I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 338: Counterattack period?

Chapter 338: Counterattack Period?


Fang Chong stopped and took a rest, and Qin Lan took the place of Fang Chong and took out the 'Musculated Meat' of the 'Terminator'. This 'Terminator' has such a strange change. Of course, they must understand it well. m

Some changes are likely to affect future plans. Once you know it, you will not be able to fool around ......

However, to the surprise of the two of them, the Terminator's body, apart from a larger 'muscularized meat' and a clearer color, did not see other differences.

Although a little confusing, but in fact, there is no other way.

What Fang Chong thinks is that they will be clear after the Shanghai stock market is knocked down.

In Shanghai Stock Exchange, there will be something different.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong was also a little worried. Is it right or wrong to choose 'Shanghai Stock Market' as their base?

Considering from other aspects, Shanghai Stock Market is undoubtedly the best choice, but there are some abnormal changes now, and there are unstable factors ...

What the **** is it, I can only bet ...


After night time, the entire team has been stationed in the building of the shopping mall. The area of ​​the building is not small, and there are no problems to accommodate thousands of people.

Fang Chong and their group of hundreds gathered on the third floor of the building.

The results of today's battle are here.

Tens of thousands of pieces of "muscularized meat" are piled into mountains, but they are selected separately, which is convenient for Fang Chong to distinguish ...

After the personnel arrived, Fang Chong motioned for everyone to find a place to sit down.

A small area, similar to the conference hall, Fang Chong stood in front.

The abnormal changes that occurred today let him know that the plan should be changed. With their current strength, it is impossible to eat ‘Shanghai Stock Market’ at once. There are many variables in the unknown ‘Shanghai Stock Market’.

Fang Chong didn't want to take too much risk. The 'Terminator' that appeared today has sounded the alarm for Fang Chong.

Persecuted to this extent by this 'Terminator', Fang Chong suddenly realized that, with his current strength, if he really encounters a zombie that is more powerful than the Terminator, if the 'Destroyer' fails, the possibility of being killed may be taken up. Most likely ...

Fang Chong is not afraid of death, but he cannot die ...

In this team, he is the most powerful. If he fails, Qin Lan, Muge, Song Ming wait for them? And what about thousands of people in the entire team?

They were brought out by Fang Chong, and he will need to take them back and let them live ...

Knowing that you must die, you do n’t know that turning is a silly hat ...


After feeling a bit of emotion, Fang Chong slowly spoke.

"The current situation in Shanghai is temporarily unknown, and our evolution needs to change ..." Fang Chong looked at everyone's expressions and said calmly. "Although today ’s record is not bad, the situation of casualties is still not optimistic. The casualties of hundreds of people were the biggest casualties after we came out of the base city of Kyoto. Even the gene fighters also had a sacrifice. As things stand, we do not have the advantage ... "

"Fang Chong you mean that we give up the goal of going to the Shanghai Stock Exchange ..." On the right side of Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan asked, and it is not difficult to hear from his tone. If Fang Chong said that he would give up, he Definitely the first to disagree.

Although the danger of ‘Shanghai Stock Market’ is obvious to all, they struggled for a day before they came here. If they gave up casually, it would be too chaotic, and there would be no death without fighting, no matter the past or the future ...

This is the world before the end of the last days, and it is more common in the last days.

Are there still few dead humans in the last days?

"No, it is not abandonment. Now that the place that meets our goals is out of Shanghai, there is no other place suitable. If you move again, time will not be allowed at all ..." Fang Chong glanced at Huang Qianchuan, Huang Qianchuan The meaning of the words Fang Chong can certainly hear. .

"Then what do you mean ..." Huang Qianchuan was relieved to hear Fang Chong's words.

"Qin Lan is right. It ’s impossible to have the factories and machinery we need in the city center of Shanghai. The attack is just a waste. I mean it is simple. It ’s enough to hit the third and fourth ring roads of Shanghai. Somewhere, we already have what we need ... "Fang Chong knew that the others had been asked these two points by Huang Qianchuan in succession, and he had already paid attention to this. Fang Chong did not delay, and he told Qin Lan what he had said in the afternoon. speak out.

"This is also true ..." Huang Qianchuan understood.

"Well," not only Huang Qianchuan, everyone else heard Fang Chong's meaning, everyone understood. Seeing this, Fang Chong signaled everyone to quiet down again, he still has something to say.

After everyone stopped, Fang Chong said again: "Today's" Terminator "strength exceeds" 200 levels "makes me very vigilant. What I am worried about is that there should still be uncertain factors in Shanghai Stock Market ..."

"The Terminator's strength is more than two hundred levels ......" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Ling Ya, including some other genetic warriors, looked ashamed, even if they wanted to get closer to the Terminator and kill them. The Emperor Song and the Emperor Qianchuan were equally puzzled.

They knew that Fang Chong and Qin Lan had worked hard to defeat the Terminator, but they never thought that the Terminator was so powerful that they could not be surprised.

What is the concept of two hundred levels? In the last days to the present day, except for the few “Zak people”, the creatures of the earth they encountered have not yet appeared.

The most powerful is not too much to say 'Terminator', but the strength of those 'Terminators' is at most 120 or 30 ...

With more than two hundred levels, the strength of the seventy to eighty levels has been completely improved, and it feels very exaggerated.


"Yes, that's why I was extremely surprised and worried ..." Fang Chong nodded. Everyone was surprised when he heard the news. Isn't he the same at noon? "If everyone meets 'Terminator' later, you must pay attention to ..."



Although everyone didn't believe it, the words came from Fang Chong's mouth, and everyone was unconvinced beyond doubt.

Later, Fang Chong said that some other plans and changes were made before the meeting was adjourned.

Today's battle was exhausted, and others were afraid that it would be better.

After everyone has left, there are more than ten people left here, which is the absolute backbone of the team now ...

They were also important members before they joined the "Blood Killing Hunting Team", Song Ming, Xiao Jun, Chen Cheng ... and so on.

"At this point, I can only ask everyone to be more careful. The last days are far from simple as we can imagine ..." Fang Chong looked at these brothers who were born and died together from the beginning of the last days, and said solemnly. .

The world is getting more and more complicated. Even if he owns the "Mayan system", he doesn't dare to guarantee the security 100%. The variables now are too big to be caught by surprise.

"We all understand ..." Fang Chong said, of course, Xiao Jun Song Ming nodded, as did everyone else.

What Fang Chong said next was related to the team. Fang Chong said in detail that everyone listened carefully ...


This night passed quickly. By the next day, the team was ready to go. After a night of precipitation, the "bloody" smell in the air had faded a lot. The blood exposed by tens of thousands of "zombies" could not be easily covered up.

Looking at the blue sky outside, Fang Chong's mood was not relaxed.

The smell of blood will attract zombies, Fang Chong has long known that today, zombies alone, they have to worry about ...

It is not difficult to see from the building's window Fang Chong, there are already zombies wandering on this slaughtered street.

However, the quantity on the surface now is not as much as they think, and it should have little effect ....

Going down to the bottom, I saw that everyone is ready to complete, Fang Chong has no nonsense. At this step, everyone is conscious of many things. It is similar to the “gene medicament” that is distributed every day.

Of course, these are directly related to life-saving ...

"Departure ..." Fang Chong abandoned the vehicle and walked directly in front. Without the restraint of the roof, Fang Chong was able to respond to the accident the first time. The crisis that appeared yesterday has reminded Fang Chong ...

In addition to Fang Chong, thousands of ‘gene warriors’ are also the same. Everyone is lined up on the street, posted in front of the team, on both sides and behind ...

Gene warriors, after all, are still much more powerful than ordinary people.

Now genetic warriors have become the backbone of their team and the most indispensable ...

In the case that the hot weapon is not able to be used, the combat effectiveness of the gene warrior is vividly reflected.

Along the way, the fighting continued, the zombies were constantly flowing, and the number was showing an increasing number of states. They had already dealt with countless zombies. Fang Chong knew that they once again entered another powerful zombie. The territory is similar to yesterday's terminator ...


"Everybody's attention is strengthened ..." It is obvious that the atmosphere is different. The captains of the teams have issued reminders. Although they can not see with Fang Chong, but experience tells them that they are now surrounded by zombies again. .

But it was surrounded, and everyone ’s reaction was still dull….

"Energy gun, energy gun ready ..." Fang Chong began to command after the team put out the defensive.

Yesterday's fighting gave Fang Chong a lot of help. At least today he commanded with ease, and the team's response was faster.

From this point, fighting is the best way to grow ...

With the release of Fang Chong's instructions, the battle soon became fierce.

There is no condition or conspiracy to fight against the zombies. Anyway, I should prove that sentence. The brave men meet on the narrow road ...

For a continuous day of fighting, Fang Chong paid hundreds of casualties again, but finally stepped within the fourth ring line of Shanghai Stock Exchange. Based on this, their predetermined goal has been reached ...

It is said that between the Third and Fourth Ring Lines, there are now several consecutive industrial parks within the Fourth Ring Line, and these emerging industrial parks have been able to meet Fang Chong's requirements ...

In addition to electronics-type 'industrial parks', there are also automotive industries, lathes, etc ...

"Tonight, camp here ..." Fang Chong stopped in front of the Automobile Industrial Park. This industrial park Fang Chong has probably learned about the situation from the outside signboard, and has a factory area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. It was a well-known automobile production plant before the end of the world, and this kind of equipment is suitable for Fang Chong's plan in a large situation ...

With all this in mind, Fang Chong directly listed this place as the first place without any hesitation ...

"Hmm ..." Everyone thinks that there is not as much as Fang Chong. They are resting there, and the industrial park is quite safe.

After dividing some people to guard the main road, and some people to kill the zombies in the industrial park, the remaining people helped to clean up the dormitory building, including some other major locations ...

Fang Chong intends to have a general understanding of the team now. Everyone knows that they will work hard for a short period of time.

………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The main thing tomorrow is to clean up another industrial park, which is the electronic industrial park next door. Some electronic products are also what we need ..." Fang Chong explained and explained ...

"What is Fang Chong's plan? Why do you need a heavy industrial base?" Huang Qianchuan asked with some curiosity. After leaving the base city of Kyoto, Fang Chong's goal was to point to a city with a first-class heavy industrial base like Shanghai.

I didn't ask before, except that I didn't integrate into this team, Huang Qianchuan was also afraid of Fang Chong's secret, but to this day, after these two points are not a problem, Huang Qianchuan has to ask ...

"What do you say about the power of energy guns and energy guns? If something more powerful than this energy weapon appears, what do you think?" Fang Chong did not answer directly, but pointed to the surrounding off-road vehicle. , Including weapons and equipment on trucks ...

"Of course it is good, it is best to be able to directly deal with the Zak's weapons ..." Fang Chong finished, and the ranch song began. She saw it with her own power last time. Fang Chong said this now, and he most hoped That's it ...

"It is possible to deal with ordinary Zaks ..." Fang Chong hit the same point. Zaks are strong, but in the "Mayan civilization", there are some troubles to deal with the strong "advanced Zaks", but Dealing with ordinary 'Zaks', similar to 'Laser Cannons', a Zak is a one shot solution ...

What Fang Chong hopes is that he can rely on the scientific and technological power of the earth, plus some parts that he can redeem from the 'Mayan System' to make.

If successful, for the first time, humans on the earth will be able to stand against zombies, including mutant creatures, and the Zachs will have a chance to confront them.

Although still weak, there is hope that human potential is absolutely unlimited ...

Fang Chong believes this very much, and this is not only to others, but also to himself.

He also needs a hope now, and this hope is now born from Shanghai Stock Market.

Fang Chong knew that he could only win and couldn't fail. They had no future. The frequent appearance of the Zak people has declared that humanity is really in danger ...


The Shanghai base is Fang Chong's bet. If they can't win, then they are all done, and Fang Chong is no exception.

The strength of a person, in the context of the last days, he cannot play the savior ...

However, according to the current situation, they are in a great situation, the possibility of success is very great, and he has the Maya system as the backing, and the failure is basically eliminated, of course, the transaction with the Maya system is the most necessary The reward point is the source of the reward point, even if it kills zombies, mutants and Zak ...

What Fang Chong needs to worry about is the issue of reward points.

The materials he needs next include information drawings, which are things that surpass the technology of the earth several times. These things are powerful, but the reward points are relatively more expensive ...

"It's possible? If we can succeed, humans will enter the counterattack period?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, everyone's eyes were involuntarily brightened. Fang Chong's words undoubtedly gave them a big Hope.

As Fang Chong said, if human beings can enter the counter-offensive period, then it is not impossible for the world to return to before the end time ...

"No, it cannot be said that directly entering the counter-offensive period, everything has a process, and even if human beings can enter the counter-offensive period, but it is impossible to restore the world to the end time ..." Fang Chong shook his head and denied everyone Fang Chong did not dare to give everyone too much hope. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment ...

And there is one point ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is absolutely impossible for the world to return to before the end of the end ...........

Even if humans can kill all zombies, including destroying the Zak people on the earth, but what about mutants? Even if human beings can study what suppresses powerful viruses in the future, the genetics of mutant organisms still exist, and it is impossible to return to normal without hundreds or thousands of years.

And it's also ridiculous to talk about the earth returning to the end of the last days ...

The drawings have not arrived, and the personnel are not uniform. Now everything is still theoretical ...

What they need most now is to set up the first step of the Shanghai Stock Exchange as a base.

At the same time, the popularity of genetic warriors is the top priority ...

Ordinary human combat power is no longer suitable for survival in the last days. Although it will not be infected by viruses, it is not an opponent of zombies or mutant creatures. Protecting yourself is easy ....


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