I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 331: conspiracy?

Chapter 331 Conspiracy?


"This battle is the perfect curtain ..." Everyone is collecting 'muscularized meat', but the speed is very fast, and it doesn't take long to collect the 'muscularized meat'. Fang Chong was somewhat surprised. m

The change of the team now means that everyone is rapidly maturing ...

This situation is what Fang Chong hopes to see most.

At the end of the First World War, Fang Chong announced that everyone would put his ‘muscularized meat’ away, and regardless of the rest, he announced that he would move on….

Tens of thousands of zombies were slaughtered. The strong stench of the corpse, Fang Chong did not know if it would attract other zombies or mutant creatures.

In order to avoid being attacked, Fang Chong wisely ordered to move on.

Although the battle was perfect, Fang Chong couldn't laugh.

This is the first stop. There are tens of thousands of zombies. It sounds a lot, absolutely a lot, but what is the 10,000 zombies in Shanghai that has a population base of millions?

Fang Chong was not complacent.

However, he also mummy denied that the results obtained in the war just now were perfect and not excessive ...

Although a small number of players were injured, they were all minor injuries. As for death? There is no case ...

It was perfect in terms of both casualties and the time to end the battle.

The team moved forward slowly, Qin Lan said.

"Yes, it was the perfect result ..." Fang Chong nodded. But after thinking about it, Fang Chong's tone became a bit heavy. "The real test begins later ..."

"There are always difficulties, but we are not afraid ..." Mu Ge did not look up. After she entered the Shanghai Stock Exchange from the team, all his attention was focused on the screen of the notebook.

The situation detected by the 'energy reconnaissance plane' is the focus of her attention now. In the daytime, the function of the 'energy reconnaissance plane' can be maximized, and this is undoubtedly what Fang Chong wants most ...


Fang Chong nodded. Qin Lan and Muge said that Fang Chong knew everything. He knew that when they said so, they still wanted him to relax.

Several of them are Fang Chong's closest people. They will not blame Fang Chong for their pressure ...

Fang Chong knows their minds and knows at the same time that he cannot retreat, and he cannot retreat.

After knowing that he needs something to guard, Fang Chong will not shrink back a half step.

"Is there any other situation that requires special attention ..." The team continued to drive for a while, and no large number of zombies were found. Fang Chong inquired at last.

Fang Chong will not retreat in half a step, does not mean that Fang Chong will take risks, taking thousands of lives to take risks.

Adventurous is necessary, but it must be based on the premise of victory, otherwise, it will be said by a fool.

"No other special circumstances were found, but it is true that zombies exist in these high-rise buildings ..." Muge raised his head gently, while pointing and describing to Fang Chong with a notebook ...

Driven by her fingers, she can clearly see the situation two kilometers away from them.

There are a lot of vehicles on the road, much worse than where they are now.

The number of zombies is small, but the direction of the zombies is their side, which is obviously attracted by the sound of the car's engine.

Looking at these pictures, Fang Chong did not know if he was worried that he is now or in the future ...

After knowing that the zombies would continue to strike, Fang Chong was afraid to take it lightly.

After several instructions were issued in succession, Fang Chong looked away from the notebook.

After suggesting that Muge continued to pay attention, Fang Chong had to reconsider. If they move forward step by step now, they are likely to be fatally surrounded in the future, that is, the Shanghai Stock Exchange ...

What Fang Chong feared was an accident, and the whole army was dead ...


"What to do next?" Unlike others, Fang Chong needs to consider more than just zombies face to face, and then kill them ...

Fang Chong is now the "soul figure" of the entire team, and also the "power" of the entire team.

Combining these two points, Fang Chong is necessary and obliged to consider the safety of others.

In the last days, human beings are different from 'zombies' or' mutated creatures'. There is one less to die, and the hope of defeating 'zombies',' mutated creatures', or 'Zak's is even slimmer ....

These Fang Chong all know that this is the case, Fang Chong did not want to see his casualty of this thousands of people casually ...

Now he is most entangled if he continues to go deeper, will he be completely surrounded by zombies, and then come to a ‘catch in the middle’ to destroy Fang Chong ’s entire team ... ………….

Fang Chong didn't know, would ‘zombies’ be so smart?

'Hulk' is impossible, so is 'Terminator', but 'Destroyer' Fang Chong is not sure.

The intelligence of the 'Terminator' is already close to that of human beings, let alone a higher-level 'Destroyer'. Maybe the 'Destroyer' is already smarter than humans ...

"Fang Chong, what are you worried about?" Fang Chong's silence, coupled with the change in expression on Chong's face, Qin Lan asked a little worried, what Fang Chong showed today is enough to affect them ...

Qin Lan looked at the current Fang Chong, her heart was completely choked, and the tone of the discourse was not difficult to hear the deep love and worry in Qin Lan's discourse ...

"I'm worried, will we drive into the trap like this for a long time, and be surrounded by zombies ..." Fang Chong could not tell other people about this, but some people can discuss it better than him thinking about it ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong asked Qin Lan to come, Qin Lan's maturity and rationality are enough to help him a lot ...

"Zombies are surrounded?" Qin Lan heard Fang Chong's words with a shocked expression on her face. Fang Chong said that these circumstances were not what she or anyone else had thought of.

They have been ignoring the constantly changing intellectual problems of zombies.

After entering the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the same, treat zombies as before ...

If Fang Chong didn't mention this, she would be a little scared now, if Fang Chong didn't say, they would really be surrounded by 'zombies'.

By that time, they were afraid that they would not be killed by ‘zombies’, but would also be exhausted to death.

The sheer number of "zombies" in "Shanghai" is not a joke.


"Yes, it is not impossible to have zombies that are more powerful than the" Terminator "with such a large 'population base' as 'Shanghai Stock Market'. If we can really evolve the 'Destroyer', they will lure us deep It is not difficult to surround it ... "Fang Chong said after a moment of hesitation. "At that time we were really in danger ..."

"Although it is speculation, I don't think we need to take such a risk. The huge number of zombies in Shanghai will not be able to be killed overnight. Our goal is to be a" heavy industry base ". The fourth and third rings should There is where we need ... "Fang Chong said, Qin Lan also felt very reasonable,

"Really?" Heavy industry base "is in the fourth ring or the third ring?" Fang Chong heard the news from Qin Lan, but they were shocked. Isn't the heavy industry base their most important goal in Shanghai?

If there were such a factory in the third and fourth ring roads, he would be very satisfied ...

"Of course, can 'heavy industry' be in the urban area?" Qin Lan saw the expression on Fang Chong's face suddenly relaxed, and she nodded seriously.

"Hehe ..." Fang Chong couldn't help laughing when he heard Qin Lan's words, and he got a little **** on this issue.

But talking to Qin Lan did solve the big trouble.

You do n’t have to be in a hurry to lay down the entire Shanghai Stock Exchange.

What they need now is to occupy a place as a ‘stronghold’ and then slowly eat away at ‘Shanghai’ ....

This is the most sensible choice. Even if there are traps surrounded by zombies, they are invincible ...

And there are battles every day, and the strength of all the fighters in the team will increase faster.

In that case, it seems like one more move ...

"Fang Chong, something will happen in the future, there are dangers, can you tell us to face it together? Don't always fight alone on your shoulders ..." Seeing Fang Chong laughed, Qin Lan stretched out a soft hand and gently Holding Fang Chong's arm, said softly. "We know that you are afraid we are worried, but we hope you are fine ...",

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan's tender feeling like water, nodded heavily, and at the same time stretched out a hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gently touched Qin Lan's face ... "I will ... . "


It can't be long for a long time. Soon the team once again faced the siege of the "zombies". The number is more or less than before. The unexpected thing is that Fang Chong saw this one this time. Terminator '.

This is the outer area of ​​'Shanghai Stock Market', and 'Terminator' actually appears. This is really not a good sign.

In addition to conforming to Fang Chong's conjecture, in addition to the conspiracy of 'Zombies', it also shows from the side that this Shanghai Stock Exchange is definitely more powerful and advanced than the 'Terminator'. Otherwise, this 'Terminator' has In the case of such a huge man, it will come out so soon…. \\

And that is more powerful than the 'Terminator', Fang Chong guesses that it is the 'Destroyer'.

Of course, if the "Destroyer" is to see if the system information of "Maya" is correct ...

…………………………………………………… ..

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