I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 344: Come over

Chapter 344 Comes Over

ps, thanks for the evaluation of the "lonely and lonely" brothers [tickets ...



Watching Song Ming's claw-like sharp claws appear between her fingers, everyone standing in the room froze with a sullen expression, especially Xiao Lan, her eyes revealing a hint of despair. m

"How can this be?" Xiao Lan could not cry.

Looking at Song Ming and then looking at Xiao Lan, Fang Chong's hand shook slightly.

Will Song Ming become like this? Fang Chong did not know and never thought of it.

Maya only said that the second fusion, but did not say that after the second fusion, people will become Zach.

Song Ming still looks personal now! But with the exception of the head, everything else has become like a sickle Zack ...

Fang Chong did not know or dare to think whether Song Ming would become Zak and lose his consciousness when he woke up.

And what if Xiao Ming is stereotyped like this? They do this ...

These problems filled Fang Chong's head, and now he seems to be bursting ...

"Hmm ....."

When Fang Chong couldn't think of any reason, the sound of a knife coming out of his sheath passed into his ear, shaking his head, and Huang Qianchuan had a sword in his hand ...

"Brother Qianchuan don't be impulsive ..." When it was discovered that Huang Qianchuan had drawn more than Fang Chong, Fang Chong was so disappointed that he had no time to respond, and the idyllic song closest to Huang Qianchuan grabbed Huang Qianchuan's knife ...

"I know, I won't do it immediately, but once Song Ming loses his humanity and becomes a Zak, I can't let him kill everyone ..." Huang Qianchuan said coldly.

Among so many people present, the coolest thing now is to say that he is the emperor. Even Fang Chong was disturbed by the situation of Song Ming.

This bad guy would have to be Huang Qianchuan ...

"The situation is unknown, you can pay attention to Huang Qianchuan. Before Song Ming has no consciousness that hurts us, you can never do it ..." Fang Chong saw that Huang Qianchuan did not move, and in addition, Huang Qianchuan said these words rationally. Fang Chong is also relieved ...

After all, the move of Huang Qianchuan's knife did not cause dissatisfaction among these people, even Xiao Lan, she did not make any impulsive and irrational actions.

Everyone knows that Huang Qianchuan did this to protect everyone ...

"I know…."

Facing Fang Chong's reminder, Huang Qianchuan nodded, and Fang Chong knew what he meant.


After Huang Qianchuan's knife came out of the sheath, the room that had been a little bit noisy returned to quiet, but before deciding what happened to Song Ming, everyone dare not rely on him too close ...

After all, those shiny claws would be dangerous if they were actually assimilated by Sickle's genes.

Sickle Zack's claws can easily break through defenses below two hundred levels. This degree has been seen by everyone, and now I know the same.

Fang Chong didn't say much, he now carefully observed Song Ming's expression.

After the scimitar-like metal blade emerged in the finger seams, Song Ming's expression that had been entangled with fierce pain slowly unfolded at this time.

The body slowly calmed down.

But what happens next? neither knows.

Especially after seeing Song Ming seem to be waking up, Fang Chong's group's expressions became even more exciting.

Is Song Ming a friend or an enemy? None of them dare to be sure ...

"Song Ming is about to wake up, everyone pays a little attention ..." Fang Chong reminded everyone to kill Song Ming with all his heart or everything ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong glanced over the others, and everyone nodded, only Xiaolan was still a tearful ...

Looking at Xiao Lan's current situation, Fang Chong could only turn around. He knew that if Song Ming was really assimilated by Sickle Zack ’s genetic medicine, it would be a question whether he could succeed ...

Fang Chong is also under great pressure ...

One is a good brother, and the other is everyone's security ...


Time went on, one second at a time, and everyone in the room gradually lost patience ...

It seems that half an hour has passed since Song Ming just wanted to wake up, but Song Ming is still sleeping.

Unlike other people who are impatient, Fang Chong has always looked at Song Ming calmly. Song Ming's current situation is Fang Chong's most willing to see.

Awake without a second, which indirectly shows that Song Ming has not been assimilated by Sickle Zack.

The genes of sickle zack should still be in a tug-of-war with the genes of Song Ming, and it should be slowly at a disadvantage. Otherwise, Song Ming would not be able to visit there ...

Of course, these are Fang Chong's beautiful hopes. In order to determine whether what he said is true, after Fang Chong determined that there could be no other problems in Song Ming in a short period of time, the meaning was changed. In the internal space ... /

After the Maya figure appeared, Fang Chong rushed to speak again. "Maya, Song Ming's situation is not so good, and what's going on with a sickle-like state ..."

"That is genetic assimilation, which is the most perfect degree of fusion in genetic medicine ..." Maya heard Fang Chong's words and smiled. "Song Ming's current situation is that after genetic assimilation, the perfect fusion can use humans as media to stimulate the potential of genetic medicine, just like Song Ming now, it can evolve the scale armor that ordinary people do not have. These swords ... "

"Genetic assimilation ..." Fang Chong nodded subconsciously when he heard such a word. What Maya said was relatively simple, and Fang Chong understood it as soon as he heard it.

However, although it sounds like a perfect fusion and evolved scale armor, now Song Ming people do n’t look like humans, and ghosts do n’t look like ghosts. What will happen ...

Fang Chong didn't dare to imagine whether Song Ming could accept it, plus Xiao Lan could accept it ...

And if Song Ming is not able to change now, then it is likely to become heterogeneous in the future. It would n’t be good if hunted by humans ...

The more Fang Chong thinks about this, the bigger his head ...



"The host is worried that Song Ming will become a stranger?" Looking at Fang Chong's tangled expression, Maya smiled softly.

"Yes, what are you laughing at?" Fang Chong was puzzled at this time by Maya. According to Maya's usual understanding, it is impossible to laugh at this time, after all, Fang Chong is upset now ...

Maya's smile at this time is likely to be a fuse ...

Although it may not affect the loyalty of Mu Muya to Fang Chong, the strange feeling still exists.

Fang Chong knew this, so after Maya laughed loudly, he held back his anger ...

"The host doesn't need to worry. Song Ming will not stay the way it is now. This state is a fighting state. As long as Song Ming regains consciousness, the scales on his body, including the claws between the fingers, will disappear. "I can see Fang Chong's dissatisfaction, Maya talked about business.

She has a humane function, but sees that Fang Chong is now in a state of violence. Fang Chong didn't want to, and of course she wouldn't let Fang Chong want to happen….

"What you said is true ..." Song Ming's eyes almost fell out when he heard Maya's words. Although he didn't doubt that Maya would cheat, Fang Chong was more sure ...

"Yeah ..." Maya nodded seriously.

"………… .." Maya looked serious, Fang Chong looked a little awkward. He was glad that he was not so impulsive just now, and he was quite speechless ...

"Host I can understand your nervousness, you don't need to blame the attitude you just had ..." Maya could see Fang Chong's worry. When Fang Chong didn't know what to say, she once again spoke comfort ...

"I ........." After hearing Maya's words, Fang Chong really didn't know what to say, looked up and looked at Maya.

"Song Ming's genetic fusion has now reached over 80%, and he will be awake after a maximum of half an hour. The host can now rest assured that Song Ming is no longer in danger ..." Fang Chong was embarrassed, overwhelmed, and shifted the topic in a timely manner ...

"Half an hour, there is no more danger ..." Fang Chong took a sigh of relief after seizing the two points he was most willing to hear, and now he can finally relax.

And understanding that Maya was deliberately shifting the topic, he said a word to Maya and then quit the system.

Of course, in such an anxiety, in addition to the Mayan incident, it is two more reasons to comfort Xiao Lan and prevent Huang Qianchuan from hurting Song Ming ...


After Fang Chong's body regained his consciousness, Song Ming still has some new changes in Maya. In determining that Song Ming is no longer dangerous and will not become a stranger, Fang Chong can seriously observe the situation of Song Ming ...

"Huang Qianchuan, speaking of the sword, Song Ming cannot lose his humanity and consciousness ..." Fang Chong did a series of detailed inspections for Song Ming and found that everything was as Maya said, and he immediately told Huang Qianchuan Say….

"But ..." Huang Qianchuan was still a little worried, but when he saw Fang Chong's insistence, he put away the knife, but the sense of vigilance on his body did not relax, and he never dare to feel as relieved as Fang Chong ...

"Brother Fang Chong, are you telling the truth?" Xiao Lan heard what Fang Chong said to Huang Qianchuan. After seeing Huang Qianchuan retracting the sword, her eyes stayed on Fang Chong ...

"Really ..." Fang Chong found Xiao Lan's side and helped her up. "Song Ming will be fine. The gene fusion has been completely successful. He will wake up soon after too many. You don't need to worry ..."

"But now he looks like the same Zak tribe. I still worry that he will lose his memory and be assimilated by the Zak genes ..." Xiao Lan stopped her tears, but saw the changes in Fang Chong's body now, She was still a little worried.

It is not that she is unwilling to believe in Fang Chong, but that Song Ming's appearance is now very worrying. Will Song Ming become an alien ...

"Then don't worry about Song Ming's situation now, because of the perfect fusion of genetic medicine, Song Ming only got some signs from the Zak ethnic group, but this situation only appears in battle. If it is normal, Song Ming's body is still in harmony with Just like ordinary people ... "Fang Chong explained it tirelessly.

"It will ..." Hearing Fang Chong's words, it was not only Xiao Lan. When others heard it, they also cast a shocked expression. They did not doubt whether Fang Chong said it was true ...

"Yes, once Song Ming wakes up, his strength can reach 200 levels, and it will become the most powerful in our team ..." Fang Chong nodded, indicating that everyone was right.

Although the fusion of Zak's genetic medicine is extremely dangerous, it still has many benefits. At least it can survive, and there is no problem in improving the body level by dozens of levels ...

"That is too incredible ..." Huang Qianchuan did not expect Fang Chong to say so, it is undeniable that he was a bit emotional ...

"This is the equivalence of danger and opportunity ..." Fang Chong shook his head with a smile.

The atmosphere in the room was mentioned by Fang Chong, all relaxed, Xiao Lan's mood also stabilized ...


After Fang Chong determined that Song Ming would not lose his mind, Xiao Lan would stay beside Song Ming and everyone would stop him. After Xiao Lan sat beside Song Ming, everyone would find a place to sit down ...

As for planning today, because of the accident that happened in Song Ming, they were all cancelled ...

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Song Ming to wake up.

Half an hour, in a relaxed atmosphere, it passed quickly.

As for Song Ming, as Fang Chong said, at the same time, his eyelids moved ...

After a while, my eyes slowly opened ...

"Song Ming, you are awake ..." Seeing Song Ming's eyes open, Xiao Lan exclaimed with excitement ...

And Xiao Lan's name, everyone knows that Song Ming woke up and surrounded him. Fang Chong walks ahead ...

"Song Ming, how do you feel now?" After Fang Chong walked by, he saw that Song Ming did not lose his mind and consciousness, as Maya said. After he breathed a sigh of relief, he began to understand Song Ming's physical condition Happening…

"No problem, I feel pretty good ..." Song Ming wondered why Fang Chong asked this question, but he hesitated before answering.

"That's good ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Song Ming's performance now shows that he is too normal to be normal again. To say that it is abnormal, now there are only the scales on his body and the claws on his hand. Seeing these, Fang Chong knew that Song Ming was trying to put away ...

These things, as long as they are equipped in battle, are similar to burdens when there is no battle, but fortunately they can be controlled by consciousness ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong immediately told Song Ming: "Then you try to put away the scale armor and claws ..."

"Ah ..." Hearing Fang Chong's words, Song Ming found a different place on his body. He had been lying down but didn't notice it. Now he saw it, his face became a little pale. "This, what's wrong ..."

"Assimilation of Sickle Zac Gene Pharmacy ..." Fang Chong simply described it to Song Ming, which also made him not to worry ...

"Try it ..." Fang Chong finished, Xiao Lan also said.

"Well, let me try ..." Looking at Xiao Lan's tender eyes, Song Ming nodded, closed her eyes, and tried according to the method provided by Fang Chong ...

However, I have never been in contact. It is definitely not easy to do. Song Ming failed dozens of times in a row before he successfully retracted his claws ...

"Successful ..." Seeing that Song Ming's first step was successful, Xiao Lan shouted happily, and Fang Chong also showed joy. Although they failed so many times, this was a good start.

"Continue, try a few times and you will be able to succeed ..." The claws were put away, and the next was the "scale armor", Fang Chong also encouraged, but Fang Chong believed that even if they did not say this, Song Ming would come out Try hard, the success of the paw has undoubtedly given her a lot of confidence ...

"Hmm ..." Song Ming nodded and continued to work hard.

Others left after seeing that Song Ming was not in danger.

The current base city is not stable. The fortifications, the distribution of guards, and the improvement of strength are the top priorities of their work. Everyone knows it ...

After the others have left, Fang Chong Qin Lan and some of them will stay. Fang Chong will not leave easily until Song Ming is not completely successful.

After Song Ming spent more than an hour finally, he finally put away all the scale-like things in his body, and at this time, the ‘gene pharmacy’ incorporating the ‘Zack’ was declared a complete success….

"Successful ..." Song Ming himself said happily.

"Yes, it was successful, and the strength should enter the 200-level level ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Song Ming's ability to support the past was the most important in Fang Chong's eyes ...

"Well, I feel full of power now ..." Song Ming didn't hide anything in front of Fang Chong ...

"Next, you have to try more ways to collect the speed of the paws. The method of UU reading www.uukanshu.com 'paws' and 'scales' is a real advantage you have ..." Fang Chong continued Explain the direction Song Ming needs to work on ...

"Ok, I know…."


After losing a few bottles of genetic medicine to restore Song Ming's strength, Fang Chong and some of them also left the room. They knew that after the sadness, Song Ming and Xiao Lan should have a lot to say.

As for whether there is anything to do, I don't know ...

"Today's events are too thrilling, but fortunately, the danger has been eliminated ..." Qin Lan said while walking.

"Yes, but in this way, the safety of our team is more guaranteed ..." Fang Chong nodded undeniably. At the same time, he also thought that after Song Ming became familiar with the power he now has, he could leave this place temporarily for a while ...


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