I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 351: The source of the interference?

Chapter 351: The Source of the Interference?


"It's already night?" When Fang Chong recovered his consciousness, he opened his eyes and saw the stars in the sky, quiet and beautiful ...

If it weren't for the roar of mutant creatures that rang from time to time, Fang Chong would have ignored his current situation. m

Not the last days, no crisis, only beautiful night sky ...

However, Fang Chong is not exclusive to reality. Thinking of the end of the world, fortunately, after he did not die again, Fang Chong sat up straight. It was already night.

Entering this forest by accident, it is a blessing or a disaster, Fang Chong has not set a label for the time being ...

Although from today's situation, the probability of disaster is much greater, but even so, Fang Chong is not in a hurry to reach a conclusion ...

Now it is not complaining or other time, what Fang Chong needs to do now, is to find a way as quickly as possible, leave this forest, and find out the reasons that make the machine system out of control ...

From the morning, after the small energy car was disturbed and fell, Fang Chong was very curious to know what exactly caused the small energy car to get out of control.

Where did the small energy car come from? Fang Chong knew very well.

As a small energy vehicle from the Mayan civilization, the system that controls the car above is an intelligent system. This ultra-intelligent system similar to the Mayan system is not on earth at all. The so-called intelligent system before the last days can be compared ...

Fang Chong knows that even if the worst intelligent system in the Mayan civilization comes out, it is not the interference of the earth ’s jammer, or the reason of the magnetic field ...

Geographical conditions are natural, and people and animals will change in the last days, but this does not mean that geography will change. That is the case, Fang Chong will never believe that the natural magnetic field causes interference to the intelligent system on small energy vehicles. .

If it is really the interference caused by the magnetic field, how big is the required magnetic field? Can Fang Chong squint his eyes to imagine? But if there is such a strong magnetic field in China, wouldn't it be reported before such a last time?

No, it is absolutely impossible, so based on these conditions, Fang Chong overturned the theory of natural magnetic field interference ...

However, after overthrowing such a theory, Fang Chong frowned involuntarily.

The danger in this wood should be far beyond his imagination.

What's in this wood? Fang Chong has no bottom in his heart, but in silence, Fang Chong is still full of curiosity ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Well, the wound is actually crusted?" Fang Chong slowly got up from the ground and suddenly found the position of the tiger's mouth in his hand. The wound was gone and replaced by a smooth and bright skin. Looking at this kind of skin, Fang Chong's own expression came out for a moment before he reacted ...

At the same time, Fang Chong said to himself.

Obviously, he was curious and puzzled about the physical protection at this moment ...

He didn't know what happened to his body during the time he slept ...

And after a few hours of rest, his first feeling of physical strength now is full of abnormalities. It seems that today's battle was not discovered? After discovering these, Fang Chong involuntarily checked his current physical condition ...

It was okay not to check, and when checked, Fang Chong was really frightened.

In his body, not only the wound crusts at the tiger's mouth recovered, other wounds on the body, including internal injuries and muscle injuries, were healed as soon as he woke up.

This incredible thing happened to him without warning ...

In Fang Chong's own understanding, such an injury should take at least a day or two to recover. As for the full recovery, Fang Chong was in a clear mood. It is basically impossible without a dozen days.

After all, muscle and nerve damage have the biggest impact ...

It's not impossible to recover, but the most time consuming .........

But now, everything that he didn't dare to imagine happened in front of him inconceivably.

After Fang Chong took a deep breath, his mood slowly returned to peace ...

As for what is the reason? Fang Chong was unsure and did not make a random decision.

Fang Chong himself conceived a lot of possibilities, but he never imagined that it would be because of a new change in the repair genes in his own body ...

After thinking a lot, but no result, Fang Chong can only give up ...

Fang Chong also didn't want the Mayan system. In Fang Chong's view, these were changes in his own body. Maya knew that it was normal, but he didn't ask and Maya didn't say much ...


"What happened in the end?" After calming down from the excitement, Fang Chong was actually full of entanglement on this issue.

In the end, it was Fang Chong who thought that it was his current body that was now beneficial ...

However, the temporary silence does not mean that the current Fang Chong has given up seeking this matter ...

"Forget it, don't think about it for a while. After taking out the useful parts of the mutant white tiger, you must leave here ..." Fang Chong no longer entangled in the changes on his own, and then focused on the mutant white tiger .

The mutant White Tiger, whose strength is close to or even more than two hundred levels, is strong enough, and the muscle meat on his body is also a rare boutique.

If you eat this kind of muscle, even Fang Chong can get a certain level of improvement ...

Waste is so shameful.

Thinking that Mutated White Tiger's muscle meat had such an effect, Fang Chong approached him with his broken knife.

One thing Fang Chong wasn't quite sure was that, as time passed, did the flesh still exist in the mutant white tiger's body?

Fang Chong thought of this, his steps could not help speeding up a bit, if such a piece of muscle meat wasted. I'm afraid he will deplore the last few days.

You should know that such advanced muscle is the most powerful one they have encountered since the last days ...

Fang Chong carried the sword, and after walking to the mutant white tiger, Fang Chong examined the body of the mutant white tiger slightly, and after making a simple plan, Fang Chong moved the knife ...

"Stab ..." After breaking the knife, Fang Chong cut a gap in the abdomen position of the mutant white tiger.

The non-low-level mutant white tiger skin's defense is very high, but the abdomen is the place where its defense is the worst. Fang Chong cut away here is undoubtedly a very wise choice ...

To Fang Chong's regret is this mutant white tiger skin.

When trying to kill this mutant white tiger, Fang Chong is useless and extremely extreme. Now looking at the scarred tiger skin, Fang Chong can only laugh with pain ...

However, knowing that the mutant white tiger's muscle meat is more valuable than the white tiger skin, he has no past depression. After removing the white tiger skin, Fang Chong scratched the body of the mutant white tiger with a knife. Under Chong's amazing knife technique, he soon found the muscular meat of the mutant white tiger he wanted ...


Fang Chong finally breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at the crystal clear, white and seductive muscles.

The mutated white tiger's muscularized meat was flawless, which undoubtedly gave Fang Chong the best news. After carefully collecting the muscle meat, Fang Chong only felt a cooing sound from his stomach. After a bit of a bitter smile, Fang Chong lit a pile of firewood on the spot, took the materials on the spot, and tested the tiger meat. It was quite delicious ...

As for whether you are worried that other mutant creatures will be attacked by fire light and flavour of meat will cause other mutant creatures to attack ...

Yi Fang Chong's own knowledge of mutant creatures, Fang Chong knew that although the mutant white tiger was killed by him, the smell of the mutant white tiger would not be diluted at the same time. It takes some time for other mutant creatures to come to occupy it. Otherwise, the mutant creature's strength is not weaker than the mutant white tiger ...

Knowing this, Fang Chong is more relaxed. From the analysis of the situation, he has taken advantage and can sleep peacefully in this place ...

After all, the mutant white tiger exists as the king in the forest. If there is a mutant creature that is stronger than it, then Fang Chong can only confess his fate. If he is stronger than the mutant white tiger, now Fang Chong can not be defeated even if he does not want to confess ...

After not thinking much, Fang Chong jumped after finding a big tree.

Although it is also possible to encounter danger on the tree, the chance is much less than that on the ground under the tree ...

After lying down in a comfortable position, Fang Chong slept heavily ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

Night time always goes really fast ...

When Fang Chong woke up again, it was already the next morning, when it was sunny.

After noticing that there were no other dangers, Fang Chong only stretched out and jumped down from the tree.

This night was similar to what he imagined. Although the mutant white tiger had died in his hands, the other mutant creatures did not know it at all, let alone the smell of the mutant creatures. It would not dissipate in a few days. This shows that in the territory of the mutant white tiger, it can be said that it is very safe in today's time.

But what happens in a few days? Fang Chong couldn't promise ...

Under the tree, Fang Chong lit the firewood on the ground again. For today's breakfast, Fang Chong prepared the meat of the mutant white tiger and grilled it ...

The meat of the mutant white tiger is still delicious. At least such a powerful mutant creature as the mutant white tiger contains a lot of energy in the meat, which is very good for a powerful human like Fang Chong ...

After a full meal, Fang Chong did not plan to make too many stops in this place.

If it hadn't been for the mutant white tiger yesterday, and he had fought with it, Fang Chong had already left.

Not to mention that the forest is full of danger, he alone cannot go to the western mining area for too many stops ...

Feeling that the injuries on his body were almost recovered, Fang Chong cleaned up and set off with a broken knife.

However, Fang Chong's goal today is not to rush to the western mining area.

Because of the strange phenomenon in this mountain forest, Fang Chong is extremely vigilant. The signal of this small energy vehicle system that can interfere, or something else, Fang Chong knows that it must not be a natural phenomenon from the earth.

Not nature, nature cannot be done by humans on the earth, the only thing Fang Chong can think of is Zak, or other alien creatures ...

Although he was not sure, Fang Chong still felt that this possibility occupied most of the possibilities.

In other words, Fang Chong had to look into it because he was worried about the Zak people.

Fang Chong knew that the scientific and technological power of the Maya civilization was extremely powerful. As for their old opponents, the Zak people were also not weak. Otherwise, they would have been destroyed by the humans on the Maya star, and they would still be encountered on Earth ...

That is, knowing the strength of the Zak people, Fang Chong was worried that it is only a small part of it now, but what about the future?

As the Zak people continue to grow on the earth, will all other places on the earth be disturbed?

Fang Chong does not know if it will, but in order to avoid a possibility, Fang Chong is unwilling to wait and gamble ...

Fang Chong wants a 100% guarantee ...

Knowing that this matter was significant, Fang Chong decided to explore this mountain forest ...


Although it was an adventurous action, Fang Chong would not regret it. He was very clear in his heart. The signal included the operation of some systems, and how significant it is for the next time that humans survive in the last days.

Fang Chong was trying some other countries ’satellite systems in space orbit some time ago. Fang Chong wanted to use the satellite systems of other countries to see what kind of state the whole world is in now.

In other countries, are there any surviving humans, how are the mutated creatures, zombies, and Zak developing?

And many of the dangerous places on the earth do not exist in Huaxia. Those dangerous places are forbidden for human beings, but Fang Chong knows that if the Zak spaceship really falls into that kind of place, I am afraid that it is Fang Chong's number one enemy ... ..

The Zak people who came out of the forbidden area of ​​human beings are the most dangerous and the most terrible ...

Signal, the system has such a huge role, Fang Chong said that it is impossible to give up anything.

Otherwise, at that time, humans were really put on the cutting boards of the Zak people, leaving them with fish ...

This kind of situation, Fang Chong absolutely does not allow ...

Knowing the importance of the matter, Fang Chong could not help but quicken the pace at his feet, and intuitively told him that the answer might be revealed.

Fang Chong was praying at the same time, hoping that this was just an accident, it was really a phenomenon of nature, but it was not discovered before ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Fang Chong's footsteps were fast, he walked quickly in the mountains and forests. In addition to breaking the sword, the sword, he also had something similar to a mobile phone.

Take a closer look, this thing is similar to a mobile phone, there is only one point on it, there is a wavy line and many circles rippling from small points ...

"The fluctuation from this signal is getting stronger and stronger, should it be close to the source?" Fang Chong stood on a big tree at the top of a mountain when the sun was about to go west ...

He looked at what was in his hand like a cell phone and said to himself.

This phone-like thing is something that Fang Chong redeemed from the Maya system before leaving in the morning, called the jammer search source ...

The effect is very simple, that is, searching for interference systems, machines at the source of the signal ...

For such a mobile phone-like jammer search source, Fang Chong paid a high price. Yesterday, the reward for killing the mutant white tiger was gone ...

Fang Chong had a heartache for a long time. He knew that after this time, the chance of using this thing would be small ...

But considering that there is no such thing, he is a fly without a head. He wants to find the disturbing one by himself. It is similar to a sea fishing needle.

Fortunately, with the help of this small machine, Fang Chong can feel that he is getting closer and closer to the target ...

In the evening of this day, Fang Chongzhi came to this mountain about three kilometers above sea level ...

The source of the interference, according to the indicator, is just below the mountain ...

A place similar to a valley.

The situation along the way was quite good, because it was a straight road, Fang Chong encountered a lot of mutant creatures. Fortunately, he did not encounter such powerful mutant creatures as the mutant white tiger, but the huge population still made Fang Chong waste A lot of time, but fortunately, Fang Chong came to this mountain intact ...

One step away from the target ...

But now standing in this place, Fang Chong also knows that this so-called one step away is likely to mean that it is impossible ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

When I came to this place ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong felt that the source of the interference was not a phenomenon of nature. Although Fang Chong did not want such a result, the fact was in front of him. .

Looking at the lush forest below, Fang Chong took a deep breath and slowly walked down the mountain.

At this place, Fang Chong's pace slowed down a lot. He knew that what appeared here could not be a mutant creature ...

The reason why it is determined that this is not a natural phenomenon is due to the change of mutant organisms. From an hour ago, Fang Chong was in a hurry and never encountered mutant organisms ...

This is not the first time Fang Chong has encountered such a situation. Of course, I know the reason, that is, the threat and deterrent from the Zak ...

Fang Chong was cautious, as he descended to the bottom of the valley before sunset, and this place is where the source of interference refers. The origin is exactly the same here ...

Fang Chong did not act in a hurry, because he knew what he would encounter if he continued ...


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