Chapter 363 Return


"It's no problem to resist ..." Fang Chong listened to this sentence, knowing that there is no system to say it is not unreasonable, but this sentence only implies Fang Chong, even if the Iron Beastmaster takes this Fang Chong from a single The genetic medicine obtained by Zach still has some risks. The so-called ability to resist can only indicate that the risk is relatively low ...

It is Fang Chong who knows these things and is so entangled. m

If Fang Chong had been experimented with the Beastmaster of Steel before yesterday, Fang Chong might not be so embarrassed.

But when I saw the Iron Beast King again yesterday, Fang Chong could feel that the Iron Beast King had changed. Now the Iron Beast King no longer looks like a mutant creature. In more cases, it is like a child, a naive and lively child. .

After Fang Chong had such an illusion, if he wanted Fang Chong to make up his mind to experiment with this Beastmaster again, Fang Chong could not do it.

Although Fang Chong wanted to make this Iron Beast King stronger, Fang Chong couldn't do it without any certainty ...

I have experienced a lot of life and death, but Fang Chong has to see this steel beastmaster burst into front of him, Fang Chong really can't do it, and he doesn't want to see it.

Fang Chong more and more thought, the idea of ​​not wanting the Iron Beastmaster to take this genetic medicine became stronger. Silently, Fang Chong put the bottle in the ground.

He really needs to think about it.

Let's say Fang Chong does not want to see how powerful the gene medicine extracted from the Zak people is. That is absolutely false, but now Fang Chong really wants to take the Iron Beast King as a test product, Fang Chong is very confused ...

Fang Chong sat helplessly on the ground, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes. Now he really needs to think about it.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After Fang Chong closed his eyes, the Iron Beastmaster not far away from him, at this time the eyes had opened, and at the same time, he carefully dragged his huge body to approach Fang Chong's side.

After approaching Fang Chong's side, the Iron Beastmaster stretched out his huge claws and gently reached Fang Chong's bottle just on the ground.

Finally, without Fang Chong's knowledge, he opened the bottle sparsely with his big claws, then raised his head, and put the liquid in the bottle into his mouth ...

In this way, Fang Chong has been wondering whether to let the Iron Beast King take the unicorn Zack's genetic medicine. Without Fang Chong's knowledge, the genetic medicine has been drunk by the Iron Beast King himself.

One-cornered Zach's gene medicine is not much extracted, and the body of the Iron Beast King is so large, even if it is ten times more gene medicine, he will drink it in one bite.

Fang Chong was thinking, what would happen if the Iron Beast King drank the genetic medicine of this Zak tribe? What about humans?

Fang Chong urgently needed to know.

In addition to Fang Chong who now has dozens of genetic drugs from the Zak ethnic group, the more important point is that humans don't have many strong people now.

Take Fang Chong's own team, except for a few thousand people, except for more than ten strengths close to one hundred and fifty, they are all close to one hundred, one hundred or more, or simply one hundred or less ...

To this day, there are still thousands of people who have not reached level 50 ...

For these reasons, Fang Chong had this urgent idea and wanted to use all the resources available to him.

It ’s not far away. Just a few days ago, although the number of dozens of Zak people Fang Chong met was not large, the emergence of Zak people on a large scale has shown that things have gone in a bad direction. Now maybe The real problem is not particularly big, but what about the future? Fang Chong couldn't say at the same time, at the same time, nobody could say ...

But the appearance of the humanoid Zack, Fang Chong had to ring the alarm himself,

The human-shaped Zach no longer belongs to the range of ordinary primitive Zak. As an evolved Zak tribe, Fang Chong needs more to worry about.

If such evolutionary Zaks appear on a large scale, then they are in danger. These are not jokes.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong took a breath of air.

The dangerous journey may have just begun.


"Let the Iron Beastmaster choose for himself?" When Fang Chong was unsure, Maya's voice sounded in Fang Chong's mind. Maya's role now is more like a military division.

"Let him choose?" Fang Chong knew that Maya's method was a good way, but could the child-like intelligence of the Iron Beastmaster make a good choice himself?

They know how to mine, and the enemies are right, but this situation is an instinct, not to say how intelligent the Iron Beasts are.

Fang Chong knew this, so he hesitated. Fang Chong was not sure if the choice of the Iron Beastmaster would be what he wanted ...

"Mutant creatures are no longer ordinary creatures. They are very clever, successful or not, whether they are good for them, and their instincts are very clear ..." Seeing Fang Chong still hesitating, Maya continued to explain.

For mutants, Maya knows more than Fang Chong many times ...

"Really?" Of course, Fang Chong could hear what Maya said. He also wanted to make a decision quickly, but it was really difficult to make this choice ...

But at a time when Fang Chong had a hard time choosing.

The sound of "Dang Dang" awakened Fang Chong from the state of wandering.

Fang Chong's expression was a little nervous when he heard such a sound of broken glass.

But when he saw what was broken, his expression was even more surprised.

The broken thing was the bottle in which he had the unicorn Zach's genetic potion.

The bottle is broken, the problem is not big, the problem is that the bottle is broken, why the ground is not wet, where is the unicorn Zach's genetic medicine? The answer that everyone wants to know now is this.

"Where's the genetic medicine?" Fang Chong asked a little question.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Did it be drunk by the Iron Beastmaster?" Fang Chong's gaze stayed on the Iron Beastmaster after thinking nothing.

The sleeping appearance of the Iron Beastmaster caused Fang Chong's suspicion.

The Iron Beastmaster is not so tired, it is impossible to sleep so dead, and even if he is tired and sleep dead, it is impossible to know after the glass bottle is broken.

From these signs, including how the Iron Beast King is sleeping now, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to see: "One-cornered Zac's genetic potion is what the Iron Beast King drank ..." Thinking of this, Fang Chong's heart bewildered.

Although the Iron Beastmaster has drank the genetic medicine, if he wants to change, it is impossible to change.

No need to think about what can be exchanged there for what is called antidote.

As a genetic medicine, after drinking it, it will almost instantly start to fuse with the genes in the user's body. Therefore, the moment when you drink the genetic medicine, it basically means that there is no way to change it.

For the user, there are only two possibilities to face. Either the fusion succeeds or the fusion fails, and the fusion person explodes and ...

"It looks like it drank it ..." Fang Chong had not recovered from the shock, and Maya's voice appeared in Fang Chong's ears again. "Drink, just like you said, it's up to you ..."

"Listening to Heaven?" Fang Chong sorted out his clothes. He understood that what he could do now was to listen to Heaven ...

No more words, Fang Chong squatted down on the ground, carefully watching the body of the Iron Beastmaster,

Now that it has reached this point, Fang Chong no longer needs to worry about anything. There is nothing to worry about.

After squatting beside the Iron Beastmaster, Fang Chong's expression appeared dignified.

There is a slight twitch in the huge body of the Iron Beast King ...

Seeing such a scene, Fang Chong's heart hung up. This twitch showed that the degree of gene fusion was not perfect. ,

However, Fang Chong was worried that within a minute, the Iron Beastmaster's slightly convulsed body would be calm again.

This is a good sign ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After the situation of the Iron Beastmaster changed again and again for dozens of times, it finally stopped turbulent.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Fang Chong saw that the Iron Beastmaster's body seemed to shrink? This unexpected change, Fang Chong could not help rubbing his eyes and found that it was true, Fang Chong stopped.

"Nima? What's the situation?" Fang Chong growled.

The Iron Beastmaster took the unicorn Zach's genetic medicine. After the successful fusion, the body actually shrinks? Fang Chong was shocked by this change ...

There may be no problem with the huge body of the Iron Beastmaster, but if this happens to humans? What will happen? Fang Chong did not dare to imagine ...

A man who was originally one meter seven suddenly became only one meter five, or even less than one meter five. What would be the reaction?

Fang Chong believes that if this kind of thing happened to him, he would definitely collapse by himself ...

"Isn't the Iron Beast King successfully integrated?" After Fang Chong's attention returned to the Iron Beast King, a series of question marks popped up in his heart.

It never seemed to happen.

"No, it should be successful. The physique of the mutant organism should be different from that of humans ..." Fang Chong then shook his head and denied his idea.

After all, this is the first time a mutant organism has taken a genetic agent.

The body structure of mutant organisms is originally different from humans, and it is not impossible to have different changes ...



"Maya, the Iron Beastmaster's body has shrunk?" After Fang Chong shook the **** from shock, he hurried to verify with Maya. He didn't know whether his guess was correct.

To Fang Chong, Maya might be able to give him the answer he wanted.

This unexpected change, Fang Chong is very much in need of an answer now, otherwise, what will happen in the future? Fang Chong didn't know ...

If a person merges the Zak genetic medicine, his body will shrink, and no one is willing to try it no matter how powerful it is.

Although it is the last days, this change in shape is still unacceptable.

Especially female survivors, this change is absolutely impossible for them to change, unless those girls who are over eighteen meters tall, in the eyes of the girls, want them to become shorter, might as well take her life ...

"Well, it has shrunk ..." Maya nodded, but her tone was calm, as if she didn't look strange.

"Not strange?" Fang Chong asked strangely, but the tone of Maya made him feel much calmer. Maya did not show a surprised expression, indicating that Maya should know the reason.

"After the Iron Beast King's fusion of the unicorn Zach's genetic medicine, the body shrinks. The big reason is that many substances in the Iron Beast King's body are dragged down. In the genetic inheritance of the Zach tribe, it is absolutely not allowed to drag down. Therefore, the Iron Beast King fuses the Zak tribe's genetic medicine, and he is the dominant player in control, but the Zak gene inheritance still changes the Iron Beast King ’s subconscious, so the body shrink is inevitable ... "Maya did not let Fang Chong disappoint, The answer was quickly said ...

"Genetic inheritance?" Fang Chong understood, and the answer was this, he was relieved.

After listening to what I didn't say, when Fang Chong looked at the Iron Beast King again, he really felt that the appearance of the Iron Beast King was more matched. Compared with the previous figure, he was bloated, bulky, and had an inexplicable beauty ...

Looking at the bulging muscles of the Iron Beast King's limbs, Fang Chong knew that now the explosive power of the Iron Beast King, including the power of the unicorn Zach's genetic medicine, should be greatly improved.

It is certain that the strength will exceed one hundred, or that Fang Chong who has reached two hundred will not feel strange ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The mutant creature is such a reason, but what about humans?" Fang Chong knew that the change in the shape of the Iron Beast King was this reason, and his heart was quite relaxed, but after thinking about the situation of humans, Fang Chong's face was still a touch. Dignity, human change produces what Fang Chong is most worried about.

"Similarly, after human beings have incorporated the Zak genetic medicine, the body will show an explosive form of Fang Chong, and the body will become uniform ..." Maya nodded, and he did not think whether such an answer was satisfactory. .

"Is this the same?" Fang Chong understood, but this situation was still within his acceptable range.

Fang Chong knew that the state in Maya's mouth should be the most suitable state for humans to burst out of power.

In other words, once humans have incorporated the Zak genetic medicine, Fang Chong's body shape is strong. He is still talking about Song Ming and others. The roots will not change much, but for others, Somewhat troublesome, but the benefits are many ...

Fat people don't have to worry about being too fat. People who are too thin can recover quickly.

"Yeah ..." Maya nodded.

"That's okay ..." After Fang Chong knew all the reasons, he didn't talk to 'Maya' for a long time before exiting the internal space of the system.

When Fang Chong's consciousness returned, the "Iron Beastmaster" lying on the ground also opened his eyes leisurely ...

Seeing Fang Chong's familiar face, ‘Iron Beastmaster’ had begun to stand up.

He doesn't know what has changed in his body for the time being, but looking at Fang Chong's expression, he has a little more joy ...

"Xiaotie, how do you feel?" Fang Chong asked ‘Steel Beastmaster’. Fang Chong did n’t yet know how powerful ‘Steel Beastmaster’ was now.

"Very well, after the body shrinks, it becomes more flexible ..." the Iron Beastmaster replied.

"Oh… .." Fang Chong heard this and fully understood that ‘Maya’ had n’t lied to him before, and the explosive power of the Iron Beastmaster is now much stronger than before….


"Iron Beastmaster" is okay, and it has become very powerful. Fang Chong is also assured of solving the 200-level strength. Today, for Fang Chong, the meaning is quite simple.

Not only the Iron Beast King, it's okay. After successfully integrating the Zak tribe's gene agents, now Fang Chong also knows that the Zak tribe's gene agents are extremely significant for humans, compared to other agents. , More than double the power.

Take the Iron Beast King as an example. Before taking the Zac's genetic medicine, the strength was less than a hundred levels, but after dozens of minutes, the strength of the Iron Beast King has more than doubled. From the "Iron Beast King" who is less than a hundred levels, he has the ability to compare with the ordinary mutant creature king.

Can this change not be strong?

After the answer is no, Fang Chong will no longer have to worry about these 'steel beasts' living in the mining area. They are guarded by the 'steel beast king', unless they are the 'Zak'. Otherwise, the general mutant creature is not Will go to fight with the "Iron Beastmaster".

Knowing this, Fang Chong left all the way, feeling good.

Without any obstacles, Fang Chong took the speed of the 'small energy car' to the extreme after he got on the small-capacity vehicle. Fang Chong is now returning to his heart, and what he is most worried about is the safety on the Shanghai Stock Exchange ... .

Fang Chong always has a strong illusion today. uukanshu. com feels that there is something happening in Shanghai.

The speed of the small energy vehicle is still fast. Fang Chong's deadly energy-reducing crystal stones are piled up. Now Fang Chong's most hope is fast. The speed of the ‘small energy vehicle’ can be faster ....

…………………………………………………………………… ..

Finally, in the evening, Fang Chong, who was sitting on a small energy vehicle, was already able to see the high-rise buildings of Shanghai.

Seeing "Shanghai Stock Market" is right in front of her, Fang Chong feels more relaxed ...

Without feeling the slightest waste of time, Fang Chong rushed directly to the base of the location of the 'third ring line'.

However, after the ‘Small Energy Vehicle’ flew low, the intensive gunfire came from Fang Chong ’s face ....


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