I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 352: Buildings in the valley

Chapter 352 Buildings in the Valley


"Hidden?" Knowing that the valley is the origin of the source of interference, Fang Chong hid in a dark place, his eyes looking around at the light moonlight. M

Fang Chong does not know what's in it, but the unknown fear is slightly shrouded in Fang Chong's heart, but he did not retreat, and he could not shrink back ...

In a place similar to the Zak base, Fang Chong does not know how long it has existed, but now he can interfere with the intelligent system that travels to and from the Mayan civilization. Fang Chong knows that such things can no longer exist.

Otherwise, the consequences can be imagined, the intelligent systems of the Maya civilization can't avoid interference, let alone earth technology.

When Fang Chong arrived at this place, he knew this more clearly in his heart.

The signals of all the instruments are shielded and interfered. Even the wireless two-way radio has lost the ability to communicate, the compass is the same. It can be said that ordinary people here will easily get lost ...

It's all like this now, Fang Chong can't imagine what would happen in the future if he continued to develop like this?

Don't say that after the human race is strong, and then send an army to annihilate here, that is simply a joke ...

Fang Chong believes that even if a nuclear bomb is fired here, whether it can hit the target is a problem.

Knowing this, Fang Chong has no reason to flinch.

Looking around, Fang Chong could only think of one way, so it was lurking ...

Only in this way can he protect himself as much as possible, after all, how many Zak people are here, Fang Chong does not know ...

After thinking about it only after this way, Fang Chong struggled for a while, then the person disappeared ...


The trees here in the valley are obviously cleared up, and ‘roads’ appear in many places.

Looking at the ground that is obviously flatter than other places, and there are no messy places to grow trees, Fang Chong knows that these are definitely not natural ...

Seeing this, Fang Chong believed more that he had found a place, but this direction also made Fang Chongxin's expression hesitated before long.

He has come here just now, and the area he has traveled is already a few kilometers away. Such a large area will have to rest these roads, and it will not be possible to come out in a short time.

Fang Chong has carefully examined that these places are not machine-leveled. If relying on manpower, Fang Chong could not imagine the time.

Although it is said that the Zak people are much more powerful than humans, but the Zak people were born according to the environment, and there will never be a Zak type that has evolved to smooth the road specifically.

If you think of the Zak people that Fang Chong encountered before, they are from the nine-eyed Zach and the sickle Zach. If you are afraid of trimming these roads, you should not be able to catch up with some of the evolutionaries among humans.

However, Fang Chong certainly would not think that there are only two types of Zak and Zack, and there should be a Zak that is more suitable for repairing these roads. Otherwise, the road would not be so smooth ...

But in either respect, it is not good news for Fang Chong ...

First, Fang Chong knows that if it is not for the Zak people who are specially born to repair the road, it will definitely take a short time, or it may be that the Zak people have appeared here since the end of the last days ... and this point It is Fang Chong's least hope.

Second, another possibility? It is the number of Zak people. For such a huge project, the number of Zak people is absolutely impossible. This is also not good news for Fang Chong. He is now here to annihilate the Zaks here and to disrupt the source of the interference here. If there are too many Zak people, he is afraid that there will be no chance of winning like an egg ...

Overall, Fang Chong knew that this trip was fraught with danger ...

However, up to now, Fang Chong has no reason to shrink back. He gritted his teeth and his body disappeared once again in the woods next to these roads ....


After Fang Chong's body disappeared once again, and when he stopped again, it was already a few hundred meters forward, knowing that the place was full of crisis, Fang Chong was careful every time he made an attack, a distance of several hundred meters, according to Normally, in the more chaotic environment of the woods, it is a matter of seconds, but now I am afraid that the Zak will find out if there is a big movement. Fang Chongzu took a few minutes, but this benefit is that he Until now it's safe ...

With the help of a small machine, the jammer search source, nothing was found ...

There is also a reason to stop moving forward at this place. Fang Chong was lying here and actually saw the light ...

Through the gap between the trees, Fang Chong was able to clearly see that a light-emitting body similar to an electric lamp appeared not far from him ...

Such an accident, but also found in his expected, Fang Chong knew that the place he was looking for should be there ...

However, it was too late to rejoice, and Fang Chong's expression was dignified this time.

The electric lamp has come out, Fang Chong knows that the Zak people in this place have wisdom far beyond the ordinary primitive Zak people ...

That is, when you realize this, Fang Chong's face will be so ugly ...

With his current strength, against ordinary ordinary ordinary Zak tribe, the odds can exceed 90% ...

/ But the more advanced Zak Fang Chong has no bottom in his heart ...

According to the data given by the Maya system, his current strength, when confronted with the Zaks who are stronger than the original Zaks on the previous level, is completely to death ...

Thinking of this, and then of the consequences, Fang Chong's face kept changing, and no one knew what Fang Chong was thinking ...

In the end, Fang Chong exhaled deeply, and his expression also changed from just touching.

"People are here, Longtan Tiger's Hole is going to break through ..." Fang Chong gritted his teeth, his fists clenched tightly.

After making a decision, Fang Chong slowly walked forward ...

Soon, Fang Chong was close to the edge of the tree and could clearly see the glowing environment.

When I was here just now, I didn't see it clearly and felt nothing, but after seeing it up close, Fang Chong was completely scared by the previous scene ...

Really confirmed that sentence, don't see it, take a look at the next jump ...

It is no exaggeration to describe Fang Chong's mood with this sentence.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Through the light, Fang Chong can clearly see that the source of the light is a building.

Because of lying on the ground, Fang Chong could not see the whole picture, but according to his eyes and predictions, Fang Chong's conjecture should be more than fifteen meters ...

It is about the height of five floors. Can such a building appear in a valley in a mountain forest? Can Fang Chong be surprised?

Regardless of the appearance of the building, the material of the building alone is a big problem in this mountain forest. Although there are many trees in the mountain forest, the building that Fang Chong sees now is not a pile of trees ...

By reflecting the light on the building, Fang Chong knows that the building is not the most ordinary concrete structure in their human world, but a very metallic material ...

Thinking of metallic texture, Fang Chong was even more surprised ...

Where did the Zak people find these materials ...

and also? At this point, Fang Chong has been able to clearly see the luminous body, not the electric lamp he had just guessed ...

what exactly is it? Fang Chong himself didn't know.

At this moment, all these questions surround him ....

Slowly, Fang Chong's expression eased from consternation.

He thought that the Zak people came from the interstellar space that can compete with Maya civilizations such as Maya, and it was nothing to create these ...

Thinking of the gap, Fang Chong calmed down ...

However, what to do next, Fang Chong is a bit difficult to do, and must be carefully considered.


From the display of the "disturbance source" on his hand, Fang Chong has been quite sure that this building full of unknownness is the target he is looking for.

The source of the interference signal ...

Although the goal was in front of him, Fang Chong was not paralyzed by tension. He knew that when things got here, it was time for him to calm down.

Let Fang Chong feel a bit regretful, he just asked Maya if he felt a dangerous existence, and the answer given by the Maya system is yes ...

No danger was found, no Zak, or other 'mutant creatures' were found. None of this is good news for Fang Chong ...

Not found, does not mean that it does not exist, it is likely that the ‘Zak ’s are hidden ...

Yes, it should be hidden.

Fang Chongke would not believe that he had been discovered by the Zak, or that the Zak had expected him to come here ...

Thinking of these impossible, Fang Chong's face finally showed a smile.

Fang Chong concluded that the ‘Zak’ is too blind and confident and arrogant ...

They couldn't think of Fang Chong's ability to screen out the jammer, and successfully lurked beside this building ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's mouth rose slightly.

Dangerous, yes, but for the future, we must take risks ...



Fang Chong realized that he couldn't be discovered by the Zak people, and he didn't feel complacent.

Slowly, with the cover of the trees, Fang Chong observed around the building. After fully confirming that there was no danger around him and the existence of the Zak people, Fang Chong was on his waist. Jump, run behind a pillar on the lowest floor of the building, a place where the light cannot reach ...

This place is also the place where Fang Chong observes for most of the day and can find the safest place ...

Breathing slightly, it was determined that he had not been found, and Fang Chong continued to think about his next move.

Now every step must be as safe as possible, otherwise, not only the former work will be abandoned, it is likely that even small lives are lost ...

Fang Chong did not intend to destroy the target at once, everything must be done as planned or changes made ...

The steps were very light and fast, and Fang Chong began to move under this building.

The place where Fang Chong chose to shoot and set foot is the shadow behind the pillar. Although Fang Chong did not find Zak sentry in these places, he still wanted to hide his appearance as much as possible ...

Each of the pillars in the building is very large, and it is probably possible for two people to hold them together. As for the material? Fang Chong didn't know, unlike copper or steel, it was a dark red color with a bit of light ...

Although he didn't know it, Fang Chong can be sure that this metal is something he has never seen before, or in the world before the last days, this metal is not used ...

Although curious in his heart, neither time nor environment allowed Fang Chong to make too many stops in front of these pillars. Fang Chong always remembered the problem of the source of interference. This is the most important ...

After some inspection, Fang Chongzhi found an entrance similar to a door.

It was found that Fang Chong's heart was a joy, and then his body disappeared again, and finally, he stopped at a place less than ten meters away from the entrance ...

Fang Chong looked at this entrance with a strange feeling in his heart. "The area of ​​this building should be more than 1,000 square meters, but the entrance is less than two meters. Fang Chong was surprised?"

The Zak people are very huge, so such an entrance can the Zak people enter? Fang Chong has many doubts on his face ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

After some careful observation, Fang Chong lost any messy thoughts and determined that there was no Zak guard, Fang Chong quickly approached the edge of the door at the entrance ...

The door is an intelligent system without fingerprints, cards, and passwords ...

Looking at such a door lock, Fang Chong was so depressed that he almost scolded his mother ... Come ...

He couldn't think of such a technique in the Zak.

"The host gently attached his hand, and I came to open it ..." Fang Chong's depressed Maya could feel it, when Fang Chong did not know what to do, Maya's voice sounded in Fang Chong's ear ...

"Do you have a way?" Fang Chong heard the voice of Maya's confidence, and the joy on his face was clearly visible.

"Host forgets that I am the most advanced intelligent system?" Maya's proud voice continued to sound. In terms of intelligence, Maya has enough confidence. In her opinion, even if the Zak people progress for another 100 years, it is impossible to develop a more advanced intelligent system than him.

No Zak, no Mayan civilization ...

You know that Maya is a system in which the Maya galaxy has exhausted all Maya galaxies, and it took decades of hard work to program successfully.

Counting out the billions of people is more than ...

Maya herself has this absolute self-confidence, unless it is a higher-level existence than Mayan civilization, otherwise, for decades, or even more proud, no new system can surpass him in one or two hundred years ...

"I almost forgot ..." Fang Chong said excitedly and awkwardly.

But after that, he excitedly attached his hand to the door lock ...


What Fang Chong could not have imagined was that the door that had made him so embarrassed in front of Maya was so simple. He just put his hand on the door lock in less than a few seconds.

I heard a ding, and then the door slowly opened. Seeing here, Fang Chong was shocked, although he had been preparing for it.

too exaggerated…...

The so-called intelligent system is like a piece of paper in front of it. Fang Chong believes that if the Zak people change their intelligent door locks to other door locks, they fear that it will take some time to open them ...

The door opened, Fang Chong was not in a hurry, because Maya can now invade the intelligent system, Fang Chong simply let Maya continue to penetrate the control system of this building to see if he could find some information ...

However, it is regrettable that there is no such thing as a camera in all the passageways of the entire building.

Although Fang Chong didn't have to worry about being discovered immediately, he could not know the number of Zak people in this huge building, including what kind of Zak ... ..

These two points are half and half .....

Without shortcuts, Fang Chong can only rely on himself, but he did not get the Zach information, but the structure of the entire building was found without Maya ...

This unexpected gain was good, at least it solved a lot of trouble for Fang Chong ...

Next, Fang Chong smoothly reached the fifth floor with the structural drawing of the entire building ...

Fang Chong's previous guess was that the height of the capital building was five floors, but after he actually entered, Fang Chong's discovery was seven floors, and the seventh floor is the core position of the entire building ...

There are no troubles in the following four floors ~ www.readwn.com ~ But on the fifth floor, Fang Chong encountered trouble for the first time ..

A person? No, it's a robot ...


Fang Chong, who is no stranger to robots, was slightly surprised when he saw the presence of robots here ...

"Intruder ..." When the robot saw Fang Chong's appearance, he whispered a few words, but those languages ​​were incomprehensible to Fang Chong. In the end, with the help of Maya, he learned what he said The meaning of the intruder ...

Knowing what this meant, Fang Chong's expression was very depressed.

If he was found to be okay by the Zak people, he would have no complaints, but if he was found by a robot, he would be depressed ...

However, depressed and depressed, Fang Chong still knows the current situation ...

The performance solved this robot ...

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