I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 350: Strong resilience

Chapter 350 The Powerful Resilience


Fang Chong flew out, and the huge rush from the abdomen caused Fang Chong's body to completely lose his control. The mutant White Tiger's blow was very heavy, especially for Fang Chong who could not see the object for a moment. M

Under this huge momentum, Fang Chong was like a cannonball, rushing directly into the dense woods behind him.

嚓, 嚓, 嚓 ……………… ..

The sound of broken trees is endless ...

Fang Chong finally realized what an attack of more than two hundred levels of power was, and even if he was wearing a feather defense now he could clearly feel it.

The mutant white tiger's blow was not fancy, but its strength was real ...

Fortunately for Fang Chongqing, even if the mutant white tiger is played abnormally, the power that erupts is at most 230 and 40. Although this power exceeds Fang Chong's tolerance, it is not enough to tear the feathers against it. The defense of a battle armor suit, in this case, Fang Chong will not be hurt much, but it is definitely not light ...

After falling heavily on the ground, Fang Chong only felt a sweet throat and a spit of bright red blood ...

It can be seen that Fang Chong's attack was definitely not light ....

Feeling the messy pain in the body, Fang Chong slowly stood up holding one of her hands. At this time, her eyes were somewhat restored, but it was still difficult to see clearly ...

He must stand up at this time, although the feeling of mutant white tiger will continue ...

When there is no way, Fang Chong can only keep his mood as quiet as possible, using his ears to perceive the direction of the mutant white tiger and the route of the mutant white tiger ...

Fang Chong knows that he needs to survive these ten seconds anyway ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Speaking of these, Fang Chong is indeed extremely depressed, and the general idea is just that, but he also has to admire the slyness of the mutant white tiger, and the opportunity to launch the light strike actually chose such a good time, which is entirely in Fang Chong Unprepared situation ...

"Tread, step, step ..."

However, the mutant white tiger was not ready to give Fang Chong much time for complaining. Fang Chong just got up from the ground and put on a defensive posture. After a while, the speeding footsteps ran from the front of Fang Chong. very large…

Fang Chong knew that the mutant white tigers were at this time launching their unique fighting skills of the white tiger family.

If the light strike is an auxiliary combat skill, then the skills that are not displayed by the white tiger at this time are real combat skills ...

The biggest blow of mutant white tiger power ...

Hearing the sound, feeling the breath, Fang Chong's expression was extremely solemn.

Fang Chong is no longer visible, but from this momentum, it is not difficult for him to know the attack that the mutant white tiger will launch. This skill is one of the only two skills that Maya wants him to pay attention to ...

Thinking of the power of the tiger's howling, Fang Chong's expression was left with a bitter smile ...

However, despite the danger and the critical situation, Fang Chong was still not flustered. He knew that at this moment there was only calmness, otherwise he would be dead ...

Fang Chong's right hand clenched the chopper, and now Fang Chong's hope is completely pinned on this sword. As long as the sword can block the skill of Tiger Fighting, he has the hope of turning over ...

The situation became more and more urgent, Fang Chong's brow frowned.


"Roar ........." As the footsteps got closer and closer, suddenly the mutant white tiger made a sound similar to the wind howling, and the body flew towards Fang Chong with airflow ...

"Drink ..." The moment Fang Chong felt the air coming out, the slashing knife in his hand split out.

Fang Chong can't see right now, the timing of his shots is all based on intuition, and it's all based on sound judgment ...

Did not retain the slightest strength.

"Dang ..." After Fang Chong waved the knife, what he heard was a clear collision sound, and then a huge rebounding force came from the arm holding the knife. The huge force made Fang Chong's tiger mouth hurt. At this time, the broken knife almost flew out.

After subconsciously holding the broken knife, Fang Chong could not care about the pain of Hukou, so I don't need to look at it to know that Hukou should be torn under this kind of rebound force ...

After subconsciously holding the broken knife, Fang Chong's body changed direction under the impact of this huge force, and flew out again, but finally hit a large tree before stopping ...

Once again under heavy blows, Fang Chong's throat was sweet again, and a bright red blood spit out ...

Feeling the hot sensation in the chest and abdomen, Fang Chong really was very depressed. If this injury comes two more times, I am afraid that today ’s life is really explained here ...

But there is no way, this is the punishment after the intention.

Regardless of his physical condition, Fang Chong began to jump after his body landed. He did not know when the mutant white tiger would attack again. What he can rely on now is hearing ...

After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong's hand holding the broken chopper was a little harder. In the case of invisibleness, he relied on the broken chopper, and it will not be torn ....


"Hou… .." was another angry roar from the mutant white tiger. This sound heard in Fang Chong's ear, and Fang Chong's face showed a bitter smile.

It seems that the knife just didn't cause any substantial damage to the mutant white tiger, and the consequence of not causing the damage is the crazy white tiger's madness.

Without looking at the eyes, Fang Chong can more clearly feel the mutant white tiger with his hearing. At this moment, the mutant white tiger is completely different in emotions. The mutant white tiger should be more angry and bloodthirsty ...

In the face of such a mutated white tiger, Fang Chong really didn't look down ...

"Touch, touch ..." Listening to the sound of the mutant White Tiger running, Fang Chong didn't have time to think about the other, and was only able to pose a defensive posture.

However, at this time, Fang Chong was not sure. For the second time, would this mutant white tiger use the tiger to scream like a moment ago? If it cleverly changed its strategy, Fang Chong would have no resistance ...

Fang Chong is betting that the mutant white tiger still uses the skill of tiger whistle, and he is also betting on his own luck.

Counting time, as long as he can stop the hit of the mutant white tiger, his eyes will restore vision. At that time, although the injury was not minor, it was not without a fight, at least not as embarrassed as it is now ... ..

"Hoo ..." Fang Chong exhaled, and his spirit was completely concentrated.

The mutant white tiger is getting closer and closer.


A long howling that made Fang Chong happy came to his ears. Such a whistle also told Fang Chong that he was right, and the mutant white tiger still used his most powerful tiger whistle skill ...

Although the tiger's screaming power is extremely powerful, its shortcomings are also obvious, that is, it can not change the trajectory of the attack ...

This is what Fang Chong hopes to see most.

Listening to the approaching sound, Fang Chong's sword split again ...




The result was no suspense. After Fang Chong's sword and the mutant white tiger came into contact, his body flew out again.

The blood flow in the tiger's mouth is like injection, and the mouth spit again ...

His body was damaged again, but Fang Chong still had a calm expression on his face.

There was even a faint smile, because at this time, his eyes had restored the ability to see things ...

Such a change means that Fang Chong will no longer be mutated white tiger meat ...

All self-confidence returned to Fang Chong's face at this time, with a smile, Fang Chong climbed from the ground ...

Feather-proof white armor was covered with scarlet blood, and there was also blood red on the broken chopper. Fang Chong knew that these were all blood from him.

This is Fang Chong's worst injury since the last days ...

Feeling the earth-shaking feeling in his body, Fang Chong shook his head helplessly.

He knows that even today, even if he can kill this mutant white tiger, he can't get better by himself ...

A result of both losses ...

However, serious injuries are better than death. Fang Chong took a step forward with a broken knife ...

But now there is a little advantage on Fang Chong's side, that is, this mutant white tiger's explosive strike skill is in a short time, so no longer need to worry about appearing ...

Without this danger, Fang Chong is very confident and confronts the mutant white tiger….

"Roar… .." Obviously felt the change in the breath of Fang Chong, the mutant Bai Hu expressed his dissatisfaction with a hissing, but after feeling the change in Fang Chong, he did not dare to act rashly ...

Just now I used the skills of Tiger Fight twice in succession, although Fang Chong was hit hard, but both Fang Chong shot and resisted. In that case, the mutant white tiger was also attacked by the rebound ...

Certainly internal injuries ...

On the surface, the mutant white tiger is still energetic and seems energetic, but in fact, the mutant white tiger has reached its limit ...

That's why it looked at Fang Chong more vigilantly.

It knows that if it is not careful, it may be killed here by humans like Fang Chong ...

His dissatisfaction and his resentment were also heard in the roar ...

"Come on, fight to the death ..." Under the careful observation of Fang Chong, Fang Chong was delighted to find the mutant white tiger. Although it was very vague, Fang Chong knew that it would be clear if he tried it.

After yelling, Fang Chong rushed up.

As soon as you move your hand, ‘Broken Knife’ turns into a gleam of cold light…



Fang Chong's behavior of the mutant white tiger caught the mutant white tiger off guard.

In a hurry, the mutant white tiger just had time to leap, dancing its two short front paws.

Looking at the mutant Bai Hu's busy appearance, the corner of Fang Chong's mouth raised slightly, he knew that such an opportunity was rare, but it was more difficult to get a shot ...

After a close contact with Broken Knife and Mutant White Tiger, Fang Chong rolled a lazy donkey and rolled to the ground. After recovering the Broken Knife, Fang Chong quickly bounced off the ground. Now his biggest advantage is that Speed, the mutant white tiger was scratched all over before, relying on the speed advantage. After knowing that he has such advantages, Fang Chong used this more intelligently ....

Fang Chong is fast, but the mutant White Tiger is also not slow at this time.

He had already suffered a loss in speed on Fang Chong, and of course he was unwilling to repeat it again. In the rapid speed action, the battle between Fang Chong and Baihu Baihu began ....

The battle has completely entered into a feverish state, and from time to time, blood blooms from where they touched ...

Fang Chong and Mutant White Tiger can be said to have mutual damage, but at this time, the two are fighting for strength, endurance, and a brave and winning heart ...

The victory in these areas is necessary ...

However, as the contact time has increased, the speed of Fang Chong and the mutant white tiger is also slowly decreasing. From this, it is not difficult to see that both Fang Chong and the mutant white tiger are now at the end of the attack. Those who support them are afraid that only Remaining faith is left.

Of course, there is also an instinct for survival.

At this time, Fang Chong looked grumpy and gritted his teeth. He didn't have any idea of ​​giving up or shrinking. The thing he wanted to do now was to kill the mutant white tiger ...

Without killing the mutant white tiger, it will be him ...

"Come again ....." After a superimposed chop and a mutant white tiger collide with each other, Fang Chongtong mutated the white tiger at the same time backed up by many mutual forces. After Fang Chong slightly stabilized his body, he drank and fluttered Go up ...

"Hou ..." The mutant white tiger provocatively provoked by Fang Chong, headed to the sky, and after a roar, he also pounced on ...

Mutant creatures are bloodthirsty. Fang Chong's insane attack also stirred the bloodiness of mutant white tigers at this time.

The fighting can be said to be getting increasingly fierce, especially the mutant white tiger.

Now perhaps the mutant blood tiger is more appropriate to describe, the fur is almost all dyed blood red.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..


Another burst of sparks came out from between the sword and the claws. Fang Chong knelt on one knee by the distance popped up by the rebound force and looked at the mutant white tiger who was less than twenty meters away ...

In addition to showing vigilance, his eyes were very cautious.

The current battle has really entered the stage of decisive battle. Fang Chong can clearly feel the weakness of his current body. This feeling makes Fang Chong's lack of confidence ...

However, looking at the mutant white tiger, his speed is much slower. Compared to Fang Chonglai, the situation is even worse. Fang Chong knows that the mutant white tiger is not only facing the trouble of physical weakness, but also the blood loss. Fatigue, dizziness ...

Fang Chong believes that as long as the time is longer, the nature of victory is always on his side ...

After a quick analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of himself and the mutant white tiger, Fang Chong's body moved again.

It's going to be beautiful.

As soon as Fang Chong stepped on, people have disappeared ....


As expected by Fang Chong, Mutant White Tiger was having a hard time parrying his speed at this time. Although Fang Chong was blocked by its claws when it was cut down by Fang Chong, Fang Chong's kick was not a mutant White Tiger. Dodged.

The kick without error kicked the mutant Bai Hu's abdomen and flew him directly ...

The mutant white tiger was the same as before when Fang Chong could not see the abuse of the mutant white tiger. He flew out ten meters and fell to the ground ...

After a single hit, Fang Chong had no reason to miss these again, holding the broken chopper and rushing up again ...

In the face of Fang Chong's attack like a storm, the mutant white tiger arrived at this meeting, and only had the skill of parrying it.

However, even if it resisted, Fang Chong's broken chopper added a lot of wounds to it.

With Fang Chong's faster and faster speed, the mutant White Tiger's speed can no longer keep up. In the end, Fang Chong swept across its biggest weakness.


…………………………………………………………………… ..

Looking at the mutant Bai Hu's body that froze for a while, Fang Chong took a heavy breath, and the broken knife fell to the ground, shaking his head with a bitter smile, Fang Chong's body fell down ...

Although the consciousness is still sober, the excessive burst of muscles still caused Fang Chong to lose control of the body's muscles. The body can be said to be paralyzed ...

Looks very embarrassed and pathetic ...

Fang Chongyang was facing the sky, he had never been so desperate, and finally could not withstand the fatigue caused by the muscles, even if he wanted to move his fingers.

There is no way, Fang Chong does not think too much, even if his body is lying there, dangerous, these things in the wild are left behind by Fang Chong ...

Slowly, Fang Chong fell asleep in this wood ...

Fang Chong had fallen asleep, but the repair genes in his body began to get busy. Pieces of muscle that had been torn by excessive force, and organs that had been injured by huge forces, slowly recovered under the effect of repair genes. With.

Fix ~ www.readwn.com ~ Enhance ...

These are slowly changing in Fang Chong's body.

The muscles are more resilient, the organs are stronger, and the wound is slowly recovering ...

At this time, Fang Chong's strong resilience surpassed other mutant creatures, or Zak ...

I ’m afraid that even if it ’s the Zak, it ’s impossible to return to normal within a few days, let alone a few hours ...

But such a miracle was demonstrated on Fang Chong's body. When night fell, the position of Fang Chong's tiger's mouth was completely crusted. In terms of recovery, it would be possible to close the knot without taking another hour.痂 Take off ...

The woods at night are undoubtedly a paradise of mutant creatures, and the calm woods at daytime finally start to lively ...

And Fang Chong woke up in the roar of the vocal mutant ...


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