I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 349: In the strokes

Chapter 349 in the strokes


Fang Chong looked at the movement of the "mutated white tiger" towards him, his face remained the same, he stepped hard, and the whole person also bounced out. When the difference between the strength and the mutant white tiger was not particularly far, Fang Chong would certainly not choose to shrink. M

Fang Chong's hands will certainly not be idle while people are throwing them out. The most powerful part of the ‘mutated white tiger’ attack is the teeth in the mouth, and neither of these points can be countered by Fang Chong ’s fist ...

Knowing the pros and cons, Fang Chong's "Broken Knife" crossed an arc in the air to directly and clearly split the mutant white tiger ...

With a distance of more than ten meters, under the simultaneous force of Fang Chong and Mutant White Tiger, it was only one second before touching this together.

Seems slow, but it's just a moment ...

"Hmm ..."

A bright spark sparked from the contact between the knife and the claw.

Like Fang Chong's guess, the mutant white tiger's claw is indeed its most powerful weapon, and it is also the biggest threat to Fang Chong. In the face of a sharp blade such as a broken knife, it has not been able to hurt the slightest ...

This situation also strengthened Fang Chong's attention ....

And by the mutual effect of this blow, Fang Chong also avoided the mouth full of fangs with mutated white tiger ...

After falling to the ground, Fang Chong's expression was slightly cold, and his eyes looked sternly as he turned his body. He also looked at his mutant white tiger with jealous eyes ...

"Roar… .." I also felt that Fang Chong was strong. ‘Variant White Tiger’ did n’t attack immediately. He took a tiger step and turned around Fang Chong gently. It was waiting for the most powerful attack….

The fact that Fang Chong's sword can block his claws has made him vigilant. The flutter just now, although it was not his most powerful blow, but a lot of mutant creatures died under the flutter. The Croats cannot escape, otherwise, he would not have had such a large territory in this forest ...

And they are making so much noise here, it is impossible to make trouble without other mutant creatures ...

These aspects undoubtedly illustrate his power ...

However, Fang Chong was able to block, which shows that Fang Chong's strength is not weaker than him.

As for Fang Chong, seeing this mutant white tiger change his onslaught strategy, Fang Chong was also vigilant. He knew that the higher the level of mutant creatures, the greater the intelligence they possess, the more cunning they will undoubtedly become ...

From now on, this mutant white tiger does not attack, but instead turns around Fang Chong, creating pressure on Fang Chong, which further shows that this mutant white tiger is indeed the king of mutant creatures, and has a higher level of intelligence and higher ...

Looking at such a behavior of Mutant White Tiger, Fang Chong did not attack. Mutant White Tiger was waiting. Fang Chong was also looking for Mutual White Tiger's unobtrusive feet. When the strength was similar, if he wanted to win, he could only wait for the perfect victory. Best chance ...


The mutant white tiger turns a large circle, and Fang Chong orbits a small circle. At this moment, Fang Chong seems to have become the sun, and the earth of the mutant white tiger orbits him ...

Finally, a few minutes passed, and after the Mutant White Tiger also walked around Fang Chong without knowing how many laps, it finally moved ...

Although possessing human intelligence, in terms of patience, it is still not comparable to human beings, and the complexity of thought is not as good as human beings ...

Fang Chong used it to deal with it, and finally made it unbearable.

After making another roar, the huge body leaped up at a speed that did not match his body, and rushed to Fang Chong again ...

Facing once again the mutant white tiger's flutter, Fang Chong seemed more calm ...

The same action failed to cause him trouble and injury the first time, let alone the second time.

Fang Chong moved with a relaxed one sideways avoiding the mutant white tiger's flutter ...

When the mutant white tiger was too late to recover his body, Fang Chong's body quickly turned around, and he followed the mutant white tiger like a body.

A broken knife that shimmered in the cold light rose.

The angle at which the sword is raised is one hundred and twenty. This angle is the most powerful attack that Fang Chong can launch in the fastest time.

Although not on the power of superimposed chop, it is definitely not weak.

With such intensity, breaking the fur of the mutant white tiger is absolutely not a problem ...



Mutant White Tiger did not expect that its long-planned tiger flutter was flashed by Fang Chong in an instant, and this unexpected change made him unable to perform the next series of actions. The consequences of the whole body rushing forward can't be changed.

In horror, Mutant White Tiger, who had no time to turn his head, watched Fang Chong's sword in his hand fall towards his back ...

The speed is on the same level, it needs to avoid Fang Chong's knife without error, and change is impossible.

After it screamed an angry roar, Fang Chong's knife had come into contact with its back.

A chirping sound, a blood flower bloomed softly in the air at this moment ...

Seeing this, Fang Chong's smile reappeared on his face, which was similar to what he expected. Apart from the claws and mouth, ‘Variation White Tiger’ is strong enough. In other places, it is absolutely not a problem for the slashing sword to damage it ...

With one hit, Fang Chong had no greed, and it was impossible to kill the mutant white tiger with one hit.

When Mutant White Tiger roared, Fang Chong had pulled back and retreated ...

In the fury, the eyes of the 'mutated white tiger' had become blood red at this time. Although Fang Chong's knife did not kill him much, Fang Chong's majesty of the forest king ...

No tactics, no danger, and Fang Chong's cunning ...

‘Variation White Tiger’ as the body dropped to the ground, four strong and powerful legs, at the same time exerted strength, and quickly rushed towards Fang Chong ...

Hearing the wind, Fang Chong did not dare to stay in the slightest, while his feet dropped to the ground, his body leaped to the side. When the mutant white tiger flew, someone else was already on the branch of a large tree ...

The mutant white tiger is already desperate. The strength and speed that erupted from him are far from being comparable, but Fang Chong is not nervous, and losing his rational "mutated white tiger" will not be more terrible ...


However, Fang Chong is not nervous, which does not mean that he can easily cope with mutant white tigers ....

Under the anger of the mutant white tiger, whether it is speed or strength, it has already exceeded two hundred levels. Under such an attack, Fang Chong has some difficulty in coping.

In this way, facing a mutant white tiger with a strength of more than two hundred levels, the danger is far greater than when the Zak was first faced with nine eyes.

At that time, although Fang Chong's strength was still lower than now, but Huang Qianchuan was pulled aside, and Qin Lan in the sky was also required to help. Fang Chong faced much less pressure than now. The body is similar to the shape of a toad, and is not as flexible as the current mutant white tiger ...

As the king of the mountain forest, the terrain in the mountain forest is undoubtedly its greatest advantage ...

In addition to spending time, Fang Chong is also quite embarrassed ...

"Can this guy's explosive power be so long lasting?" Fang Chong hid for more than ten minutes without seeing the mutant white tiger's disengagement. Fang Chong couldn't help but have some anxiety in his heart, even he was a little skeptical. Is the mutant White Tiger really erupting?

However, when the mutant white tiger did not want Fang Chong to stay, after Fang Chong hid the tree, in a roar, a difficult tree surrounded by a man broke his waist ...

After Fang Chong cursed, he could only continue to be chased by the mutant white tiger ...

"You have to find a way. If you go on like this, the mutant white tiger will not be exhausted, he will die first ..." Fang Chong continued to move up and down in the woods, keeping a certain distance from the mutant white tiger ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Forget it, fight it, and see where its limits are ..." Fang Chong continued to run for a while, and found that the mutant white tiger still did not show any strain or was exhausted. Fang Chong's mood finally shaken .

Exhausting the power of the mutant white tiger. From the current situation, it is obviously not a good idea. After understanding this, Fang Chong stopped after jumping over a tree hole ...

Hold on tight, wait quietly for the mutant White Tiger to come over ...

"Hou… .." I unexpectedly saw Fang Chong stop, and the mutant white tiger staggered his footsteps. He had already seen Fang Chong's slyness. This would once again see Fang Chong's unexpected action, and he could not help waking up. Divided spirit.

Although stopped, the mutant white tiger's eyes still seemed to spit out fire, and at the same time they screamed in a low voice, expressing their extreme dissatisfaction in this way ...

Fang Chong found at this time that just now he cut the sword of this mutant white tiger to the mutant white tiger, which was not as light as he thought ...

Judging from the extent to which the white hair of the mutant white tiger is dyed red, it is not heavy ....

Fang Chong had an idea in this blood loss.

A mutant white tiger is still a creature. Unlike zombies, after losing a certain amount of blood, it has a great impact on its actions, including combat effectiveness.

And this kind of influence will undoubtedly bring a great opportunity for Fang Chong. As long as he can seize such an opportunity, there is no need to worry that he will not be able to seriously damage this mutant white tiger ...

Opportunity is rare ...

Because in normal times, mutant creatures may be injured, but the powerful ability of self-healing will not pose much threat to them at all, but today is different. Mutant White Tiger cares about killing Fang Chong, which will cause wounds in the case of continuous fighting outbreak If you want to be healed all at once, it is simply impossible, you have to make the wound bigger and bigger ...

After discovering this, Fang Chong looked extremely excited. He knew the opportunity came ...

Counting up, Fang Chong is also an opportunist. If you have the opportunity to not use it, you are a fool ...

In the face of mutant creatures, Fang Chongke never pays attention to what is fair and unfair. Life is only once ...

"Broken Knife can work as long as it avoids the head attack of the" mutated white tiger "..." Fang Chong's brain turned quickly at this time, and he analyzed the advantages and disadvantages between him and the mutant white tiger now ...

One wound hasn't caused much damage to the mutant white tiger. Fang Chong prepared two and two failed. Fang Chongke didn't believe that such a mutant white tiger could have so much blood to stay. The blood was dry and it would die. Undead ..

"Yes! Just make a few more wounds ..." Fang Chong shook his fist, and he knew that this was the only way ...

At the same time, Fang Chong's body also moved ...


After Fang Chong made up his mind, he didn't take care of what this 'mutated white tiger' was doing. What he had to do now was to create a few more wounds to the mutant white tiger.

In order to create a wound, it is not possible to stand there and watch the mutant white tiger. It must be affixed in order to be able to seriously damage the mutant white tiger ...

After Fang Chong had an idea in his heart, the speed was also astounding. In the case of full force burst without retaining a trace of force, Fang Chong's speed was a little faster than when the mutant white tiger chased it.

Disappeared almost instantly ...

Fang Chong's actions also greatly surprised the mutant White Tiger. When Fang Chong disappeared and appeared next to him, it was too late to react.

The result of such a carelessness has added a long foot wound to it from nothing ...

Fang Chong couldn't help but get excited with such a smooth blow ...

‘Variation White Tiger’ ’s powerful body also seemed to be a burden at this time ...

Although he kept screaming, but after the speed was suppressed by Fang Chong, the ‘mutated white tiger’ seemed a little bit more ...

The white tiger's skin was slowly attacked by Fang Chong's mad attack, and the wounds gradually increased, covering the entire mutant white tiger's body.

The ‘white’ fur is slowly and redly stained by his blood, which looks shocking ...

And over time, the speed of the mutated white tiger has also decreased, and its strength has not been as powerful as before ...


Finally, after making a roar, he did not dare to attack Fang Chong again, and his body receded ...

Fang Chong also took the opportunity to pant.

During a fierce attack, Fang Chong's goal was achieved, but his body was still hit twice by the mutant white tiger. Fortunately, there was a feather defense. In addition to a slight pain in the chest, it was a surge of blood ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

However, the situation of the mutant white tiger is much worse than that of Fang Chong. The price paid by Fang Chong is just a surge of blood, and the 'variant white tiger' is undoubtedly covered with wounds. At this time, Fang Chong's desired goal was also achieved ...

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Fang Chong looked no longer as brave as the "mutated white tiger". He knew that it was no longer difficult to kill the "mutated white tiger" ... "

However, Fang Chong was also afraid to carelessly at this time. He knew that the fighting power of the dying struggle would not be low. Fang Chong did not want to be bitten. If so, he would lose a lot ...

While keeping a certain distance from the mutant white tiger, Fang Chong began to pay close attention to the situation.

Fang Chong is not sure whether the mutant white tiger in front of him will be able to issue such a skill. At the same time, Fang Chong is not sure if he can stop it in such a situation ...

Because of these two points, Fang Chong behaved very carefully.

"Roar ..." Finally, it was still ‘mutated white tiger’ that could n’t hold it. It knew that he was completely at a disadvantage now. After a roar, it slammed Fang Chong again. "Tiger flutter" is a skill that is even more powerful in this situation now ...

Seeing that the speed and power of 'mutated white tiger' has improved once again, Fang Chong also knew in his heart that 'mutated white tiger' is now desperately, he now fully understands that if he cannot kill Fang Chong quickly, then he will die. Just it ...

Understand this situation, ‘mutated white tiger’ did n’t dare to stay in the slightest, the power broke out completely, and it flew like Fang Chong ...

In the face of such an attack, Fang Chong's situation is not good, and the danger is surrounding ...

Fang Chong also dared not flinch.


Constantly attacking, Fang Chong once again repelled the attack of the 'mutated white tiger' with his sword. When he did not dare to deceive him, a sudden change occurred, and a fierce white light looked from the 'mutated white tiger' Burst into his eyes ...

Fang Chong was caught by surprise like a flash of light ...

The eyes are so white that they lose the sense of light to the surrounding scenery ...

Simply put, it's just a moment of blindness.

At this time, Fang Chongcai suddenly realized that what was the mutation ...

"'Explosive strike' ..." The most powerful attack of the mutant white tiger ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong was scared of a cold sweat ...

What does the most powerful attack mean ~ www.readwn.com ~ Isn't it similar to the existence of 'nirvana'?

Fang Chongzhong recruited such a "skill," but it meant that his life was in danger.

However, the blindness caught in the eyes was short, Fang Chong could not do much. He pressed his body posture and then leapt to the side ...

All of his actions are subconscious, because Fang Chong learned from the Mayan system early that although the most powerful attack of the Mutant White Tiger is the "light strike", the most powerful part of the "light strike" is not it. The damage value, but it can make the enemy into a dozen wonderful blindness, in which case, he can often control the outcome of the battle ...

Fang Chong, who is aware of these situations, can now dodge. The body must dodge. Otherwise, he will die ...

However, even if Fang Chong made such a response, but the body was too late to leave the approximate range of attack, while a pain in the abdomen came, Fang Chong could clearly feel his body flying backwards ....

And this is undoubtedly the 'mutated white tiger' ...

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