Lan to launch a fatal sentence ...

And from before to now, Qin Lan has never been disappointed ...

The more angry the Zak people, the easier it will be for Fang Chong's evolution to succeed, and Fang Chong's position of attack can be said to be more and more tricky.

As he became more familiar with the control of his body, Fang Chong's attack became more watery.

Slowly, Sickle Zach was finally attracted to Fang Chong ...


"Qin Lan chance ....." Fang Chong immediately reminded Qin Lan, who had already prepared, to pay attention after exiting the scope of the shadow ...

"Understand ..." Of course, Qin Lan knew Fang Chong's painstaking thoughts. She could not waste such a good opportunity. When Fang Chong did not speak, Qin Lan was extremely prepared.

One head was killed more than ten minutes ago, and now Qin Lan is full of confidence.

The bow and arrow moved slightly up and down. Qin Lan did not shoot at the moment when ‘Sickle Zach’ broke out of the shadow. Qin Lan was waiting, waiting for the best chance, and then giving a fatal arrow.

As if she had shot and killed that head before, that kind of opportunity is the rarest ...

"Put ..." Qin Lan was waiting. About a minute later, Fang Chong's place of retreat finally reached Qin Lan's body, and Sickle Zack was desperately chasing after a moment ...

Qin Lan discovered that while replaying the previous scene, she drunk her mouth, and the 'black' arrow in his hand flew out in an instant.

Such a scene made Fang Chong feel relieved ...

"Bang ..." Qin Lan's arrow was undoubtedly inserted in the middle of the eyeball position of "Sickle Zach". "With the sound of the bump, it means that Fang Chong declared victory in this battle.

After seeing Sickle Zack completely dead, Fang Chong followed the Mayan system's prompt to collect these two 'Sickle Zack' except for nothing, especially two sharp claws. This kind of thing is more rare ...

"It's still as simple as that?" Huang Qianchuan and Leng relentlessly looked at the ‘Sickle Zack’ on the ground in an incredible way, and this feeling was abnormally surprised….

"It is not difficult to know the weakness, and the weapon is also a key ..." Fang Chong nodded. Today, the two Zacs were resolved so smoothly. This speed is not only beyond their expectations, but also Fang Chong. Unexpected.

"We understand ..." Fang Chong nodded before he finished speaking.


…………………………………………………………………… ..

"Let's check it out?" Wait until Fang Chong has packed up the two sickle Zach, you guys look at me, I look at you, everyone does not know whether to leave the TV building like this or continue to stay ... ...

When Fang Chong announced the completion, Song Ming asked.

Although two sickle Zaks have been killed, this does not mean that these Zaks are gone.

Not sure, Song Ming still thinks it's better to have some insurance ...

"Of course, we must put an end to all dangers ..." Fang Chong nodded. In the future, the base in Nanji will be a strong base for them and an important part of Fang Chong's future blueprint, especially Early.

Fang Chong had such a plan, and cleanup was inevitable.

"Well, it is most likely that these shadows should be in the shadows. Everyone be careful ..." Leng Wurui and Huang Qianchuan would take the initiative to take the lead. They are also militants.

And they knew that Fang Chong had lost a lot of energy after two stops.

"Yes, it is better to be careful, but you are also particularly worried. Under reasonable circumstances, there is no Zak anymore ..." Fang Chong said.

Just after Qin Lan killed the remaining sickle Zack with a single arrow, Fang Chong's mind had already informed the Mayan system that all dangerous breaths had been lifted and energy fluctuations had returned to normal ...

It's calm. All these indicate that there is no such thing as a threat to their existence in the TV building ...

"Okay ..." Everyone nodded and slowly walked towards the shadows ...

Fang Chong is also the same, his purpose is more clear, the position on the right side of the TV studio, which is where the two sickle Zack walked in from here ...

Fang Chong believes that there should be unexpected gains .....


"Did you find out?" Everyone asked each other when they entered the Shadow House.

The search speed of eight people was very fast. I quickly searched the studio again, but I didn't find anything special ...



Huang Qianchuan asked, there was no special reaction from the others, and he shook his head gently ...

"It seems that there are no other gains today ..." Huang Qianchuan waved his hand after asking, indicating that he had no gains either. And such a result was expected.

"Where is Fang Chong?" Muge nodded, indicating that Huang Qianchuan was right, but Muge soon discovered that Fang Chong was still missing. The direction of Fang Chong's cleaning is the easiest to ignore ...

"He should still be there, maybe there are gains ...." Ling Yadao, she also remembered, the place where Fang Chong went was the darkest place here, Ling Ya also remembered at this time, maybe not both ends. Sickle Zach 'came out from that direction ...

Thinking of this, the expressions on everyone's faces were all very curious, everyone went towards the place where Fang Chong was.

"Fang Chong, are you okay?" It's still dark, and when you can't see your five fingers, you can make everyone more interested ...

"I found it, but I don't know what this thing is ..." Of course, Fang Chong heard the sound of them coming together and heard Ling Ya asking, Fang Chong's tone carried a little other flavor in it.

"What do you not know?" Everyone was more curious when Fang Chong said this, and Fang Chong sometimes didn't know. But when Fang Chong didn't seem to be joking, everyone was shocked again.

That thing is so beautiful ...

After everyone withdrew from the shadow, they finally saw what the so-called unknown thing in Fang Chong's mouth was ...


Two "white spheres" that look crystal clear like crystals, Fang Chong still can't tell what it is.

Others were also clearly shocked.

This unknown thing is so beautiful, even a crystal ball, to achieve this situation. It's also difficult ...

After shaking things like crystal balls, everyone began to wonder what these two or three spheres are ...

Fang Chong is the same. No, he has something that is easier to find the situation than everyone, that is, the "Mayan system" ...

It seems that until now there is no such thing as the "Mayan system".

"Maya, what is this 'crystal-like' transparent thing?" Fang Chong turned his consciousness and actively linked with 'Maya'.

Questions like this, Fang Chong did not ask in one case, Maya would not automatically say.

Unless it will affect the safety of Fang Chong ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mayan system ’will automatically alarm ...

"This thing is what caused the energy fluctuations ..." Maya paused and said quickly.

"What causes the energy fluctuations?" Hearing here, Fang Chong was curious about the two "spheres" of unknown names. What is it that can cause chaos that causes energy fluctuations ...

"Yes, this thing is more accurate, it is the offspring of the two" Scythe Zach ". As far as their fighting ability is so poor today, or these two eggs have a relationship ......... The person who came out pointed at the things in Fang Chong's hands and said slowly ...

"Descendants, eggs?" After hearing these words, Fang Chong probably understood that what they are holding now is actually a descendant of the 'Zak tribe'?

Such a result, Fang Chongshi was extremely unexpected. . . . .


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