I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 332: Capture the thief first

Chapter 332 Capture the Thief and Capture the King


Seeing the appearance of the "Terminator" here undoubtedly brought some pressure to Fang Chong. m

It's not a threat from what, but a mentality, invisible pressure.

Fang Chong's current strength is not weak, but compared to mutants, Zak, or the highest level of zombies, the situation is not optimistic. Although Fang Chong has confidence, he is not blind and the biggest, Fang Chong knows very well I know the gap between him and the three creatures mentioned above ...

In the last days, humans are still in a weak position.

"Everyone be careful, get ready to fight ..." Fang Chong shouted as he saw the zombies getting closer and closer.

The roar of the zombies was endless. Fang Chong no longer thought about it at this time. He had a Terminator sitting in the town. This time he faced the same number of "zombies". Fang Chong knew that they would not be as relaxed as before. Guan Zeliu is here ...

The Terminator is already close to the intelligence of an adult, and it is common to have learned a certain commanding ability.

Worrying about such a situation is now more troublesome for Fang Chong.

As the so-called "hooligans know martial arts, no one can stop it", the characteristics of 'Zombies' are not afraid of pain, let alone understand the tactics. The combination of two is enough to give Fang Chong a headache for a long time ... .

Thinking of this, Fang Chong had to seriously warn others, otherwise, it would be easy to lose money.

And it ’s easy to cause casualties ...

"Understand ........." Fang Chong was worried, others were not very clear, but no one refuted when he heard Fang Chong's unusually serious tone.

"Energy gunner prepares ..." Watching the zombies approaching calmly, Fang Chong raised his right hand and waved it downwards.

"Shoot ..." Fang Chong saw that everyone was ready. When the "zombie" was less than one hundred meters away, Fang Chong waved his hand, and the energy gunner, who had been prepared long ago, saw Fang Chong signaled. After the start, the tongue of fire began to run out of his muzzle, and energy bullets with no sound ejected, approaching the zombies quickly.

The first round of fire passed quickly, and the zombies who rushed too fast fell.

Such a scene, but also very excited everyone's morale, implying that they are not terrible at all, just look for their weaknesses, there is no problem ...


Fang Chong and their count this time is the second time they have faced a large-scale zombie attack. Fang Chong's state of mind is also good. Most importantly, Fang Chong has learned cleverly, and the special thing is reflected in the use of energy guns. on.

A few hours ago, they did not use energy guns to fire, which is undoubtedly a great loss, but now they know more about how to maximize things.

Especially the use of energy guns.

Shooting in advance can avoid killing each other as much as possible. Just like before, the gunners shrank when firing, because then they exist, and if they accidentally hit, they will be seriously injured if they die.

Unless it is Fang Chong who is a group member wearing a battle suit, otherwise, with the current physical fitness of ordinary members, it is a joke to block ...

And now shooting in advance, in addition to destroying the zombies as much as possible, real long-range attacks, you can also let go of your hands and feet without worrying about hurting your own people ...

"Gene Warrior is preparing ..." After Fang Chong saw the first round of zombies destroyed by energy guns, the second round came up again, and he had to change the way he fought.

The first round of zombies was mainly green zombies and a small number of zombified beasts. Energy machine guns and energy rifles were not a problem, but in the second round, the zombies rushed up were different, except for a small number of zombies. The rest are Hulk.

In front of Hulk, these weapons, such as energy machine guns, have lost their effect. This is why Fang Chong had to change the way of fighting ...

As Fang Chong's words fell and the sound of the rushing knife rang, thousands of genetic soldiers jumped out of the car.

Holding the sword in his hand, he looked coldly at the zombies rushing towards the convoy. ,

………………………………………………………………………… ......

Looking at the zombies surrounded by a semi-arc, thousands of genetic soldiers tried to line up in Fang Chong.


With Fang Chong's rush, thousands of genetic soldiers moved at the same time, but in a blink of an eye, all disappeared in place.

Fang Chong was the fastest, and behind him were Huang Qianchuan and others.

The strength of strength is fully revealed here.

The distance of hundreds of meters is enough for Fang Chong and others to stretch the distance by ten or twenty meters ...

Quickly approached the Hulk, Fang Chong's face was not excited, and there was no timidity. Looking at him as if he slammed into the Hulk, after turning around the broken knife in his hand, he straightly hit the Hulk's head.

The powerful Hulk Fang Chong has long been known in his heart. One stab, just a simple stab, no complicated moves, just a stab from the sky, and he slashed into the head of the hulk ..

"嚓嚓 ........." The cracked voice of the skull suddenly sounded.

Knowing that this Hulk could not survive, Fang Chong quickly withdrew the knife and continued to run forward.

There are more and more zombies, but zombies at this level of Hulk can't play much role in front of Fang Chong, nor can they threaten ...

However, Fang Chong was very cautious when he was so huge. He sailed for 10,000 years. Fang Chong did not dare to carelessly ...

Soon, like the second wave of zombies that rushed over, they were completely wiped out, and real zero casualties were achieved ...

This result is quite gratifying and worthy of comfort.

After the second wave of zombies had been wiped out, Fang Chong looked at the Terminator in the distance and called back all the players.

If the Terminator is not dead, Fang Chong will not dare to take risks and attack. He is not sure if he will play a conspiracy at the Terminator.

At least from the performance just now, the terminator's command ability still has, and it should not be underestimated ...

From the first wave of losses to the second wave of adjustments, Fang Chong felt it clearly, and this situation is the most headache ...

Fang Chong looked at the Terminator in the distance calmly. He was very interested to know what kind of battle the third wave of zombies would pose under the command of the Terminator ...



Fang Chong was looking forward, but this time the zombies did not choose to attack immediately. The confrontation between the zombies and Fang Chong was at this time ...

Such a situation made Fang Chong laugh.

It turned out that Zombie also had such a quiet side, although Fang Chong was smiling, but he didn't dare to relax at all. Being able to calm down the zombies indicates that the strength of this terminator should be above Fang Chong's guess ... ...

However, Fang Chong is not afraid. No matter how powerful the Terminator is, it is no longer possible to be Fang Chong's opponent. Fang Chong is now afraid that the Terminator will launch a full-scale attack. Although it is fast, it can also cause Fang Chong Great danger.

Under the balance, Fang Chong still hopes that this terminator will die soon.

"Fang Chong, otherwise we will kill the terminator first ..." The core members knew what Fang Chong was worried about, watching Fang Chong watching the terminator on the other side silent, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming stood up.

With the strength of the two of them, it is still very possible to kill the Terminator in the zombies, but whether the two of them can return intact is a question mark ...

"No, if you go, even if you can kill this Terminator, I'm afraid the two of you will tell you there ..." Fang Chong shook his head directly after hearing what they said.

Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan's strength Fang Chong really knows too much. If one of them and the Terminator are singled out, it is difficult to say who wins.

But when it comes to going deep into the zombies and killing the Terminator, there is no big difference between finding death. Song Ming is a powerful genetic warrior, and his combat effectiveness is amazing, but speed is a big problem he wants to understand. Huang Qianchuan, although there is one more speed than Song Ming, but in the siege of zombies, want to break through?

Then there is only one word left, which is difficult ...

"How to know if you haven't tried it?" Huang Qianchuan seemed to know that Fang Chong would say so. When Fang Chong's words fell, he stood up all of a sudden ...

"It should be said, I'm too clear about your strength ..." Fang Chong was unmoved, still looking at the Terminator in front of his face calmly. Fang Chong and their side were working out a plan, and the zombies seemed the same ...

With this feeling, Fang Chong could not help laughing.

The zombies were so smart, he was really stumped.

The trick of catching the thief and catching the king is very suitable for use here, but who is going to capture the terminator who knows command? Fang Chong was undecided.

Neither Huang Qianchuan nor Song Ming is suitable. If a terminator is to be obtained, Fang Chong will pay the lives of two brothers. Fang Chong is absolutely not at risk.

However, the most is to return, but what should I do if my brother is dead? Fang Chong could not think of what to do after he died ...

Fang Chong didn't know, and didn't want to know, he could never take such a risk.


"Fang Chong, they can't do it, I'll go ..." Qin Lan came out at this time, her eyes were smiling, and she nodded to Fang Chong. The meaning in her eyes was very simple, just tell Fang Chong that she could ...

"I also have the ability to fly. Even if the Terminator finds it or angers him, you don't need to worry about my safety. Zombies are definitely out of reach ..." Fang Chong hasn't said anything yet. Qin Lan continued to speak ...

"Okay, Qin Lan, you go, but be careful ..." From the eyes of Qin Lan, Chong read a trace of perseverance. Knowing Qin Lan's personality is like this, Fang Chong didn't say anything else, nodded and watched Qin Lan fly into the sky.

"Everyone is ready to attack at any time ..." After Qin Lan left Fang Chong's sight far away, Fang Chong was not idle. Although Qin Lan was in the air, from the perspective of Fang Chong, the danger was still there. Or it ’s hard to say, maybe it ’s true. You can kill the Terminator smoothly ...

Taking these into consideration, Fang Chong wanted to deal with the attack of the team together. To attract the attention of the Terminator and help Qin Lan win a rare opportunity ...

"Yes ....." Fang Chongyao's purpose is simple, these people understand ...

Fang Chong cherishes the fate they have now, as do other people ...

Qin Lan is willing to kill the Terminator for everyone's safety. Why are they willing to take risks to attract the attention of other zombies? They believe that as long as they are based at the same time, once they have attracted the attention of the zombies, there is a great chance that Qin Lan will succeed. Now ...

Everyone who understood this quickly released their hands and divided into more than sixty teams under the command of the team captains and rushed out.

The captains are all ‘gene warriors’ who are close to or over a hundred levels.

Seeing Fang Chong's huge momentum, the zombies turned a little dizzy, and they did not respond until they were killed by a large number of them ...


Qin Lan flying in the sky, I do n’t know when the 'silver' bow and arrow of 'Yu Xia' has appeared in her hands. Feeling the cold feeling passed by 'Yu Xia', Qin Lan's tense breath seemed to relax a lot .

A ‘silver-white’ ‘armor suit’, a long silver bow, in the air, the feeling is really special.

Yingzi is refreshing, a hero, or a goddess?

Fang Chong doesn't know what adjective to use ...

Because of the following people's attention, not many people pay attention to Qin Lan, and zombies are even less.

Under such circumstances, Fang Chong came to the Terminator very smoothly ...

However, in order not to be found, Qin Lan did not dare to be too close to the Terminator in the air, Qin Lan also needed to find a way ...

Qin Lan was waiting for the most suitable opportunity, and Fang Chong did not survive it.

The mighty attack really attracted most of the "zombies" and felt Fang Chong's approaching. The sublime "zombies" that were tamed by the Terminator came from Fang Chong's side. After the danger.

With a roar, I finally stopped standing quietly, but withdrew my legs instead of rushing to Fang Chong ...

"Roar roar ..." Listening to the roar of this zombie, Fang Chong's mouth slightly tilted.

Looking at the zombies that were getting closer, Fang Chong's body moved. He still slashed them and resolved the zombies that rushed to them ...



Looking at the performance of Fang Chongru as a wolf into the flock, Fang Chong's side can be said to be truly invincible. After the morale rose, the team's speed of advance was a little faster.

The killings from game to game have some improvement in combat effectiveness.

As Fang Chong had previously guessed.


"Wait, wait ..." In the air, thirty meters above the ground, Qin Lan's "Yu Sha" was also hiking.

Not seeing a good opportunity, Qin Lan has been comforting herself to wait, wait well ...

Qin Lan stays in the air like a puppet, with a calm expression. Qin Lan did not pull the bowstring of Yu Yu. Without proper circumstances, Qin Lan would not open the bowstring casually.

With the current strength of the "Terminator" and a slight "bowstring" relaxation sound, Qin Lan is still afraid of being seen.

Looking at the battle in full swing below, Qin Lan can see. The battle is really entering a feverish phase.

Knowing that I am very likely to change the war situation, Qin Lan, etc .....

"Why is this terminator so cunning ..." Qin Lan looked down, and after a long time no Terminator appeared, Qin Lan's patience is very good, there is no way ......

"Terminator" can't come out, Qin Lan really can't help it ...


"We killed the Terminator ..." Maybe the formation of the "Zombies" was disrupted. Now the battles shown by the "Zombies" are at most 60% of the previous ones. Now Fang Chong's combat effectiveness is enough to make people Tongue.

Fang Chong killed the 'Terminator' side and faced it. At least he could pick a few strong opponents.

"Well, we rushed over to create a chance for Qin Lan ..." Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong and soon rushed to Fang Chong, ready ...

"The goal is where the number of opponents is most concentrated ..." Fang Chong knew that only the more people could make all the scenes more chaotic. In that way, Qin Lan in the air saw such a scene. , Smile a little ...

"Okay, kill ..." Song Ming waved a slashing sword, and suddenly counted the 'corpse beast' and was swept away lazily. Although he won't die immediately, it must be a problem for them. Now ...

"Kill ..." Looking at the mighty look of Song Ming ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Qianchuan's body also moved, and a sword more than one meter long was in his hands, perfectly combining speed and power.

After rushing into the zombies, every time the sword in Huang Qianchuan's hand was waved, a zomb's skull was cut off ...

No zombies can have a stop ...

‘Scorpion beast’, so is ‘Hulk’ ...

Huang Qianchuan is now like "God of War" ...

Two men who were unwilling to fall behind, killing them, Fang Chong walking behind could only smile silently ...



Eventually, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming's massacre-like fighting methods finally caught the attention of the 'Terminator' ...

As it stood up, it expressed its anger with a roar that sounded through the sky ...

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