I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 361: Western Mining Area

Chapter 361 Western Mining Area


But what made Fang Chong feel very bad was that after observing for several hours, the 'miner-type' robot found a rough piece of 'energy crystal' stone that was not much larger than a fist from the ore. m

It took Fang Chongneng's surprise and surprise that it took a few hours for more than a dozen 'miner-type' robots to mine a blank of such a large 'energy crystal' stone.

Many of Fang Chong's big dreams just now are shattered. Just now he was still thinking that if there were enough 'energy crystals' stones, in the future, if he exchanged things from the Maya system space, all the weapons that consumed energy crystals would be used, including the defense system of the 'Shanghai Stock Base'.

But everything I just saw till now, the beautiful imagination of surging Fang Chong was broken ...

The dream is very full, and the reality is still very skinny.

Shaking his head slightly, indicating that this reality was beyond his expectations, Fang Chong immediately looked away ...

If the crystal stone ore there can really mine so many 'energy crystals', I am afraid that the three underground storeys will be full, and it will be like this now, empty and still ...

At the same time, Fang Chong also thought that these energy crystal stones could be exchanged from the Maya system for the required reward points, the kind of "energy crystals" that need such a large 'reward point' to exchange, if it can be mined so easily, I am afraid May need so many 'reward points' to redeem ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's heart also balanced a lot.

Although this is a hang-up, it is undoubtedly a good way to reduce stress. Fang Chong is now in a much better mood than before ...


Knowing that the number of energy crystals could not be as much as he imagined, Fang Chong did not have much interest to stay in the mine. For the miner-type robots in mining, there was no order to stop them from mining. These Fang Chong can rest assured that a miner-type robot will never be lazy within the time of its working range.

As for the energy crystals mined by the miner-type robot in the future, as long as Fang Chong comes here for ten days and a half months to collect once, it is convenient to collect once here.

After arranging these things, Fang Chong did not forget to carefully inspect the three-storey underground warehouse, and cleaned the useful things inside. After making sure that nothing had fallen, Fang Chong did not take care of other things. Nothing happened.

It's been a few days since they came out, and they said they were going to the western mining area, but people are still halfway there.

Fang Chong thought of these somewhat helplessly shaking his head… /….

Thinking of these things, Fang Chong speeded up his feet, Fang Chong wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

With such an idea, Fang Chong no longer has to walk slowly like he did when he came, careful not to be found.

After swinging up and down, Fang Chong will walk much faster. It didn't take long for Fang Chongren to appear on the open space beside the building ...

Of course, when coming up from the underground, Fang Chong deliberately let Maya invade the entire building's system, and intentionally sealed the entrances and exits on the three basement floors. In the future, except for him, other creatures don't want to enter the three underground floors at all unless they re-dig an entrance ...

After making sure there were no gaps, Fang Chong took out the 'small energy car' from the storage space with confidence.

With an absolutely sufficient supply of energy crystals, Fang Chongke will not save any more.

To make Fang Chong even more happy, there is another point. After taking out the small energy car this time, the system on the small energy car has not been affected by the huge interference as before.

Without strong interference, flying was absolutely no problem.

Fang Chong can say that he is in a good mood. ,

Humming in a minor key, Fang Chong got on the 'small energy car' ...


"I didn't expect that the system of this" small energy car "was so sensitive ..." Fang Chong mentioned the speed of the "small energy car" to the highest. In this way, a lot of "energy crystals" are consumed, but the speed situation is also very high ... ...

Fang Chong sitting in the car felt it, but after a small energy car flew a distance, Fang Chong remembered something that was accidentally ignored by him.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's expression freezes at once, an ominous feeling emerges from Fang Chong's heart ...

When leaving the Shanghai base, Fang Chong promised Qin Lan Muge Ling Ya and their three daughters that he would live well and there would be no accidents on the road, but Fang Chong did not think of him. After leaving from Shanghai Stock Market, there will be so many things along the way.

Not only did all the accidents happen, Fang Chong promised the three women that nothing was done.

Fang Chong was most afraid that when he faced the three women in the future, if he promised again, the three women would surely give Fang Chong a response, and then, with a very glance at him, said slowly to Fang Chong. One sentence: "Stop by the words of the man, the sow will count on the piggy ...".

Thinking of the possible future reactions of the three women, Fang Chong felt a bit scalp, but these things that may happen in the future, Fang Chong knew that there was no way to change.

After thinking that she hadn't been contacted for a few days, Fang Chong knew that the three women must be very worried, and Fang Chong quickly pulled out the satellite phone from his pocket.

However, Fang Chong was a bit depressed. The source of the interference is not effective for small energy vehicles. However, the signal interference of satellite mobile phones is still very large. Fang Chong knew this from the satellite satellite.

He also understood why he didn't receive a call these days.

The signal is severely disturbed, and it is normal to not receive the call ...


Although Fang Chong knew what those reasons were, his frowning frown didn't mean to relax.

He is not worried now about how to be satirized by the three daughters in the future, but hopes that the three daughters will not do anything stupid before they can call him ...

Thinking of the personalities of the three women, Fang Chong's clearest feeling now is that his **** is cool ...

After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong continued to give orders to the intelligent system on the small energy car, asking him to leave this place at the most visible speed, and go to a place where the signal will no longer be disturbed ...

Now Fang Chong has no God, and his expression is dumb. If it wasn't for his eyes, the occasional worry appeared, it would be easy to think that Fang Chong was in a daze ...

As for the small energy car, with the continuous urging of Fang Chong, the speed of the car has been greatly improved. It only took a few minutes for the small energy car to completely leave the area around the building.

Watching the satellite phone recover the signal, while Fang Chongsong took a sigh of relief, Fang Chong quickly picked up the phone ...

After a crackling press on the alien cell phone, Fang Chong saw Fang Chong sitting on the seat of a small-capable car, as if dialing Qin Lan's phone, panting heavily ...

The satellite phone was redeemed by Fang Chong in the exchange area of ​​the Maya system. Although it is very suitable for the end-time environment, whether it is operation or waiting after dialing, it is much more trouble than before the end of the eruption.

Now Fang Chong is depressed, Fang Chong is anxious, can't wait to hear Qin Lan's voice immediately ...

But thinking about it, Fang Chong has to wait, Fang Chong has to wait ...

Time ticked away every second, and finally more than three minutes later, Qin Lan's satellite phone was connected.

Seeing China Unicom's success, Fang Chong quickly grabbed his mobile phone.

Shouted angrily. "Hey……"

While waiting just now, Fang Chong did not dare to re-handle the mobile phone. He was afraid that it would be troublesome to drop the mobile phone when he was nervous. His hand was shaking with a little trembling, Fang Chong waited quietly ...

But after I yelled, I heard a sound from the other side: "Beep .... beep ... beep ....."

Listening to the sound that kept him waiting, Fang Chongxin had some cool illusions, and he could even feel the trembling in his heart ...

Fang Chong was scared. Fang Chong was scared because he did not hear the voice of Qin Lan's three daughters.

The small energy vehicle also stopped in mid-air at this time. It was the Maya system that notified the small energy vehicle to stop feeling Fang Chong's current mood. For the first time, Maya did not know Fang Chong's next plan ...


"Beep .... beep ... beep ....."

Fang Chong was waiting in panic, and there was another beep from the satellite phone. Listening to these long sounds, Fang Chong could clearly feel that the heart seemed to be beating more slowly, and the body's blood was slowly stopping. general.

The side armrest of the seat was squeezed by Fang Chong's excessive force, and the armrest which was stiffer than stainless steel was squashed several times. This kind of performance is not difficult to see Fang Chong's current mood ...

However, after the beep from the satellite phone continued to beep for more than a minute, a female voice finally appeared ...

"Hey, who ..."

Listening to the girl's voice, Fang Chong's heart seemed to beeping and beating again.

Yes, Fang Chong is no stranger to this female voice. Although the conversion of sound in satellite phones and satellite phones will change slightly, Fang Chong is saying that it is impossible to know who this sound comes from.

From the first feeding of Fang Chong, I can hear that this slightly voice with a little bit of 是 is from Qin Lan, the very intellectual woman ...

"Qin Lan, it's me, are you all right?" Although Fang Chong kept suppressing the excitement in his heart, when speaking, Fang Chong couldn't help but cry ...

"Fang Chong?" After Qin Lan heard Fang Chong himself saying "Fang Chong", Fang Chong obviously felt that Qin Lan was holding back! In such a performance by Qin Lan, Fang Chong felt a moment of pain in his heart.

Fang Chong listened to Qin Lan's voice, and could clearly feel that Qin Lan had spent this day.

But for Fang Chongqing, Qin Lan's voice came out, which means that they are all okay, all is fine, for Fang Chong, it is the happiest thing ...

"Yes, it's me ..." Fang Chong also spoke after a slight pause, Fang Chong knew that Qin Lan now wanted some time to digest.

"Where have you been these days, why have we made countless phone calls and didn't respond ..." When Fang Chong's voice fell, Qin Lan did not let Fang Chong wait for the slightest this time, almost roaring towards Fang Chong with a roaring voice It is not difficult to hear how long Qin Lan's words have been suppressed in my heart ...

Fang Chong's heart was the sadness in Qin Lan's words ...

Fang Chong really wanted to immediately appear next to Qin Lan, holding Qin Lan tightly in his arms, Fang Chong knew that what he needed most now was a hug, a hug that could give him a sense of security ...

Qin Lan has to bear a lot of pressure these days. It must be very big. He knows that he can also imagine ...

Fang Chong thinks very well. Qin Lan has been under a lot of pressure these days. She not only has to endure the worry that Fang Chong hasn't seen, but also comforts two good sisters, including the fighters of the entire base ...

The current base of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is under construction, and Fang Chong's existence is the greatest confidence that everyone can build such a base. Qin Lan cannot imagine if she would tell the news of Fang Chong's disappearance. I am afraid that the construction of the entire 'Shanghai Stock Market' base will collapse in an instant ...

And when Yan Yanhuan did this, it was time for Qin Lan to cry in silence ...

Although she believed that Fang Chong had a reason, but Fang Chong had no news for so many days, and finally she was flustered ...

Similarly, she did not dare to see this 'satellite phone'. When she saw this 'satellite phone', Qin Lan would be very panic ...

She was afraid that when she called again, there was still a busy tone ...

But today this 'satellite phone' rang, although she had been expecting it every day before, but to this day, he is almost dead ...


"I ..." Fang Chong could not appear beside Qin Lan, so he could only let Qin Lan vent. Even if Qin Lan tried to stab him, he would not choose to evade. The fault was indeed in him.

If it wasn't for his intentions, he didn't care about them too much. Although the satellite mobile phone could not be used, Fang Chong also wanted the Mayan system. Now, over Huaxia, those satellites are under the control of Maya. Let Fang Chong think and let ' Maya's help sending a burst of voice software or text messages is not difficult,

As long as Fang respects them more and sends such text, they don't have to go through so many days.

Fang Chong is thinking more and more blame, many words want to say, but the words came to his lips, except for one word, Fang Chong could not speak ...

"Did you have any accidents ..." Fang Chong's hesitant voice, Qin Lan hurriedly asked, she had vented all the grievances.

Qin Lan knew in her heart that Fang Chong should have encountered some trouble, otherwise, it would not have been possible ...

Especially now, when she hears Fang Chong's tone, she is undoubtedly more affirming this ...

"It was a bit of trouble. The signal from the 'satellite phone' was interrupted because the signal was disturbed ..." Fang Chong was warm when he heard Qin Lan's vent, but he didn't want to tell those dangerous things Qin Lan had been worried for so long before, Fang Chong didn't want to tell what she had experienced these days, and let her listen to it, making her worry more fearful ...

"Shouldn't it be a little trouble, right?" Qin Lan himself expected it to be almost the same, especially when he heard Fang Chong's performance to hide ...

And if it is a little trouble, it is impossible for Fang Chong to solve such a long time ...

"Are you all okay?" He shifted a topic, and now he knows that the 'small energy car' is stopped. The question is to determine the direction of the 'small energy car' ....

"It's okay, you're okay, you're okay ..." Qin Lan said softly, his tone was not so helpless as before, and he was able to say to Fang Chong like this, he was very happy. At least, it ’s true for her ...

"Then I continue to go to the" Western Mining Area "and I will be able to return to" Shanghai Stock Market "in about two days ..." Fang Chong was able to hear the change of Qin Lan's tone. From the tone of Qin Lan, it is not difficult for Chinese Chong to hear. Things should not be particularly troublesome.

Knowing this, Fang Chong decided not to go back to the Shanghai Stock Exchange first, and to take a look elsewhere.

The 'special metal' thing can't be delayed ...

"Without accidents ..." Fang Chong said his next plan, and then added a sentence, Fang Chong did not know the distance from here to the "western mining area", will there be any accidents ... .

"Is it dangerous?" Qin Lan said.

"No, believe me, I can solve it ..." Fang Chong comforted Qin Landao, and now knowing that no one who cares most about him has any accidents, Fang Chong's confidence is now back.

To say that the two days is already Fang Chong's comparative insurance calculation. After all, if it goes well, one day is not impossible. The increase in the speed of the ‘small energy car’ can solve this to a great extent ...

"Well, www.readwn.com ~ I believe you, be careful ..." Qin Lan answered with a hint of worry.

But what Fang Chong wants to do, she won't stop ...

"I know ..." Fang Chong reluctantly put down the satellite phone.

Later, Fang Chong asked Maya to mark the seat of the former Zak building, so that he would not find a needle in a mountain in the forest ...

After doing this, Fang Chong let the 'small energy car' set off.

Goal, Western Mining ...


With the voice of Fang Chong's voice, the sound of the small energy puppet that was about to go away disappeared in situ. Now the speed of the small energy car's full explosion is close to the speed of sound ...

After more than an hour, the speed of the 'small energy car' slowly decreased, and at this time, it was also close to Fang Chong's destination. "Western mining area" ...

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