I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 355: Unknown on the 7th floor

Chapter 355 The Unknownness of the Seventh Floor


Fang Chong stabbed with a sword full of confidence. What he imagined was a sword in the flesh, and ‘Tiger Zack’ fell. m

However, he never thought that from the first second he followed the 'Tiger Zack', the 'Tiger Zack' had discovered his existence, and Fang Chong was even more unexpected that this 'Tiger Zack' As the most powerful being of the 'primitive Zak tribe', wisdom has long surpassed the ordinary 'primitive Zak tribe'.

I do n’t know how many times smarter I am than Zaku.

Fang Chong's mistake was to mistakenly believe that the IQ and wisdom of 'Tiger Zach' is similar to 'One-corner Zach'.

Fang Chong did not know that his every move was in the understanding of the "Tiger Zack". In the future, whether to follow in the future or to find a good time to shoot.

Fang Chong even couldn't think of the "Tiger Zack" who was surprised when he saw the body of "One-corner Zach".

Without knowing these Fang Chong, a sword full of confidence is no different from playing in the eyes of 'Tiger Zack'.

The speed of the sword is not slow, but the "Tiger Zach" is faster at this time. When Fang Chong's sword was about to stab him with "scale armor" on his back, the "Tiger Zach" moved. .

The stiff action that had been surprised by seeing 'One-corner Zack' completely disappeared at this time.

Slightly sideways, avoiding a sword that Fang Chong thinks must be hit at a very tricky angle, a two-meter-long tail with a "sharp thorn" hit an arm turning to Fang Chong ... ..

The 'Tiger Zach', as the most powerful side of the 'Primitive Zak', was fully reflected in such a hit.

The timing of the long tail throwing was just after Fang Chong stabbed his sword, when his spare power was exhausted and the new force was not born ...

"Tiger Zack" made Fang Chong's unexpected actions in an instant, then the tiger's face with little difference between the tiger and the mountain king, the tiger turned around, and a weird smile towards the side ...

In the view of "Tiger-shaped Zack", as long as his thorny tail is entangled with Fang Chong's arm of the sword, I believe that there is no suspense in tearing down this arm ...

"Iron Tail Tail" is the most powerful attacking skill of the "Tiger Zack" clan besides giant claws. And this trick can often be unexpected ...

Although it is not possible to kill the enemy in one shot, there is never any problem in heavy damage ...



These unexpected changes suddenly appeared in the scene. Fang Chong's confident expression disappeared in an instant, especially the scene of 'Tiger Zack' sideways with a strange action ...

Fang Chong's expression became dignified when he saw that ‘Tiger Zack’ could escape in such a calm movement.

When Fang Chong had no time to respond, the "Tiger Zack" followed by "Iron Thorn Tail" made Fang Chong's dignified expression heavy again.

The lightning-quick tail approached, and although Fang Chong's expression was surprised, he was not particularly flustered.

Although the step-by-step calculation of "Tiger Zack" is perfect, Fang Chong's strength is there.

Fang Chong underestimated this 'Tiger Zack', but this tiger is no different ...

After watching "Tiger Zach" showing that smiley face, the long sword in Fang Chong's hand was drawn back in "Tiger Zack" thinking it was impossible.

A backhand sword flower danced with the change of the long sword while Fang Chong's wrist was shaking.

The tail of 'Tiger Zack' is fast, and Fang Chong's sword moves are not slow, too. 'Iron Tail Tail' is near, Fang Chong's sword is also moving.

The sword and the tail are entangled in an instant ...

A series of sounds like metal collisions squeaked, and sparks came out in parallel ...

After the contact with electric light and flint, although Fang Chong was not in a disadvantage, he pulled back ...

This contact also made Fang Chong understand that he had to re-examine the strength of this 'Tiger Zach', and that the wisdom shown by 'Tiger Zach' was also a side that Fang Chong needed to re-understand.

Different from Fang Chong, 'Tiger Zach' did not expect that Fang Chong could escape its attack of 'Iron Tail Tail'. Although he did not show any damage, this result has made 'Tiger' The Zak's seemed extremely angry ...

Fang Chong has touched his bottom line.



A roar emerged from the air of 'Tiger Zack', and there was really a charm of the tiger howling forest.

After a huge roar, ‘Tiger Zack’ had just stabilized his body, with his four feet working at the same time, and all four feet were off the ground at once. The huge body rushed towards Fang Chong at an extremely fast speed.

On the huge claw, the blade-like claw shone with cold light, and grasped Fang Chong fiercely ...

Looking at the approaching claws, Fang Chong also felt a chill in his heart. If he didn't know that the ten claws could be caught in the body, Fang Chong was very doubtful that the "feather defense" suit on his body could Can't resist ...

With such worries, Fang Chong even dare not insist on letting 'Tiger Zack' catch him.

The power of 'Tiger Zack' Fang Chong has long known from his previous contact. Although it is not too difficult to deal with, it is much stronger than other 'Primitive Zack'.

When he was worried, Fang Chong chose not to carry it hard. It is unlikely that his claws would destroy the ‘Yu Fan’ suit of armor. Fang Chong knew this, but what about the power of ‘Tiger Zack’?

If hit, it would be enough to break his ribs.

Being able to retreat from his whole body, of course, Fang Chongcheng will not be stupid enough to desperately ...

Watching "Tiger Zack" getting closer and closer, Fang Chong moved, and a sword pierced quickly ...

Fang Chong didn't want to hit hard, he could only use Qiaojin. With the previous contact, Fang Chong already knew that the 'Tiger-type Zach' sometimes became tricky, so his skill was not inferior to that of Tiger-type Zack. .

Fang Chong with a smile. The sword in his hand was approaching the face of ‘Tiger Zack’ while the ‘Tiger Zack’ claw did not touch Fang Chong ’s body….

After shaking out several sword flowers in a row, Fang Chong seems to be faster ...



As Fang Chong imagined, after such a tricky sword was stabbed, the action of 'Tiger Zack' tiger and tiger's vigor stopped abruptly. At that time, he changed his direction abruptly, and instead resisted Fang Chong's sword ...

With the collision of great power, the sparks splashed again ...

At the same time, Fang Chong and ‘Tiger Zack’ retreated at the same time, guarding each other, maintaining a relatively safe distance, watching each other ...

Looking at the alertness of ‘Tiger Zack’, Fang Chong ’s expression was calm and abnormal. It ’s good that Fang Chong was surprised at the attacking force of ‘Tiger Zack’ or the cleverness of ‘Tiger Zack’ ...

For a while, the scene was much quieter, Fang Chong and Tiger Zach, no one had the intention to take the lead.

Fang Chong was surprised by the cleverness of ‘Tiger Zack’, while Tiger Zack was waiting for a better opportunity.

After a series of contacts, the 'Tiger Zack' has clearly relied on it, and it is unlikely that he will defeat Fang Chong at once. He is waiting, waiting for the Zak people who have descended to other floors to return and come back with him Destroy Fang Chong together ...

Facing each other with different minds.

After a while, Tiger Zach finally couldn't help but roared towards the sky after waiting for his companion to appear for a long time.

Despite the same roar, Fang Chong heard different feelings.

According to the Zak habits, they all like to attack him after making a roar.

But after this 'Tiger Zack' roared, his body remained motionless.

After Fang Chong showed a little surprise, his face suddenly changed ...

"Want to encircle?" Fang Chong associates these three words with the unexpected performance of Tiger Zach ...

Fang Chong's expression was a bit ugly when he thought of a change like Tiger Zach.

It is a bit difficult to deal with this tiger-shaped Zach, let alone more than a dozen Zaks come together, while scolding this tiger-shaped Zack for being cunning, Fang Chong's expression also became serious,

Staring at the 'Tiger Zach' with two eyes, he must quickly resolve the tiger Zach, otherwise, he will be in a dangerous situation when other Zach people come up.

After understanding the advantages and disadvantages, Fang Chong's body suddenly moved.

After this 'Tiger Zack' had to be quickly killed, Fang Chong moved and no more reservations.

After the body disappeared instantly, the long sword in his hand politely aimed at the tiger-shaped Zach's eyes and pierced ...



It's time to grab the time. Without Fang Chong retaining any strength to keep his hand, the speed of the long sword stabbing seems to be faster than any previous shot.

Such an attack, the tiger-type Zach was obviously frightened, and in a hurry, the tiger-type Zack faced Fang Chong like a violent blow and only hurriedly extended a claw to block it.

However, under Fang Chong's violent attack without any reserve, a block like 'Tiger Zack' would not have any effect at all. Although the trend of the sword was changed, the tip of the long sword was still facing the tiger. Gramp's neck ...

The hard scale armor of the tiger-shaped Zach could not block the sharp edge of Fang Chong's sword.

After hearing only the sound of "呲", a long wound of one finger appeared on the neck of the tiger-shaped Zach, and the blood spewed out ...

Although there is no sword to seal the throat, it is not difficult to see from the degree of blood flow that such a sword must have hurt the arteries on the neck of 'Tiger Zach' ...

After a successful blow, causing damage to the tiger-shaped Zach, Fang Chong did not mean to step back at all, now he is rushing for time ...

"Roar ..." In the face of Fang Chong's violent attacks, the wounds on the tiger-shaped Zach slowly increased. In less than two minutes, the wound on the tiger-shaped Zach was definitely not equal to two. Ten, although none are fatal.

However, as a primitive Zak tribe, the tiger-shaped Zak that came and went to the king has suffered such damage from the birth of the earth ...

In the fury, Zak started a counterattack. After taking the initiative to attack, Fang Chong's action was also slowed down.

With the tiger-snarled roar, Tiger Zak's two hind legs at the same time exerted force, facing the roar, Tiger-Hu-Zhu threw himself to Fang Chong.


"Good time ..." Fang Chong once again used this blow similar to the mutant white tiger tiger in the face of the tiger-shaped Zach. His expression was calm, and the sword in his hand was on his shoulders.

After a good drink, his feet began to exert force at this time.

In the face of a tiger-shaped Zach that is rushing down like a small hill, while Fang Chong's body was approaching the Tiger-shaped Zach, his long sword blocked the tiger-shaped Zak ’s claws, and he fisted with his left hand. At the moment when the claws competed, Fang Chong's bursting punch was perfectly in the middle. The only tiger Zach had no scale armor, only white fur on the abdomen ...


Without a punch of strength retention, Zach's body was subjected to such a punch, and his body flew out like a kite with a broken wire.

After falling heavily on a wall .........

Finally, with such a blow, the tiger-type Zach was not able to get up from the ground at once.

Seeing this, Fang Chong's mouth rose, and his body disappeared again.

Fang Chong has never been softhearted in dealing with the Zak people.

Under the unreserved attack of Fang Chong, the severely attacked tiger-shaped Zack cut off his neck with a sword by Fang Chong.

Lost any breath of life ...

Looking at the relentlessly dead Zac, Fang Chong confirmed that he could hear the sound of his footsteps coming from the fifth floor to the sixth floor.

After Fang Chong knew that it was Tiger Zack's call for support, he jumped several times in a row, disappeared in place, and once again found a safe place to hide.


Fortunately for Fang Chongqing, his cat was in a small corner, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that among the Zak tribe called by the "Tiger Zach" to support, there were no more similar tiger Zaks. Among the clan, 'one-horned Zach' has the most.

Fang Chong was greatly pleased with this change.

In the next few hours, Fang Chong was at this place on the sixth floor and had a fierce battle with the Zak people.

Although they were all sneak attacks, Fang Chong finally resolved all the Zak people smoothly.

Fang Chong did not get much damage except one arm was smashed and his arm was swollen ....

After finishing the battle, Fang Chong did not rush to the seventh floor.

Going to the seventh floor, there are still a lot of variables. Fang Chong has met the highest-level Zak people now, ‘human-shaped Zak’….

Fang Chong does not know how the humanoid Zack is fighting, and the ‘Mayan System’ also does not know this information. It seems that this humanoid Zach evolved after he came to the planet Earth…

Fang Chong seemed to have a headache when he heard Maya ’s introduction ...

I do n’t know if the fighting power of ‘Humanoid Zack’ is going to fight it. In Fang Chong ’s view, it does n’t seem to be much different from finding death ...

And now the bigger problem is not to fight or not ...

Fang Chong is really depressed, the Mayan system would not know the level of Zack in human form.

After a few words of Fang Chongji chattering, he found a place that seemed safe and was not easily found by the Zak people and hid. As for the "human Zac", Fang Chong believed that it should not be difficult to find, but At night, Fang Chong's body is still very tired. If you don't rest, you can't sustain it ...

After all, Fang Chongwo took out a few bottles of genetic medicine after he was in this place.

There are gene repair agents, as well as ordinary gene agents. After drinking these gene agents that can restore physical strength and repair injuries, Fang Chongcai became a lot more relaxed ...

Although fighting all night tonight, except for fighting against Tiger Zack, the others were all sneak attacks, but the sneak attacks also required skills. That skill made Fang Chong spend more energy ...


The rest time passed quickly. Unconsciously, Fang Chongwo was on the ground for a few hours at a time. When he woke up, he found this situation, which also caused Fang Chong to sweat.

However, Fang Chongsong breathed a sigh of relief that he had gone to sleep, and without warning, Maya showed that the Zak did not come down to find him. Such a change, Fang Chong's expression was very wonderful.

He didn't know what was going on.

Knowing that it had been a few hours, Fang Chong was not tangling with these unknown things. Fearing that there would be other changes in the next thing, Fang Chong quickly got up.

After confirming that there is no Zak ambush on the sixth floor, Fang Chong has appeared at the entrance to the seventh floor ...

The time is now the next morning ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although he said that he killed so many Zak people yesterday, to this day, Fang Chong still dare not have any clue.

There are a lot of variables in a human-shaped Zac, not to mention that today's seventh floor is far more than a human-shaped Zach.

Yesterday, there were many ‘Zak ’s killed, but the‘ Zak ’Fang Chong’ on the seventh floor also knew that the number was far more than those chasing him ...

As for the remaining ones, including the reason that the 'human-shaped Zach' did not continue, Fang Chong did not know.

The only possibility Fang Chong can think of is that there are many things in this place on the seventh floor, which are important to the Zak people. Otherwise, their companions will be killed by Fang Chong so much. Looking for Fang Chong's revenge ...

As for whether or not, Fang Chong did not consider too much.

After clearing up her confidence, Fang Chong slowly walked up the passage to the seventh floor.


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