I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 362: Very rewarding

Chapter 362 Fruitful Harvest


For the western mining area, for Fang Chong, he is no stranger to these places he sees now. m

The system on the small energy vehicle, after determining the location, proceeded to its destination.

Yinna Mountain, the place where Fang Chong met the iron beast before, met Chong Shang for the first time and Qin Lan passed the mining area for special metals.

It's been a few months since the eyes were dazzling, and Fang Chong had to sigh that time had passed so quickly.

Looking at the same environment as yesterday, Fang Chong pinpointed the entrance to the mine for the first time.

After the distance got closer, Fang Chong came to the mining area and could already feel the existence of the Iron Beastmaster.

The relationship between the Iron Beastmaster and Fang Chong was originally a spiritual connection. Fang Chong arrived here and felt that the Iron Beastmaster was still alive and fluctuating. He was also relieved by some hesitation.

As his own domesticated beast, although the strength of the Iron Beast King is now unlikely to help Fang Chong, Fang Chong is still very happy.

Knowing that the Iron Beast King was in the mine well, Fang Chong was happy and relaxed a lot.

This incident indirectly shows that in the past few months, there have been no major events in this mining area. Not only Zak, zombies, and mutants have not appeared.

After all, as a mining area, the environment here is monotonous and desolate.

Fang Chong knew that this would be his word. He would not have come to such a place if he had not come here to fetch special metals. Such a place is no better than a mountain forest or a city.

But God is also fair. The mining area is desolate and the environment is bad, but it is safe. Fang Chong knows that the scope of the mining area is afraid that it is impossible to find other zombies or mutant creatures other than steel beasts. of.

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Knowing this, Fang Chong knew that the danger of encountering danger outside this place was really low, so he got off the small energy car.

After putting away the small energy car, Fang Chong also relocated the small energy car in the storage space.

After doing this, Fang Chong took the sword in one hand and broke the sword on his back. Fang Chong walked towards the entrance of the mine step by step.

After successfully leading to the entrance of the mine, Fang Chong did not intend to spend too much time in this place.

It is best to get special metals smoothly, but Fang Chong knows that in the last days, anything can happen. Fang Chong's own situation was not particularly worried. He was worried about going to Shanghai.

The situation over there, according to temporary conditions, is full of instability. "It's possible that anything can happen ..." This sentence is right.

What Fang Chong is most worried about now is that when the base is not completely built, he will encounter a zombie riot or the trouble of siege of mutant creatures is the real trouble.

And Fang Chong is also worried that Shanghai's central location has more powerful zombies than Terminator.


Fang Chong was most worried about the existence of their team, coupled with the fighting power of Huang Qianchuan including Qin Lan and Song Ming, and they encountered zombies and mutated besiegers. There is no need to worry about it.

However, there may be the Destroyer, which is where Fang Chong has been assured.

How powerful the Destroyer is, Fang Chong does not know, but as the highest person standing in this category of zombies, Fang Chong knows that the Destroyer's fighting power cannot be weak, and his strength must be more than 300 ....

Fang Chong's most annoying now is to hear the word 300, exceeding 300, which means that Fang Chong's odds are very low. If there are more than 300, Fang Chong basically has no chance, even It may even cost you life ...

Fang Chong? Although Song Ming ’s strength had already broken through the 200th level before Fang Chong set out to the western mining area, Song Ming was not Fang Chong. Even if his strength had broken through the 200th level, he had to overcome the destruction of strength exceeding 300th level. It ’s really difficult, to be honest, Fang Chong feels no chance ....

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"It's still important to take the special metal first. Thinking about this now is a waste of time ..." After Fang Chong didn't think of a proper idea, he shook his head gently, left these messy ideas behind his head, and continued. The entrance to the mine.

It is not unreasonable for Fang Chong to think this way. The Destroyer is powerful or not. He doesn't know now, and people are here in the western mining area, and in Shanghai City, one in the east and one in the west. The distance spans almost the entire Huaxia.

Fang Chong knew that if Qin Lan had really encountered the Destroyer, he would not be able to help a little here.

All, consider the Destroyer, and arrange the back battle for Qin Lan ...

These thoughts were completely nonsense, nonsense, and clear in my heart, Fang Chong even decided to quickly get the special metal he wanted, and then rushed back.

He was slowly praying in his heart, praying that everything went well, they successfully obtained the special metal they had dug out, and the destroyer did not appear so quickly.

While silently praying in his heart, Fang Chong quickly walked down the mine tunnel.

Here in the mine tunnel, Fang Chong's familiar feeling returned.

However, after so many months, in order to avoid conflict with Iron Beast, Fang Chong began to try to contact the Iron Beast King after Fang Chong entered the mine ....

Soon, the Iron Beast King responded. After Fang Chong waited for a while, the large Iron Beast King appeared in front of Fang Chong. When he saw Fang Chong, Fang Chong was so surprised that the Iron Beast King was like a puppy In the same way, lying on Fang Chong's side to please.

Looking at the Iron Beast King, Fang Chong didn't know what to say.

But it feels very kind.

With the Iron Beastmaster coming out, Fang Chong and him for a while, let the Iron Beastmaster lead the way.

Fang Chong always remembers the important thing of special metals ...

"In the recent period, hasn't there been any dangerous situation in this area of ​​the mining area?" Fang Chong walked in front of the Iron Beast King, talking to the Iron Beast King while looking at whether the mine tunnel has changed.

As a tamer of steel, Fang Chong was able to talk to the Beastmaster of Steel without having to say anything.

"Master, the mine is very peaceful here, exactly the same as a few months ago ..." I heard Fang Chong asked, and the Iron Beastmaster also learned to talk to Fang Chong in the same way ...

"Oh." Fang Chong was not so surprised. The calm situation was as expected by Fang Chong.


Soon, Fang Chong and the Beastmaster of Iron and Steel appeared at a place about 100 meters underground. What Fang Chong had not imagined was that the 100 meters underground had actually dug out a large hole with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

Such a cave looks comfortable.

Not only that, Fang Chong saw several small doors on the side of the cave.

The Iron Beastmaster standing next to Fang Chong certainly saw a different expression on Fang Chong's face. Knowing that Fang Chong was curious, he quickly brought Fang Chong to the entrance of these small doors.

"What's inside?" Fang Chong didn't expect the huge size of the Iron Beast King, and his mind was so delicate ...

With doubt, Fang Chong looked at the Iron Beastmaster and asked.

"The purpose of the host here is here ..." The Iron Beastmaster quickly resolved Fang Chong's doubts.

"Is it special metal storage ..." After hearing the Iron Beastmaster saying his destination, Fang Chong quickly thought of the words special metal.

"Yes ..." The Iron Beastmaster nodded.

"Great ..." Fang Chong didn't expect to come to his destination so easily. The worried expression on his face was swept away, which would be a slight smile.

Knowing that the door was his purpose, Fang Chong did not wait for the lead of the Beastmaster of Iron. As soon as he was in shape, he was at the entrance of several small doors. The small door was just a door frame. After Fang Chong came to the entrance of the small door, he looked at the contents inside the door blankly.

There are many types of special metals. Fang Chong didn't know it at this time. If he hadn't had the Mayan system, he would have collapsed ...

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Looking at the metal blocks of different colors and shapes, Fang Chong's heart beats violently.

Fang Chong had thought that the Iron Beastmaster could dig out so many special metals here, but when he saw so many, Fang Chong was still deeply shocked.

Several rooms were packed with special metals. Although many of them were not very special, similar to iron fines, these were very rare.

After the iron eruption erupted in the end, a large amount of iron ore appeared in high-purity iron ore, but although the iron ore stock is huge, but its role is not small, Fang Chong knows that many weapons and embryos require iron Main, because iron is hard enough, and easy to fuse with other kinds of special metals.

Therefore, combined with sitting down, the role of iron essence should not be underestimated.

Fang Chong is getting more and more excited. After all, many special metals that are hard to see are here, and the iron beasts have also arrived. Fang Chong really ca n’t believe how it was in just a few months to sit down and see the iron beast. Do these.

Although Fang Chong, the special metal detection cat, was not taken away when Fang Chong left before, but a cat alone wants to reach this level? Fang Chong knew that it was impossible at all. Mining Fang Chong was no stranger. He had dug, and it was more difficult to dig special metal ores.

Because the hardness, weight, and density of special metals are not comparable to other types of ordinary metals.

These steel beasts can dig out so many special metals. Fang Chong believes that they must have spent a lot of time and effort.

Fang Chong thought of this. Although the Iron Beast was not a human, Fang Chong still felt a bit guilty. He gave the order ...

"I don't have to work so hard in the future ..." Fang Chong felt a bit in his heart, his heart moved, Fang Chong's voice appeared in the mind of the Iron Beastmaster.

"Does the owner care about us?" Listening to Fang Chong's words of concern, the Iron Beastmaster staggered for a moment, and after a while shaking God, the Iron Beastmaster asked in amazement.

After being tamed by Fang Chong, the intelligence of the Iron Beastmaster has now far exceeded the ordinary Iron Beast many times.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded. He didn't know what the Iron Beast King asked about it, but he did care about these Iron Beasts.

Although steel beasts are also mutant creatures, they are just like herbivores before the end of the last days, they will not cause harm to humans at all, so Fang Chong does not want these steel beasts to be harmed.

"Master rest assured, we are sure ..." After getting the affirmation of Fang Chong, the Iron Beast King was obviously excited. With a certain amount of intelligence, the Iron Beast King now looks just like a child. Fang Chong thought He's too big a word, fearing it might jump up.

Fang Chong looked at the current appearance of the Iron Beast King with a certain look. Fang Chong said nothing. After looking back from the Iron Beast King, Fang Chong's attention was still on special metals.


It can be said that the number of special metals is limited, Fang Chong saw Fang Chong's hugeness, knowing that these were all hard-earned by steel beasts. Fang Chong was not very polite. When he moved, he had already entered the room and slowly Classification.

Different special metals have different effects and need to be used in different quantities. Fang Chong now wants to separate these special metals into categories and then store them in storage space.

In the future, when these special metals are needed, it will be more convenient.

With such an idea, Fang Chong started.

Fang Chong's speed is not slow, but there are a lot of helpless special metal ores. In addition, there are many types of these special metals. Many special metals that look similar in appearance from the outside have different effects and effects.

Fortunately, Fang Chong owns the Maya system, and when Fang Chong often has no idea of ​​himself, he can only rely on Maya.

After Fang Chong separated all the special metals, it was evening.

Feeling exhausted, Fang Chongshen prepared to spend an extra day here in the western mining area.

In Fang Chong's view, things cannot be so coincidental. It is impossible for him to stay for another day, and the Shanghai base will be attacked fiercely.

Fang Chong did not believe in such a coincidence, so he forced his spirit and collected the special metal that occupies most of the room.

Mark well, when Fang Chong finished all the work, time had passed more than two hours.

"Hello, finally ..." Fang Chong straightened his waist and sighed deeply after taking up the last piece of special metal.

Fang Chong feels more tired than killing this kind of work of remembering things. This kind of work is not only physical exhaustion but also mental exhaustion.

After completing these tasks, Fang Chong felt more tired after slackening. Funk Chong sat on the ground and fell asleep without knowing it.

To be honest, Fang Chong has not had a good night's rest because of too many things happening these days. Although his physical level is strong and it doesn't matter whether he rests or not, the effect is really obvious if he can really relax.

After all, human habits want to quit? It's impossible at all. Take Fang Chong as an example, it is absolutely impossible for him to quit such a habit ...


There was no speech overnight, and it was already the next morning when Fang Chong regained consciousness.

There was no sunlight in the mine. Fang Chong knew that time was reminded by Maya. When he woke up, Fang Chong habitually stretched his waist. This feeling of sleep was very good, and Fang Chong was also yearning for it.

Feeling energetic and full of energy, Fang Chong immediately stood up. The most important thing of special metal has been completed. Fang Chong's trip to the western mining area can achieve the western purpose.

If it weren't for the possible situation on the Shanghai Stock Exchange side, Fang Chong might have stayed here for a few more days in the western mining area and looked around to see if anything more dangerous appeared in the western plateau.

But it's almost impossible now.

After standing up, the Iron Beast King who also slept next to Fang Chong yesterday also woke up and saw that Fang Chong was about to leave. The huge body of the Iron Beast King shook his head and stood up with a look of perseverance.

Fang Chong knew that the Iron Beastmaster was not a pretender. After getting along again, Fang Chong knew that the Iron Beastmaster had a very simple character. In addition, his intelligence reached only the level of a child, and he would not fake.

Fang Chong looked at the intimate look of the Iron Beastmaster, stretched out his hand with a smile, and touched his head.

"Xiaotie, I have to leave here first, and wait to see you when I have time ..." Fang Chong comforted the Iron Beast King like a child.

"..." The Iron Beastmaster did not speak, but his eyes were slightly red, and Fang Chong could see his reluctance ...

Fang Chong looked at such a steel beast king, and he was very touched. He even thought that if all the mutant creatures in the last days were as simple as the steel beast king ...

However, Fang Chong knows that this kind of thing is just he thinking about it. In fact, mutant creatures are even more brutal ...

One of the good things is that steel beasts are all underground, and the metal elements of food will not conflict with other mutant creatures. Otherwise, these steel beasts are long gone. Www.readwn.com With the cuteness of the Iron Beastmaster, Fang Chong does not want it to be bullied again ...

With this idea, Fang Chong began to ask Maya.

The answer given by Maya to Fang Chong is the Zak genes. If the Iron Beastmaster can incorporate the Zak genes, becoming strong is a matter of minutes, just like drinking water ...

With such feasibility, Fang Chong took out the extracting machine for the gene medicine, and at the same time took out a piece of muscle meat obtained from the unicorn Zach and put it on the machine.

Within a short time, a bottle of the unicorn Zach's genetic medicine came out.

Fang Chong was hesitant after holding this bottle of genetic medicine. Would you like to gamble and let the Iron Beast King drink it?

According to Maya, the Iron Beast King is the king of Iron Beasts. The body structure is different from other ordinary Iron Beasts. There is no problem in resisting ...


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