I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 336: Shrinking Terminator

Chapter 336 The Shrinking Terminator


With such a weird change of "Terminator", Fang Chong couldn't figure out what the Terminator was going to do?

"Is it speed?" After seeing 'Terminator' slowly stabilized, Fang Chong came up with the word speed in his mind. m

Fang Chong ’s “Speed” and “Terminator” are almost the same. Of course, Fang Chong is relying on ‘flying gene medicine’ to support….

And such a change in the 'Terminator' is, in most cases, because the attacker cannot be worshipped and has to force it to change. Changing his huge body is undoubtedly the best way ...

The so-called enrichment is the essence. Fang Chong thinks that after the ‘Terminator’ changes its body shape, the body can erupt faster ....

"Or strength ..." Fang Chong thought of speed, and soon thought of strength. It is inevitable that the body size is shortened and the speed is increased, and strength is also impossible ...

Those explosive muscles undoubtedly explain this well ...

Fang Chong thought of this, and knew in his heart that his current situation is even more dangerous, and it is basically impossible to retreat ...

"It's better to fight instead of consuming power to avoid, or when the body is really exhausted, you will really let the Terminator kill it ..." Fang Chong thought to himself that this situation was also the last thing he wanted to happen, His fate is beyond his control, Fang Chong made up his mind and decided to fight ...

"Fang Chong, what's wrong with the terminator ..." Qin Lan, who was paying close attention to the changes in the 'Terminator' at all times in the air, also found these changes in the 'Terminator', but Qin Lan clearly did not expect that the shrinking Terminator would be more Powerful.

"It's going to be desperate, its body size has been reduced, and the power and speed of this Terminator should be greatly improved ..." After having made a new decision in his heart, when Fang Chong said this sentence, from his body Take out two bottles of genetic medicine, drink it happily.

Genes that have not been absorbed can do little, but some are better than none ...

Fang Chong intends to fight hard and increase his odds as much as possible.

After drinking two bottles of genetic medicine, Fang Chong's body slowly came out from behind the dodging car.

"Fang Chong, what do you want ..." Qin Lan just wanted to ask the Terminator about this change again. When they were going to do something, she suddenly saw that Fang Chong was not a tall figure from a sedan. Come out later, slowly step by step towards the Terminator ...

Seeing this scene of Qin Lan, of course, know what Fang Chong is doing ...

The thought of Fang Chong was desperate, she couldn't help but panic, almost no trace of blood on her face.

"I can't hide it, I can only fight it now ..." Fang Chong raised his head gently and smiled slightly at Qin Lan in the sky. Fang Chong knew clearly that after this battle, whether he could still Give Qin Lan such a smile.

With the shrinking Terminator, Fang Chong knew that its strength should far exceed two hundred levels.

Now the only thing he can rely on is the armor set against him ...

Feather defense that can defend more than two hundred and fifty levels should be able to block the attack after the Terminator changes?

As long as he can, Fang Chong has maintained a glimmer of hope for victory.


"Fang Chong doesn't want it, that's too dangerous, we think of a way again ..." Listening to Fang Chong's absolute tone, Qin Lan tone asked in a crying voice.

"It's okay, things have reached this stage, there is no time to think of other ways ..." Fang Chong shook his head gently. "Rest assured, I will win him ...".

When Fang Chong finished this sentence, he also turned off the intercom function.

The battle is about to begin. Fang Chong does not want to be disturbed by the sound. In many cases, the moment of being stunned can determine the outcome of the battle ...

"Fang Chong, Fang Chong ..." After Qin Lan's continuous shouting was fruitless, she gave up the call. Although her eyes were red, Qin Lan did not let the tears fall. She knew that it was not time to cry or worry. All she did was wait for an opportunity, and wait for another fatal blow to this 'terminator' ...

No archer can make a hit… ....

Qin Lan thought of this, and her self-confidence was re-invigorated. Qin Lan's eyes showed firm confidence ...

With a long bow in the left hand and an alloy arrow in the right hand, Qin Lan completed almost all actions in one second.

However, after she did these actions, Fang Chong on the ground and the shrunken Terminator were entangled. In this case, Qin Lan could only hold back in order to avoid hurting Fang Chong by mistake ...

Watching Fang Chonghe and the Terminator quickly retreat time and time again, and then attack. In this case, Qin Lan's face is getting worse and worse… .....

Fang Chong's situation is not good, he is very clear, she knows that Fang Chong has almost reached the limit ...

………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Damn, this guy's power speed really reached a perverted place ..." After dozens of consecutive active attacks by Fang Chong, he finally couldn't resist the blow of the power of the "Terminator" and was hit in the shoulder ... ....

After flying upside down for dozens of meters, Fang Chong quickly got up from the ground. Under the defense of Yu Fang, the Terminator's blow seemed to be very powerful, but the damage to Fang Chong was minimal and did not feel much. Pain ...

After cursing a word, Fang Chong's body also learned the Terminator ~ www.readwn.com ~ It disappeared in situ in an instant. After having roughly understood the power of the 'Terminator' fist, Fang Chong had a new heart in his heart. intend….

After he possesses the ‘feather defense’ suit of war armor, to a large extent, the Terminator ’s attack can no longer play a very important role, unless the terminator ’s continuous fists hit the same position ...

But Fang Chong is not a fool, that kind of situation is unlikely to happen ...

And Fang Chong also knows that he has another advantage over the 'Terminator', that is, the sword held tightly in his hands.

This knife is enough to deal with the Terminator ...

"Go to death ..." After Fang Chong's body reappeared, after a burst of popping burst from his mouth, the "Broken Knife" was also unambiguous at this time, turning into a black streamer to split against the Terminator ...

Fang Chong's sudden fighting method really scared the Terminator, but after a moment's flick, his body moved ...


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