I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 359: Secrets of the underground 3 floors

Chapter 359 The Secret of the Third Floor


Fang Chong did not open his eyes, Mayan reminded him to make him more sure of his perception ...

The subtle sounds on the ears also made Fang Chong more aware of the existence of the humanoid Zack, and his expression was slightly hesitant, but Fang Chong did not rush to take action ...

Although the humanoid Zack is still fast-paced and running at a high frequency, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to perceive the direction of its existence. m

"Want to sneak attack?" Fang Chong felt quietly. At first, the human-shaped Zack turned around him in circles, but when the distance suddenly got closer to about ten meters, the Zak people passed Fang Chong's back, and their bodies instantly Rushing towards Fang Chong.

Fang Chong did not know whether the body was exposed when the human-shaped Zack was in the fundamental direction of his body, but his perception was very clear that he felt the movement of the human-shaped Zack ...

Fang Chong was very clear about the changes in the air flow.

Knowing the purpose of the humanoid Zack, and the sound of wind brought by acceleration, Fang Chong's body was moved while the sword in Fang Chong's hand was straightened instantly.

As the body moved, the long sword in his hand turned from the top to the bottom without fancy while the body turned ...

At a distance of ten meters, under the rapid gallop of human-shaped Zack, Fang Chong appeared in front of Fang Chong almost as soon as Fang Chong turned around. A fist covered with hard and sharp angles straight into Fang Chong's head ...

Fang Chong's face hurt a bit with the wind from his fist.

Fang Chong was secretly shocked. The wind brought by his fist could make the skin on his face feel pain. If such a fist really hit his head, would he be able to blow his head in an instant?

Fang Chong was surprised by the power of this punch, while his head quickly sided.

However, although Fang Chong felt the power of this punch in advance, he still underestimated the speed of his fist.

His head was not hit by the human-shaped Zach's fist, but the sharp protrusions on the human-shaped Zack's fist still left a non-shallow wound on Fang Chong's face ...

Feeling the hot liquid left on his face, Fang Chong knew that he cares ...

However, Fang Chong ignored the injury on his face. This injury is not serious and will not affect the subsequent actions ...


Between the electric light and flint, the long sword in Fang Chong's hand has been cut off. This sword was just countless experiments that Fang Chong just had in his heart.

The speed of the long sword is obviously a little faster than the punch punched by the humanoid Zack.

It never occurred to Fang Chong that he had cut the humanoid Zack of this sword. After seeing Fang Chong's sword showing his blade, it was too late to make any action.

Fang Chong was right, but Zak the humanoid made a bigger mistake than Fang Chong.

Fang Chong only underestimated the speed of the human-shaped Zack's fist, while the human-shaped Zak underestimated the strength of Fang Chong.

Humanoid Zack did not expect that Fang Chong could perceive his sneak attack route, avoid a punch that he would have to hit, and was able to split it while hurriedly evading, so that he had no time to make any evasive sword ...

What makes Zac even more unexpected is that the power of Fang Chong's sword, the humble sword he took in the hands of a combat robot, has the ability to break his defense ...

More than one underestimation, arrogance ...

The end result is tragedy.

Humanoid Zach watched Fang Chong's sword openly, falling from top to bottom, and splitting his eyebrows directly in the enlarged pupil.

The beautiful face of Zac in human form was completely pale at this time.

No sound, no roar ...

Humanoid Zack's eyes widened.

When Fang Chong pulled back, the sword was pulled away from the humanoid Zack's body while he brought up a mist of blood ...


The humanoid Zach's body stiffly fell to the ground, and the original beautiful face had been divided into two halves at this time, red, white, and covered the ground ...

Looking at the scene he created, Fang Chong had some urges to vomit.

There are many Zaks killed and more zombies killed, but this is the first time that Zaks have been killed like humans.

Looking at that beautiful face split in half under the sword, this scene Fang Chong felt a little unacceptable.

His character became calm and indifferent after the end of the last days, but these did not represent his cold blood.

Although zombies are more human-like than the human-shaped Zack in front of them, they are living dead with ulcerated skin and dark pupils. Killing them, even if the brain is flowing, Fang Chong has no discomfort ...

But today's humanoid Zack is different. Although her skin is not like a human, that beautiful face is no different. What's more important is the humanoid Zack's eyes.

That feeling is really the same as killing humans.

Fang Chong does not know why there is such an illusion. It seems that this human-shaped Zach is just like a human.

"No, it's just a human-shaped Zack, which looks like a human ..." Fang Chong closed his eyes again. While trying to restrain his stomach, he kept comforting himself.

Time passed by every second, after a few minutes, Fang Chong's head was covered with sweat, and the tremor of his body calmed down at this time ...


Fang Chong himself was so surprised that he would be affected by the appearance of this human-shaped Zack's death? Fang Chong did not know what the reason was, but the situation just now could be big or small for him.

If Fang Chong's spirit cannot be stopped, it is likely to die or go crazy because of Zak interference, mental breakdown ...

Fang Chong took a deep breath, and now remembering the feeling just now, he himself was afraid of his back. He didn't know when he was soaked with sweat, a gust of wind blew ...

"The spirit collapsed, went crazy ..." After Fang Chong calmed down and looked at the human body Zac's body, it felt that it would not be as strong as before. Fang Chong observed the human body Zac's body while thinking about it Almost mental breakdown scene ...

That fierce feeling, Fang Chong now thinks, it seems that he is not fragile, but for a reason ...

"Is this really the human Zac's offensive power?" Fang Chong continued to other things. Fang Chong recalled it now, and suddenly thought that while the human Zac cut his head with a sword, the human Zac Fang Chong glanced deeply at Fang Chong's eyes, and then Fang Chong felt that his spirit was out of order.

Fang Chong continued to these, and his heart became more surprised ...

Fang Chong didn't dare to associate with it. If the human-shaped Zach really had mental interference, it would be terrible.

Fang Chong's expression was heavy again at this time.

This kind of attack power is not comparable to the surviving human beings at present, all of them have a strong will, like him ...

But it is not difficult to say. It is really necessary to exercise willpower to such a degree. There is only one word, which is difficult ...

Not to mention that under the circumstances of the last days, more survivors say that their willpower has become stronger, and it is better to say that human nature is more degraded.

Those survivors who are willing to fall, Fang Chongzao, if they really encounter the mental attack of humanoid Zach, they are afraid that they will become idiots in less than a minute and be controlled by humanoid Zach ...

Fang Chong became more and more frightened. If humanoid Zach truly possessed such skills, it would be terrible. The terrible degree would make Fang Chong even more surprised than the humanoid Zach possessed 400 levels of strength ...

"The host hasn't guessed. Humanoid Zac did use mental attack, negatively affecting skills ..." Mayan's subsequent voice confirmed Fang Chong's worry.

When he came to Maya, Fang Chong shook his head helplessly. The thing he was most afraid of was still unexpected ...

"But it is impossible to control humans ..." Maya added.

"Really?" Fang Chong heard it, but relaxed a little.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Forget it, regardless of Zak's mental attack skills ..." Fang Chongduo stood up straight after thinking nothing.

Fang Chong also wanted to drive now. The water came to cover the soil and the soldiers came to block it. Now don't worry about so much when you have nothing to do.

Although the humanoid Zack now has such an attacking skill, these do not mean that humans will be eaten to death.

I do n’t know from the Maya that the existence of a Zak of the human form Zach shows that the frequency of human Zach should not be too high. If the number is not large, the threat to humans will not be so great. of.

After all, there are already many powerful humans on the earth, and the number of determined people among these powerful humans is absolutely impossible.

Especially those humans who were elite warriors before the strange outbreak.

As long as those people have the conditions for evolution, they can never be weak.

At the same time, those people are more powerful than ordinary humans.

Thinking of this again, Fang Chongxin was more relaxed.

Shaking his head and throwing these thoughts aside temporarily, Fang Chong carried the sword slowly towards the operating platform where Humanoid Zack had been busy operating just now ...

Humanoid Zack has been killed by Fang Chong. Fang Chong's remaining goal now is to smash this launch tower.

It is very necessary to eliminate those gathered information, and smashing this launching tower is also the top priority. Fang Chongke doesn't want to come here with all his hard work now, and then simply delete the information.

Fang Chongke was not sure that no other Zak people existed in this forest. If there were, they would be picked up and used. At that time, Fang Chong had no tears when he was afraid to cry ...

Knowing that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, Fang Chong has made up his mind ...

At the console, Fang Chong let the Maya system directly invade the system.

The purpose of Fang Chong doing this is also very obvious. In addition to looking at the content of the humanoid Zak to send information through the transmission tower, Fang Chong also wants to see if there are other information of the Zak in this system ...

However, it is regrettable that most of the information in the system is not possessed by the Maya system. It has little effect. As for the content to be transmitted through the transmission tower, it is similar to what Fang Chong thought. There is nothing ...

But there are a lot of good things underneath this building.

After allowing Maya to delete the information, Fang Chong decided to destroy the tower.


After destroying the Zak's unique launch tower, Fang Chong did not forget to put the intelligent system on the console into the storage space. Although this thing is not as intelligent as the Maya system, it is not as good as the computer on the earth Knowing how many times it is stronger, even if it is unique to the military, it is called the so-called super brain.

Fang Chong knows that their base is under construction. If they have such an intelligent system, they can do more with less when they do things. Many things that originally need to be considered by the human brain are directly delivered to the intelligence.

It can also temporarily solve the problem of lack of talents ...

What's more, things like intelligent systems are in the exchange space of the Maya system, and the exchange points needed are not low ...

How can Fang Chong be cheap?

After finding that everything that can be harvested here was cleaned up on the seventh floor, Fang Chong had no extra stay, returned to the sixth floor, and took out the parts that could be used by the original Zak people. After the wreckage, go straight down ...

While Fang Chong was excited, of course, he deeply remembered that there was good information about the underground of this building.

Good things, Fang Chong cannot be missed.

Back on the ground floor, Fang Chong searched for the entrance of the underground floor within a range of almost two thousand square meters.

In the end, Fang Chong took a lot of effort to find a relatively hidden entrance at the edge of the building.

Although the area of ​​this kind of entrance is not small, it matches with the surrounding buildings very well. It is really difficult to find it without waking up.

When the entrance was found, Fang Chong felt a rapid heartbeat, but in the excitement, Fang Chong was still mixed with a hint of worry.

No system has learned from the human-like Zach's intelligent system. The mining and manufacturing of robots are all robots, but there are still many Zak people underground. These Zak people are similar to supervisors ...

As far as Fang Chong is concerned, what needs to be worried is the Zak, as for those robots? Fang Chong even need not worry.

Not a robot of the combat system. In front of the Maya system, the intelligent system in their minds is the same as that of children playing with mud. There is no difficulty at all ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

With a little worry, under the control of Maya, Fang Chong opened the passage to the first floor underground. As I learned before, the underground floor of the building has been built into three floors. These three floors are similar to the existence of a warehouse and are specially stored. Metal materials mined by miner-type robots from the ground.

The most important reason why Fang Chong came here in a hurry was to know that there are special metal materials here.

Fang Chong was anxious to leave the base of Shanghai Stock Exchange. The most important point was to find special metal materials. Now that this place is there, how can Fang Chong miss it? These are truly real and come without any effort ...

Although the Zak people still existed underground, the top commander of this small base of the Zak people, Zak the humanoid was killed by him, and Fang Chong had nothing to worry about.

Although he is still fighting at half the heyday of his heyday, today's battle, Fang Chong, after becoming familiar with the Zak fighting, improved his experience and solved the problem of combat effectiveness to a great extent.

Without fear of combat effectiveness, Fang Chong is of course nonstop.

Holding a sword, Fang Chong slowly stepped down the stairs.

Fang Chong was somewhat surprised that although there was no sunlight, there was no sense of darkness at the underground level. Every ten meters or so, there was a bright energy crystal. The method is a good choice, just some big things and small use feeling.

But before there is no other energy, it is a good way to not lose ...

The idea of ​​not hitting these energy crystals for the time being continues to move forward. It's almost as expected by Fang Chong. The first floor below here does not meet the presence of the Zak people. However, in order to ensure some, Fang Chong has conducted an inspection of the first floor. Zak, lay hidden dangers to security.

After the inspection of the first floor was completed, there was no wasted time and he set foot on the second floor. In the same way, after Fang Chong inspected the second floor, there was no Zak.

As a result, Fang Chong did not have much surprises, but when he stepped on the stairs on the third floor, Fang Chong's expression was much more serious. The Zak people in the first two floors did not appear very normal, but the Zak no longer appeared on the third floor. The words of the clan are a little strange.


Stepping on the third floor of the v floor, I felt the same as the previous two layers. Fang Chong's steps were gentle, but his attention was very alert.

Soon, Fang Chong was in trouble, but if these troubles were to be solved by Fang Chong.

At the corner of a passage on the third floor, Fang Chong met a Zak, a tiger Zak with a relatively strong fighting force ...

It was a bit unexpected for Fang Chong to meet the tiger-type Zak here. Fang Chong thought before that he thought that he would only hit Zak when he encountered the most. After all, Zak ’s fighting power was in all primitive Zak. , The combat effectiveness is the weakest, secretly from the idea of ​​human beings ~ www.readwn.com ~ The weakest to the worst place in this kind of environment is the most normal guard, but Fang Chong did not expect that the first encounter was actually a tiger. Zach, the most primitive type of Zak, the most powerful ...

The appearance of a tiger-shaped Zach, Fang Chong is more curious about what kind of metal exists in the ground, otherwise, the Zak people would not be so concerned.

After all, even energy crystals are used as electric lights.

You need to know that here is the earth, not the previous one, the Mayan galaxy. Here, one energy crystal is one less. Even if it is Fang Chong, although it can be exchanged from the Mayan system, the energy crystal needs a lot of exchange points ...

For the Zak, it is even more difficult. Unless it is found in a spaceship, otherwise there is no prerequisite path available ...

From these aspects, Fang Chong was even more curious about the purpose of the Zak people here.

With curiosity, Fang Chongying approached the tiger-shaped Zach who also found him ...


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