I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 340: 'Maker' robot

Chapter 340 "Maker" Robot


The 200,000 reward points Fang Chong can be taken out, but an enhanced 'energy track gun' needs so many reward points, which is beyond the scope that Fang Chong can afford. m

The Zak can't always be single, and Fang Chong needs to consider it later.

Once they were able to compete against the Zak, they were afraid that at that time, the appearance of the Zak would be in groups.

And once things have reached that point, an enhanced energy trackgun, even if it is powerful, is not enough to see ...

In Fang Chong's opinion, apart from strengthening his own strength, the supporting facilities must also be sufficient.

Similar to the enhanced energy track gun, if you can match dozens of them, and then encounter zombies, siege of mutant creatures, or Zak siege, you don't need to be afraid, you can use bombardment.

There is simply no threat to them.

But now that he heard so many reward points, Fang Chong was a little tangled.

However, considering the end, Fang Chong gritted his teeth and decided to exchange this drawing including the required materials.

Not 30% of the earth, but all.

Before fully understanding it, Fang Chong didn't want to work in vain. Some on the earth have different exchange prices, and some on the earth are no more valuable.

Knowing this, when Fang Chong ordered the exchange, his eyes didn't even blink.

After completing this transaction, Fang Chong's eyes continued to browse on the three-dimensional screen. The 'enhanced' 'energy rail gun' was available, but it was still more suitable for them to use, but one was obviously not enough, Fang Chong It was also clear in his heart, his eyes continued to browse, and Fang Chong's mind began to activate.

What other things are you looking for next? This is something Fang Chong must consider ...


"Energy cannons are the cheapest and the most powerful weapons that can be used by single people in dealing with high-level zombies ..." Fang Chong's eyes stayed on the energy cannons. Now they already have some weapons. These Weapons from the Mayan civilization, although they have no effect on the Zak, but the effect of mutant creatures on ordinary zombies is quite obvious, especially when zombies are besieged or appear in large numbers, energy cannons can play a role Not to be underestimated ...

And the most important point is that the energy cannon has a device that automatically collects energy. You do n’t need to spend a lot of energy crystals like the enhanced energy track gun you just exchanged ...

In the long run, energy cannons are very cost-effective ...

In addition, human beings want to rebuild their homes and eliminate a large number of zombies. Mutated creatures are inevitable. At that time, Fang Chong believed that the individual combat of energy cannons would be the main combat force.

Zombies can't be so powerful on every head, and humans can't be the same. It's impossible that every one is a genetic warrior, and the evolutionary ...

Ordinary people can not have a powerful situation, the energy cannon will undoubtedly provide them with combat power ....

To sum up, Fang Chong can be said to be shocked.

In addition to these, reward points are also a problem. For more powerful weapons, Fang Chong can only be placed at the back ...

"Does the host continue?" Maya asked after seeing Fang Chongfa's hairpin.

She knew Fang Chong very well. She knew Fang Chong had not spoken and was making a decision, but she still could not wait to ask ...

"Continue, of course ..." Fang Chong opened his eyes, nodded surely, and after considering what to exchange, Fang Chong talked to Maya with his thoughts without hesitation.

Maya could advise him, Fang Chong believed ...

"You are right about the host, not to say far away. After taking it to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, as for a team of thousands of people, if all of them have such powerful weapons, they will hit the Shanghai Stock Market. It seems simple ... "Maya said. As a system, she was able to figure it out quickly.


"Okay, then exchange the drawings of this energy cannon, as well as Maya, are there all the materials needed for the energy cannon on the earth? If you want to exchange it, you don't need too many reward points, right?" Fang Chong continued to ask These things, Fang Chong knew to understand clearly.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the trouble will be big.

Fang Chong does not need to worry about technology now. As long as there are reward points, technical problems can be solved anytime, anywhere. Now reward points can be said to have a very great effect, just like money before the end of the last century ...

"Well, yes, most of the materials required for energy cannons are ordinary metals, but even if they are needed, that is, hundreds of reward points ..." This time, the Mayan system was not disappointed by Fang Chong, he said Value makes Fang Chong's expression a lot easier.

After being affirmed by the Maya system, Fang Chong quickly selected the second thing to be manufactured by himself.

How much these two things can affect the earth, Fang Chong does not know for the time being, but they have a different word for their role in Shanghai.

Especially the number of energy cannons, the power is amazing ...

And with the enhanced energy trackgun, Fang Chong believes that even if it meets the mutant terminator or the more advanced destroyer ...

Understanding these things, Fang Chong couldn't help smiling lightly ...

He seemed to see the powerful cannons of thousands of survivors facing the hordes of zombies and mutant creatures ...

Such a scene is both exciting and exciting.

After all, if such a scene can really be presented to his eyes one day, then it means that human beings will become the master of the earth again, and the reconstruction of the earth is a success ...

After returning from the fantasy, Fang Chong couldn't help crying, and found that he liked yy too much.

An energy cannon has not been manufactured successfully. Is it still a difficult task for anyone to make it ...

Fortunately, Fang Chong can be regarded as an optimist, these things need to be too annoying, put aside for a while, he really needs to think a lot.



"Maya, switch the screen to the technical robot page ..." Fang Chong didn't expect that he would continue to such a thing because of the fuel rack energy cannon, and after showing a speechless expression, Fang Chong's attention returned Back to business.

After clearing his thoughts slightly, Fang Chong's eyes returned to Maya.

The drawings to be produced are prepared in the future. The next thing to prepare is to make these things, including those who can understand the drawings.

No, it shouldn't be called a human. To be precise, it should be a robot made of metal.

The types of robots Fang Chong heard such descriptions long ago, and Fang Chong also had several robots, which also had different functions, but one thing is absolutely good, that is, the robots are very easy to use.

At this point, Fang Chong would not deny anything ...

"Okay, host ..." Fang Chong's words fell, and Maya immediately executed. In the blink of an eye, the page content on the stereo screen has changed a lot.

At this time, when Fang Chong looked back, the page was densely covered with various robotic materials.

Fang Chong's gaze swept back and forth, and many of his familiar robotic materials were presented there.

Fang Chong did not ask Maya. The above information was so detailed. Fang Chong believed that he could find the right one.

Soon, Fang Chong's eyes stopped, and then he found suitable information, including pictures ...

"The maker ..." Fang Chong's eyes stopped on a robot named maker.

This name Fang Chong has been watching for so long, which is most in line with what he wants.

Knowing this, Fang Chong began to look at the detailed introduction.

"Manufacturer, a robot specially used for manufacturing, or manipulating, teaching machinery, electronics, etc., belongs to intelligent robots ..." Fang Chong's eyes swept down, and these introduction texts came into his eyes. After looking at it, Fang Chongcai found that the maker robot was what he wanted.

If according to the introduction, the maker Fang Chong will not miss it anyway.

Because of him, Fang Chong no longer has to worry about their industrial bases not being able to start construction. With the teaching of professionals, Fang Chong believes that many shocking things will happen in their team in the near future, and these things will be This maker robot has a relationship.

And the most important thing is that the robot will not hide it. As long as Fang Chong has the order, Fang Chong believes that even if the maker is gone in the future, their team can create advanced weapons ...

For this, Fang Chong is convinced.

Excitement, excitement, and no effort was a portrayal of Fang Chong's mood at this moment. After a long time of excitement, he finally looked away from the introduction of the manufacturer's robot. Transfer to Maya's face.

"Maya, one of the functions described on the maker robot should be true, right?" Fang Chong asked, and the first point of the inquiry was whether the functions of the maker robot are real or fake, or all are true.

"Back to the host, in the Maya system, it is impossible to fake good products or exaggerate the facts ..." After Fang Chong asked, Maya explained in a firm tone.

When speaking these words, Fang Chong couldn't be in a hurry ...


From Maya's serious expression, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to see that what the maker robot described above is true.

Indeed, as Maya himself said, fake things cannot appear in the Maya system.

Wanting to understand this, Fang Chong was relieved again, these are what he wants to see, and everything is developing in the direction he wants.

Breathing softly, Fang Chong continued to talk to Maya.

"The function of the maker robot is indeed very powerful, and I also want to introduce it to the host ..." Maya looked at Fang Chong's excited expression, and she slowly said, as for the maker robot selected by Fang Chong, she Is very much in favor of ...

"Really?" Fang Chong was very satisfied with what he was like now, and now he hears the Mayan system say this, Fang Chong can say that he was totally happy ....

I didn't say it in my heart, but also praised my eyes secretly ...

In this regard, Maya is quite speechless. If it weren't for now what Maya ’s features look like, otherwise she would definitely be able to see her eyes roll ....

However, Maya didn't care much about it. When Fang Chong was so beautiful, Maya didn't talk much, just watched quietly.

"By the way, Maya, what is the exchange value of the maker number robot ..." Fang Chong was excited, stinky, and finally thought of the business, that is, how many reward points the maker number robot wants ....

Fang Chong's plan from now to the present is to require a lot of maker robots. If too many reward points are needed, these will need to be reconsidered ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Really prove that sentence, money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible ...

For Fang Chong now, the reward point is nothing to others, but for Fang Chong, it is really a good thing.

Now Fang Chong has no shortage of explanations, that is, the lack of reward points ...

This evening, I have already exchanged a manufacturing enhanced energy track gun, let alone its drawing, and the two, which add up, will require Fang Chong more than 30, close to 400,000 reward points.

This item alone required Fang Chong's reward for killing two sickle Zaks, including getting two Zak eggs.

Although Fang Chong does not know the detailed number of reward points he has now, Fang Chong knows that it should not exceed 200,000 ...

After all, many zombies have been killed these days, but the number should not have exceeded the 200,000 mark.

But without counting the reward points, there are a lot of salutes.

What's in the gift pack? Fang Chong has no interest in understanding for the time being. After all, so many have been opened, most of them are swords, genetic medicine, or occasional skill books ...

Among these things, the best is the skill book, but that thing is rare.

I do n’t need to prepare too many people for the time being, Fang Chong keeps it ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"One 30,000 reward points ..." Fang Chong's gaze stayed on Maya's face, Fang Chong's breathing was slightly short, and obviously, the figures reported by Maya would affect Fang Chong's mood.

"Thirty thousand?" Fang Chong heard the number, his expression was shocked at first, but then it returned to normal. The exchange of 30,000 reward points was still within the range that Fang Chong could afford. After all, Fang Chong had more redemptions. Some of the miner-type robots have tens of thousands ...

You must know that these machines are all 'ordinary'. The biggest difference between them and the 'manufacturer' is that they are 'ordinary', meaning unity. They do not have the ability to think independently. In addition to obeying the master's instructions, other functions, The current manufacturer number is intelligent, similar to the weak version of the Maya system, and they all have intelligent feelings and can think on their own, but the premise is also subject to the owner's instructions ...

Never betray the host ...

Otherwise, the consequences would explode ...

After understanding this, Fang Chong will no longer be surprised at the price of this 30,000 exchange point, and it is worth the money, and most importantly, this maker robot is an indispensable part of them now.

Without this maker robot, after they set up the base city, they simply couldn't do anything, referring to the aspect that Fang Chong wanted to establish a production base ...

Thinking of all these, and for their future development, Fang Chong has no extra consideration, and he chooses directly. After all, the future development is the most important. Even if the price is 300,000, Fang Chong has no possibility to give up. Sex, not to mention the current 30,000 ...

"Whether the host is redeeming ..." After seeing Fang Chong pressing the OK button, Maya asked for something more according to the chapter.

"It's right to exchange, but Maya's plan is to exchange more than one ..." Fang Chong nodded and said.

One is not very useful for him now, and many people still need to teach. In that case, one more is inevitable.

If possible, Fang Chong will choose more.

After all, their future team will continue to grow. At that time, it will not be possible for humans to do all this work. By that day, the manufacturer robot will become the mainstream ...


"Maya, how many reward points do I have left now?" Fang Chong began to ask, considering the future development.

"More than 265 thousand reward points ..." Maya reported the numbers. After hearing so many reward points, Fang Chong's face was obviously relieved.

"There are more than 265 thousand ..." Fang Chong repeated the numbers reported by Maya ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time, he already had the goal of buying more units ...

"Yes, does the host increase the number of exchanges ..." When Fang Chong walked away, Maya repeated.

"Yes, as many as 265,500 robots can be exchanged for as many robots as possible," said Fang Chong. According to calculations, there can be seven or eight.

Such a figure is already beyond Fang Chong's expectations, and it is also in line with Fang Chong's next development ...

"Batai ... /" Maya does not need to calculate at all, after all, this is not bargaining. March eight is already twenty-four thousand ...

"Okay, then eight ..." Fang Chong nodded, and he couldn't bargain with Maya. Of course Fang Chong knew that after nodding, he signaled that "Maya" could be determined.

With a "ding" also indicates that today's exchange is a perfect success, Fang Chong used hundreds of thousands of reward points to lay the future development of the family.

After being satisfied, Fang Chong then left the internal space of ‘Maya’. He also needs to take a good rest ...

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