I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 364: Zombie Siege

Chapter 364 Zombie Besieged City


"What happened?" Fang Chong listened to the intense gunfire and his face was very ugly. In Fang Chong's view, what he was most worried about happened. m

The direction from the sound of dense guns Fang Chong can clearly identify, the source is the direction of the third line of the ring road.

From that place, Fang Chongke didn't think it was Qin Lan who was doing the exercises. Except that there were not so many guns and ammunition, the loud noise would attract a lot of zombies, including mutant creatures. Fang Chong knew that they were clear .

This possibility is impossible, and there is only one explanation.

Zombie siege.

"Hope is just beginning?" Fang Chong couldn't help praying when he knew it was the possibility.

If the Zombie Siege had just begun, the damage to the base would not have been much, but for a long time, Fang Chong was afraid of going to ruins when he got there.

Those scenes were unwilling to see Fang Chong, could not help but Fang Chong increased the speed of small energy vehicles, Fang Chong really wished to be there soon.

Under the crazy flight of a small-capacity vehicle, the sound of explosions entering Fang Chong's ears is getting louder and louder. Listening to the dense sound of guns, Fang Chong knows that the situation must be very critical, otherwise Such dense guns are enough to raz the surrounding buildings to the ground.

Worried in his heart, Fang Chong looked down through the window of the small energy car.

I don't know, but I extended my head to see the road below. After the street situation, Fang Chong felt cold hands and feet.

Fang Chong realized what it was called a densely populated city.

Fang Chong may not know this before the end of the world, but now in Shanghai, the situation seen from the air shows everything.

The dense crowd of zombies surrounded the road and the street called the flood, and Fang Chong looked at this amazing number of zombies, afraid that there would be no more than 10 million and more than 1 million?

When Fang Chong saw these scenes, he felt a little bit heavier. He knew that the zombies in Shanghai should choose to throw all their money. These zombies should be the zombies that gathered the whole Shanghai.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's expression is very heavy, how to do well in the end, Fang Chong has no bottom now.


Their current team is only over 6,000 people. Although Fang Chong left the Shanghai Stock Exchange as early as the construction of the fortifications was completed, the lack of manpower is definitely the most difficult variable they can hold.

Sixty to million? This ratio is about one to one hundred.

Moreover, the number of zombies is more than one million. Fang Chong is not sure.

According to reasonable circumstances, Fang Chong's battle will undoubtedly be undoubted.

Fang Chong's mind was filled with these messy thoughts. After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong shook his head and was infinitely close to the ring road industrial park, which is near the base they established in Shanghai. Fang Chong directly ordered the small The energy vehicle flew low, and at the same time, the combat system on the small energy vehicle was activated.

The number of zombies is too large. Fang Chong knows that even if he is now attacking the base, the role he can play is minimal. After all, the weapons for long-range attacks are those. Fang Chong can control at most one or two guns. Artillery, the fortifications of the base are now facing such a big test. The results of more shots and less shots are the same.

Knowing this, Fang Chong temporarily changed his mind.

Small energy vehicles now face such a large number of zombies siege. The biggest advantage is that small energy vehicles can fly and can fly, that is to say directly, Fang Chong drives a small energy vehicle without having to attack from a long distance, and can fly at full speed. On the head of the zombie, as long as it is guaranteed that the zombie attack cannot reach.

After turning into a close-range attack, Fang Chong knew that this attack had a high hit rate and the effect was good.

In addition, the attack system of the small energy vehicle is also not vegetarian. It may not have any effect on the Zaks, but the effect on the zombies should be better than he imagined.

However, in the end how powerful, Fang Chong did not think about it, the small energy car at this time has begun to prepare according to his orders.

About ten meters from the road, Fang Chong ordered the small energy vehicle to stop in the air.

Ten meters away, Fang Chong believed that zombies could not be attacked.

Of course, the premise is that they did not meet the Terminator or the Destroyer ...

Otherwise, it is not a problem that Fang Chong who wants to attack to about ten meters with the height of the terminator is five meters, and the terminator is so powerful that it is not impossible to pick up a car as a weapon.

Thinking of the existence of the Terminator, including the Destroyer, Fang Chong's vigilance increased a bit.


"After the attack system is started, please lock the target and choose the attack weapon ..." After Fang Chong cleared up a bit of nervousness, the intelligent system of the small energy vehicle sent a voice prompt.

"Zombies on the target street, weapons ..." Fang Chong received a language upgrade, his expression suddenly excited, and after confirming his goal, Fang Chong was a bit embarrassed in the choice of weapons.

Fang Chong saw several weapons appearing on the screen, but they were mainly based on energy attacks, such as energy cannons, energy concentrators, energy grenades ...

Looking at these weapons, Fang Chongyi did not know for a time that he would choose the same weapon that he felt for the first time.

"Please choose a weapon ..." After seeing Fang Chong didn't leave the choice, more than a minute later, the system on the small energy vehicle once again issued a voice prompt.

"Attack weapons, firing energy cannons ..." Fang Chong chose one casually. Anyway, there is time. Trying the same slowly is not a problem at all.

And from Fang Chong's point of view, they are all weapon energy transformed by energy crystals, and the attack power should be almost the same ...

"The system locks the target, the weapon fires energy cannons ..." Fang Chong's voice fell, and the small-capacity vehicle entered the automatic state.

After five seconds, Fang Chong felt only a small vibration of the small energy car, while at the same time, silver and white light shot from the small energy body ...

Subsequently, the streets occupied by zombie mutants were densely popped.

After the light disappeared, the pits appeared on the street. Almost all the zombies that existed around it have evaporated., ...

Seeing dozens of stone pits on the street, Fang Chong was surprised.

He will finally know what a burst energy cannon is.

Fang Chong knew that under this round of attacks, no less than a thousand zombies should have died in this round of small energy vehicles.

Looking at such an exaggerated attacking force, Fang Chong's face was filled with a smile. From now until now, Fang Chong felt that Tianming was not without the possibility of victory.

Fang Chong did not expect that the attack power of small energy vehicles could be so powerful.

But now that I know, Fang Chong no longer wastes time, and directly passes the launch right into the hands of the small energy vehicle system.

Fang Chong's request is very simple, that is, to lock the zombies most densely.

The zombies that can kill the largest number can attack.

More than half an hour later, no less than 20,000 zombies died under the attack of a small energy vehicle.

This huge number caused a vacuum zone to appear temporarily on the ring road in front of the base.

Although Fang Chong did not return to the base, he believed that after killing so many zombies, the pressure on the base should be a lot easier at this time.

However, Fang Chong still did not dare to relax in the slightest. On the front side, a vacuum zone appeared temporarily in the zombies, but the pressure in other places should be very high.

Knowing this, Fang Chong shifted the sensory position of the small energy car.


"That's it?" Fang Chong's exaggerated attack did not attract the attention of the base. Fang Chong had just moved to other places, and Qin Lan knew they were Fang Chong ...

Fang Chong's small energy car is very familiar to Qin Lan, there is no reason there.

"Is Fang Chong finally good?" Hearing Qin Lan's words, Mu Gong's slightly tired face showed a sweet smile.

Unlike Fang Chong's imagination, the siege of the zombies was not just the beginning. From the morning, the zombies began to gather, and the number was increasing.

They do n’t know the number of zombies, they do n’t know how many zombies, but because they ca n’t escape, they can only carry them hard ...

Fang Chong finally appeared when he thought he couldn't handle it.

The presence of Fang Chong gave them great confidence. Not to mention anything else, the 20,000 zombies just killed had already relieved them a lot of pressure, at least for a short period of time, and there was no need to worry about the fortifications. Was breached.

In the case of a sudden decrease in stress, everyone finally has time to take a break to rest, eat, and restore physical strength ...

Being able to do this will undoubtedly alleviate a lot for everyone and play a very important role in the subsequent battles ...

"Probably, we did not inform him that the Shanghai base is critical here ..." Ling Ya gave an order to let everyone take a rest and went to Qin Lan Muge's side.

Although the faces of the three were tired, when they talked about Fang Chong, the three still smiled happily.

"You also take advantage of this time to rest, afraid that this time the zombies will not end so easily ..." Qin Lan nodded, thinking that today's zombies are abnormal.

She just flew up to take a look. The number of zombies was so high that she didn't know what words to use to describe it.

With so many zombies, Qin Lan was a little desperate before.

However, Fang Chong killed so many zombies in a short period of time, which made Qin Lan see hope again.

"Well ..." Muge Lingya nodded. After they relaxed, they felt tired after a while. If they were not the leader of the team, they would have fallen down.

There was not much pressure for the time being. The three found a clean place to sit down and took out the genetic medicine.


"The number of these zombies is really enough ..." After Fang Chong moved a place, he re-powered the small energy car with energy crystals, and then continued serial bombardment.

The power of serial bombardment is not small, but the number of energy-consuming crystals has also made Fang Chong's tongue out.

If Fang Chong was lucky to get a lot from the Zak these days, I am afraid that whether small energy vehicles can fly now is a problem.

With the first experience, Fang Chong was smooth sailing for the second time.

In less than half an hour, Fang Chong wiped out tens of thousands of zombies. This devastating blow and the attacks of zombies fell into a panic.

They are not afraid of death or injury, but this kind of death-dealing action that has no effect will stop them.

"It seems that the leader of the zombies in Shanghai is not simple ..." Fang Chong looked at the zombies who had temporarily stopped attacking, and he knew clearly that the zombies knew how to line up. The big reason was that the senior zombies were behind them Doing blame.

Thinking of high-level zombies, Fang Chong thought of the destroyer who would be one level higher than the Terminator. The pressure of the destroyer on Fang Chong is still great.

However, for the time being, no destroyer has been seen, and Fang Chong has no plans to rush into the zombies to find it out.

He can fight right, but Fang Chong will not be arrogant enough to fight against the thought of millions of zombies on his own. Fang Chong wants to destroy himself. As for how?

Fang Chong's plan is very simple, that is, continue to destroy zombies. Fang Chong does not believe that after they have destroyed half of the zombies, the destroyers can still sit? Not coming out?

However, the zombies temporarily stopped attacking, and Fang Chong did not plan to provoke the zombies himself. What is going on inside the industrial park's base? Fang Chong does not know yet.

During the period when the zombies stopped attacking, Fang Chong planned to let other members of the base take a good rest.

Subsequently, Fang Chong also controlled the small energy vehicle and returned to the base.


"Everyone is all right?" After Fang Chong came down from the small energy car, Qin Lan, Muge and Ling Ya all gathered around, and Huang Qianchuan came over from other places.

They all saw Fang Chong's attack just now.

Fang Chong returned, and they immediately felt that the backbone was there. When they came here, in addition to taking a break, they wanted to hear more about Fang Chong's arrangements.

Although the zombie will not attack again for a short time, once the zombie is adjusted, the siege will definitely be more violent.

In order to avoid being blocked later, you must make arrangements immediately ...

"It's okay ..." After Fang Chong asked, the others nodded and answered.

Today's situation is critical, but the zombies failed to invade the base, but did not cause large-scale casualties, and the most effort ....

"Oh ..." Fang Chong continued to ask. "When did the Zombie Siege begin ..."

"Morning ..." Qin Lan stood up and answered. "But the zombies were not able to break into the base, and the casualties were very low ..."

"That's okay, is there enough guns and ammunition at the base?" Fang Chong asked again. Firearms and ammunition can play a significant role in dealing with ordinary zombies, especially energy cannons.

Basically one shot can destroy dozens of zombies.

Of course, the damage rate of zombies above Hulk is very low, but fortunately, zombies that appeared before, the proportion of `` Hulk '' appears relatively small ....

"It's okay for the time being, but it won't last for a long time ..." Qin Lan nodded and said what Fang Chong didn't know now. Qin Lan is very convinced that Fang Chong can arrange it properly ...

Sure enough, after Fang Chong described the situation of the current base in Qin Lan, Fang Chong began to arrange. Of course, the content of the arrangement was mainly defense, except for a small number of assaults ...


"Everyone rest for a while ..." Fang Chong arranged for the general defense work and then sat down with everyone.

"Fang Chong, you said, why are there so many zombies in the 'Zombie Besieged City' today ..." After sitting down, Huang Qianchuan asked Fang Chong with a little question. When Fang Chong arranged the defense work just now, he told everyone Said the situation outside now.

Everyone hears such a large number of zombies, and their expressions are not so natural.

In their opinion, the siege of millions of zombies, the hope of survival is really low, but everyone is quite reasonable for the time being.

"In Shanghai, there should be more zombies than Terminator ..." Fang Chong explained.

"You mean the destroyer?" Qin Lan heard the words "Destroyer" before Fang Chong. Before Fang Chong came back, Qin Lan also thought of the situation today.

But I have to say that if it is really the 'Destroyer', this Destroyer is too terrible.

The assembly of millions of siege siege attacks is really scary.

"Yes, it is possible to gather such a large number of zombies to attack the city together. The big reason is only the" Destroyer ". Only the existence of the" Destroyer "as the" Zombie King "can command so many zombies ... "Fang Chong nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ Millions of zombies'" siege "attack, which indirectly proves that there are 'destructors' among the millions of zombies ...

"Then need to destroy this 'Destroyer' first ..." Song Ming asked.

"It is best to be able, but it is still difficult to find out the existence of the destroyer ..." Fang Chong hesitated. "I was just sitting on the small energy car for a while and couldn't find it ..."

"Let's wait for us to shock the zombies. The place with the most zombies is probably the" Destroyer "..." Huang Qianchuan added.

He also knows that it is impossible to completely kill such a large number of zombies. This situation is not possible, and then there is only the reason for them to retreat.

And to do that, it ’s absolutely necessary for them

........................................ ...

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