I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 356: Bloody 7th floor

Chapter 356 Bloody Seventh Floor


The stairs from the sixth floor to the seventh floor are very short, less than ten meters away. Each step of Fang Chong is not trivial, and there is no intention to hide anything. The battle is always a fight, and it can not be avoided ...

Fang Chong also simply did not hide it. M

The general environment of the seventh floor was clear at a glance last night. Fang Chong wanted to continue his sneak attack, but there was little chance. Rather than futile, he might as well stand up vigorously.

In the past two days, so many Zak people had been killed. Fang Chong appeared a little timid to the Zak no longer having heard the three words of Zak before.

After the ordinary primitive Zak tribe is no longer his opponent, Fang Chong has taken a certain advantage from his heart. Although the existence of the human-shaped Zak tribe, for Fang Chong, there is a great unknown, but After Fang Chong stepped up the stairs on the seventh floor, he no longer cared.

Under the desperate battle, Fang Chong believed that he still had hope of victory.

Fang Chong has always believed in the sentence "If you are confident, you may not win, but if you are not confident, you will definitely lose ..."

Holding the long sword in his right hand and the chopper in his left hand, Fang Chong went up step by step ...

Time may pass by a minute or more.

Fang Chong appeared calmly at the entrance of the seventh floor ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

The morning sun lightly fell on the seventh floor, which is not covered by a building. The metal-filled floor reflects the dazzling light under the sun.

Continuing step by step, Fang Chong could clearly feel the cool breeze coming out of the air, and the air was fresh and unusually comfortable. This feeling can only be felt in such a mountain forest now.

Fang Chong took a few deep breaths a little greedily.

Now, seeing the warm sunshine every day is a great happiness for Fang Chong, not to mention the fresh air ...

In cities, where zombies live, there is basically no prerequisite except for stench and stench behind the body ...

After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong's gaze came back from the distant mountain forest.

He didn't come to the seventh floor to see the scenery. Similarly, the Zak people who had been staring at him could not let him watch the scenery here on the seventh floor.

The presence of Fang Chong in this place represents that either he died or that all Zak people here were to die. There is no choice or negotiation, it is just an endless performance between races.

Now, this will be the same in the future ...

When Fang Chong faced the Zak, it was absolutely impossible to soften his hands. After the Zak appeared on the earth, he was destined that the Zak would be the biggest enemy of humankind on earth, the enemy ...

And Zak, as a race with instinct to fight, fighting is more commonplace, and humans, as their biggest opponents to conquer the planet, want Zak to give up? Or not killing humans? Just kidding ...

Fang Chong felt the naked hatred in the eyes of the Zachs. Fang Chong did not show an extra expression. He knew that these Zaks did not want to avenge the Zaks killed by him yesterday, but they could not Can't leave this place on the seventh floor ...

With this discovery, Fang Chong's heart was even more affirmed that he must destroy this base today, at least, this place on the seventh floor, he must flatten it ...

Fang Chong does not know what these machines and instruments are, but the Zak people can give up chasing Fang Chong and stay here for revenge for the same kind. It has been explained that the seventh floor! Fang Chong should be important to the Zak now, to what extent? Fang Chong didn't know ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

However, Fang Chong combined with the robots he had encountered before. Fang Chong was a bit sure that this base could be built, and the reason should occupy a large part of it.

Terrain and environment Fang Chong does not know if it is, but robots are definitely one of the biggest conditions.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong was even more certain that no matter what the price was, the base must be destroyed. After the destruction, Fang Chong believed that it should be difficult for Zak people to find so many robots, or it was simply not at all. may….

And this impossibility is what Fang Chong wants to see most ...

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages, Fang Chong's expression became more serious and serious.

In other words, this battle today will determine the superiority of humans and Zak in future battles ...

Fang Chong moved forward indifferently, and continued to walk more than ten meters away, always watching his Zak tribe, and finally moved at this time.

With eight feet, the Zak people with round bodies came out, and at the same time, a tiger-shaped Zach in the back was eager to try ...

Later, Fang Chong couldn't see clearly at first glance, but the number would definitely not be lower than double digits ...

As for the human-shaped Zack Fang Chong has been most worried about, he is sitting at the back, a place similar to a console, with his hands moving like humans ...

If Fang Chong was able to walk in, he would be surprised to see that this human-shaped Zack was similar to his conjecture at this time. Ten slender fingers were quickly tapping on the keyboard, and as her fingers tapped, A piece of information that Fang Chong could not understand was edited ...


"Spider-shaped Zach ..." Fang Chong looked at the eight-foot Zak in front of him. He was not anxious to attack, and was a new type of Zak. Before he knew his weakness, Fang Chong absolutely Will not rush.

As Fang Chong carefully observed this new eight-foot Zak tribe, Maya's voice sounded in Fang Chong's ear ...

After hearing the words "spider-shaped Zach", Fang Chong secretly sighed with relief, Maya knew the name of this new-type Zak people who had just met. Its strengths and weaknesses should be as clear ...

Unlike the human-shaped Zach, Maya said the four words "Human-shaped Zach", but these four are customized and determined by the appearance of the "Human-shaped Zach" ...

She didn't know anything about Zac in human form.

"" Spider-shaped Zach ", an evolutionary species in the Zak mountains and forests, with a huge body, eight feet, skills‘ silk entanglement ’, venom ejection….

The venom is strongly corrosive, and below level 250, there is no defense at all ... "Fang Chong was still glad that Maya knew this spider-shaped Zach, Maya had continued to say, and said the materials Fang Chong expected Come out ...

"Below two hundred and fifty, there is no defensive at all?" Fang Chong heard this sentence and almost jumped from the ground. Maya's words made him not excited ...

Fang Chong was not surprised when the skill of "silk wrapping" appeared, and the spider would have spun silk, and the appearance of the "spider-shaped Zach" will undoubtedly evolve as a spider, so it will spun silk, not surprising ...

"Venom shot", although Fang Chong felt a little surprised, but it was also within the acceptable range. However, the sentence of 250 levels without defensiveness was not acceptable to Fang Chong.

His biggest reliance today is that Fang Chong's defense is the most valued by Fang Chong, but now 'Maya' actually tells him that there is no defense below 250, that is not to say that 'Fang Fang' is now a chicken rib. The same existence.

At the same time, Fang Chong also wanted to ensure that the "feather defense" suit of armor was not sprayed by the venom of the "spider Zach". Otherwise, he would fight with other Zak people in the back, and he would be naked. What's the difference ...

Fang Chong thought of this, and scolded this ‘spider-shaped zack’ in his heart, even if it appeared slowly, it was n’t slow…

At least when other Zak people in other places, they can have comparative advantages and security ...

But after all, to face or face ...

Knowing the two most powerful attacking skills of the Spider-Zack, Fang Chong also learned from the Maya system that the weakness of Spider-Zack.

The speed is slow and the inflexibility is the two aspects that Fang Chong can use most.

Although ‘silk entanglement’ and ‘venom spray’ can make up to a large extent, in front of Fang Chong, there is still opportunity for Fang Chong to make up for this ...


"Come on ..." Fang Chong originally thought that 'Spider Zach' had been staring at him and watching his 'Tiger Zach' would attack him together, but he did not expect that when he continued to approach, only The spider-shaped Zack jumped up, two jumped to Fang Chong's face, the distance was less than ten meters ...

Fang Chong secretly rejoiced that when these Zak people's silly hats were secretly alert to the next attack of 'spider Zach'.

Although the attack on 'Spider Zack' is well understood, what is the power of it? If you do n’t experience it yourself, you ca n’t say ...

"His ..."

When Fang Chong was alert to waking up the twelve minutes, ‘spider Zack’ repeatedly hissed, it seemed to vent his dissatisfaction, and it seemed to be provoking Fang Chong ...

At this time, Fang Chong had a calm expression on his face, no matter how the 'spider Zack' shouted, he didn't seem to hear it.

In addition to a defensive posture, Fang Chong's legs were slightly bent ...

"Hmm ..."

After clamoring for Fang Chong's failure, Spider-shaped Zack stopped hissing and opened his mouth suddenly.

After a sound of breaking the air, a white silk thread, which is hard to capture by the naked eye, rushed towards Fang Chong's noodle door ...

"Silian?" Fang Chong realized this as soon as he heard the sound of the air.

But knowing the skill of silk entanglement, but the speed of silk entanglement is far beyond Fang Chong's imagination.

Although he put on a defensive posture, Fang Chong could not escape at all under the urging. In crisis, Fang Chong could only stretch out a ‘broken knife’…

"Hmm ..."

The broken knife was just in front of him. The white silk thread had come to Fang Chong. For a moment, the broken knife was entangled so that it could not be held. Even the handle was covered with white at this moment. wire.

In order to avoid the hands being entangled, Fang Chong was helpless and could only release his hands temporarily ...

With one blow, I lost a battle knife. I have to say that this situation is far beyond Fang Chong's imagination. The expression became a bit ugly after losing the "Broken Knife" ...

Had it not been for him to take out the "Broken Knife" and hold his left hand subconsciously before coming up to the seventh floor, he would be in danger now.

The combat effectiveness of the "spider-type Zack" has exceeded Fang Chong's imagination from this blow.

But without any loss of body, Fang Chong was able to remain quiet.


"It seems that I can't sit back and wait ..." After Fang Chong was smashed by the spider-shaped zack behind his body, Fang Chong re-examined the intelligence of this spider-shaped zack, knowing that he could not easily take it After this point, Fang Chong struggled for a while, maintaining his defense was a change of posture, and the person disappeared ...

Passive defense does not play any role in the face of ‘spider Zack’ who has long-range attack skills. Instead of being beaten passively, it ’s better to take the power of attack in his own hands.

With the plan, and understanding the weakness of the spider-type Zack, Fang Chong took the initiative to attack without hesitation.

With the slightest sound of wind, Fang Chong had appeared next to Zac of the spider next second. ‘

"Good opportunity ..." When Fang Chong appeared on the side of 'Spider-Zach', 'Spider-Zach' had no time to react at all and was really defensive. Fang Chong just raised the long sword, facing 'Spider Zach' is a sword at the joints of the eight long feet ...


A crisp sound of bone fracture emanated from Fang Chong's sword and Zak's ankle joint.

The next thing I saw was a long leg of 'Spider-shaped Zach' disconnected from his body.

Bright red blood spews out like the same blood arrow ...

Fang Chong, who succeeded in one hit, didn't stop at all, and his body disappeared again.

Fang Chong still maintained an extremely fast speed, moving around the body of 'Spider-Zack' in the scream of 'Spider-Zack' in a rage and roar.

Such a high speed brings Fang Chong's advantages to the extreme. The silk-wrapping technique of 'Spider Zack' seems to be useless, and the venom jets leave a bubble-filled hole on the ground except for the rigid ground. There is no damage to Chong.

The "spider-shaped Zach" that lost the attack is no longer Fang Chong's opponent at all. In about two minutes, the "spider-shaped Zach" that originally had eight feet has become a non-existent foot that can support its standing. .

In the end, Fang Chong did not leave his sword in the head of ‘Spider-Zack’ in the horrified eyes of ‘Spider-Zack’ ...



Knowing that there is more than one spider-shaped Zach here on the seventh floor, Fang Chong did not get complacent after killing the head Spider-Zack because of this smoothness, and it was too late for other Zak people to respond. When Fang Chong pulled out his long sword, he quickly retreated and kept a distance of more than forty meters from the "Tiger Zack" who had been staring at him ...

With this distance, Fang Chong can ensure that he has time to react when the "Tiger Zack" is launched ...

As Fang Chong expected, after the "Zack Spider" completely lost its vitality, after a roar, the huge body flew out. The target person was Fang Chong who was breathing slightly.

The attacker of the "Tiger Zach" was well-known for a long time. In the face of the fierce tiger Zach, Fang Chong's feet were also instantaneous. No fear was greeted.

In the two consecutive days of fighting, in addition to Fang Chong's improvement in strength, the combat experience has been greatly improved. If Fang Chong before yesterday, he might choose to avoid the flutter of the tiger Zack, but with yesterday After a rare experience, the tiger Zack fluttered like a shot replay.

Fang Chong did not hesitate at the same time as he was faster than the tiger-shaped Zach, and at the moment when his body was in contact with the 'Tiger-shaped Zach', he made a side-effect like a textbook, avoiding the sharpness of the 'Tiger-shaped Zach'. After the two claws, the long sword on the right hand is backhanded ...

The long sword fell into the weakest abdomen of the tiger-shaped Zach defense for a moment, and Fang Chong fell on his body with the unrestrained momentum of the tiger-shaped Zach ...

"Stab ..."

The sound of the tearing of the meat came from the belly of 'Tiger Zach'. After Fang Chong's body fell to the ground, the tiger Zach also fell heavily to the ground. After making a painful roar, he stopped moving ...

A full-foot wound appeared on the belly of 'Tiger Zack'. Internal organs almost flow out ...


Although the scene was disgusting, Fang Chong was happy and glad in Fang Chong's heart. After continuously solving the Zak inside, he felt the pressure abruptly, and the balance of victory seemed to be slowly leaning towards him at this time.

Although the remaining Zak people are still more than double digits, except for the "human Zak", the two most powerful Zak people have been solved by Fang Chong ...

"Come on again ..." Fang Chongshen took another breath and then moved forward again.

Slowly yelled at Zack, the approaching unicorn on both sides ...

Not that he didn't want to adjust during the break.

But the biggest skill of 'Unicorn Zack' is "corner bump". Previously, the skills of 'Unicorn Zack' could not be issued because of the area of ​​the building on the sixth floor, but this does not mean 'Unicorn Zack' 'It's really weak.

"Angle collision" skills, if you can really play out with the help of distance ~ www.readwn.com ~ change to the level of 250 without any problems.

Fang Chong did not dare to underestimate and would not underestimate. ‘Zak’ is right without the weak ...

After Fang Chong watched ‘One-corner Zach’ ran wild, he also rushed up ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Fang Chong still remembers that the weakness of 'Unicorn Zack' was either the neck or the eyes. When he attacked on the sixth floor, Fang Chong attacked the neck, but once again, he was different. Hornzack's neck was undoubtedly a death-seeking act.

The goal is behind the eyes of the one-cornered Zach, Fang Chong's sword is in front, with the help of flying gene medicine, the body goes straight to the 'one-cornered Zack' ...

"Houhou ..." After using the force of inertia, ‘Zok ’s unicorn’ speed has accelerated. At the same time, ‘Zok ’s unicorn’ momentum has continued to increase.

With repeated screams, Fang Chong was able to clearly feel that the momentum of ‘one-corner Zack’ had been fully elevated at this time ....

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