I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 335: Situation mutation

Chapter 335 Sudden Change in Situation


Fang Chong's situation is not very good now. Qin Lan already knows that while Yu Yu's body is falling, Qin Lan's expression is 'full moon'. Qin Lan's expression is extremely serious. She knows that her arrow will decide The development of the battle, and now, Fang Chong's life is in her hands to a great extent. M

After Qin Lan stabilized the descending figure slightly, held her breath, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Fang Chong's stalemate terminator.

Under the sun, the shining arrow is facing the head of ‘Terminator’.

Qin Lan knows that when it comes to zombies of the 'Terminator' class, only their heads are their real weakness. Shooting at other positions is afraid that it will be difficult to kill them ...

'Terminator' didn't move, and Fang Chong didn't move either. After a few seconds of stalemate, Qin Lan finally adjusted her breathing, the strength of her arm increased by a few points, and the bowstring pulled out had reached the maximum that Yusha could bear. It is also the limit that Qin Lan can achieve ...

"Hmm ..."

Of course, Qin Lan knows that opportunities are rare. After adjusting Yu Yu to the best state, Qin Lan didn't hesitate any more. With such a short distance, and now that the Terminator is completely still, Qin Lan exhaled and right-handed The hand holding the arrow is loose. The silver-white arrow shines in the sun, like a white streamer ...

The arrow of the silver-white arrow is ‘spiral’. After detaching from the bowstring, the arrow body rotates quickly under the action of the air, and the speed is increased a little more ..

The arrow body in this form can greatly increase the damage caused by the arrow support to the target.

After the violent friction between the arrow and the air made a gurgling sound, it shot out at an exaggerated speed like the speed of light, and the target pointed directly at the terminator's head. ,

Seeing such a scene, Qin Lan was relieved from the heart.

Although the sound of friction between the arrow and the air is very loud, Qin Lan is no longer afraid of the Terminator's discovery. She believes that even if the Terminator knows that something is sneaking in, by this time, she will not be able to react ...


From the moment Qin Lan took off, Fang Chong looked in his eyes, especially the ‘white streamer’ brought by the silver-white arrow. The Fang Chong knew that such an arrow would be enough to solve this terminator ...

While Fang Chong was happy, he also praised Qin Lan's maturity.

Now Qin Lan is enough to stand alone, no matter in his ability or grasp of timing in battle, from the perspective of these aspects, Qin Lan is not weaker than himself ...

Especially after the confidence increased, Fang Chong can now suppress them, leaving only his strength ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's mouth raised slightly again.

Looking at the Terminator, it's like looking at the dead ...

However, after Fang Chong's gaze really stopped on the Terminator's face, Fang Chong's gaze was dull.

The Terminator he saw was laughing! That's right! Just laughing ...

Just like Fang Chong himself, there is a slight smile on the corner of his mouth ...

When seeing the Terminator laughing, Fang Chong subconsciously clenched the 'Broken Knife' in his hand.

Although Qin Lan's arrow has not arrived yet, such an arrow can no longer give Fang Chong a sense of security.

He felt at this moment that the 'Terminator' in front of him who had thought that he would die is undoubtedly capable of avoiding this arrow. Although this idea was outrageous, Fang Chong himself felt outrageous, but soon, he His intellect suppressed his disbelief, his body squatting slightly as the arrows approached ...

Put on an attackable and defensive posture. At this time, Fang Chong's attention to this 'terminator' has reached an unprecedented level, or in other words, Fang Chong has regarded this terminator as in Nanji City. The more dangerous guy who met 'Scythe Zach ...'


"What's going on?" Qin Lan looked at Fang Chong's posture, and her expression froze.

In addition to not understanding why Fang Chong took such a pose, she was even more shocked by Terminator's next move.

The "terminator", which was undoubtedly dead, was already passed by the "silver" arrow, not at the moment when the arrow was about to arrive, and the side of the head avoided it at a faster speed. A deadly arrow ...

Qin Lan's expression changed from her initial surprise to shock when she saw that her most satisfied arrow had been avoided so far.

The method of "Terminator" to avoid her deadly arrow is really beyond her imagination.

"Not good ...." Qin Lan hasn't figured out how the "Terminator" avoided her arrow, but then thought that Fang Chong was still facing this Terminator, and her face became pale at this moment. .

After shouting badly, she hurriedly drew an arrow from her back.

However, at this time, the Terminator no longer gave her the opportunity to aim, and before Qin Lanjian fired his bow and arrow, the huge body of the Terminator had disappeared in place.

That's right, it disappeared in the same place. The speed of ‘Terminator’ is not at all comparable to that of Terminators that have appeared before. Even the Terminator that launches attack skills ca n’t reach it ...

At such a speed, Qin Lan shouldn't say aiming, even if it is a bit difficult to catch the figure of the 'Terminator'.

Seeing here, Qin Lan's face became increasingly ugly.

She knows what the ‘Terminator’ saves from ...


When Fang Chong hid his head from the arrow of the Terminator, his body was already moving. I do n’t know why, a gut instinct prompted him to move ...

What surprised him was that while the body was moving, the 'Terminator''s body really moved, hitting the place where he was standing at a speed faster than him, and the double fist punched by the Terminator Two abandoned trucks in the bombing ...

"Touch, touch ..." twice ...

The two trucks were directly bombarded dozens of meters away ...

This kind of strength is no longer what ordinary terminators can do ...

After seeing such a scene, Fang Chong knew that the strength of this 'Terminator' could never be lower than 200 ....

Not to mention those ordinary 'terminators'. The 120, 30 levels can be compared.

Such a discovery made Fang Chong's expression even more ugly! If he has enough energy, he is not afraid, at best, he will lose both. But now, with his inability to do what he wants, he wants to win?

There are some foolish suspects ...

After keeping a distance of 30 meters from the "Terminator", Fang Chongliang looked at the Terminator ...

"What to do?" Fang Chong was not anxious to attack. In addition to being unable to keep up, he did not understand the true strength of the 'Terminator', which is also a reason Fang Chong is more worried now ...

After the situation reached such a tense moment, Fang Chong's head turned madly. He knew that he had to find a way, otherwise, he fell down, and today the team of thousands of them all explained here ...

Such a situation was the last thing Fang Chong wanted to happen, nor did he want to see.

However, the Terminator in front of him is obviously reluctant to give Fang Chong such a time to consider countermeasures. Fang Chong has just stabilized his body, and the "Terminator" who blasted off the two cars turned back and looked at the location of Fang Chong The body disappeared again.

Seeing the speed of the Terminator once again, after Fang Chongpo evaded a bit, he jumped in disguise. Fang Chong did this to obscure the direction of the Terminator attack ...


"The speed should be more than two hundred levels, and the power will not be less than two hundred levels. This guy is still not the terminator ..." After escaping dozens of consecutive fatal blows from the "terminator", Fang Chong finally waited When it came to breathing, hiding behind a car, Fang Chong thought very depressed.

Had it not been for the flight of genetic medicine, he was afraid that even if he had nine lives like a cat, he would be here ...

After a series of contacts, Fang Chong knew even more clearly where this 'Terminator' was really terrifying.

"Fang Chong is careful, it's here again ..." When Fang Chong just wanted to look sideways to see what direction the Terminator was in, Qin Lan's voice sounded in Fang Chong's ear. "On the right is a dead corner that the Terminator can't see ..."

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong responded gently, and his body moved almost simultaneously.

After so many evasions just now, Fang Chong finally found a way to avoid the Terminator attack with the help of Qin Lan ...

It's very simple ~ www.readwn.com ~ is to use Qin Lan's advantages in the air to determine in advance the direction of the 'Terminator' attack, so that Fang Chong can avoid as much as possible and predict the Terminator's attack ...

And this method has also made Fang Chong a lot easier. Although there is no good way to deal with this 'Terminator', but the 'Terminator' is not resistant to him ...

Fang Chong's body moved later. After rolling back sideways, his feet lightly landed on the black tire of a car, and the whole person flew out against the ground.

When Fang Chong hid into the dead end that Qin Lan said ‘Terminator’ could n’t see, Fang Chong finally had time to see secretly, what ’s the situation now ...

But it ’s okay not to look at it seriously. After looking at it, Fang Chong's heart was a bit more depressed ...

Just now the 'Terminator', whose body is obviously about five meters tall, has reached this time, and within a short period of time, the body is weirdly reduced by half ...

Now Fang Chong looks far away, at most about two meters five ...

The explosive muscles that are high and raised undoubtedly make Fang Chong's worry a little bit more ...

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