I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 345: depressed

Chapter 345 Depression


Although the power of the Zak's genetic medicine is huge, Fang Chong does not plan to let others try it without fully maintaining 100% success. M

Although Song Ming has succeeded, Fang Chong does not want to be alarmed again.

Fang Chong hid the remaining sickle-sucked egg in storage space.

However, Zac's genetic medicine, Fang Chong will not give up, as long as there is a good opportunity, he will try.

Song Ming's changes allowed Fang Chong to see the differences more clearly.

As long as it can solve the problem of the Zak genetic medicine, that is, the chance of danger, then it is no longer a dream to become infinitely powerful ...

If one day, the Zak people fear that it will no longer be a threat, but a resource, a resource that humans become stronger.

Of course, the premise is that the Zak people have not fully evolved. What they lack now is time ...

The evolution of humans and the evolution of the Zak people has now become a race. Although humans are temporarily in a backward situation, they will not be as hopeless as they were at the time, Maya said ....

Thinking of this, Fang Chong smiled slightly.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Does Fang Chong really want to go alone?" A few days later, after Song Ming was fully familiar with his current fighting style and mastered his own power, Fang Chong was about to leave the base of Shanghai Stock Exchange ...

In order to familiarize Song Ming with his own fighting power, Fang Chong has no shortage of battles with Song Ming these days.

Song Ming is now able to completely suppress Fang Chong in terms of strength, but it is still a bit inferior in speed, because regardless of the gene medicine that Song Ming fused before, or the gene of sickle Zach that was fused during these days.

It's all strength, or it belongs to strength. Speed ​​can be increased, but not much.

And Fang Chong, after the battle with Song Ming, Song Ming's current strength Fang Chong also has a general understanding.

The strength has exceeded two hundred levels, and should be infinitely close to two hundred and fifty levels, which is similar to the nine-eyed Zach that Fang Chong played at the beginning, but now Song Ming is much more dangerous than Sickle Zach ...

You must know that Fang Chong has improved a lot of combat power after the sickle Zack, before he can draw a tie with Song Ming ...

Of course, these are not desperate. If skills are available, it is still a matter of minutes for Fang Chong to solve Song Ming ...

The importance of combat experience can only be manifested in deadly combat.

However, Fang Chong knew it well and didn't say much. In many cases, Fang Chong still had to hold a hole for himself.


The creation of weapons is imminent, and the issue of materials and raw materials must be solved by Fang Chong.

Now Chong also thinks that Song Ming can replace him. Song Ming's sudden strength is beyond Fang Chong's surprise, but in this way, they are racing against time, and there is another dawn of victory ... ....

"Yes, I must go and be alone ..." Fang Chong didn't say much, nodded earnestly.

The idyll asked him the consciousness of this statement. He understood that it was not difficult to see from the idyll, the idyll wanted to follow ...

But what will happen all the way? Fang Chong did not know that he was not sure he could retreat from the whole body, and even more so that he could bring a pastoral song, which was just a joke ...

The speed of the small energy car was a few months ago, or it could be said that the speed of sound was very strong, but a few months later, Fang Chong did not believe that the flying mutants in the air are still the same as they were?

Maybe now the small energy vehicles fly a little lower, and they may be attacked by ground jumping mutants ...

Although Fang Chong did not know and did not see it, he had to guard against ...

"Well, be careful ..." Fang Chong's words, and the information he revealed from his eyes, Muge knew she had no hope.

The little mouth beeps softly, but she still understands Fang Chong ...

"Well, you have to be careful. I do n’t do anything before I return to the Shanghai market on a large-scale attack ..." Fang Chong nodded, reminding him at the same time.

Now, what exactly is there in the center of Shanghai? Fang Chong doesn't know. Anyway, it feels that Fang Chong is not simple, it is dangerous, maybe he is really the destroyer ...

"We know ..." Fang Chong is always accurate about the danger. Fang Chong said that Qin Lan and they all believed that the possibility of the Destroyer was really high.

Now they are fighting with the zombies in Shanghai. The zombies are attacking and retreating as if someone is behind them, just like the regular army. From this point, they are more convinced of the possibility of the destroyer ... ....

"That's good, I'll leave tomorrow ..." Fang Chong nodded, Qin Lan agreed, Fang Chong knew they wouldn't do it. After answering, Fang Chong also set the date he would leave ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong decided, and they all nodded, no more objections.

Until the end of the world, they all know that many times, the importance of time, they will not prevent Fang Chong from doing ...

Fang Chong's is not simple and full of mystery. The three of them know very well that there is indeed more than just the three of them, even many people in the team know this ...

They don't know in other countries and other places, but here in Huaxia, Qin Lan and a few of them believe that Fang Chong's existence can change the trajectory of this world change ...

In the last days, Fang Chong is really like God except that he is not as powerful as God… .....

Although they all know that Fang Chong is not God, Fang Chong can predict, just like God.

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Song Ming, it's up to you to be safe here on the Shanghai Stock Exchange base. Everyone should be careful ..." The next day, Fang Chong convened the main members of all the teams to a meeting. He still has to say something about leaving the Shanghai Stock Base here. , And the defense here in Shanghai still needs some explanation ...

"Understand ..." Song Ming nodded, they all knew what Fang Chong was going to do, and Fang Chong was worried about what they knew. "Be careful yourself ..."

"Yes ..." Fang Chong nodded, and after talking about these things that he needed to explain, Fang Chong got up and left ...

"The distance from Shanghai to the western mining area takes at least an hour, and without any danger or accident, we can add all conceivable accidents to the theory. The theory should be within 15 hours ... After leaving Shanghai, Fang Chong sat in a small energy vehicle, Fang Chong, quickly turned his head and calculated the distance between Shanghai and the western mining area.

In the end, Fang Chong concluded that even if a small energy vehicle does not need to consider the restrictions of the terrain, more than nine hours is the limit, and other things are more than ...

Thinking of the time needed, Fang Chong's head turned quickly, and at the same time, he considered the accidents that could be encountered along the way ...

"Although mutant creatures have territories, who can see through the boundaries of the mountains and forests, that is, they can see clearly, but what to do when they have to go through it? Can't they detour?" Fang Chong analyzed calmly.

It's dangerous, but it's not that bad ...

When Fang Chong thought about it, the small energy car he was traveling was moving fast.

Now that the navigation of the satellite system is added, Fang Chong is relaxed. As long as there is no accident, in the afternoon, he can reach the mining area in the west, where he went once ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong was also relieved a lot, he knew that he was a bit too nervous ...

It was impossible for him to meet mutant creatures so coincidentally, and they were still flying mutant creatures.

Later, Fang Chong didn't think about it anymore, narrowed his eyes slightly, and rested quietly in the small energy car ....

What he hoped is that after waking up, the small energy vehicle reached the western mining area ...


In fact, as Fang Chong expected, the small energy car did not show any condition. According to his expectations, he flew calmly for a few hours until the afternoon, when he had run two-thirds of the distance. Something happened.

When Fang Chong slept soundly, the small energy car experienced a violent shake ...

Fang Chong was sober in the shaking of this distance. ..

"Rely on ..." Fang Chong was almost shaken to lie down and couldn't help cursing.

"Did he get attacked ..." After Fang Chong sobered up, he realized that he was still sitting in the flight cabin of a small-capacity car, and after knowing his position, Fang Chong remembered instantly, his biggest Possibility of being attacked ...

Thinking of flying creatures, Fang Chong's spine felt a bit chilly. A sense of danger emerged from his heart.

However, after a lot of wind and rain, Fang Chong was not a rookie. After calming down a bit, Fang Chong sat upright and observed the situation outside the small energy vehicle. Fang Chong now wanted to know what was his attack What are the mutant creatures that can fly ...

If this mutant is too powerful, Fang Chong will make an emergency landing ...

However, what made Fang Chong a little bit depressed was that he observed the old half a day, but he did not see a flying mutant creature, and at this time, the small energy vehicle had flown a distance of tens of thousands of meters ...

"Isn't the tremor of the small energy just because it was attacked by mutant creatures? It's because of the failure of the airflow layer?" Fang Chong didn't know how to explain this question, because now he can't see mutant creatures, or other Anomalous place ...

However, when Fang Chong was ready to take a rest, the careful energy car was attacked again. Fang Chong clearly felt that the body of the car was shaken sharply, and Fang Chong almost floated.

In this case, Fang Chong did not need to know that he was attacked again ....

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong whispered in his heart, but he didn't panic at once. Although he was attacked twice, from the perspective of the small energy car shaking, the power of attacking him should not be stronger than there. Otherwise, how could he still sit in the small energy car safely now.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong was more at ease, but Fang Chong did not dare to carelessly. Before he saw the other party, Fang Chong knew that accidents could happen all the time?

Maybe someone is playing a cat-and-mouse game. Maybe ...

Although this possibility is very low, Fang Chong still retains such vigilance until he is certain.

After accelerating the speed of flying small energy vehicles, Fang Chong raised his attention to ten, and his life was only one. Fang Chongke was unwilling to explain here casually ...

But what made Fang Chong extremely depressing was that after the small energy car continued to fly, the **** thing was actually quiet, it seemed that it had long been known that Fang Chong was waiting for it to appear.

If it weren't for the entire small energy vehicle alone, Fang Chong could have suspected that he had traitors in this small energy vehicle ...

But after ruling out this possibility, Fang Chong could only observe carefully.

After continuing to fly for a long distance, he was not attacked, and Fang Chongdu needed to get angry.

But this time, Fang Chong will not be stupid anymore, just now the vibration of the small energy car was an accident, it was an air flow ...


The speed of the small energy car is fast, and Fang Chong's expression is very serious. He is afraid to carelessly at this moment. He doesn't know what to do, what will happen again ...

After the small energy car continued to send forward for several kilometers, Fang Chong was also extremely depressed when he discovered what Maya had discovered.

After flying for a long distance, Fang Chong had no choice but to find an unknown creature that attacked him, Fang Chong had to find a way ...

After all, he has used everything from just now to now, slow down, and play silly ...

These things have been tried, but nothing will be fooled, Fang Chong is almost mad ...

But before seeing this unknown creature, Fang Chong resisted stiffly. Fang Chong knew that there would always be a time ...

Moving on, Fang Chong finally found that there was no way to attract the other party, Fang Chong finally took the basic approach ...

"This **** guy, it's not possible to change the method ..." Fang Chong continued to fly a short distance and found that he couldn't attract this guy, so he started thinking of other methods, because Fang Chong It was found that this creature, whose name was unknown, was the most cunning, and it was really Fang Chong's first encounter.

"You'd better be able to hide all the time, otherwise you will die very well ..." Fang Chong cursed while thinking of the method.

All his anger was completely liberated by this unknown creature, and he really had the urge to tear him.

However, reason still allows him to control the small energy car steadily, so as not to destroy the car ...

After a few deep breaths in a row, Fang Chong was not so excited.


"There is no way to attract you, then I turn around and see if you can't get out ...". It was also a fast flight. Fang Chong still did not see him attacking him with caution when he woke up for twelve minutes. The creatures of the energy car also began to worry slowly. Fang Chong thought that in the end, without other methods, he thought of flying backwards ....

That is, turning around and flying back ...

Although he still hasn't seen what the attacking creature looks like until now, he intuitively told Fang Chong that the creature who didn't know the name still looks at him. As long as he is careless and careless, it will start to attack him. Attack, although this feeling is weird, Fang Chong chose to believe his own intuition ...

Although he knew that this idea might be an illusion, Fang Chong believed it.

Thinking of this situation, Fang Chong increasingly felt that this plan of flyback was feasible.

Because for a long time, Fang Chong has been fleeing from the lock of the unknown creature.

If the opposite is true, it can have unexpected effects.

The thought of doing it is Fang Chong's character. After the small energy car continued to fly a certain distance, Fang Chong operated the small energy car, came up with an acceleration, and then turned around with a beautiful backflip, turning around ...

A series of actions can be called perfect ...

However, Fang Chong didn't dare to celebrate at this time, because he knew that the real test really started after he turned around. Whether it is alive or dead depends on the next performance ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chong's expression became extremely serious, and her breathing became a little quick.

"Calm, calm ..." Knowing that his situation was a bit unnatural, Fang Chong tried to control his thoughts, and he knew that tension would affect his performance. In that case, his danger will increase even more ..........

Try to calm yourself. In addition to his mood, Fang Chong also opened the attack system on the small energy vehicle ...

Enter battle mode ..........

Fortunately. Fang Chong's hard work and training were not wasted. After a while, Fang Chong's mood finally calmed down and his breathing was relieved. Holding the battle button in his hand, Fang Chong's momentum slowly recovered, ‘

At this time, even if he is facing the most powerful creature, his opponent has a courage ....


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