I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 353: 7th floor

Chapter 353 Seventh Floor


When Fang Chong looked at the robot, Maya's voice appeared again in Fang Chong's ears. Maya told Fang Chong very clearly that the properties of this machine need not be guessed, it is obviously a combat robot ...

Fang Chong had seen a lot of robots in Maya before, and a lot of them were exchanged, but this combat-type robot was the first time he saw it. m

The biggest role of the miner-type robot is mining. The manufacturer number robot that was exchanged a few days ago is not difficult to guess by name. It belongs to the manufacturing type robot.

Fang Chong will hear the words of a combat robot, and it is not difficult to find it. This robot is a robot that appeared in response to battle ...

Thinking of this characteristic, Fang Chong's brow frowned slightly. He didn't know what the combat effectiveness of this combat robot was?

I learned from Maya that combat robots are different in terms of combat effectiveness. Of course, the exchange points required by Fang Chong are also different ...

Fang Chong didn't think about redemption before, but because the combat robot needs a lot of redemption points, Fang Chong couldn't hold his hand. Later, his combat effectiveness increased, and the role of the combat robot became less important For the same reason, he can redeem it with tens of thousands of exchange points. Compared to his fighting power, he is only weak and not strong, and those who need hundreds of thousands of exchange points or millions of exchange points every time are fine. He is stronger than his shoulders, even more than a lot, but the kind of exchange point like astronomical figures, Fang Chong still discourages ...

In the final analysis, how powerful the combat robot is, Fang Chong does not know if it is true ...

However, I don't know whether to return or not, but this will not make Fang Chong shrink back.

Standing in front of the robot, Fang Chong looked at the robot seriously, and slowly pulled out the sword on his back ...


Fang Chong has never underestimated any opponent, enemy, even now, facing the performance of a robot Fang Chong.

Holding the broken knife in his hand, Fang Chong slightly posed a defensive posture.

Before you know the strength of your opponent, blind attack is not the best choice. Fang Chong understands this principle. All he chooses is defense ...

His eyes were calm, and Fang Chong's expression did not show a wave of waves because of this fighting robot ...

"Kill, kill ..." Fang Chong chose to guard, but that didn't mean that his opponent's robot would be the same as he chose. After seeing Fang Chong motionlessly posing as a guard, the robot made two sounds similar to killing ...

Being able to learn human language so quickly, although not very clear, but being able to listen is incredible, let alone talking.

To be honest, Fang Chongshi was somewhat surprised. From these aspects of performance, it is not difficult to see that Fang Chong's system in this combat robot should be an intelligent system.

Thinking of this, when looking at this robot again, Fang Chong's expression was a little more serious.

A robot with an intelligent system is far from being comparable to ordinary robots, not to mention the original miner-type robot that Fang Chong exchanged. Super control also requires the use of cards ...

Knowing that the strength of this robot may be far beyond his imagination, Fang Chong's face sank.

Looking at the robot that had attacked him, Fang Chong did not timidly greet ...

The first thing that the sword said before people arrived was the attack of Fang Chong ...

Between the electric light flint, Fang Chong's slashed chopper and the spotlight sword in the hands of the combat robots collided together.

Under the blessing of great strength, Fang Chonghe's combat robots have each stepped back under the influence of such powerful forces. It is not that the pace heard by the robot is more than double Fang Chong ...

It is not difficult to see from this blow that the strength of this robot is a little weaker than him ...

After seeing this scene, Fang Chong's confidence increased greatly.


Stronger than each other?

When Fang Chong understood this, he didn't care about anything. He stabilized his body slightly, and then attacked automatically. For such a metal puppet, Fang Chongke would not do anything sympathetic to his men.

Other types of robots Fang Chong may consider staying, but the combat type robot is an alternative. After identifying a master, even if Fang Chong can subdue his safety, it is useless.

Instead of wasting time and effort to subdue him, it is better to destroy it directly ...

With absolute certainty in his heart, Fang Chong's hands were not slow. After the man rushed out, the slashing knife was a chaotic hack at this combat robot.

At first, facing Fang Chong's violent chopping, the combat robot was barely able to resist, but soon there was no fight.

And the consequence of no parry is being cut down by Fang Chong ...

After solving this fighting robot, Fang Chong did not show much expression of victory. Now, Fang Chong knows that what he needs to face today should not only be Zak ...

When a robot was encountered here, it was not difficult for Fang Chong to guess that there should be a lot of robots in this building.

And the road he saw outside, including the building of this building, should be the credit of these robots ...

Thinking of these, Fang Chong's brow that was originally opened unconsciously frowned again.

A combat robot is not a big threat to him, even if it is two or three, but once the number increases, the situation hangs.

Fang Chong didn't know. And there will be Zak ...

And Fang Chong's most annoying point is the vigilance of the robot.

As the control is a system, it is impossible to consult the Zak of the robot head in case of laziness.

This is what Fang Chong hates most ...

A simple understanding, that is, an indirect explanation of Fang Chong's next actions, the possibility of being found anytime, anywhere ...

Considering this, Fang Chong's expression changed, and after the robot, which had been turned into scrap iron, was put into storage space, Fang Chong continued to move forward ...

Although Fang Chong knew that it was extremely dangerous to continue, it was impossible to retreat.

He also found out just now that his thinking was wrong. In fact, combat robots are not as much as he was worried about.

From the outside to the present, he has climbed to the fifth floor before encountering one.

If he has a lot of combat robots, he will be replaced. He must be arranged on each floor, even downstairs, including those roads or woods.

Then you will be able to find the enemy and destroy the enemy ...

Instead of putting the enemy in his old nest, he decides whether to kill ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Realizing that there could not be so many combat robots in this building, Fang Chong's confidence returned, but after thinking about it, Fang Chong's vigilance was not relaxed because of this.

Has been found once, Fang Chong does not want to be caught again, otherwise he sniffs ...

It can be said that after waking up to 120,000 points, Fang Chong proceeded carefully.

Unsurprisingly, during this period of time from the fifth floor to the sixth floor, more than ten combat-type robots were discovered. These discoveries, Fang Chongwu was unhappy to destroy them ...

Fang Chong went up the sixth floor all the way because of the shielding signal from Maya ....

The fifth floor is already in danger. Although it will not be discovered by the enemies existing on the sixth floor, Fang Chong still dare not relax.

Flicking up the sixth floor, Fang Chong found a safe place and temporarily hid ....

He didn't know whether it was the Zak tribe's intention, or whether he thought that humans or other mutant organisms could not appear in the mountains or other reasons. Fang Chong reached the sixth floor and had the same layout.

All places, including the rooms, were unlocked. But strange and strange, Fang Chong really enjoyed this accident very much, and he said it was much more convenient ...

"The guard on the fifth floor is a combat robot. Should the sixth floor be the Zak?" Fang Chong hid in a safe corner and began to analyze his current situation.

What surprised Fang Chong slightly was that, on the surface, his task of successfully destroying the Zak building should not be difficult.

But the premise is that he can, like before, with the help of Maya, like fighting robots, and kill them in one shot before they have shaken ...

Only then can we be guaranteed to be undetected and retreat from our body.

But Fang Chong knew that this idea was good, but if he wanted to kill a Zak in one hit, this possibility was no different from whimsical ...

Although he understood this, Fang Chong did not choose to give up, and he wanted to give it a try ...

In addition to his sword in his hand, he now has a sword.

Fang Chong obtained from a robot.

Although the sword is not long, the sharpness is a bit sharper than the broken chopper. Fang Chong didn't pay attention to it. He almost destroyed the broken chopper ...

With such a discovery, Fang Chong certainly left such a sword with him.

After all, it can cause damage to the broken knife, which means that the level of this sword should be above 250. Fang Chong believes that it is not necessary to kill a Zak in silence. Impossible ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's consciousness moved, and he had an extra two feet in length in his hand, and the sword had a pale purple color ...



Looking at such a small sword compared to a robot, Fang Chong had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Combat robots, under normal circumstances, many spotlight swords are weapons such as tomahawks, warhammers, and most of them are long weapons.

A sword similar to this is a sword that cannot appear in front of ordinary humans. Similarly, for a combat robot, such a sword is too small to count.

Fang Chong thought for a long time that he could not come up with an answer, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

"Maya, have you found anything, the existence of the Zak people or something else ..." Fang Chong refocused on the sixth floor.

Whether the assassination of the enemy on the sixth floor can be successfully assaulted, Fang Chong can rely on, in addition to his strength, the more important alarm without the Maya system includes the detection function ...

The fifth floor was able to wipe out all the robots. The role of Maya should be great ...

"On the left, there is a fifth wall twenty meters away ..." After hearing Fang Chong's inquiries, Maya quickly responded to Fang Chong, and at the same time pointed out a place where the Zak people existed.

Listening to what Maya said, Fang Chongli acted. Fang Chong, a Zac who existed alone, had confidence.

After putting the broken chopping knife on his back, Fang Chong took the sword that was just captured today, and the person disappeared. Once again, it was time to be near the position given by the Maya system. , Fang Chongdu can feel that the Zak people are around ...


"Unicorn Zack."

Fang Chong knew that the Zak was behind a wall. While stabilizing his body slightly, Maya's voice said a few words without Fang Chong's inquiry.

"One-cornered Zach?" Fang Chong's expression was shocked when he heard the words Maya said, and then she calmed down again.

Maya named the Zak people no doubt to allow Fang Chong to deal with the Zak people better now ...

"Where is the weakness of the unicorn Zak people?" Fang Chong immediately recovered his face as usual, knowing that it was related to his life, Fang Chong did not dare to care about it, and began to inquire about the weaknesses. Only by knowing the Zak people's weaknesses could he formulate plan.

"The unicorn's least powerful weapon is his head, and his weakness is the position of his eyes and neck ..." Maya answered without thinking.

"Neck and eyes ..." Hearing the weakness of the Zak people, Fang Chong was puzzled, but he did not believe it. Mayan said that Fang Chong believed 12 points ...

After secretly looking at the situation of Zack, the one-corner, Fang Chong began to care about what kind of method ...

Zak is different from previous combat robots. Maya can interfere with the signals it sends out. Zak is not an intelligent system. Maya cannot help. Fang Chong can only rely on himself and requires a one-shot kill.

Otherwise, the former work will be abandoned.

Secretly aimed at the Zak people lying there, Fang Chong's mind was alive.

As long as the sneak attack, it is basically impossible to stab Zac ’s eyes in the one-corner, so Fang Chong has only one option left, which is the neck position. It is best to cut off his head in one shot. .

The unicorn Zach is just a common type of primitive Zak. The level is about 250 levels. If it is one-on-one, Fang Chong kills such a Zak. It is completely different, but it is different now. It ’s hard not to realize it ...

After observing for a long time, I found that there was only one way, and I began to see how to start ...

Thinking about it, Fang Chong found that there was only one way to do it, nothing else.

Although there is a great risk in this method, this one-cornered Zack sleeps so dead, so there is no vigilance, and the degree of feasibility is still very high. After thinking about it for a long time, Fang Chong knew that time could not be wasted in vain.

In order to go up to the seventh floor, Fang Chong decided to go out ...

If unsuccessful, he retreats ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After making up his mind, Fang Chong found a better angle. After demonstrating several times in his mind that he would not go wrong, Fang Chong took a step back, his body was vacated, and the sword in his hand was pulled out ...

Although the action of "噌… .." is light, the vibration of the sword waving still attracted the attention of the unicorn Zak who slept on his back.

However, the sword is out, and Fang Chong will not give up because he was discovered by the one-corner Zack.

Between the light and the flint, the sword in Fang Chong's hand was chopped down at a thunderous speed.

Although the unicorn Zach found Fang Chong's movements and intentions, but found that it was slow, the unicorn Zach could only watch Fang Chong's sword fall, and split his head straight ...

Without any accident, Fang Chong's sword cut his head without any slight drop.

Watching the **** head and body separate, Fang Chong would not be intimidated by such a scene. He should be thinking that he would continue to do so.

What he hopes for now is that everything will continue to be as smooth as this.

However, it may or may not happen in the future. Fang Chong did not think too much, just let it be.

After looking away, Fang Chong went down to the cat's waist and took out the flesh from the one-cornered Zach. It is impossible to classify these things in any way ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

In the following time, Fang Chong continued to use the Mayan warning function to assassinate the Zak people.

I don't know if he is getting more and more powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Or the Zak people have become more lazy, all the way smoothly, Fang Chong even killed more than ten, after finishing these, Fang Chong got excited ...

After the sixth floor was no longer dangerous, Fang Chong slowly walked up to the seventh floor.

From the guards on the fifth and sixth floors, it is not difficult to see the importance of the seventh floor in the eyes of the Zak people.

Thinking of the importance, Fang Chong was more determined and must be destroyed. The best thing is to be able to wipe out the potential infinite without knowing it. Otherwise, it will only bring a lot of trouble to himself ...

Thinking of importance, Fang Chongshen took a deep breath before walking up to the seventh floor.

Originally, Fang Chong planned to continue plotting, but he went up to the seventh floor and found that the seventh floor was completely empty, and he couldn't hide from it ...

There is no cover body, Fang Chong just came out, and almost all living beings on the seventh floor paid attention to Fang Chong ...


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