I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 341: Follow-up plan "Sword"

Chapter 341 Follow-up Plan "Battle Sword"


The time soon came to the next day, and at dawn, Fang Chong's people had already appeared in the newly cleared 'factory'. After a night's rest, Fang Chong looked very energetic and energetic ...

When people arrive at the 'factory', they are still empty, and many places are empty. m

However, even if it looks like this in the “factory”, it will not affect Fang Chong ’s excitement today.

It is not a big problem that the 'factory' is empty. Machines like 'machine tools' can be found in other places in this 'industrial park'. Even if there aren't, there are definitely so many 'industrial parks' around. Or if not, Fang Chong can also be redeemed in the Maya system, that is, these issues are not something that Fang Chong is worried about ...

If it doesn't work, Fang Chong believes that letting these eight 'manufacturer' robots make a few 'machine tools' themselves should not be a problem.

Equivalent to 'energy cannons' or 'enhanced track guns', 'machine tools' should be considered gadgets, and there should be little difference from children playing with mud.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong seemed more calm.

After throwing away these messy thoughts that may affect his mood, he glanced over the ‘factory’….

The area of ​​this 'factory' is quite large. The area should be about 2,000 square meters. With such a large area, Fang Chong imagined that in the future, he would manufacture 'energy cars' and the like. With such a large area, it should be sufficient. .

It is not that Fang Chong is thinking too far, but that everything is absolute.

Although it is said that even some of the things redeemed from ‘Maya’ are not used, and some of them are not redeemed, Fang Chong believes that it wo n’t be long before he ’s redeemed ....

You can let go of your hands and redeem as much as you want to see, because at that time, it will be a period of rapid jump in their team strength.

However, Fang Chong also believes that if it goes well, by that time, even if he does not redeem things from the ‘Mayan system’, he can create a variety of weapons and equipment.

In Huaxia, there will be no shortage of things like cottage before the end of the world. After the end of the world, Fang Chong believes that if the technology is applied to other aspects, similar to the action that Fang Chong will now start, it will also be a good harvest.

In addition, Fang Chong also believes in a little more, that is, the creativity and imagination of human beings. Who can tell the matter in a few months?

At that time, it is no wonder that even the most powerful weapon can be made ...

., …………………………………………………………………………………………

"Fang Chong these are ..." The Qin Lan and some of them did not see Fang Chong come out after getting up for a long time. The three women looked into each other and entered Fang Chong's room, but the room was empty and the temperature in the quilt was Disappeared long ago.

The three women were puzzled, and found the guards responsible for the guard. After detailed tracking, they finally knew among several guard soldiers outside the factory building. Fang Chong came here early this morning ...

Although they were full of strangeness in their hearts, they walked into the factory building.

But after walking inside, the three of them were dumbfounded.

They helped clean up the factory building yesterday. They knew what was in it, but when they came in again today, it was empty and nothing, but after they focused their eyes on Fang Chong, they all stopped for a while. Nothing came over ...

Looking at this situation, they were really shocked.

Eight Maker Robots over two meters tall are lined up in a row, the scene is quite shocking, and the metallic luster is not comparable to ordinary metal.

"Where do these robots come from?" At this time, the thoughts of the three women's minds ...

Finally, Qin Lan turned around first. When she was in base city in Kyoto, she went out with Fang Chong. At that time, she already knew that Fang Chong had a lot of secrets, and these inexplicable robots were Fang Chong's biggest secret After Qin Lan knew these were Fang Chong's secrets, she did not ask wisely. She knew that if Fang Chong wanted to say, even if they didn't ask, Fang Chong would tell them.

The so-called secret is that you can't tell other people, even the closest ones, otherwise, it wo n’t be a secret ...

After that time, Qin Lan had no pastoral songs. Ling Ya and the two of them saw the shock of this guy so much.

After returning to God, Qin Lan asked Fang Chong subconsciously.

"Oh, how come you guys ..." Fang Chong heard Qin Lan's words and immediately returned to God. Seeing Qin Lan Muge Ling Ya three of them, he smiled slightly. Seeing Muge, Ling Ya's curious expression on his face, he pointed to the robots in front of him and said, "The names of these robots are 'maker'."

"Maker number?" Qin Lan's expression revealed a hint of doubt when he heard such a name.

She doesn't have a bad memory. She can think of the robots that were called miner robots when he went to the western area with Fang Chong last time ...

"Manufacturer? Miner type ..." Qin Lan muttered, but through comparison, Qin Lan quickly discovered that there was a difference between the two, that is, the name ...

Moreover, the miner-type robot is smaller in size, and these maker numbers are much taller, and there is no metal tool with both arms like the miner-type robot.

The maker is a pair of human-like hands with five distinct fingers.

"It seems to be able to do fine work ..." After analyzing Qin Lan's heart, he reached such a conclusion.

Fang Chong looked at the three of them curiously, really didn't know whether to cry or laugh ...


"Fang Chong, what is the maker, and what is the biggest role of these robots called maker?" After Qin Lan nodded and understood, Muge and Ling Ya became more confused.

They don't know why Qin Lan seems to know, or what the name Fang Chong said.

Some depressing idyll finally couldn't help but hold Fang Chong in the past and ask a question clearly.

Muge seems to be afraid of Fang Chong's unwillingness to say. It can be said that even Jiao Jiao used it.

After seeing the great response from Muge, and seeing the same expression on Ling Ya's face, Fang Chongju didn't say much nonsense, and let the three of them walk directly in front of the maker robot.

"The maker number is simply a robot that understands manufacturing technology. No, it should be a robot that understands self-awareness ..." Fang Chong opened his mouth and slowly spoke.

"Know how to make intelligent robots?" After hearing such an introduction, the expressions of the three changed again.

This kind of thing should exist in theory in Lingya ’s understanding of Lingya. Before the end of the world, humans want to break their heads, but they do n’t seem to have heard of it from various reports. Success, especially the smart one ...

The most difficult part for intelligent humans to break through. Although there are many things like smart phones, this kind of intelligence is far from autonomous intelligence.

It cannot be said at the same level. Knowing this was why they were surprised.

"Yes, they are all robots with autonomous intelligence. Speaking of them, they are no different from humans. They are also our manufacturing base. For the next few days, they will be workers and masters ...

While responsible for manufacturing, we also need to teach our members to make weapons ... "Fang Chong said.

He already knew from the expressions on their faces that they could probably imagine, but he was not sure, after all, these things seemed too incredible.

However, Fang Chong can't do anything about this. The Mayan system cannot be said, and the existence of the Maya system cannot be stated. Fang Chong cannot explain it clearly.

What Fang Chong can do now is to hope that the mugege Lingya and the two of them can understand him like Qin Lan ...

Otherwise, he can't help it.


"Is there really such a thing?" After Fang Chong's affirmation, Muge and Ling Ya both had bright eyes, and stared at the eight maker robots. The look seemed to want I want to swallow this maker ...

"Isn't it in front of you?" Fang Chong nodded, and Muge them were excited, so was he.

This is the first step they take, and the most important step. As for the weapons and equipment manufactured later, it is also a story. Now the success, now celebrate ...

"Fang Chong, then, what weapons and equipment will we make next?" The three women asked Fang Chong while looking at eight Maker robots.

"Energy guns, as well as enhanced energy track guns ..." Speaking of weapons and equipment, Fang Chong did not sell off in front of the three women. At the same time they asked, Fang Chong had taken out the drawings.

There are a lot of dense drawings, and Fang Chong is pleased that these drawings are very detailed and complete, which is hard to come by ...

Fang Chong believes that with such detailed drawings, it is difficult to fail.

Especially with the help of so many maker robots, the possibility of failure has almost been cut off ...



Fang Chong took out these 'drawings' and also attracted a few of them's attention, but in a curious, the three women finally gave up because they couldn't understand what the 'drawings' contained ...

In fact, it's not just them. Fang Chong himself is the same. The denseness of the "drawings" is no different from Fang Chong's "ghost painting symbols", especially those who feel dizzy and swollen when they see it Numbers, this makes Fang Chong more depressed ...

At the same time, these also found that Fang Chong himself was not omnipotent.

There may be no problem in other aspects, but when it comes to manufacturing and looking at ‘drawings’, he ’s nothing.

After all, I ca n’t understand even ‘drawings’, let alone make them.

However, Fang Chong could not understand and would not be hit. People are not omnipotent or perfect.

Fang Chongke would not be so arrogant that he would be 'invincible in the world', or 'invincible in the world' or whatever. He has where he is proud and where he needs to learn ...

"These" drawings "don't know what they are talking about. Except for this outline drawing, all others are" ghost drawings "..." After a while, Muge finally couldn't help complaining, her reaction and Fang Chong guessed almost the same, and it was good if he didn't get crashed by these 'drawings'.

"Oh, Muge you are not the material to make these weapons and equipment ..." Fang Chong saw Muge's mouth pursing, so cute, Fang Chong couldn't help laughing ...

"We are also the same. The" drawing "is a bit difficult to understand, but the power of the weapon is so great and it is normal to be complicated ..." Gently shook her head, indicating that her condition is not better than Fang Chong. Where are they going? Still the same, I do n’t understand the same ...

"Yes, we are not professional, we haven't studied, and now we can't understand it, we will make it clear that we are not this material ..." Ling Ya also put down the "drawings". Indeed, she is like everyone else, Neither has talent in manufacturing.

Manufacturing also requires talent ...

"Yes, we shouldn't be hit with confidence in these things. It has nothing to do with us. What a good team needs most is to work together ..." Fang Chong guessed about the situation as expected, and comforted them. Comforting myself ...




"Apart from these two weapons and equipment behind Fang Chong, do we have to make anything else?" After leaving eight 'Maker' robots in the factory building, Fang Chong and four of them left and returned to live. After the place, Qin Lan asked first.

These weapons are now a symbol of strength. Qin Lan hopes, of course, that there are more and more types.

After all, last night, there were hundreds and thousands of members whose members broke through the 50th level. Once these people passed the 50th level, they must deploy weapons and so on.

For 'gene warriors', a sword in their hands can be more useful than an energy cannon.

The power of energy guns is not small, but the middle of each gun needs buffering, and the sword does not have this shortcoming. As long as your strength is strong enough, you can fully exert your own combat power.

Therefore, as long as some players advance to the 50th level and become genetic warriors, Fang Chong will definitely equip them with a sword. This is essential. It can also be said to be the most important ...

After hearing Qin Lan's question about making other weapons and equipment, Fang Chong thought of the sword ...

It is obviously not possible to exchange with the ‘Mayan system’. The reward points required for a battle are thousands and tens of thousands.

A pair of two will not be a problem, but it will be inevitable in the long run, and in the next period of time, Fang Chong believes that among these six or seven thousand people, more and more fighters are promoted to the ranks of gene fighters.

Judging by the current rate of promotion, it won't take much time, I am afraid that 80% of the members will be promoted.

A few days ago they got a lot of fighting knives on the side of the spacecraft, but the more than one thousand genetic fighters promoted during this time have already consumed those battles ...

"Battle sword ..." Thinking of the importance of the sword, Fang Chong looked up, looked at them, and definitely said two words.

"Well, I think so too. More and more genetic warriors have appeared, and the sword has long been anxious ..." Fang Chong spoke, Ling Ya echoed.

These weapons of the saber are generally issued by her to the hands of the soldiers below. She is definitely the clearest one if the 'sabre' is missing or there is.

"Well, let's settle down like this. We have made up our minds to be a base in Shanghai. The time is enough ..." Fang Chong had no other opinion.

"Just the raw materials ..." Qin Lan wondered.

The raw material of the sword is not simply to take these scrap irons, and ordinary metals can be made. If you want a good sword, Qin Lan feels very clearly that Fang Chong once told her that the most needed thing is 'special metal'. Only 'special metal' can make a real sword ...


"The raw materials don't need to worry, to get stabilized here, I'll go again to the" Western Mining Area ~ www.readwn.com ~ "Don't forget where there was a Iron Beast King here and there, months passed I believe there should be a lot of 'special metals' accumulated there ... "Fang Chong heard Qin Lan's words, but smiled softly. The question Qin Lan was worried about was not a problem at all.

‘Iron Beastmaster’ can be said to be his younger brother. That guy Fang Chong believes that he should still be working hard there.

Thinking of the Iron Beast King, Fang Chong's mind was familiar.

So many 'special metals' are time to get them back. Once they are brought back, not only the problem of the sword is solved, but also the 'steel beasts', including their 'kings', have worked hard for so long ...

"Will it be too dangerous ..." Upon hearing Fang Chong's words, everyone's eyes were instantly focused on the talking Fang Chong.

"No, there are small energy vehicles. There is no need to worry about ambush on the road. The speed of‘ small energy vehicles ’is not at the same level ...

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