I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 334: Opportunity appears

Chapter 334 Opportunity Appears


"Damn… .." Fang Chong's **** battle, Qin Lan in the air can see clearly, she has countless thoughts, she wants to pull a bow to kill the "Hulk" who besieged Fang Chong, but his sword ends Or she tolerate ...

Looking at the 'Terminator' who had been reluctant to stop, Qin Lan couldn't help cursing. m

Her patience was completely exhausted after seeing Fang Chong encounter danger ...

"Calm, calm ..." Qin Lan took a deep breath and resisted the urge to do something. She knew that in such a battle today, the variables are all on her. If something goes wrong on her side, Fang Chongna Edge is the real danger.

Qin Lan worked very hard to suppress her own impulse.

There is no room for error ...

After reason suppressed the impulse, Qin Lan's eyes became a little bit colder. Looking at the 'Terminator''s eyes seemed to spit out fire, but Qin Lan didn't move ...

When she calmed down, she slowly realized that although Fang Chong's current situation seemed dangerous, but upon closer inspection, there were still different findings.

Fang Chong seemed extremely sieged, but Fang Chong did not show a trace of panic in every move, including footsteps, and the direction of each knife cut was traceable and lawful.

Fang Chong did not waste extra physical energy. Each knife was very delicately chopped in the most vulnerable part of the 'Hulk' body, that is, a joint in the neck. That point, as long as it can be cut accurately, the 'Hulk's head Definitely chopped ...

"I was nervous ..." With such a discovery, Qin Lan was relieved immediately, and the oppressive mood suddenly relaxed at this instant.

However, she still didn't relax at all. She knew what she had to deal with.

Under her careful observation, this "Terminator" has found that it is different from other "Terminators" faced before. Not only is it faster, but also the overall situation of power and other aspects is the same ...

‘It ’s a bad character… ..’ Qin Lan ’s evaluation of this terminator… ....

The cleverness of this 'Terminator' cannot be described by surprise ...


"Roar, roar, roar ..." After all the "Hulks" who besieged Fang Chong were killed by Fang Chong for hundreds of times, the Terminator was a continuous rage and roar, and the consequence of the roar was from the side again Rushing through a group of 'corpse beasts' weaker than the 'Hulk', this change may be that the 'Terminator' feels that the remaining 'Hulk' is not Fang Chong's opponent ...

"You're really tough enough, brother doesn't show his power, do you really think he is bullying?" After Fang Chong saw these 'corpse beasts' rushing over, he cursed, this 'terminator' 'By this time Fang Chong had been completely angered.

Originally, Fang Chong's intention was to create opportunities for Qin Lan. In that way, his own security is more guaranteed and more convenient, but judging from the situation shown by this 'terminator' now, his idea has little chance. Achieved….

Knowing this, Fang Chong continued to retreat. He waved 'Broken Knife' in front of him, and the whole man was deeply inserted into the 'Zombie Group'.

Today, the skill of serial chopping is impeccable by Fang Chong.

The most suitable skill to deal with the siege is that Fang Chong can take away the life of a Hulk or a ‘corpse beast’ with each stroke… .... \\

With the advancement of Fang Chong's footsteps, the distance between Fang Chong and the 'Terminator' has been continuously shortened. The same is true of the 'Hulk' blocked by Fang Chong, and the 'corpses' ...

In the continuous decrease, if it was said that the previous victory was unpredictable, but the scene is now one-sided, Fang Chong, who was originally in the downwind, has already gained the upper hand at this time, and he is still in an unscathed condition ... .

Now Fang Chong is like a 'killing' machine ...


"The opportunity is coming… .." Watching Fang Chongyue fight more and more bravely, Qin Lan's anxiety gradually reduced. Just now the terminator roared, and Qin Lan's heart was raised to his throat.

However, Fang Chong's unexpected outbreak put her hanging heart back into her chest.

However, Fang Chong's strength made her understand ...

When did Fang Chong become like this, and in this state, Fang Chong seems to have some room ...

Qin Lan knows that a person's real desperate effort will increase the combat power by several layers than usual ...

Qin Lan was still observing carefully. After Fang Chong cut down a 'Hulk' again, a terrifying roar of the Terminator stopped all remaining zombies ...

This clever terminator looked at Fang Chong with a condescending attitude ...

'Hulk' no longer attacks, Fang Chong also stopped, continuous explosive attacks, the same as Fang Chong's physical exhaustion, Fang Chong is serious, except for the first time to face the 'Zac', 'Nine-Eyed Zac After that war, Fang Chong has not been so embarrassed ...

However, Fang Chong is not without gains in this kind of battle. He is more clear about the coordination of various parts of the body. It is clear that the combination of smooth movements and skills is Fang Chong's biggest gain ...

It was just a physical exhaustion that made him lack confidence in the next battle terminator ...

"How are you, Fang Chong?" After Fang Chong even felt that his body was starting to feel weak, he looked up slightly, looked at Qin Lan, who was not very clear in the air, and smiled slightly ...

He didn't speak, he believed Qin Lan would see.

"It's okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can't keep up with physical strength, you have to be careful ..." As Fang Chong thought, as soon as he looked up, Qin Lan's voice sounded in his ear ...

"It's up to me, I will kill this **** terminator ..." Qin Lan said.

After saying this, her body fell down more than ten meters ...

The distance of more than 20 meters is the most accurate distance in Qin Lan's attack, and it is also the most grasped ...


"Well, you have to be careful ..." Fang Chong had planned with Qin Lan already, and from the situation shown now, the process is almost the same ...

Fang Chong did not move, he was creating opportunities for Qin Lan.

Fang Chong knew that with the cleverness of the Terminator, when Fang Chong couldn't move, he should not move, and this opportunity was very rare ...

……………………………………………………………… ..

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