I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 360: Energy crystal ores?

Chapter 364: Energy Crystal Ores?


After seeing the tiger-shaped Zach completely in front of him, Fang Chong stopped and called. Tiger-shaped Zach is no stranger to Fang Chong until now. The weakness of Tiger-shaped Zack is his specialties. m Fang Chongdu knew everything.

This time when we see the tiger-shaped Zach, Fang Chong is no longer worried because the tiger-shaped Zach is the strongest of the ordinary primitive Zack.

As a Zak tribe that has been repeatedly killed by Fang Chong, Fang Chong's mental advantage is very sufficient.

However, unlike Fang Chong, Tiger Zach was the first time to see Fang Chong, or to be more precise, Fang Chong's appearance was the first time that Zach saw a human.

Although the existence of human-shaped Zach has appeared in their base, what exactly does Human-shaped Zach represent?

They do n’t know these primitive Zacks ...

All Fang Chong apparently saw a look of doubt in this tiger-shaped Zach's eyes.

This clearly shows that Tiger Zach is wondering whether Fang Chong is their kind ...

To Fang Chong's disappointment, however, the tiger-shaped Zack's cyanosis took only less than two seconds.

The tiger-shaped Zack that fluttered over God, and then looked at Fang Chong's eyes became less friendly ...

"Is identified?" Fang Chong's attention has been focused on Tiger Zach, who looks at the change in his eyes. Fang Chong always looks at him.

From the unscrupulous eyes of Tiger Zach, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to see that Tiger Zach has identified his identity.

However, after Fang Chong knew this, his mentality was still very peaceful.

For Fang Chong, there is nothing strange about being identified by the tiger-type Zach. Although he was spotted by the tiger-type Zach, Fang Chong's expression is still very relaxed.

The fighting ability of the tiger-type Zack may be a bit more troublesome for Fang Chong, but there is no problem in defeating it. In addition, Chong now descends to the third floor underground, not to visit the mountains and water.

If you want to have a harvest, killing these Zak people is the most basic, otherwise, how do you continue ...


"Roar ..." As Fang Chong thought, Tiger Zack announced with a huge hissing noise that he had found Fang Chong's identity.

The area of ​​the three-story passageway was originally small. Listening to such a roar, Fang Chong's expression sank slightly.

Although I am not afraid of this tiger-shaped Zach, such a roar from Tiger-shaped Zach will still cause a lot of trouble.

Fang Chong believes that in a few more minutes, the Zak people here on the third basement level will soon come together.

In the case of physical incomplete recovery, if there are too many Zak people, Fang Chong will still have a lot of pressure.

With such worries, Fang Chong was not prepared to consume this tiger-shaped Zack, and quickly solving the tiger-shaped thing was what he wanted to do.

Without a Zak, he will face much less pressure later.

After understanding this, Fang Chong's body moved.

After clicking on the ground with his toes quickly, Fang Chong's body has rushed out with a high frequency. The goal is of course to point to a tiger-shaped Zach less than 20 meters away.

With Fang Chong's strength, the distance of twenty years is just over a second.

At the moment when Fang Chong's body began to pop out, the blade was also detached from the sheath at the same time.

At Fang Chong's extremely high speed, the long sword turned into a stream of light, splitting from top to bottom towards the tiger-shaped Zach.

Where is the Zak's weakness? Fang Chong has the bottom of his heart, and he will burst out again and again and his strength is to kill with one hit ...

So Fang Chong's sword was very fast and saw this scene. Fang Chong himself was a little surprised.

It can be seen that Fang Chong's strength has been improved in the fierce battles in the past two days.

This kind of change is very rare, and at the same time, it gives Fang Chong a lot of confidence

The speed of the long sword without the slightest reservation of Fang Chong, the streamer formed by the long sword pointed at the head of the tiger-shaped Zach.

"Hmm ....."

A beep. The long sword slashed from the head of the tiger-shaped Zach from top to bottom.

Fang Chong's perfect sword was completely burst out at a speed that Zach could not have expected.

When Zach the Tiger did not respond, the sword had passed through his head.

"Bang ..." Tiger-shaped Zach fell down while Fang Chong retracted his sword.

Looking at the tiger-shaped Zach who could not die anymore, Fang Chong picked up his useful things and continued to move forward ...


Along the way, singing all the way, Fang Chong chose to take the initiative to attack. There were a lot of Zak people along the way, but it was no accident. After encountering Chong alone, no Zak could avoid the fate of being slaughtered.

It can be said that Fang Chong was completely massacre, naked massacre.

No new Zak people appeared. Fang Chong knew the weakness of these Zak people he had killed.

Basically it is said that in a single stroke, these Zachs who appeared alone were killed.

A great part of the reason for this success was that Fang Chong knew the weaknesses and deadly positions of these Zaks. At the same time, these Zaks that appeared later were all three floors below here. Like the tiger Zach, he made a fatal mistake, he did n’t know what Fang Chong was?

The moment of trembling was their deadly moment.

Fang Chong is a separatist. With such a good opportunity, Fang Chong may miss it there.

"It should be the last one, right?" Fang Chong had arrived at the third floor and then led to the passageway below. Fang Chong did not rush in this place after killing a Zak in the same way again Rushing away, he stopped in place, he knew what was underneath, and didn't want to risk it all at once.

Put yourself in danger, not Fang Chong's style ...

What surprised Fang Chong, however, was that he waited for a while here at the entrance of the passage. He did not see the appearance of a Zak, and continued to wait for a few minutes. Fang Chong finally decided ..

The Zak people at his feet should be the last one. Otherwise, might it be so peaceful now? Fang Chong shook his head, that was impossible.

Knowing that the zombies here on the third floor were killed by him, the corner of Fang Chong's mouth rose slightly, and everything went more smoothly than he thought.

There is no danger of the Zak people, Fang Chong knows that it is time for him to harvest.

Although the killing of the human-shaped Zak before, destroying the purpose of the Zak, these gains are not small, but the above two points, Fang Chong has not gained much in essence. It can be said that except for the reward points on the Mayan system , The substantial gain is almost zero ...

No benefit at all, but not the result Fang Chong wanted.

However, worried that there might be unexpected situations underground, and feeling the lack of physical strength, Fang Chong found a seemingly safe place on the third floor and sat down.

After determining that it was not so easy to be attacked by the Zak people, Fang Chong took out several bottles of genetic medicine.

If you want to restore physical strength quickly, genetic medicine and repairing genetic medicine are undoubtedly the best choice ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After drinking these bottles of genetic medicine, Fang Chong's eyes closed quickly.

Fang Chong wanted to quickly restore his physical strength, including his spirit ...

The time in silence always passed quickly, and Fang Chong sat for more than three hours as soon as he sat down.

After waking up, Fang Chong began to feel the difference in his body.

He didn't ask about Maya, so he didn't know how much he has changed now, but Fang Chong believed that it should be infinitely close to two hundred levels?

Feeling the state of vitality and the feeling of physical strength, Fang Chong's confidence increased greatly. For the underground of unknown conditions, Fang Chong did not have a slight worry, but instead had an extra expectation.

This is a confidence in strength.

After no other situation that requires careful attention, Fang Chong still held the sword in one hand and the sword in the other ...

Footsteps gently walk down the passage to the mine ...

While walking down the mine, Fang Chong was also paying attention to the surrounding environment.

At the beginning of the mine, the area of ​​the mine is not large, and the mine channels are almost the same as the passages on the third floor.



Fang Chong's footwork is not rushing. In the unknown environment, although Fang Chong's strength has been improved compared with the previous one, Fang Chong is still very careful. The phrase "a misstep has been hated for a long time."

Life is only once, and Fang Chong will not make jokes.

The environment of the mine tunnel, Fang Chong was watching while walking.

The top of the mine tunnel is basically the same as the buildings on the upper floors. They are inlaid on the top of the mine tunnel with energy crystal stones of similar volume. This method is very luxurious in Fang Chong's view. After all, energy crystals have a great effect Fang Chong believes that in the near future, he will need an absolutely huge number of energy crystal stones ...

That is, there is such a worry that Fang Chong will feel the luxury of the 'Zak people'.

While sighing the extravagance of this 'Zak tribe', Fang Chong was also curious in his heart. Where did these 'energy crystals' stones of 'Zak tribe' come from, why are there so many 'Zak tribe'?

Fang Chong knew that on the side of the 'Mayan Galaxy', there was an entire spaceship carrying 'energy crystals', and the area of ​​the spaceship was also very large. However, because of the large area, the speed of the spaceship was his lethality, so Although there is such a spaceship, the 'Mayan Galaxy' side will not choose to let this speed go with the spaceship.

Not to mention long-distance interplanetary flight.

Therefore, it is impossible for a spaceship full of energy crystals to come to Earth with the Zak people.

That is to say, now why the Zak people have so many energy crystals, Fang Chong dreams of wanting to know.

After thinking for a while, Fang Chong shook his head gently, and realized that things were not so simple to know, Fang Chong continued to move forward.

The mine tunnel is tortuous. This environment indirectly affects Fang Chong's speed.

Fang Chong did not know how long and how long he had gone, but one thing is certain is that the distance is definitely not short, but after all, it is a pity that after walking to this place, Fang Chong still did not find anything worthy of his surprise.

However, without a 'robot', Fang Chong knew that it was not the end.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong moved on. For a long time, he did not find the existence of the ‘Zak’, and Fang Chong ’s broken sword was put away.

"Touch, touch, touch ..."

After Fang Chong continued walking for hundreds of meters, he finally heard a sound that surprised him.

A sound of metal crashing into the rock came from deep in the mine tunnel ...

Hearing this voice, Fang Chong's face finally showed a happy look, can you see clearly what kind of minerals, can you not be excited?

After knowing the place not far away, Fang Chongqiang endured the excitement in his heart, and still hurried forward.

Fang Chong did not know if there really was no 'Zak' in this mine, and everything was done carefully. A distance of a few hundred meters can take a few minutes at most.

As Fang Chong's footsteps gradually approached, the rippling sound of the 'mineway' also became clearer.

Fang Chong arrived now, and he was absolutely sure of his destination.


"Hope or surprise ..." Fang Chong stopped at a place less than 50 meters away from the origin of the percussion sound. Fang Chong would be able to see a dozen miner-type robots here. .

Fang Chong is no stranger to this 'miner-type' robot, he now owns several.

However, at such a distance, it is still difficult for Fang Chong to see exactly what kind of ore these miner-type robots are beating.

However, looking far away, Fang Chong can still see some unusual performances.

That is, Fang Chong can see these ore mined by the `` miner type '' robot with a slight light, and it seems to be shining, the whole stone glows as soft white light as the top of the cave ...

Fang Chong didn't feel much at first, but when he thought about the ore mined by these 'miner-type' robots, the energy crystals on the top of the cave were almost the same. Fang Chong was surprised.

Fang Chong always thought that energy crystals could not appear on the earth, but from the current performance, Fang Chong's thinking was wrong.

Although Fang Chong didn't come closer to see it, he was already affirmed ...

Thinking of ‘energy crystal’, Fang Chong felt a rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath ...

If it is really the ore of the 'energy crystal', then the meaning is different.

The more Fang Chong wanted to become more excited, Fang Chong knew what the 'energy crystal' ore should mean to him now.

At least doubling the strength of the team is definitely more than ...

Taking a deep breath of the slightly smelly air, Fang Chong's footsteps quickly accelerated ...

After confirming that only the 'miner-type' robot exists, Fang Chong has completely relaxed his vigilance, not to mention the fact that the situation is different now. In the face of possible energy crystal mines, this reason is enough for Fang Chong to ignore many things.

When it comes to speed, distances of tens of meters are only a matter of seconds.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chong was already in the closest position to real mining ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After Fang Chong calmed his nervousness, he began to observe the ore scattered on the ground.

These slight gleams of bright ore, Fang Chong can faintly see through the stone skin, seeing the crystal-like inside, Fang Chong's mood calmed down and he was excited again.

That ’s right, it ’s the ‘energy crystal’. It ’s the ‘energy crystal’ that Fang Chong always thought could not exist on the earth ...

The appearance of this 'spar' can be said to be completely beyond Fang Chong's imagination. This time, he was accidentally interrupted and fell, which can be said to be lucky.

Not to mention that those future crises have been resolved before, and now that this ‘energy crystal’ mine is discovered, there is nothing more valuable than this ...

After taking another deep breath, Fang Chong immediately had the sword in his hand and slowly broke the stone skin above the ore.

Fang Chong was afraid of empty joy and had to be cautious.

With a tense mood, the long sword in Fang Chong's hands is like a carving knife of a stone carving artist, turning quickly on the stone, Fang Chong once again experienced the improvement of his body level, and he became more and more proficient at controlling the sword.

After a while, Fang Chong's ore blank, the size of a football, was completely cut off by Fang Chong, exposing the 'energy crystals' which occupied about half the volume of the ore blank.

Looking at the crystal ‘energy crystal’, Fang Chong finally laughed, but smiled very proudly ...

In order to further determine whether enough mines really produced ‘energy crystals’, Fang Chong laughed and picked up the blank of the second ore.

Looking at this equally bright ore, Fang Chong looked cautiously, while the long sword that was not put down in his hand once again danced on the ore.

With the excitement of the first piece, Fang Chong was completely sure that the second ore was an 'energy crystal' ~ www.readwn.com ~ The expression was very calm. After the second piece still did not disappoint Fang Chong, Fang Chong had already I believe this is really a mine of 'energy crystals'.

At the same time, this discovery also unlocked why Fang Chong had been wondering why the 'Zak people' had built such a building in this mountain forest.

Do n’t think about it now, it must be coming to this ‘energy crystal’ mine.

But did not expect to meet Fang Chong.

Fang Chong can say this time that he really "has no trouble at all" ...


Next, Fang Chong got up at full speed, peeled the stone skin from dozens of ore blanks on the ground, exposed the crystal clear 'energy crystals' inside, and put away. It can be said to be a bumper harvest ...

After doing this, Fang Chong observed the working condition of the miner-type robot. Fang Chong wanted to see how many ‘energy crystal’ rough stones can be mined by these 'miner-type' robots in one hour ...

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