I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 339: Enhanced Energy Tracker

Chapter 339 Enhanced Energy Trackgun


After Fang Chong's words were finished, the entire conference room fell into a silence. It can be said that Fang Chong's words completely broke their disillusionment, not only other people, even Qin Lan, Muge, Huang Qianchuan, etc ...

It can be said that until the end of the last days, they still cannot forget the world before the end of the last days. M

That peaceful life is comfortable and beautiful ...

But every sentence Fang Chong said can be said to have shattered their hopes. They are not unaware, but they are not willing to accept it.

Although Fang Chong also didn't want to face it, the world is not living in imagination. If he wants to live better, he must face it bravely.

And even though it is the last days, they have returned to the direction of progress. Although the environment and the conditions are harsh, ‘gene mutations’ make up for everything. They can become very powerful, not human.

The world was not there before, they can completely re-establish human civilization.

Fang Chong has taken these into consideration, which is also his current goal.

Instead of surviving humblely in the last days, why not be a vigorous one ...

Fang Chong's fists clenched tightly.


"Facts are facts, and we need to face them bravely, unable to return to the pre-apocalyptic world? So what? We can build an era that belongs to us ..." After Fang Chong had the goal, the whole person walked out of depression Come out and look at the still heavy atmosphere. Fang Chong stood up from his chair, facing everyone, speaking vigorously.

Fang Chong did not comfort people any more, but wanted them to work with him ...

Not for others, only for myself, for the future, there should be a comfortable world environment ...

"Establishing our" era "?" Fang Chong said, everyone's eyes stopped on Fang Chong. After a few breaths, Huang Qianchuan stood up, still muttering in his mouth that Fang Chong just said with passion if.

Those simple words undoubtedly gave Huang Qianchuan the same hope.

"Yes, it's our time ..." Fang Chong saw everyone slowly come out in this depressed mood, Fang Chong hit his fist on the table with a heavy fist.

"Yes, build an era that belongs to us ..." Fang Chong's words completely inspired everyone's fighting spirit, Fang Chong's words fell, everyone stood up and shouted in harmony ...

"Well, as long as we work hard, one year will not achieve two years, two years will not achieve three years, there will always be a day we can achieve ..." Fang Chong said seriously.

And these are also facts ...

"Yes ..."

"Yeah ....."

Everyone raised their hands and waved their hands. Judging from the current situation, everyone's fighting spirit was aroused, and the atmosphere in this meeting room was no longer as heavy as before. lifeless….

Looking at the confident smiles on everyone's faces, Fang Chong also smiled slightly, and now the situation has returned to his grasp.

Now that everyone's confidence is back, Fang Chong can also relax a little, as for the others? There is also Fang Chongfan ...

Similar to the construction of production lines and the creation of conditions, these others cannot help, and there is a lot of follow-up work. After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong knows that these things are in a hurry ...

Although the situation is not optimistic, it is not pessimistic. At least for now, their team has a bright future. As for whether they will develop according to their current advantages, it is not known ...

After Fang Chong continued to talk about some plans for tomorrow, he signaled that everyone should go to rest first. There was also a lot of work the next day, and the premise was that the zombies could not come to trouble ...

What if you encounter the "zombie frenzy" now? They are in danger ...

It is urgent, Fang Chong knows, in addition to the factory building and other supporting construction, at the same time the fortifications can not be lacking.

At least build a defense system like Kyoto's base city.

That way, the safety of these factories can be assured to the greatest extent, so that the hard-made things are not wasted before they can be used.

Fang Chong did not want to see this consequence.


Everyone left one after another, Fang Chong knew the location of the window, and looked at the stars outside, feeling very emotional.

If nothing has changed since the end of the last days, the answer that Fang Chong can give is the starry sky ...

Everything that erupts on the earth can never affect the unexpected starry sky of the planet.

"Fang Chong, what are you thinking?" Looking at Fang Chong's thoughtful look, Qin Lan, Ling Ya, Muge three women also came to Fang Chong's side.

Looking at the sadness on Fang Chong's face, Qin Lan squeezed a smile and asked gently.

Fang Chong now understands the pressure they face. The reason why Fang Chong wanted to establish an era that belongs to them is more because of himself.

Fang Chong didn't say, but the three of them knew clearly ...

Fang Chong is the most important in their hearts, but why are they not the most important in Fang Chong's hearts.

Thinking of this, when Qin Lan finished speaking, her hands subconsciously clasped Fang Chong's arm. It seemed that only in this way could she feel safe.

This feeling, they can only feel from Fang Chong.

"It's okay, just looking at the still bright chest with some emotions ..." Fang Chong watched the three women's eyes focused on his face, sweeping the haze just now, and gently holding the three women ...

At this moment, the atmosphere seemed subtle ...

But the night was very peaceful. Although the four were lying on the same bed, nothing happened.

As for whether the three women disagreed, or whether Fang Chong did not have that courage.


Waking up was the second day, watching the three women still sleeping, Fang Chong was not in a hurry, this kind of cozy blessing can not be experienced every day.

Looking at the faint sense of happiness overflowing on the three women's faces, Fang Chong's thought of protecting them better was stronger.

"Huh ..." Qin Lan woke up the fastest. She opened her eyes and saw Fang Chong staring at her eyes. She murmured softly, and there was a hint of redness on her face because she knew that four people were lying on the same On the bed ...

Although nothing happened, it still feels ...

Qin Lan didn't know how to describe it.

No words were spoken, but the atmosphere was more warm.

"Sister Qin Lan, Fang Chong, your discharge has stopped even more, I have been numbed ..." The voice of Muge broke the tranquility of the morning.

Muge is the second one to wake up and see Fang Chong and Qin Lan are looking at each other affectionately. Her voice is a little bit sour ...

"Dead girl, wake up and laugh at her sister ..." Qin Lan heard Muge's words, his eyes quickly moved away from Fang Chong's face, and two blushes appeared on his face ...

Looking at the idyll with a smile on her face, she cried ...

"I'm just telling the truth ..." Muge smiled grinning ...

And some trouble, Fang Chong Ling Ya on the other side also woke up.

After finding herself snuggling in Fang Chong's arms, her arm grasped subconsciously for a few minutes. Of course, Fang Chong could feel such movements, and her left hand was also slightly hardened to hold her in her arms.

Yesterday I was afraid that Ling Ya had slept most peacefully since the last days. Otherwise, with Ling Ya's strength, it would be impossible to wake up after Qin Lan and Muge get into trouble ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Today's main job is not to kill zombies, but fortifications are the top priority ..." Fang Chong and them stood there on the first road in the automobile industry park.

Fortunately, yesterday ’s fierce assassination did not have much consequence. At least from the situation today, not many zombies have been attracted here.

As for the zombies, I don't know, or their strength can make other ordinary zombies feel jealous and can't do it, and this issue does not mention what Fang Chong needs to consider ...

"What materials do we build?" Fang Chong wanted to build a very limited range of defense, that is, in the industrial park where they are now ...

"Abandoned cars can now be used as fortifications, and they will be materials in the future.

Fang Chong made this decision after careful consideration.

"Abandoned car?" Everyone was a little puzzled when he heard Fang Chong's words, but after hearing Fang Chong's explanation, everyone understood.

Cars are undoubtedly the most troublesome problem in Shanghai Stock Market. It can be said that wherever you go, there are ...

Most of these cars parked on the road have become scrapped, and even if they are good, there is not much gasoline, and there are not so many humans.

With a population of over one billion people in China, after the end of the last days, Fang Chong did not know if there were still 10 or 20 million people.

Fang Chong's plan is to create a variety of weapons beyond the earth's technology, including transportation vehicles, energy vehicles, etc ...

These things are big consumers of steel materials, and these abandoned vehicles are the best raw materials, which are just right ...

With the goals, the plan was soon launched.

Every car was relayed by everyone in a relay situation.


In the next two days, Fang Chong did not go deeper into the central city of Shanghai, but set up camp in the automobile industry park. After two or three days of hard work, their protective wall surrounded by steel to this time Also declared successful.

With a volume of four to five meters and a width of three meters, Fang Chong did not know how many cars they used before they were superimposed and succeeded.

Basically, no car can be seen around the entire Shanghai Stock Exchange. They have become part of the steel weapon ...

Step by step into the right track, Fang Chong knows, then I want to work on the ‘Mayan system’ ....

That night, after Fang Chong lay on his bed, with his eyes closed, human consciousness appeared in the internal space of the Maya system. After Maya and Fang Chong greeted, Fang Chong went directly to the topic.

Now what they need most is 'drawings' and experience, and the source of experience is also related to the Maya system.

To sum up, this is why Fang Chong can't wait to talk to the Maya system. Fong Chong knows this ...

"What is the host looking for?" Maya saw Fang Chong's breathing was a little quick, but he was very empathetic. Now, "Maya" should know Fang Chong's existence best except himself.

Although Maya is a system, but a humanized system, Fang Chong really has some doubts whether the Maya system is an icy system.

Will one day become a person?

When Fang Chong thought about this problem, it was a strange time, when one day Maya appeared to Fang Chong as a human being, Fang Chong would be frightened, or the response would be very dull….

"Should the reaction be calm?" Fang Chong smiled slightly. He felt that this was the most likely. Now many times they have treated the Maya system as one person.

Just like her now, the exposed curve is really spitting fire, and the proud body is not inferior to any human beauty ...

Did the Maya system deliberately tease Fang Chong, or was the template created by the system itself a female ...


Fang Chong shook his head gently, sorting out his thoughts from messy thoughts.

Looking back at Maya, Fang Chong was surprised to find that Maya's body seemed to look clearly, especially the contours of the facial features ...

Looking at the outline of the five senses, Fang Chong was very surprised.

From the perspective of Maya's body before, Fang Chong guessed that it should be similar to the existence of western women, but now, the contour ratio of the five features completely shows that the figure of Maya is definitely the beauty of Oriental women.

Should this combination be described as stunner? Fang Chong thought ...

However, knowing that business was more important, Fang Chong quickly recovered from surprise.

Looking at Fang Chong for a while, Mayan walked away, Maya actually laughed, this performance, Fang Chong became more dizzy ...

The expression on his face was awkward, and it was clear that Maya had seen what he was thinking.

"Okay," Maya ", let's talk about business ..." There is nothing to be laughed at by a system, but this system is very humane, and he is still embarrassed by the system. In order to hide his embarrassment, Fang Chong quickly shifted the topic and turned Maya's attention to the important purpose he came in today ....

Now the first step of his base has been successful, which is ‘Auto Industry Park’ ...

Taking the first step, the next step was to produce the materials and weapons he needed.

These things must be provided by Maya, more aptly said to be exchange.

Fang Chong knows that in this team, the engineers, technicians, including ordinary apprentices in this area should be about two or three hundred people, but with such a small number, the role that can be played is very low, especially those engineers, technology Many of the staff are old.

Although he can survive in the end-time environment, his physical condition must not be bad, but compared to young people, it can't be compared. Fang Chong is very clear about this.

Fang Chong considered the use of genetic medicine to improve their physical condition, but because of a lot of things have been delayed before, this issue also needs to be on the agenda ...

"The host wants to exchange drawings?" Maya's laughter came to a halt after hearing Fang Chong's words, and her tone returned to a very serious tone.

In terms of work, Maya has always been particularly serious, of course, this should also be related to a system.

The system is error-free, this is necessary ...

"Yes, in addition to the" drawings ", I also want some robots with other functions ..." Fang Chong nodded. Generally, Fang Chong would talk about the subject of "Maya", so Fang Chong has many plans, Maya Is much to know.

Fang Chong was not surprised at all by asking Maya.

"Enter the weapon drawing options ..." After Maya was confirmed by Fang Chong, a three-dimensional screen appeared in the room. At the same time, after entering specific text in Maya, the screen quickly and quickly turned on. After a few seconds, Fang Chong wanted The page is in front of him ...

There are many types of drawings, and their functions are also different.

Drawings like energy pistols can also be seen, and the drawings of these things are extremely low in price. But these are not what Fang Chong wants to do now.


"The type the host wants ..." Fang Chong was silent, and Maya began to search for the most suitable weapon for their development ~ www.readwn.com ~ able to defeat ordinary 'primitive Zak', 'evolutionary' "Terminator 'is all right ..." Fang Chong paused and said the two problems he wanted to solve now. Knowing that it was impossible to eat a fat man in one bite, Fang Chong was a bit more practical.

And based on the analysis of the current situation, it is Fang Chong wise to choose these two items.

"'Enhanced energy track gun', the exchange price is 150,000 reward points, 30% of the materials needed are not available on the earth, and the energy spar required for one shot is 'one party' ..." Maya got the answer from Fang Chong Later, she reported a case ...

"Can the 30% material system be redeemed?" Fang Chong's expression was dull after hearing this series of numbers reported by Maya. The reward of 150,000 points is now nothing. The last kill Zak and Zombies killed these days, for Fang Chong, the wealth is too big, but now, he can't help but worry a little ...

"Yes, but the value of a plane should exceed 150,000 ..." Maya said.

"Wouldn't it all add up to a new enhanced energy trackgun that would cost almost 200,000 ..." Fang Chong was a little dumbfounded.

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