I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 330: Encounter after entering

Chapter 330 Encounter after Entry


The team is getting closer and closer to the Shanghai Stock Market. Fang Chong standing on the car can clearly see the big characters of the people on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. After passing the card, they are truly the Shanghai Stock Exchange. 'Range out ....

The current road of the convoy is the 'National Road'. Above the National Road, everything seems safe except for the sporadic 'Zombies'. Those zombies are the most common. Basically, they have not been found by Fang Chong. The gun's headshot ...

When the team arrived at this meeting, the speed has slowly decreased. In addition to the increasing number of abandoned vehicles on the road, the number of zombies is also rising sharply, and the level of zombies is different from the zombies they encountered outside the fifth ring. m

'Scorpion beasts' are everywhere, and even 'Hulks' are not able to see beings.

Although I have been preparing for it, but this will really see such a large number of "zombies", everyone's expressions will start to become a bit unnatural ...

But they know very well that the place they are going to now is the periphery of Shanghai Stock Market. Although the “Fifth Ring Road” is regarded as the boundary of Shanghai Stock Market, it is better than the suburbs ...

Before the end of the world, property prices on the Fifth Ring Road could be several times cheaper than the city center location of shanghai. You can't look at it with the same eyes ...

Of course, the number of people is not the most densely located in Shanghai.

There were no gunfire, but the roar of the car's engine was enough to attract a large number of zombies.

After discovering a large number of "zombies", within a few minutes, the team was surrounded by groups after walking a few hundred meters away. After watching the crowded zombies, Fang Chong also showed a trace on his face. Unexpected look.

It was expected that after entering the 'Fifth Ring Road', they would be surrounded by 'zombies', but did not expect that zombies would come so fast, and the number of zombies would be so many ...

The place where Fang Chong can now see, that is, on the road, except for the abandoned cars occupying a certain area, the other places that can stand are all zombies ...

Looking at more than 10,000 zombies, Fang Chong's expression sank slowly.

Just entering the Shanghai Stock Market, I encountered such a large number of "zombies" that Fang Chong did not expect, but this does not mean that Fang Chong was afraid. Tens of thousands of zombies are now in the strength of their team. Yes, it is not a threat at all, even if you double it again ...

Fang Chong was not afraid, but rather a little excited, such a zombie was not terrible at all.

Even if there are a lot of `` Hulks '' in the zombies, they only give Fang Chong their experience in actual combat. For Fang Chong, their current strength is not enough to pose a threat.

Unless there are a large number of "terminators", or "theoretically" the highest-level zombies, the "kings" in the zombies, the "destroyer" can cause them enough trouble ...

But 'Terminator' or 'Destroyer' appear here? It's simply impossible.

Unless there is a strong and unusual ‘Zack’ in the center of ‘Shanghai’…

But this possibility is not at all.

‘Zak’ cannot appear in a city with such a large number of zombies. Otherwise, ‘Zak’ has not been grown up before it has been destroyed by zombies….

Although zombies have no thought, they still retain the consciousness of danger before humanity.

In the sense of 'zombies', the 'Zak' is a dangerous existence compared to 'humans' or 'mutated creatures'.

It is their instinct to destroy the 'Zak's, unless that' Zak 'is already strong enough to make them tremble ...

To sum up, Fang Chong can be quite sure that the 'Zak people' do not exist in the city of 'Shanghai' ...


"Prepare all, attack ..." The fastest "Green Zombie" among the zombies has rushed to the side of the convoy. Fang Chong didn't think about the whole group any more, and the atmosphere at the scene has become tense ...

Knowing that this was the first battle and the first one that boosted morale, Fang Chong didn't dare to neglect, and immediately raised the energy pistol to blast a head close to their "Green Corpse" quickly, he waved his hand ...

Order issued.

"Uh, uh, uh ..."

At the same time as Fang Chong's voice fell, a series of swords, the sound of guns moving endlessly ...

With a shouting "kill ..." exit, thousands of team soldiers have ushered in.

Of course, genetic warriors are still running in the forefront. After having enough evolutionary genetic agents these days, the number of genetic warriors in the team has now exceeded one thousand ...

After becoming a “gene warrior”, even if the “Hulk” is in front of them, they will lose the ability to resist. Although they will not be killed with one shot, they will never be blocked many times. It is a bit better than the slaughter.

'Hulk' is already like this, not to mention the other 'level' zombies.

After thousands of "gene warriors" dispersed, the feeling was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep. The dense zombies were suddenly torn apart, and the speed and rhythm of the zombies were also disturbed.

With the active interference of 'Gene Warrior', the ordinary soldiers behind will be much easier, there is no danger from 'Hulk', and they only face zombies like 'Green Corpse Man' and 'Zombie Beast'. No problem at all.

As for the players with guns, because the genetic fighters are too fast, they also have to give up long shots and change to close shots.

The muzzle is aimed at those zombies who are dying or breaking through two lines of defense one after another ~ www.readwn.com ~

In this way, accidental injuries can be avoided as much as possible.

After all, the guns don't have eyes, and the speed of the gene warrior can be clearly seen. If you hit it casually, if you accidentally kill it by mistake, it will be a trouble ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

Have a clear battle plan, obvious staffing, reasonable staffing ...

Soon a battle like this turned upside down, and the number of zombies plummeted.

After more than ten minutes, the number of zombies was more than half less. After more than ten minutes, the number of zombies that could stand was even less, at most a few hundred ...

With a few hundred heads, Fang Chong looked in his eyes and exhaled softly. Today, such a battle has come here, and it is already possible to declare victory.

Finally, after destroying the remaining zombies, Fang Chong immediately ordered everyone to collect 'muscularized meat' ...

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