I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 365: Encroachment

Chapter 365 The Law of Breaking the Siege


"Let them be dead without heads?" Hearing Huang Qianchuan said, everyone's eyes were focused on Huang Qianchuan. Although everyone was very surprised, but we can see that Huang Qianchuan's proposal is quite agreeable, yes The most feasible way to solve the siege of the zombies. m

But there is another reason for everyone's silence, who will complete this task.

Inside the millions of zombies, take the head of the destroyer.

This is not a joke, even if Zhao Zilong could not do it alive.

Although everyone is not afraid of death, but if they can die, who will? As the saying goes. "Who wants to do it with hair!"

"I don't agree with this method, it's too dangerous ..." Qin Lan first broke the silence. In Qin Lan's view, although this method is the most feasible way now, what is the strength of the destroyer? they do not know. Besides, letting the destroyer's strength aside first, it is still a problem whether he can rush to the destroyer alone.

If these two points are not achieved, all adventures will be in vain ...

And Qin Lan did not deny that she had a little selfishness in her heart.

If this task is performed, Fang Chong's strength is definitely one of them. Qin Lan really does not want Fang Chong to be in trouble.

Until there is no absolute certainty, Qin Lan will never agree.

"Yes, Brother Qianchuan, this approach is too dangerous ..." Muge nodded, and Qin Lan's heart is what she knows, all for Fang Chong, and she has no reason not to support it.

"Um ..." Xiao Lan also echoed, and they had different goals from Qin Lan Muge, but they all had the same purpose. Xiao Lan was afraid that Song Ming was in danger.

From Xiao Lan's point of view, Song Ming's strength now exceeds two hundred levels. This assault task, he bears the brunt ...

With each heart in mind, three of the more than ten people voiced their opposition.

As for Ling Ya, he remained silent for a while. In many things, Ling Ya was dominated by the overall situation, and Fang Chong has not yet expressed his position. Ling Ya did not want to make any remarks.

And in major events, Ling Ya obeys Fang Chong, the other side Chong, Ling Ya is extremely trusting, as long as Fang Chong decides, she will support, always the same ...

For a while, the three women finished speaking, and the meeting fell into silence for a while, and everyone didn't speak again. As for Huang Qianchuan, he was very smart, of course, he understood the reasons why the three girls objected.

Knowing what they meant, Huang Qianchuan was not good at saying what was feasible and it was fine.

If it is really successful, in case of failure, these three girls will blame if they don't try to find him.

Knowing this, Huang Qianchuan made a wise choice to remain silent.

Huang Qianchuan didn't speak anymore, but Chao Fangchong blinked. The meaning is very simple. Whether you want to do this or not depends on you ...

Huang Qianchuan knew that as long as Fang Chong made the decision, he was at most an accomplice, and no one could blame him.

At this point, everyone tacitly focused on Fang Chong.


Feeling the eyes everyone had looked at him, Fang Chong slowly raised his head.

Huang Qianchuan's proposal just now, Qin Lan's muge, including Xiao Lan's objection, he listened to.

Qin Lan knows their concerns Fang Chong, but Huang Qianchuan's proposal is not the best way now.

Fang Chong is more aware of the dangers facing the base now than anyone else. Even if Huang Qianchuan did not propose it, Fang Chong himself would say that when he came back on the small energy vehicle, he had already had this assault idea. It was just that he did not know where the destroyers in the zombies existed.

Danger? Of course, Fang Chong also knows that the strength of the destroyer is undoubtedly the most worried by Fang Chong, and among the millions of zombies, how many destroyers exist in the end, Fang Chong does not know.

If there is one head, they are not without a fight, but if it is more than one head, reaches two heads, or more than two heads, then they must lose, or directly, those who want to take the life of the destroyer, are afraid of small Life is lost there.

Although I don't know what the Destroyer's strength is, it is definitely more than three hundred levels.

Faced with destroyers above 300 levels, Fang Chong also knew that among them, in addition to his own fighting power, there were only two Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan.

He himself is close to two hundred levels, Song Ming exceeds two hundred levels, and Huang Qianchuan can reach about 170. Although this combat power is not particularly strong, Fang Chong has explosive power, as long as Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming can open him up. A certain distance, let him face the destroyer alone, the outcome is still difficult to predict.

Of course, the premise is that the destroyer's strength does not exceed 300 levels, otherwise, how explosive his power is, if it does not help.

Fang Chong watched everyone's concentrated eyes and his brain turned quickly.

What should I do when I arrive? The decision now is very important ...

"Huang Qianchuan's proposal is actually the best way now, and the only chance we can fight together ..." Fang Chong could feel the deep worry in the eyes of Qin Lan and Muge, but Fang Chong decided.

He brought more than 6,000 people from the base city of Kyoto. If a few of them are not going to fight together today, fearing the more than 6,000 people, the power they managed to build will be ruined in Shanghai. .

Fang Chong is not distressed that the power he has is damaged, Fang Chong cares about so many lives.

Although it is said that in the last days, his life is worthless at all, but these people who came out with him are different. Everyone has been fighting for so long, and asked Fang Chong to give up their escape in the end. In front of him, Fang Chong could not do more.

So there is only one fight for Fang Chong.

"If we continue to defend defensively, the last thing we are afraid of failure is us. The number of zombies outside should be more than one million. With our current strength and weapons, even if we can support it, it will not last long ..." Fang Chong can feel When he said that, Qin Lan and Muge looked disappointed. But now, Fang Chong can't take too much into account.

Fang Chong knew even more that once Zombie broke through the fortifications, Qin Lan's safety could not be taken into account.

"Then what are you going to do?" After Qin Lan's expression changed, she soon calmed down. Although Fang Chong said what worried her infinitely, how could he not know Fang Chong's final decision like this? .

Although a little disappointed, Qin Lan reacted quickly.

"Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan went to break through in search of the destroyers. Everyone knows that the number of zombies outside is so huge. If there are too many pictures, it will affect our speed of progress, and the strength of the three of us is relatively high. Generally zombies cannot stop us ... "Fang Chong said.

Qin Lan's changes made Fang Chong a little stupid ...

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"Three of you?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan's face changed again. The three of them felt that Fang Chong's reason was not bad, but what did the three count in front of millions of zombies?

"Is there a problem?" Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan a little puzzled. When he said it, he had already made clear the pros and cons. Under reasonable circumstances, there should be no more questions ...

At this time, everyone's attention was also attracted by Qin Lan.

"Of course there are, at least four ..." Qin Lan ignored the other person's gaze, but just looked at Fang Chong's expression on his face, cheekily.

"Four?" Fang Chong was even more surprised. Qin Lan didn't quite understand what he said. When asked why, Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan. "Who added?"

"I, at least also add me ..." Qin Lan said rightly.

"What are you ..." Fang Chong almost heard Qin Lan's words, his eyes almost fell out.

However, Fang Chong quickly stabilized his mentality. From just now, Qin Lan said so much to the present, the biggest purpose is here.

Qin Lan was not making troubles unreasonably, but was looking for an excuse to find a reason to follow Fang Chong to find the destroyer, Fang Chong shook his head helplessly.

Qin Lan isn't playing around, Fang Chong knows, but how dangerous is this battle? Fang Chong knew even more. After knowing Qin Lan's purpose, he made up his mind not to let Qin Lan go.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong secretly nodded his head, anyway, he made up his mind, no matter what excuses Qin Lan was looking for, he would unanimously oppose. If he could n’t, he would use Qin Lan ’s current level to make an argument. Fang Chong will not let go of this ...

"What happened to me ..." Qin Lan muttered slightly, and it was obvious that Qin Lan was very dissatisfied with Fang Chong's sentence.

In order to be able to go out with Fang Chong now, everyone is watching whether he is all out. Without scruples, Qin Lan seemed very righteous.

"You have nothing, but you have to give me a reason to go together ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan was really good at finding a reason. Compared to Qin Lan's integrity, he seemed to have some lack of strength, but It is absolutely impossible for Chong to make concessions on this issue ...

"Reason, I need a reason to go ..." Qin Lan did not expect Fang Chong to have this trick. Although Fang Chong had long thought about her purpose, she would definitely stop it, but Qin Lan did not expect Fang Chongyong to be Such a move, for a time, Qin Lan was a little speechless.

"Of course, we must give us a reason. Otherwise, one more of you is not as good as my previous decision. Three people are fine ..." Fang Chong was stared at by Qin Lan, which was even more weird, but the matter has reached the point where it is now It is absolutely impossible for Fang Chong to regress ...

"You ..." Qin Lan did not expect that Fang Chong would be so tough and his eyes widened, but Fang Chong turned his head and deliberately did not touch Qin Lan's eyes ...

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"If there is nothing else, we will decide this way for the time being ..." Fang Chong waited for more than a minute. After Qin Lan didn't say anything, Fang Chong rushed to take this opportunity to decide.

"Who said there was nothing else, and that the matter of four people seeking the Destroyer had not been finalized?" Qin Lan looked at Fang Chong's wily smile, and she slowly stood up, with a smile on her mouth as well.

"Isn't it settled? Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan and I will go ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan was still indifferent, and he looked like he was fighting to the end.

"Okay, you said I can't go together, find me a reason ..." Qin Lan came to Fang Chong.

"You are weak and ca n’t help you at all? It may be a drag. If you do n’t believe it, you can ask other people ..." Fang Chong saw that Qin Lan had forced the door to come, knowing that it would be impossible to kill him. Fang Chong pointed at Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming as he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

Fang Chong is most proud of knowing this trick, he believes that once this trick is out, Qin Lan must have no reason ...

"Really? I became a drag ....." Qin Lan's expression suddenly realized, he looked at Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan with interest. She wanted to see if Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan were really like Fang Chong said. Like that ...

"Same meaning, almost ..." Both Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan could feel the very bad eyes from Qin Lan, and they were secretly bitter.

Fang Chong is too unkind to drag both of them into the water, but knowing Fang Chong's purpose, they also do not want Qin Lan to be dangerous. Both nodded tacitly and agreed with Fang Chong's statement.

"Oh, almost ..." After seeing Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming agreeing with Fang Chong, Qin Lan smiled unexpectedly, but instead laughed. This strange behavior made Fang Chong's heart burst into a bad mood. idea.

"Fang Chong, then you talk about it first, so how do the three people cooperate to kill the destroyer?" Qin Lan spoke again when Fang Chong was about to ask a question.

"Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan are involved in the possible terminator and other zombies, and the destroyers will be dealt with by myself?" Fang Chong didn't know and asked what the purpose was, but how did the three of them cooperate with each other? After countless drills in Fang Chong's heart, after Qin Lan asked, he said very clearly.

Fang Chong thought that he would say so, Qin Lan had an Mayan excuse ...

However, Fang Chong did not expect that when he said these words, Qin Lan's expression did not show disappointment, or other unhappy expressions ...

With no change in expression, Fang Chong was surprised ...

However, Fang Chong was not surprised long, Qin Lan's expression finally changed ...

Not disappointed or unhappy, under the gaze of Fang Chong, Qin Lan's mouth slowly rises, and finally the arc of the mouth's rise stops at a very nice position ...

"Qin Lan laughed?" Fang Chong found that his brain was short-circuited. Qin Lan's smile seemed too incredible ...

Fang Chong shook his head gently before looking at Qin Lan's expression, but the smile on the corner of Qin Lan's mouth still existed. It was not Fang Chong's dazzling or Fang Chong's mistake, but Qin Lan really heard Qin Lan's after listening to his method of battle. Laughed ...


"Qin Lan, are you okay?" Fang Chong asked a little depressively after a while, he didn't know if Qin Lan was hit too hard. When he asked, Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan suspiciously ...

"How could I be something ..." Qin Lan looked at Fang Chong's suspicious expression, blinked her big eyes, and the smile on her face was even stronger ...

"Then why are you laughing?" Fang Chonghan stopped.

"I want to laugh yet?" Qin Lan didn't explain.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong was speechless. He suddenly found that there wasn't a woman to mess with. Otherwise, a woman like Qin Lan would have such a naughty side. If Fang Chong had not been staring at Qin Lan, he would have thought Isn't it another woman who went to plastic surgery to become Qin Lan?

However, Qin Lan did not say that he could not help it. Knowing that Qin Lan was retaliating against him, otherwise she would go with her. So, Fang Chong had an idea in mind. They went first by themselves. You have no way out?

Thinking of this, Fang Chong spoke. "Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan prepares, we are going to leave ..."

"Oh… .." Fang Chong glanced back at them, and they realized it after a moment's glance. "We can leave at any time ..."

"Okay, there are no other things here, let's go ..." Fang Chong was very happy to see that Song Minghuang Qianchuan knew his consciousness, and when he said this, Fang Chong was ready let's go…

"Who said there was nothing else?" When Fang Chong and the three of them were about to leave, Qin Lan finally spoke. Hearing Qin Lan's words, Fang Chong's expression suddenly became exciting.

Facing Qin Lan's feeling, Fang Chong is really more uncomfortable than facing a Zak ...

"You still have something to do ..." Fang Chong was only able to turn around without help.

"Of course there is ~ www.readwn.com ~ Didn't we just talk about what zombies Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan are going to deal with?" Qin Lan was playful, and continued to blink her beautiful eyes.

"That's right ..." Fang Chong replied depressed ...

"Fang Chongna, do you think they have dealt with the 'Terminator' completely?" Qin Lan suddenly put a smile on her face, and asked very seriously.

"This ..." Fang Chong did not expect Qin Lan to change so quickly.

"My" Yu Yu "doesn't seem to be vegetarian, and I have absolute security guarantees in the air, not to mention that none of them has experience than killing the Terminator ...." Qin Lan saw Fang Chong's expression, and immediately followed Remove a silver bow from the back.

"Did you all forget the battle in Dongshan Province ..."

"This ....." Fang Chong remembered Qin Lan's fighting power immediately. It seemed that Qin Lan had really dealt with other people terribly, even he was the same ...

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