I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 358: strength

Chapter 358 Strength

ps. Thanks to the brothers and sisters who recently voted for referrals, monthly passes, and evaluations .....


When time did not allow Fang Chongduo to think, Fang Chong could not care about his physical injuries, his eyes were slightly cold, his expression was dull, and his long sword pointed directly at the human-shaped Zach a hundred meters away. m


After Fang Chongshen took a deep breath of cold air, his feet suddenly exerted strength, and the whole person instantly emptied. As soon as he screamed, his body rushed towards the human-shaped Zack on the operation platform.

At the moment, Fang Chong has only the presence of a human-shaped Zack and an information transmitting station.

Fang Chong had to fight, and he had to destroy it before Zac the humanoid could launch the information.

After discovering that Zac in human form had this purpose, Fang Chong had no way back.

Leaving today today, maybe Zac can't kill him, he can live, but Fang Chong knew very well that he left this place alive today, tomorrow will be fine, the day after tomorrow will be fine, but what about the day after tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?

Fang Chong couldn't be sure anymore. Once the Zak people were assembled, that was the beginning of human nightmares ...

Perhaps it is more appropriate to start with the true end of humanity.

Fang Chong did not dare to imagine, nor did he want to imagine, what would be the combat effectiveness of the thousands of Zak people concentrated together?

It is certain that no human base city can resist, Fang Chong thought, even if all the survivors are concentrated, it is impossible to use the number advantage to counter the Zak ...

Fang Chong has no confidence, even a little bit of confidence. Although he knows that today, if he died here, no one would know that there was a human named Fang Chong who gave his life when human survival was most critical. The most tragic way to rescue humanity and destroy the purpose of the Zak ...

Fang Chong is not afraid of death, but fear of death does not mean that Fang Chong is willing to watch each of his friends fall.

Fang Chong did not want to be a human savior. What he has in his mind now are only those brothers and lovers who complement each other after his eruption in the last days ...

For them, Fang Chong can die.

Fang Chong knows that if they change, they will also do what Fang Chong decides now.


"Open the bow without turning back ..."

Fang Chong's body quickly stabbed towards the human form Zhafei. At this point, Fang Chong had no chance to regret. Under the rapid stab, although the distance between him and the human form Zach was 100 meters apart, Explosive power, a distance of 100 meters can be ignored with only one breath.

As he and Zach the humanoid got closer, Fang Chong's expression became more dignified.

Fang Chong is betting on the combat effectiveness of human-shaped Zac. The only thing Fang Chong can hope for now is that the level of human-shaped Zac is not low, but it is not directly proportional to the combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, the humanoid Zack has more than three hundred levels, such as more than one hundred sublime, Fang Chong is not an opponent at all.

One hundred levels is a watershed for power, two hundred levels are the same ...

Fang Chong's second watershed, that is, the 200th level has not yet been reached, and it is impossible to be a 300th level Zack opponent ...

Fang Chong knows that these are all too late. If his level is close to 200, he can successfully step into the second watershed.

However, Fang Chong knew that these are imagination now.

Reality is reality. Fang Chong knows how to think, his strength is still no less than 190. Although there are many improvements over the previous, the gap from the 300 level is still very large. It can be said that one is in the sky and the other is in the ground ...

Shaking his head, leaving these messy news behind his back, Fang Chong's gaze was more determined.

The humanoid Zac must die, and the information tower must be destroyed.


The distance of 100 meters, as Fang Chong imagined, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the appearance of Zak the human form became clearer in Fang Chong's sight.

The distance draws closer, Fang Chong clearly sees that the humanoid Zac is not only a human being, but also a woman's face ...

Seeing this scene, Fang Chongmuna's expression showed a ripple.

Fang Chong's face of Zac's standard oriental woman's face is indeed full of surprise, surprise ...

However, it has been known for a long time that Fang Chong's face is even more beautiful. A wave of expression returned to indifference in the next second. Fang Chong was actually surprised at the evolutionary ability of the Zak people.

He knows that the human-shaped Zach is a Zak, but what if those people do n’t know?

At present, the skin of the human-shaped Zach still has the existence of scale armor, which can remind many people, but in the future? The Zak's evolutionary ability is so powerful, it is difficult to guarantee whether this Zak will have evolved exactly like humans. come out?

If that is the case, then, is the real beginning of human demise.

Under such circumstances in the last days, it is no wonder that human nature is degraded. If the amount of Zac appearing in the future is huge, there is no guarantee that some sperms will be attracted to the worm ...

Fang Chong made up his mind. If he doesn't die today, this part of the evolution of the humanoid Zach will be the first item he must figure out.

Maya couldn't tell the evolutionary path, so she couldn't ignore it ...

After Fang Chong's mind flashed and passed such an idea, Fang Chong's attention was still focused on the human-shaped Zach, less than ten meters away, Fang Chong's whole body strength immediately boiled, the first hit, Fang Chong's sword infused Took all his power ...



Feeling the killing intention carried by Fang Chong's long sword, when the long sword was less than two meters away from the human-shaped zack, the human-shaped zak stood up instantly and issued a roar ...


While humanoid Zach stood up to avoid Fang Chong's sword, he had been watching Fang Chong, who was serious about operating the keyboard. He did not know that this humanoid Zach took out a dark sword from there.

When the sword of Fang Chong began to approach, Fang Chong immediately ran across, and the speed was completely unexpected, but then he remembered that when the strength of Zac in human form was close to 300 or more than 300, Fang Chong was not so entangled.

Containing a powerful blow, Fang Chong's sword fell heavily on the dark sword of the humanoid Zak ...

These are not accidents. What surprised Fang Chong was that Fang Chong almost fell off, except that his palm was red and swollen.

However, these are still good. What Fang Chong missed most was that the humanoid Zach was used as the sword of Fang Chong, yes, it was blocked, but after Fang Chong's power completely broke out at this time, the dark After the sword fell, it flew out ...

Looking at the sword flying far away, of course Fang Chong's face was a joy ...

In addition to the fact that the Zak has no sword, and he can break out, Fang Chong also has a new understanding of the strength of this human Zak.

Not as powerful as he believes, although the speed is much faster than him, but the power ... It is not difficult to see from the collision just now. From the temporary situation, the strength of the human Zack is a bit weaker than Fang Chong ...

With such a discovery, Fang Chong's expression was full of surprise? what's going on?

After Fang Chong was surprised, the expression on his face changed very wonderfully. Wasn't the human-shaped Zach the original Zak tribe?

As a common type of evolution Zack, of course, the power is actually known, but it is even weaker than Fang Chong, which is not surprising.

The humanoid Zack ’s level is far more than three hundred levels, but in front of the combat effectiveness, it is at most two hundred levels of strength. In the end, why this happens, Fang Chong does not understand temporarily ...


"Do n’t the Zak people chase him before because the human-type Zak is not strong?" Fang Chong remembered this scene in surprise. Before that, he was still wondering why the Zak people reacted that way. Fang Chong just now The speculation was that the Zak were protecting the existence of the launch tower.

But now, it looks more like the Zak are protecting the humanoid Zak a little more.

After all, Fang Chong's strength during the heyday was much more than what the humanoid Zack showed now.

Fang Chong is now more affirming this.

Fang Chong's self-confidence increased sharply after his body flipped through the air with a rebound.

Although Fang Chong still had a bit of doubt, but thinking that the Zak people could not be as cunning as human beings, cheating on him with weakness and weakness, Fang Chong chose to take the initiative again.

Fang Chong just gave a full blow just now. Although he consumed a lot of energy in his body, but after understanding that there is a chance of success, Fang Chong believed that it had increased greatly, and his strength burst out inexplicably ...

Although Fang Chong was surprised by this outbreak, he believes that if he can kill this humanoid Zach lucky today, his loss will reach a new level ...

This is a kind of transformation, honed between life and death ...

Fang Chong understood this, his breath became stronger and stronger, and the sword was humming in his hands.

After Fang Chong's body disappeared, the place where he appeared again was already less than one meter away from the human-shaped Zach. Looking at the beautiful face of the human-shaped Zach, Fang Chong looked again at a close distance, still there was an illusion of being shocked .

Compared with the entertainment stars before the end of the world, they must be no less.

However, Fang Chong didn't have any extra feelings to appreciate at this time. He was as calm as water. His sword trembled with a sword flower and straightly took the human-shaped Zach's throat ...

The human-shaped Zach's throat and face are the only places where it is not covered by scale armor. Although Maya did not know where the weakness of the human-shaped Zach was, Fang Chong judged it.

Humanoid Zack does not have three hundred levels of attack power, but defense does not mean the same ...

Although Fang Chong's first sword just flew the sword in the hands of the humanoid Zak, but at the tiger's mouth of the humanoid Zak, Fang Chong did not see the presence of a wound. This undoubtedly shows that the humanoid Zak has a stronger defense. His fighting power ...

Knowing this, the position of Fang Chong's attack has begun to shift ...

To a large extent, the Zak's defenses rely on scale armor, and the human-shaped Zak has no face, which is undoubtedly a very good choice.

Fang Chong had the target of the attack and was unambiguous.

The speed of the shot was very fast. Fang Chong saw that the blade edge was getting closer and closer to the human-shaped Zach's throat, and the corners of his mouth were slowly rising. death…

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong unexpectedly, the long sword was about to pierce the Zak's throat, and the accident suddenly appeared.

The sword that was originally intended to be obtained, in the end, the humanoid Zack's body disappeared out of thin air ... all the air in the sword stab ...

Fang Chong's expression showed a hint of surprise. The speed of the Zak people had been hiding from it just now, and it seemed to be one point faster than him. Otherwise, he would definitely be able to find the shape of Zak in human form.

It will not be impossible to catch the shadow of the human-like Zak as now.

Fang Chong certainly would not believe that Zak the humanoid had disappeared at this time. It's only that the speed is so fast that the retina of the eye can't form an image on the eyeball, so the existence of the human-shaped Zach can't be seen ...

Fang Chong is no stranger to this move.

He has used this trick no less often than people.

After Fang Chong couldn't see the human-shaped Zack's figure, he closed his eyes with his eyes. If he didn't see, it didn't mean he couldn't hear or feel ...

At this time, Fang Chong chose to believe his own feelings.

Withdrawing the sword, Fang Chong's expression was extremely focused. Only in a very quiet situation, he could feel the existence of human-shaped Zach ...

Fang Chong is actually taking a risk at this time. If he is careless, he will die.

Humanoid Zach ’s strength did not reach 300, which does not mean that she has no ability to kill Fang Chong ...

But there is no good way, Fang Chong can only bet.


After Fang Chong closed his eyes, he completely placed himself in an extremely dangerous environment, but to his surprise, Fang Chong closed his eyes completely and was no longer visually disturbed.

It was not the kind of panic emotion that Fang Chong wanted to gamble this time.

The heart is like a mirror, which should refer to Fang Chong's feeling now.

My expression is calm and my mood is calm ...

Without the interference of sight, Fang Chong slowly felt the surrounding environment with his heart, realized the difference from the air flow changes with his heart, and listened to the sound made by the humanoid Zack with his ears ...

Fang Chong was very calm. After fully entering such a state, Fang Chong became very peaceful. He was not in a hurry. He knew that at this time, what was needed was no longer him, it should be humanoid Zack ...

Although humanoid Zach is high in strength and energetic, but high speed, but also to move without mistakes, is a very difficult test, Fang Chong believes that human Zack can never last that long.

Once Humanoid Zack chooses to attack, Fang Chong's opportunity comes. Of course, the prerequisite is that Fang Chong can detect the attack path of Humanoid Zack.

Once Fang Chong does not notice, then it is likely that he is dead ...

There may be another reason that Fang Chong dared to attack Zac in a short time. Although Zac was different from him and did not experience much fighting, Fang Chong remembered clearly in the memory of last night that he had arrived for the first time. On the seventh floor, Zac in a human shape was already operating on the operating platform.

It's been over a dozen hours now, and the human-shaped Zack is definitely mentally exhausted. How long did she sit before Chong did not come ...

These things, in Fang Chong's view, are all very big variables ...

Fang Chong thought of this, and he became more confident in the heart, which made him believe that it was impossible. The Maya system also helped him pay attention to the next movement of Zac.

Different from Fang Chong's attention to the sound of the human-shaped Zach to judge the attack path of the human-shaped Zach, the energy of Maya depends on the fluctuation of the energy ...

The human-shaped Zach cannot avoid the use of power if he wants to move. When there is power, there will be fluctuations in energy.

However, to judge by energy fluctuations, except that Maya is a system that can use certain instruments to judge, Fang Chong wants to do so, it is simply impossible ...

However, combined with the line reported by Maya, Fang Chong slowly combined this line with the line he heard with his ears.

To Fang Chong's surprise, the two lines could actually overlap.

With this unexpected discovery, Fang Chong was even more surprised, and his confidence was more sufficient, and the line of the humanoid Zack movement was completely mastered by him.

Feeling that the human-shaped Zack fluttered less than twenty meters away from him, Fang Chong still waited calmly, without anxious to attack ...


Time disappeared every second. Humanoid Zac looked at Fang Chong's motionless state, and finally couldn't help it, not for physical reasons, but mentally, this kind of fast-paced speed frequency took a lot of Mental power ...

The humanoid Zack had plans, and his body moved faster. At this high-frequency rhythm, UU reads www. uukanshu.com suddenly improved a bit more ...

Fang Chong can also clearly feel the change in speed of the Zak people. After feeling this kind of change, Fang Chong's expression immediately calmed down.

Fang Chong knew that the Zak could not help but wanted to attack.

Knowing this, Fang Chong's sword was firmly held in his hand. Fang Chong was still 'gambling', and the power of the 'gambling' sword could break the defense of human Zac.

It took about ten minutes, and Maya's voice sounded in Fang Chong's ear. There are only two simple words. "coming….."

Fang Chong did not show much surprise when he heard these two words. He could also feel without the reminder of Maya ...

"Ziz ....."

A subtle, almost negligible voice loomed in Fang Chong's ears ...

........................................ ...

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