I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 342: Song Ming's Persistence

Chapter 342 Song Ming's Persistence


It is planned and impossible to implement immediately. For Fang Chong, it is not difficult to take a 'small energy car' to leave 'Shanghai', but before the base city is on the right track, it is obviously not the best time. m

Fang Chong was still a little worried. If he did leave, there was something wrong with the base city, and he would regret it.

You should know that in this 'Shanghai Stock Market', all the people who care about Fang Chong have something.

It ’s okay. As long as there is a ‘Mayan system’, do n’t worry, but people? Man cannot be resurrected. Fang Chong's words have been deeply understood since he lost his loved ones.

Now, no matter how Qin Lan Muge, Ling Ya's daughters, or Song Ming Xiaojun, Fang Chong now treats them like family members.

After all the ups and downs, Fang Chong did not want everyone to be separated after seeing the hope.

No one can leave.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong frowned inadvertently. ‘Shanghai Stock Market’ represents opportunity, but it is also full of a sense of crisis.

"This relationship also seems to be inevitable ..." After thinking for a while, Fang Chong exhaled softly. The truth that "Fish" and "Bear's Palm" cannot have both at this time Fang Chong can deeply understand at this time .

"Fang Chong, are you worried about us?" Qin Lan, they saw Fang Chong suddenly silent, everyone didn't speak, they also knew what Fang Chong was worried about ...

They are not the same, Fang Chong is worried about them, they are worried about Fang Chong.

Qin Lan, in particular, is not to say that it is absolutely dangerous here in Shanghai, not to mention that this time from 'Kyoto Base City' to 'Shanghai', there is a lot of danger, so the last time she and Fang Chong went to the 'West Mining Area 'The things we encounter are not the same as dangers.

It is even more dangerous. In general, mutant creatures are much stronger than zombies. Although it has the speed of a 'small energy vehicle', it is even more dangerous if it encounters 'flying' mutant creatures.

And now there are no ‘Zak’ in the wild, Fang Chong does not know, they also do not know….

They have met twice from the base city of Kyoto to Shanghai, and it is not surprising if they have.

It's so big in the wild that it's more likely than not.

Even Fang Chong couldn't deny this. To comfort Qin Lan, Fang Chong could never use this as an excuse.

There is also the habit of Zak, and what Qin Lan is most worried about is not Fang Chongyu's failure to meet the Zak, but the type of Zak, if it is similar to Nine-eyed Zak or Sickle With the words of Zak, a primitive primitive Zak tribe, Fang Chong's current strength plus the experience of the enemy, and the help of the Mayan system, there is nothing to worry about.

As for Qin Lan, they are worried about environmental issues.

I learned from Fang Chongta long ago that the Zak people ’s habits, the worse the environment, the higher the degree of evolution of the Zak people. Knowing this behavior, they will be so worried. Compared with a city like Shanghai, the conditions are much worse.

In that kind of environment, Fang Chong knew that even if there really was a 'Zak', it was also an evolutionary Zak. It was more than ten times more powerful than the ordinary 'Primitive Zak'. ...


"What is ten times?" Fang Chong didn't know himself, anyway, now he is not an opponent.

"Yes, I am worried about you. If I go to the western mining area, if the base here in" Shanghai "encounters a zombie frenzy, it will be difficult for me to get back ..." Fang Chong did not hide his inner thoughts, and now he also Look away, if you have feelings for the three women, you have feelings, which he cannot deny, nor can he deceive himself.

Although it is greedy to say this, he wants him to give up two casually. He ca n’t do it, and he ca n’t say the same thing, and Fang Chong also believes that if he says that, he ’s afraid of herds, Some people can't resist it.

Rather than hurt them, he was more greedy.

And most fortunate for him, the three women now know the relationship between them, and their feelings are so good, Fang Chong need not worry about anything. ‘

Qi Renfu is not good, but Fang Chong is still pretty good ...

"In the final analysis, there is no such strong person in this team except you ..." Qin Lan sighed softly. She knows that their biggest problem now is that they are weak and they are not able to interact with them at all. 'Zhanghu' zombies face up, and even if the team's strength is enough, it will not work temporarily.

It is not certain whether there is a 'Destroyer' in the Shanghai Stock Market that is more powerful than the 'Terminator', but as long as the problem is not cleared up in a day, they will not be able to launch a general attack on the Shanghai Stock Market.

Unless Fang Chong, or other members of the regiment can counter the existence of the 'Destroyer'.

Otherwise, everyone can only endure.

For nothing, whoever does it is silly ...

"Yeah! Qin Lan's sentence is clear-cut. If there is a strong presence like you, I believe we don't have to sigh like this every day ..." Ling Ya sat at the table, leaning her hands on the table, holding her chin , The expression is very cute. Looking at Ling Ya so cute, but with a little sadness in her eyes, Fang Chong really had the urge to gently embrace her into his arms and gently comfort him.

But thinking that Qin Lan and Muge were also present, Fang Chong's subconscious impulse was resisted.

He was afraid that such an inadvertent move would affect the feelings of the three of them.

Fang Chong struggled to the end, his hands still didn't move ...

"The strong problem is not big, but I don't know what the consequences are ..." Fang Chong resisted the impulse, smiled slightly, and took out a crystal clear 'egg'.

He knows that this 'egg' from the 'Scythe Zack' makes it not difficult to make a person strong, but after using such an egg, what are the consequences in the future? I don't know ...

Fang Chong himself didn't know, the Maya system didn't know, let alone other people ...

If you want to know the answer, you just have to look at the situation ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..


"It can be powerful, what is the method?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Song Ming came in from the outside.

When Fang Chong turned their heads, Song Ming still had several pieces of paper in his hands.

From Song Ming's point of view, he should come to report something ...

Seeing that Fang Chong's eyes were on him, Song Ming smiled softly. Laugh so heartily ...

"These papers are the statistics of the strength of the current team members, as well as the simple drawings of the current 'Industrial Park Base' ..." Song Ming walked to Fang Chong with a smile and put these papers on the table, one by one After opening, Song Ming introduced.

"Did you actually do such statistics?" Fang Chong picked up these statistics and was surprised.

This is something Fang Chong has always wanted to do but has not done.

If you can count, you can know more clearly what they have now. Especially the release of strength between the 50th to the 100th level ...

The main combat power is undoubtedly the concentrated expression of team strength.

"Fang Chong, you said, now we will use Shanghai as the first stronghold and the most important base for our team. Knowing these conditions, I will make my own claims and start counting the strength of our team. In this way, we can Make better use of our strength. Whether it is guards, missions or siege of the city ... Song Ming saw Fang Chong's several surprised expressions, the smile on his face is even greater, it is not difficult to see, Song Ming's smile comes from the bottom of my heart ...

In his opinion, being able to share some of the pressure for Fang Chong is the best. It doesn't matter if you are tired ...

Without Fang Chong, maybe he died at the beginning, or he became infected with ‘zombies’ or he was starved to death….

"Great, this is something I have always wanted to do but hasn't done ..." Fang Chong laughed. In addition to being excited to know the strength of the current team, he is even more happy that Song Ming has changed now, From the fact that he would do such a thing, it is not difficult to see that Song Ming now has the potential to become a true leader ...

This potential is not natural, but it also requires a little talent ...

To put it simply, starting today, as long as Song Ming continues to develop in this situation, he will no longer be a general with a simple mind, but only a general who is on the charge, but a general who knows how to plan or marshal ...

This kind of change is what Fang Chong hopes to see most, and it is also what their team lacks most.


As the strength of their team slowly increases, it is inevitable that the number of people who need to command will increase.

Now, in this team, Ling Ya is the most reliable, but Ling Ya is just a woman. Many times, there are times when she can't stand it. As for Fang Chong herself, the strength is the most powerful in the entire team. In this case, if the opponent appears the most powerful, Fang Chong must top it ...

Because of this, Fang Chong is useless even if he has a certain command ability.

Can't you “command” while fighting desperately?

If that's the case, I'm afraid that their entire team will not be far from the demise. Fang Chong is confident, but not so arrogant to that extent, how big his head is, Fang Chong knows very well ...

Therefore, now that they are out of Ling Ya, it is Huang Qianchuan. The place where Huang Qianchuan is not simple is also reflected in this point. Whether it is combat effectiveness, command ability, or emergency capacity, they are all superior.

Had it not been for Fang Chong's Maya system, he would be nothing in front of Huang Qianchuan ...

Why do you say that? Fang Chong himself knew that even if he now possessed the Maya system as a big cheating device, he did not outperform Huang Qianchuan much.

Many times, they are half-pounded.

"It would be nice to be able to help ..." Seeing Fang Chong smiling so happily, Song Ming seemed a little embarrassed when he talked, he didn't know what Fang Chong was so happy when they laughed ...

Similarly, he didn't figure out what's different about the changes he is now ...

"It's a big help ..." Fang Chong said.

However, Fang Chong was excited and excited. Regarding the fact that he saw Song Ming's potential, he did not tell Song Ming at this time. He was not afraid of Song Ming's pride, but gave him pressure ...

The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment. What Fang Chong feared was that Song Ming himself was overwhelmed by too much pressure, and he was not worth it ...

In addition, Fang Chong also has another purpose, so that Song Ming can learn in this blind situation, and later become a commander even more handy ...


"Fang Chong, this matter is set aside for the time being. Now what I want to know is what can make people more powerful ..." Song Ming did not talk to Fang Chongdu any more about statistics. He remembered what he just started. At that time, what Fang Chong said.

For Song Ming, it's enough to be strong ...

He hopes to help Fang Chong resist more responsibilities. Although I don't know what Fang Chong was talking about before, but from what he and Qin Lan and Muge Lingya said, it is not difficult to detect that Fang Chong should have something to do. Leaving this Shanghai Stock Exchange base ...

Indeed, Song Ming also knew in his heart that Fang Chong's role cannot be replaced by anyone for their team ...

"We just talked casually. This method doesn't know what the consequences will be, and if there is any danger ... I don't know ..." Watched by Song Ming, Fang Chong originally intended to deny that there was no, but Song Ming With this look, Fang Chong knew that he couldn't deceive ...

Song Ming became smart, but also a problem ...

In the end, Fang Chong can only say something unclear ...

"Is it possible to become strong?" Song Ming heard Fang Chong's brief description, and did not threaten to scare Song Ming and make him retreat.

Now the only word in my eyes is becoming stronger.

Facing such a Song Ming, Fang Chong was in a dilemma, neither was it, nor was it.

It was a good thing to be strong, indeed it is difficult for Fang Chong to do it now, so it is undoubtedly an experiment with Song Ming, but not the same ...

"Yes, it can make a person strong, but I will not give him to you until I know what the side effects are ..." Fang Chong said gorgeously. Regarding this, he is Will not shake easily.


"Willn't you give it to me?" Song Ming heard Fang Chong's words. He subconsciously glanced down on the table, above the crystal clear egg. He seemed to know what Fang Chong had said, and could become powerful. The solution is eggs from the Sickle Zach ...

Indeed, with the strength of the Zak people, the power of the genes contained in their eggs is absolutely not weak.

If he can fuse the genes in the eggs of the Sickle Zack tribe, there is absolutely no problem to improve his power by one level ...

Hearing Fang Chong's words, Song Ming felt warm in his heart, but he made up his mind today to try it out, even if it was dangerous.

Is it rare for Fang Chong to face danger alone? He just needs to face potential danger now, and it's possible ...

Song Ming doesn't care ...

"Yes, I don't want to. I hope you take the risk, knowing that you don't care about life and death, but what about Xiao Lan?" Move Xiao Lan out ...

Everyone knows the relationship between them, and now Fang Chong has only hope. I hope Song Ming can care about Xiao Lan and dispel this idea, otherwise, he would be really hard to do ...

If Song Ming insists, Fang Chong cannot stop ...

Now they all have some regrets, and today they said what this topic is doing .....

"Even if she knew, she would understand me ..." Song Ming laughed when Fang Chong heard them mention Xiaolan.

"Uh ....." Fang Chong didn't know what to say ...


In the end, with Song Ming's insistence, Fang Chong had no choice but to follow the method given by the Maya system to bring in the sickle zach eggs for gene extraction. Looking at this bottle of genetic medicine, Fang Chong looked very hesitant ...

In addition to not knowing whether there will be adverse reactions, from other data, it is not difficult to see that this genetic medicine is a good thing, the energy contained is not zombies, mutant organisms can compare ...

If Song Ming can be perfectly integrated, I am afraid that it will not be a problem to directly increase the strength to two hundred ...

That's right, it's two hundred levels, which can be directly improved by dozens of levels.

The speed of this abnormality can only be achieved by the Zak genetic drugs.

"Fang Chong, don't you like this mother-in-law ..." Song Ming is not as worried as Fang Chong, he still has a light smile on his face.

"Song Ming ..." Fang Chong opened his mouth, but at the end he said nothing ...

Just watching Song Ming drink the genetic medicine of ‘Sickle Zak’ ~~ www.readwn.com ~ and immediately asked the Maya system to observe the changes of Song Ming ’s body, Fang Chong was worried about what would happen ...

And for the Maya system, she also needs to observe, can the ‘Zak’ gene drugs be fused into humans?

If it can, then the Zak will not be terrible.

In the Mayan civilization, the only one of the genes of the ‘Zak’ was not able to fuse into the Mayan planet ’s genes.

But what is the situation of Earth people now, Maya does not know ...

From the perspective of the Maya system, although the human strength on the earth is weak, its own genes are very tolerant. It seems that all genes that can fuse the Zak family have become possible ...

After Song Ming drank the genetic medicine, there were no other sounds in the room. Everyone held their breath and looked at Song Ming quietly ...

………………………………………………………………………… ..

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