I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 354: Meet ‘Human Zack’ for the first time

Chapter 354 Sees "Human Zack"


"Uh ..." Feeling this feeling similar to the attention of many people, Fang Chong's expression changed infinitely and wonderfully. Before he went up to the seventh floor, he was still fantasizing about how to continue his sneak attack. m

After all, on the sixth floor, he attacked a full eight-headed Zak by a single-handed attack. This amount of pride is not glorious combat. The eight-headed Zak alone can get enough reward points for Fang Chong Excited ...

These things, Fang Chong did not dare to imagine before today.

Before he went up to the seventh floor, he had been dreaming that he would continue to be so brilliant on the seventh floor.

If we can kill more than ten Zaks, today's adventure is really perfect, and it's worth it.

However, Fang Chongwan never expected that the talents reached the seventh floor, not to mention the sneak attack, even if they could not hide.

In front of the eyes, Fang Chong was like a mouse exposed on the street ...

Feeling the same as the Zac eyes, Fang Chong really didn't know what to say. With a look of surprise, Fang Chong's brain quickly turned. He knew that he must think of a solution immediately, otherwise, The Zak people calmed down from their consternation, that is, they wanted to tear him ...

That kind of consequence is not what Fang Chong is willing to face.

Thinking of his current situation, Fang Chong's face kept changing.

"What the **** to do?" Fang Chong looked tangled.

Based on the moment when the Zak people were in a daze, he quickly analyzed his current situation. Just now he probably counted it. The number of Zak people should be more than ten, which made him even more surprised. Is there a person in the middle of these Zak people?

No, it's not, is it not a robot?

Fang Chong's expression was so surprised that his eyes almost protruded. Finally, Fang Chong found out that he is a Zak like a human ...

It was the scales unique to the Zak people on him that told Fang Chong.

Seeing here, I understand that the other party is a Zak, but Fang Chong did not calm down. He does n’t know why there are Zak who are humans ...

"Human-shaped Zack?" Fang Chong thought of these, and only these four words popped into his mind.

"Is humanity strong enough to influence the development of the Zak people?" Fang Chong thought of this possibility, but he also quickly denied the idea, because this possibility is simply impossible ...

But now the facts are in front of him, and Fang Chong does not know how to explain it.

After tangling for a while, Fang Chong was awakened by the roar of the Zak people.

Knowing that this was not the time to think about it, Fang Chong chose to go downstairs wisely.


Although so many Zaks were killed on the sixth floor, they were not found, but he would not be so arrogant that he thought that only Zaks were sloppy, and they were able to successfully attack so smoothly. Attention Zak.

Now that these seemingly powerful Zak people, Fang Chong does not know if he can succeed, not to mention that behind these primitive Zak people, there is another one, no, a human-like Zak. ….

Looking at this human-shaped Zach standing in front of all ordinary primitive Zak people, Fang Chong knew that the status of this human-shaped Zach was above these ordinary primitive Zak people.

"Above?" That is to say that this human-shaped Zach should not belong to the category of primitive Zak ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong felt a little scalp. Not the original Zach, that is at least a common evolutionary Zach.

Fang Chong learned from the Maya side that the original Zak tribe has a rank of not more than 300, but in the evolutionary Zak tribe, it is far more than the original Zak tribe. The lowest No less than three hundred ...

Thinking of the number of three hundred, Fang Chong's steps could not help but speed up a little.

Now with his strength, in front of the strength of more than three hundred levels, there is no possibility of counterattack, maybe he will be spiked in minutes ...

After Fang Chong quickly returned to the sixth floor, Fang Chong found a place and hid.

The terrain on the sixth floor is not as complicated as the seventh floor, and this complex environment is the biggest reason why Fang Chong chose to stay. He is unwilling to give up such a good opportunity to destroy the interference source.

Now I choose to run away, and the possibility of continuing to survive is very high, but I escaped today, and it will be difficult to be afraid to make a comeback next time ...

Moreover, more than half of the Zak guards have been killed today. The opportunity is really rare ...

Calculating gains and losses in his heart, Fang Chong slowly made a decision.

He is unwilling to allow the Zak people to become stronger in Huaxia, especially to create such a thing that poses a huge threat to the future survival of all humankind.

He decided to fight ...


After making such a decision, Fang Chong was relieved, but he admired himself a bit, this time he had such a big heart and worked hard for the survival of all human beings ...

However, Fang Chong understood a little more clearly.

In the place of Huaxia, their stronghold in Shanghai will soon become the most powerful living base in the middle of Huaxia in a short period of time.

And such a base, once the Zak tribe has successfully developed to a certain scale, their strongest is not a good thing.

Fang Chong's reason for capturing the thief first is different. He knew that at that time, their stronghold in the Shanghai Stock Exchange was undoubtedly the first target of the Zak tribe to destroy.

Knowing this, Fang Chong wanted to destroy the building of the source of interference and eliminate the dangers of the future in the cradle ...

After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong held the sword tighter ...

He knew that he was in a situation where he was confronting so many Zaks, and there was simply no chance of winning. What he can do now is to use the complex environment here on the sixth floor to carry out a sneak attack on the Zak ...

Fortunately for Fang Chongqing, although the environment here on the sixth floor is complicated, but for him now, it does not cause much trouble. He killed so many Zak people here on the sixth floor. Fang Chong can be right The environment on the sixth floor is very familiar.

With such advantages, he is even more in the dark, and the Zak are in the dark ...

His confidence is even greater.

With confidence, Fang Chong's confidence returned.

…………………………………………………………………… ..


Fang Chong quietly listened to the surrounding movement. The location where he hid tomorrow was discovered earlier when he accidentally rolled over. The area of ​​the groove between the two walls was small enough to be alone. Hiding there and changing to those 'Zak' reptiles, it is impossible to get in unless you remove the two walls next to it ...

Knowing this, Fang Chong hid very reassured. He knew that these Zak people did not even know that there was a groove in this place, let alone Fang Chong knew that there was such a place here ...

Fang Chong also knows that there is a great possibility that robots will be built in the building, and the ‘Zak’ are just slaves to them….

Fang Chong listened to the chaotic voice outside, and was more sure that his thoughts were correct.

After a smile on his face, the sword in Fang Chong's hand was held tighter ...

At this meeting, Fang Chong heard the sound of the sixth floor even smaller. Fang Chong knew that the Zak people could not find him and had begun to disperse. In this way, his chance came ...

However, what made Fang Chong more embarrassed was 'Human-shaped Zach'. As a more advanced Zak tribe, Fang Chong did not know if he would follow up. If he rushed to attack, he was met by the 'Human Zach' His danger is great ...

At the same time all plans are possible ...

These are all Fang Chong do not want to see.

There is no way, Fang Chong can only continue to wait.

About ten minutes later, the sound on the sixth floor became even quieter. With this change, Fang Chong knew that there should not be more than two Zak people on the sixth floor.

With such a small amount, Fang Chong believes that the existence of the ‘human-shaped Zach’ as their head will not be in these two ends.

With such a certainty, Fang Chong's body stood up slightly, and with Fang Chong's current strength, even in a small place, his access was still very flexible.

After quickly climbing out of this place where he was hiding, Fang Chong quickly flashed to a wall and hid.

There is a Mayan system. Now, the position of the two Zak people on the sixth floor is completely clear. After knowing that he can continue his sneak attack, Fang Chong raised his mouth and determined to attack the other side, Fang Chong moved quickly.

"One-horned Zach ..." Fang Chong soon saw the back of a wall, with a one-horned one, and the Zak people, about three meters in size, walked to the front in a noisy manner, which looked more like that. Stupid ...

However, it looks stupid, but Fang Chong does not think so. In this world, there are more things to play as pigs and eat tigers. It is difficult to guarantee that this one-cornered Zach is not one of them.

Without intention, Fang Chong slowly approached the ‘one-corner Zack’.


To Fang Chong's surprise, the ‘one-corner Zach’ family, as he imagined, did not find Fang Chong approaching him at all, and continued to shake forward.

For Fang Chong, this 'one-corner Zach' is not the first time he has faced. What is the weakness? Fang Chong knew it well.

Between the eyes and neck, Fang Chong chose the neck again.

A sneak attack on the eyes is really not a good choice, and it is not so easy.

Although the position of the eyes is relatively fragile, Fang Chong did not believe that the 'one-corner Zack' could be blocked by the sharpness of Fang Chong after he owned the sword.

Following this one-cornered Zach, he continued to walk forward a distance. When Fang Chong was about to turn, his body leaped high, and the sword in his hand suddenly stabbed ...

‘Unicorn Zack’ ’s neck is not long. The opportunity Fang Chong wanted was when he was turning. Fang Chong obviously grasped this moment….

After a brief sip, when Fang Chong turned his head in horror Zac, the sword was approaching.

Such a sword can be called astonishing. Fang Chong conceived all the possibilities for evasion of ‘one-corner Zach’.

Looking at the horrified eyes of the unicorn Zach, there was no pause in the movement of Fang Chong's hand. The sword was picked, and he stabbed the unicorn Zack's neck accurately.

And picking such a coherent action caused the blade of the stabbing ‘one-corner Zach’ neck to rise upwards, and the consequence of this was that the Zak ’s neck would have a bright red blood flower.

The unicorn Zach had no time to make any sound. After being attacked by Fang Chongyi's sword, the unicorn Zach struggled a few times before landing on the ground ...

At this point, Fang Chong's sneak attack has been declared successful again.

However, this time is different from the previous one. During the sneak attack in front, the Zak people were sleeping, and when they were attacked by Fang Chong, they were lying on the ground. They would not make such a sound at all.

Accidentally, such a sneak attack on the Zak people will make a sound, Fang Chong's expression was a little hesitant, and he quickly dodged aside. ,

He knew that the sound of such a fall attracted other Zak people.

Can the descendants of the Zak people be heard? Fang Chong does not know, but the Zak Fang Chong who is also on the sixth floor does not believe that it will not come.

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

Sure enough, Fang Chong didn't expect. He just ducked and hid to one side, and there were loud running footsteps on the sixth floor passageway. ‘

It is a feeling of silent power.

Fang Chong was slightly surprised at this shocking power, and began to plan in his heart how to sneak attack on this Zach.

Fang Chong was not in a hurry, he was going to first look at what the Zak people felt like this mighty power.

With the footsteps of this Zak people getting closer, Fang Chong held his breath.

How close the distance is, Fang Chong dare not care ...

Slowly, as the Zak people approached, Fang Chong could see clearly what the Zak people looked like ...

The forelegs of the limbs are strong. Unlike the one-cornered Zach, this Zak tribe walks up and down, and looks similar to a tiger ...

Whether it's body shape or appearance ...

If it weren't for the Zach's body was scaled armor, Fang Chong would have thought it was a mutant tiger ...

As more and more Zak people met by Fang Chong, Fang Chongdu gradually became aware of the Zak's appearance.

Although there are many kinds of changes in the Zak people, they are inseparable.

The most distinguishing point is the unique scale armor of the Zak people.

Whether it was Fang Chong's first encounter, the ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ with a toad-like shape, or the ‘Sickle Zack’ that he encountered later, to the ‘Unicorn Zack’ that he had killed a lot of just now.

It can be said that the physical appearance of these three can be described as Tianyuan's difference, but the three have the same thing in common, and the scale armor is the most obvious point ...


"Tiger-shaped Zach ..." While Fang Chong was analyzing the common features of the appearance of the Zak people, Maya's voice rang in Fang Chong's ears, apparently Maya knew what Fang Chong was thinking.

"Tiger Zack?" Fang Chong didn't expect that he guessed the name almost casually. Maya said that he could easily understand it.

"Tiger Zak, the most powerful Zak among the original Zak, has a rank of more than two hundred and eighty ..." Maya continued to introduce and described Fang Chong's situation about the tiger Zak.

Tiger Zac's strength is not weak, Fang Chong must face it carefully.

Although there have been many battles these days, especially the battle with the mutant white tiger, the gains are not small, and the strength has improved a lot, but at best it is more than one hundred and eighty levels. Although it exploded far more than one hundred and eighty, but compared to For Tiger Zach, his gap is still very obvious.

Maya did not want Fang Chong to be dizzy with successive successes.

"The most powerful existence in the original type ..." Fang Chong knew that Maya was deliberately reminding him, but after hearing the true strength of Tiger Zach, he couldn't help but be surprised.

After hearing such strength, Fang Chong could not help but take it seriously.

There is so much difference between strengths, Fang Chongke dare not care about it. If an accidentally overturns the boat in the gutter, it is not a matter of sniffing or sniffing, but it is not a matter of life ...

Fang Chong's expression seemed abnormally serious after he realized that he could not take care of it.

Although he is still planning to attack, Fang Chongke once again did not have much confidence to successfully attack this tiger-type Zach.

Judging from the flexible actions, including the sensitive actions, the chance of success of the sneak attack is so low that it can be ignored ...

Understanding this, Fang Chong prepared a two-handed plan.

The sneak attack failed, and immediately stormed.

Quickly killing Tiger Zac is a must.


At this time, Fang Chong stopped breathing completely, leaning his body against the wall, watching the Zach moving through the side channel. ],

Fortunately, Fang Chong was not found after the tiger-shaped Zach completely walked by. In such an accident, a slight smile appeared on Fang Chong's face.

He was going to follow Tiger Zack again, and this made a perfect sneak attack.

After the tiger-shaped Zack passed quickly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong's body also moved. Fast approaching Tiger Zach.

Fang Chong's actions were consistent with the tiger-shaped Zach at the same time. Fang Chong knew that only in this way could the tiger-shaped Zach with a constant sound be found.

Under Fang Chong's deliberate intention, the distance between him and the tiger-shaped Zach was rapidly shrinking,

Fang Chong's idea was that he wanted to take advantage of the "tiger Zack" when he saw the death of "One-corner Zach", and when he was surprised, he started to attack ...

To Fang Chong's surprise, all the actions of the tiger-shaped Zach are as Fang Chong's idea. When he saw the one-cornered Zach, the tiger-shaped Zach really showed a surprise ...

Fang Chong stared at the action like a tiger Zach.

However, in Fang Chong's body, the sword stabbed out. Imagine that when the tiger-shaped Zak fell under his sword, the mutation suddenly emerged ...

........................................ ........

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